Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

227: The correct usage of Kun Kun, wow more than a hundred little loli

Seeing Qi Lin's car drive out of the yard, Rose closed the door as if nothing had happened.

Then, she walked to Qi Xueyao who was eating breakfast slowly.

"Xue Yao, can I ask you one thing?

Rose put her hands together and whispered.

In this family, Qi Lin's parents were not very familiar with roses, so Qi Lin failed to borrow money.

She heard that Qi Xueyao also had two companies, and the relationship between the two was not bad, so she thought of asking Qi Xueyao to borrow it.

"Sister Rose, if you have something to say about our relationship, you don't have to be so polite. 35

Qi Xueyao said with a light smile.

Rose's beautiful eyes flashed with embarrassment: "That's right, I'm quite short of money right now, I want to ask you to borrow 1 million?"


Qi Xueyao, who was drinking the milk, sprayed it out.

"Sister Rose, how much did you say you borrowed?

Qi Xueyao asked in disbelief.

Rose smiled bitterly: "One million."

At this time, Qi Xueyao probably knew what Rose was talking about by asking Qi Lin to talk alone.

Since the rose is still borrowing from him, it means that Qi Lin did not lend it to her.

What Qi Lin did not agree to, Qi Xueyao dared to agree.

At present, Qi Xueyao owns 30% of Xueshan Education.

67% stake in Tianlin Paper.

Tianlin Paper has not yet started to make a profit, and Xueshan Education has not paid any dividends. Qi Xueyao only has the 100,000 pocket money that Qi Lin gave her.

And the money has almost been spent.

"Sister Rose, although I have two companies, I really don't have any money on me, so let's just give you all the cash I have, and you don't have to pay it back, just take care of me during this time, Sister Rose. .35

Qi Xueyao took the bag and gave all the more than 3,000 yuan to Rose.

Rose was speechless.

More than three thousand is still a drop in the bucket, but looking at Qi Xueyao's appearance, it seems that she did not lie to her.

Rose could only smile bitterly: "Thank you Xueyao."

But Rose didn't give up. Under Qi Xue's "Seven Six Three" Yao's curious eyes, she found Wang Siwei again.

"Si Ling, Qi Lin should have given you a lot of pocket money. Can you lend 1 million yuan to Sister Rose. When Sister Rose becomes rich, I will definitely pay you back."

Rose said to Wang Siling like deceiving children with lollipops.

Wang Siling was also taken aback by this large number.

Wang Siling did have tens of thousands of dollars in his hands, and that was the hard work Qi Lin gave to Qi Lin when he helped Qi Lin sell water during the Lobster Festival.

But the money bought the piano, plus she took the initiative to buy gifts for the sisters at home, and it was almost spent.

As for pocket money, Qi Lin also gave her 100,000 per month, but Wang Siling refused to accept it. She felt that Qi Lin was too hard to make money, and she didn't need much money. She was very satisfied with food and beautiful clothes every day. .

"Sister Rose, wait a minute."

Wang Siling ran up to the second floor under the expectant eyes of Rose.

A few minutes later, when Wang Siling came down again, he held a stack of money in his hand.

"This is all my money, give it to Sister Rose.

Wang Siling handed more than 4,000 pieces of roses in total.

Rose was speechless.

Borrowing money everywhere, and finally raised only 7,000 yuan, and Rose was about to cry.

However, she didn't blame Wang Siling and Qi Xueyao for not helping, instead she gritted her teeth at Qi Lin: "Why is this bastard so stingy, after all, they are his women, and the two of them can't make up ten thousand dollars. Kick him swollen."

Where the kick is swollen is unknown.

It's really less than 1 million, but what Rose misses has to do.

"I go out and come back in an hour or two. If Qi Lin asks, you can say I'm out shopping."

He and Qi Xueyao took a leave, and Rose went out under the curious eyes of the two girls.

After going out, Rose directly stopped a taxi: "Take me to the gate of the old orphanage on Chengzhan Road."

Rose said to the driver.

She didn't know that at this time, a pair of sharp eyes were staring at her at an altitude of several thousand meters.

After 40 minutes, the destination arrived, and after Rose paid the money, the driver was sent away.

Right in front of her, there was a rusted iron gate, the walls were full of ivy, and the orphanage was dilapidated.

At this time, the gate of this orphanage was tightly closed, and under the reflection of the dilapidated surroundings, no one would have imagined that there were still people living there.

"Dong Dong Dong~"

Rose took a deep breath, then walked to the door and knocked twice.

At the moment when the rose knocked, inside the iron gate, the two girls holding daggers became vigilant and immediately hid on both sides of the small door.

"Red beans are born in the southern country.

said the person inside.

Rose chuckled and said, "This thing is the most Acacia."

This was the code she taught the children when she left.

Most people don't know, they will send a few sticks directly to Chunlai. At this time, the children inside will know that they are not their own and will not open the door.

"Miss Rose!

Hearing the voice of the rose and the correct code words, the two children inside looked happy.


As the iron bolt was lowered, the small door was also opened by the two of them.

Rose walked right in.

"Everyone, come out, Miss Rose is back!"

The two children took Rose's arm and shouted towards the small yard.


This cry was as if a pot had been blown up, and a bunch of children rushed out from the two floors on both sides of the small courtyard.

Among the hundreds of girls, there are more than 40 adults, that is, those over the age of 18.

