Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

222: Fang Yuanyuan is crying, daughter-in-law +1

"Pfft, you little rascal is too bad. You know that my aunt and cousin value you very much, yet you still play tricks on them."

On the way home by car, Chen Shuyi couldn't help it, she burst out laughing.

Qi Lin said lazily: "Someone is really in the midst of happiness and does not know happiness, knowing that your cousin is staring at me like a weasel staring at a chick, and she still looks like nothing, I said this not for the sake of it. You declare sovereignty and earn face for you.""

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Chen Shuyi blushed pretty.

When she heard Qi Lin's words at the time, she was not happy, but the girl's restraint made her keep this joy in her heart.

"Mom, I'm with Sister Shuyi, you won't blame me, will you?"

Qi Lin suddenly asked Xu Yun a question.

Xu Yun works as a nanny at Qi Lin's house every day. She has the most say in how much Qi Lin cares about.

No mother wants her daughter's boyfriend to be a big radish. Qi Lin still understands this.

The most typical example is Zhou Lina.

But Qi Lin didn't know that his willingness to call Xu Yun a mother was her greatest wish.

Xu Yun shook her head lovingly: "Mom's greatest wish is that the two of you can come together and eliminate misunderstandings when you were young.

"Xiao Lin, Shuyi is also a good child, as long as you treat her well, she will be like a virtuous wife who cares for her husband and children, and my mother can't control that much, I just hope you don't let her down.

Hearing that her mother gave herself to Qi Lin so easily, Chen Shuyi blushed and dripped blood.

"Obviously know that Qi Lin is a big radish, but he is not angry at all."

"My mother loves this little bastard Qi Lin more, and treats him as her own son."

Seeing Xu Yun so sensible, Qi Lin felt relieved.

If every mother-in-law is like Xu Yun, then the world is really a beautiful place.

Tianlin Group Chairman's Office. "Seven Six Zero"

"Ah Feng, this company's computer system is completely paralyzed, which has seriously affected the company's operations. 35

"Some time ago, we were busy with crayfish and didn't care much about the pig farm. Is it time to change the enterprise antivirus software?

Fang Yuanyuan, who was wearing a white coat, asked Qi Feng who was sitting on the sofa.

"Didn't Xiaolin deal with this panda burning incense virus last time? Do you want Xiaolin to try it, so as not to make money cheaper for others?"

Qi Feng hesitated for a moment, then said.

Last time Qi Lin helped Qi Xueyao play with the computer to remove the panda burning incense virus.

Although he was surprised, Qi Feng did not take it seriously, and did not associate Qi Lin with the most popular 720 antivirus software on the market.

The main problem is that the legal representative of this company is Qiu Shanhai, and the owner of the shares is Qiu Yuelin.

Except for a few people, most of the people around Qi Lin did not know that this company was also created by him.

"Lin'er is just a hobby. Repairing a computer and defending against the enterprise version is completely different from building a tiling house and building a nuclear power plant. How could he understand such a complex issue as a child. 35

Fang Yuanyuan said angrily.

In her eyes, Qi Lin will always be the little baby in her heart. As long as she lives, she will spoil this little guy for a day.

Qi Feng also didn't want to argue with his wife.

He said helplessly: "Okay, okay, you have the final say on this matter, and you can solve it how you want."

Her husband compromised, and Fang Yuanyuan nodded in satisfaction. She took off her white coat and said to Qi Feng, "Let's go, let's go to 720 antivirus software together, I heard that the only thing on the market can defend against panda burning incense, and make a The enterprise version of antivirus software, only this company.

720 Antivirus company headquarters, middle management meeting.

"Autumn is always good."

"Sit down, Xu Jun, come and explain the current development of the company.

Qiu Shanhai pressed his palms, and then smiled and asked the person in charge of the technical management team he had dug over.

The young man named Xu Jun stood up and said with a smile on his face: "At present, the registered users of our 720 antivirus company have reached 66 million, and they have occupied 80% of the antivirus software market.

"As of now, many companies have closed down because of the impact of our free software.

"However, the antivirus software for ordinary users has not yet achieved profitability. How to convert these users into profits is a topic we are currently studying."

"In terms of enterprise antivirus software, more than 10,000 large, medium and small enterprises in various provinces across the country have approached us and expressed their willingness to buy. As of today, the sales of enterprise antivirus software has reached 220 million.

"Although the profits are considerable, due to the difficulty in making CDs for enterprise antivirus software, the market cannot be adequately supplied for a while, so there are still tens of thousands of companies queuing up and unable to purchase our CDs."

Hearing this, Qiu Shanhai interrupted Xu Jun: "About this, you have to communicate well with the CD-ROM companies you cooperate with, don't put all your eggs in one basket, and if the quality control is qualified, find more CD-ROMs. The company, increase the production capacity, and don't let customers lose patience without waiting, you know?

Xu Jun nodded: "Okay, Mr. Qiu, I will communicate with the optical disc company that I cooperate with, and contact other optical disc companies."

"And then there is the 720 antivirus ordinary user version, we must give customers a good experience, don't appear stuck, crash, even manage your own software poorly, and want to protect other people's computers, do you think it's ridiculous? of?"

Qiu Shanhai criticized Xu Jun.

Xu Jun smiled bitterly: "Mr. Qiu, you can't blame us. The number of employees in our technical department has expanded to 300, and the sales department and after-sales service department have also expanded to more than 200 people. The company is about to exceed 1,000 people."

"But the problem is that the number of customers we serve has reached 66 million, and there are all kinds of small problems, which are inevitable."


The 720 capital of later generations has grown up step by step, and the company's employees have grown in a healthy way. Except for the rogues who do not uninstall the software experience, there is no problem.

But Qi Lin's 720 Antivirus has become a big fat man in one bite, and it has gone from zero to 66 million customers without a week's time.

This makes a company with no more than 100 employees at the beginning of its establishment, how can it be sustained.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk~”

Just when Qiu Shanhai was about to say a few more words, his secretary knocked on the door.

"Come in."

Qiu Shanhai frowned and said.

"Mr. Qiu, President Fang and President Qi of Tianlin Group want to see you, can you please accept me? 99

The secretary came in and said.

At present, most of the companies that come to purchase 720 Antivirus Enterprise Edition contact them by telephone.

A few local entrepreneurs in Jianghan City, in order to get the enterprise version of 720 antivirus software as soon as possible, will visit in person.

But despite this, not all people from the company will be received by Qiu Shanhai.

Generally, only state-owned enterprises, large enterprises, or some star enterprises are eligible for Qiu Shanhai to meet in person.

Otherwise, you still have to wait for the notification to see when the new CD will arrive.

"See you, see, don't you see I'm in a meeting?"

Qiu Shanhai waved his hand and let the secretary go out directly.


The secretary responded and turned around with a wry smile.

"Wait! 35

But in the next second, Qiu Shanhai frowned slightly and called the secretary again.

"Tianlin Group, why is this name so familiar? I seem to have heard it somewhere."

A subordinate reminded in a low voice: "This is a breeding enterprise that specializes in raising pigs."

"Oops! Almost broke a big deal!

"Isn't this the company owned by Qi Lin's family?"

After this reminder, Qiu Shanhai immediately reflected.

He stood up and said to his subordinates: "Dismiss the meeting, dismiss the meeting, after you leave, do as I said, now the company is in a critical period of development, none of you are allowed to slack off, the company does not support idlers, do you know?

After reprimanding these subordinates, Qiu Shanhai walked up to the secretary and said to him, "I'm waiting for them in the reception room. You go to greet them in person, you must be polite, you know?"

The secretary also reacted, feeling that these two are the parents of the real boss of the company.

He smiled and said, "I see, Mr. Qiu.

in the lounge.

More than a dozen bosses were sitting inside, including Qi Feng and Fang Yuanyuan.

"I guess there is no hope today. In the past, Mr. Qiu begged us to buy his Rising Antivirus. Now the times are different, and our bosses have to come to the door in person and beg him to sell us an enterprise version of antivirus."

"Who said no, I've been waiting here for two or three days, and every time I come, I say that Mr. Qiu is busy, the company really doesn't have the enterprise version CD, but my company is in a hurry. Can't work.

"Oh, it's all my fault that I didn't have a good relationship with President Qiu before. I heard that several old guys who used to get close to President Qiu all got the enterprise edition CD-ROM.

"Let's go, let's go, there's no use in rushing, I just hope that Mr. Qiu can expand production capacity as soon as possible, so that the enterprise version has more CD-ROM inventory."

Several bosses were impatient and prepared to leave.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yuanyuan and Qi Feng looked at each other.

"There are several bosses who are stronger than our company, and they came early. Even they can't get the enterprise edition CD. We should have no hope, right?

Qi Feng whispered to his wife.

Fang Yuanyuan smiled bitterly: "It looks like this, forget it, let's go back first, the technology library is not in use for the time being, it's a little harder to record with handwriting, didn't we start with the record when we first started?

The two couples got up and prepared to leave with the bosses.

"President Qi, President Fang, stay here!"

"We, Mr. Qiu, are already waiting for the two of you in the reception room, please come in."

At the last moment, Qiu Shanhai's secretary arrived and stopped Fang Yuanyuan and Qi Feng.

Fang Yuanyuan:

Qi Feng:

The bosses who were about to leave also looked at each other, not understanding what was going on.

"Secretary Zhang, we should come before these two, why didn't Mr. Qiu receive us first?

"Yeah, this is treated differently, but also give us a reason?"

The bosses asked with dissatisfied expressions..

Secretary Zhang calmly said with a faint smile: "I'm sorry, all bosses, Mr. Fang and Mr. Qi are always relatives of Mr. Qiu. They just met today to catch up, not to talk about business."

After he finished speaking, he ignored the confused eyes of the bosses and led Fang Yuanyuan and Qi Feng, who were also confused, into the reception room.

"Oh, the two in-laws came to the company in person, it really made the company flourish, sit down, sit down, I'll pour a cup of tea with you two."

Already in the reception room, Fang Yuanyuan and Qi Feng were immediately stunned by Qiu Shanhai's enthusiastic attitude.

Not only did he come up to meet him in person, but he also robbed Secretary Zhang of his job and poured tea and water for the two of them.

"What's going on with Mr. Qiu? Call us in-law as soon as you come up?

"I don't know either, it's a bit unnatural for me to be so enthusiastic.

"Wife, why don't you ask him directly.

The couple whispered a few words.

After Fang Yuanyuan raised her head, she cleared her throat and asked Qiu Shanhai, "Mr. Qiu, is your name wrong? We shouldn't be related to each other, right?"

Hearing Fang Yuanyuan's words, Qiu Shanhai was stunned for a moment.

Then he laughed loudly: "The kid Qi Lin said, you two were in your hometown a few days ago, and you only came back recently, right? This kid probably hasn't told you about this yet?"5

"Oh, it's also due to fate. Our girl Yuelin went to teach Qi Lin's school as a substitute. The two of them didn't know what to do, and they fell in love at first sight."

"It's a young man who doesn't understand anything, and he's hiding it from us adults... Hey, I just didn't take protective measures. My family Yuelin is pregnant."

"I also really like Qi Lin, this little guy, so I just thought about getting the two children engaged.

"That day, I asked Qi Lin to come to my house, and he was willing to take on the responsibility, but he said that the two of you would go back to your hometown, and the engagement would not be possible without you, so I dragged this matter off. Now. 35

Qiu Shanhai spoke about the cause and effect.


After listening to Qi Feng, who was drinking tea, he couldn't hold back and spit out the tea.

Fang Yuanyuan didn't get any better, her pretty face was full of shock.

The couple looked at each other with a guilty conscience.

That's right!

It's just a guilty conscience!

This brat's family has already provoked three girls.

It's so dangerous that this stinky boy's balance technique is playing well, so it's so dangerous that it didn't fight.

Just when the two couples were having a headache about how to deal with these daughters-in-law in the future, Qi Lin, this little bastard, unknowingly provoked a girl again.

The most important thing is that this little girl is not an ordinary person, but also the daughter of the famous Qiu family.

"If Mr. Qiu knew about this stinky boy with a big radish"

Thinking of this, Fang Yuanyuan couldn't help shivering.

"Mr. Qi, what's the matter with you? Could it be that this tea does not drink your appetite?

Seeing Qi Feng spit out the tea directly, Qiu Shanhai asked cautiously.

Qi Feng quickly wiped his mouth, and then smiled embarrassingly: 'No, no, my wife and I were really shocked by this news. "

"My family Qi Lin is naughty and unworthy of 3.6, and usually gives us two headaches, and I don't know what advantages he has, but he is actually favored by the daughter of President Qiu's family. 35

Qiu Shanhai's face turned pale: "Hey! President Qi can't be underestimated, this kid Qi Lin is the best young man I've ever experienced. If President Qi doesn't want it, let him come to my house as a son. 55

Qi Feng:

"Since the two of you came to the company by chance, why don't we discuss an auspicious day today and get the engagement banquet of the two little guys done?"

Qiu Shanhai said impatiently.

Qi Lin is too good, he is really afraid that this son-in-law will be taken away later by others.

But as soon as these words came out, Qi Feng and Fang Yuanyuan were quite frightened.

If Qi Lin and Mrs. Qiu's daughter are engaged, what will happen to the remaining girls? You can't get bored!

Especially Qi Xueyao, the girl, the two couples are in deep pain, this girl is now pregnant with Qi Lin's flesh and blood.

Qi Lin is engaged to another girl, what if she can't stand the blow?

Qi Feng, a big man, didn't know how to deal with this, so he turned his attention to Fang Yuanyuan for help.

Fang Yuanyuan rolled her eyes at her husband.

She rolled her eyes, and she had a plan in her heart: "Mr. Qiu, I'm telling the truth, don't be angry, Lin'er is still a third-year high school student, and Yueyue is also working in the No. 1 Middle School attached to China Normal University, if the two of them get engaged, The reviews aren't that good, are they?

"Since Yueyue is already pregnant with Lin'er's child, I think it's better to keep a low profile. When her stomach is about to show, let her stay and return to production without pay, and don't make a big deal of the engagement, just have a meal for the two of us.

"When Lin'er graduates from University, how about we have another wedding for the two children?"

PS: As long as the automatic subscription reaches 500, the book Qi Lin will also write the finale, if the eunuch dies the whole family.

PS: At present, there are 479 automatic subscriptions, 4 more than yesterday, Qi Lin will report the number of users in real time every day.

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