There are more than 30 between the ages of 12 to 6 years old.

The rest are some little lolitas of a few years old.

But no matter how old a child is, when they see a rose, they are like seeing their mother, and they will come around.

The twitter expresses the yearning for roses during this time.

Looking at these half-year-old children, Rose's beautiful eyes were filled with mist, and a rare touch of tenderness flashed across her eyes.

After finally comforting these sisters, Rose asked, "Are there plum, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum in spring, summer, autumn and winter?"

The children of the orphanage do not have names, and since the death of the woman who was the dean of the orphanage, that is, the woman named mother, these responsibilities have fallen on Rose.

Every child's name here is basically her.

"Big sister, we are all here."

Eight adult girls stood up excitedly.

Seeing the eight girls who were valiantly and valiantly and who had obtained her true biography, Rose nodded gratified.

"How's everyone doing recently? There's nothing wrong with the sisters, right?"

The eldest sister Chuchun hurriedly stood up and said, "Everyone has been doing well recently, there is no problem with the sisters, just, that's it~"

Speaking of which, Uiharu hesitated for a moment.

"What is it?

Rose asked with a frown.

Chuchun whispered: "It's just that the younger sisters are growing and consume more food. The living expenses brought back by the eldest sister last time have almost been used."


That's why Rose asked Qi Lin to borrow money.

She guessed that the orphanage had so many mouths waiting to eat, and that the money she left them last time was almost used up. If they don't come back, I am afraid that these sisters will face starvation to death.

Over the years, the pain and sin that Rose has endured, no one can understand except herself.

When the previous dean was dying, he handed over the orphanage to Rose.

Rose is also an orphan who was abandoned by her parents. It was the old dean who pulled her up and treated the dean's feelings just like her own mother.

At that time, Rose, who was only 18 years old, took on the responsibility of taking care of the entire orphanage.

But it is a pity that she does not have the contacts of the old dean, and she is smooth with the old dean.

The local governor not only banned the orphanage, but also cut off all financial support for the orphanage.

In order to support these younger brothers and sisters, Rose joined the Rose Gang without hesitation and followed her predecessor.

Because of the talent and intelligence, and the ferocity that is not afraid of hardships, Rose quickly won the trust and cultivation of Rose who took office.

In just a few short years, she not only learned to fight and kill, but also kidnapped and accepted various black tasks with the rose.

It wasn't until one day that Rose, who took office, died unexpectedly because of the exposure of her mission, and Rose took over the position of the eldest sister.

But because of Qi Lin's unexpected birth, it directly destroyed Rose's plan and caused her Rose Gang to vanish.

Without a source of income, Rose doesn't know how to face these sisters who are waiting to be fed.

Thinking of Qi Lin, the culprit of all this, it was a lie for Rose to say that she didn't hate him.

She also thought about assassinating Qi Lin, swept away all his belongings and walked away.

But the fucking problem is that even black and white, the frightened gangster Rose, can't beat Qi Lin, the great villain of destiny.

Rose even thought about it, and simply kidnapped Wang Siling and Qi Xueyao and threatened Qi Lin.

But Qi Lin groped Rose's weakness too well.

Wang Siling and Qi Xueyao regarded Rose as their own sister, calling her for snack food, shopping for beauty, calling her for beauty, long sister, short sister, and never really regarded her as a servant.

This made Rose, who already liked the little sister, unable to be cruel to the two girls.

Can't get rid of Qi Lin, and can't support these sisters.

It can be said that Qi Lin has forced Rose into a dilemma.

"Big sister, why did you come back alone this time, what about the other sisters?"

Lin Dong asked about the other sisters who went on the mission with Rose.

Speaking of this topic, Rose felt a pain in her heart.

But these things cannot be said to these immature sisters.

She forced a smile: "We recently received a big order, although the mission was successful, but it was also targeted by the police, I asked your sisters to go abroad to hide for a while, and when the limelight passes, they will naturally come to see you.

Not wanting to talk about this topic again, Rose took out the 7,000 yuan she borrowed and put it in Chuchun's hand: "Chun'er, you can use this money first, I also came back by the way, I didn't withdraw the money, I will wait for the next time I come back, I'll send you more money."5

These sisters never doubted what Rose said.

Chun'er took the money carefully, and looked at Rose earnestly: "Eldest sister, can you stay for a few more days when you come back this time? My sister misses you very much, and my younger sister is clamoring for marriage every day. Sister Rose sleeps together."

"Yes, eldest sister, after coming back this time, let's stay for a few more days.

"Uuuu, big sister, we all miss you, don't leave today..."

"Big sister, you have worked too hard for your sisters, so let us all go out together to help you make money. 35

Looking at the reluctant eyes of the sisters, Rose, the gangster who shed blood without tears, her eyes turned red.

But the problem is, even knowing that these sisters are reluctant to let her go, Rose must leave immediately.

Not to mention that Qi Lin won't protect Qi Xueyao for a few hours, it's hard to explain.

The police also know about their connection with this place.

If the police find out that he is here, it will definitely bring trouble to the sisters.

As for letting her sisters go out to do things, Rose never thought about it.

In this world, girls with no family background go out and eat, and what consequences will face, needless to say.

Either she became a hair salon girl, or her legs and feet were broken by traffickers and she was asked to beg for food.

Even if Rose exhausted herself to death, she would not let these sisters go out to face danger.

"Are you still listening to the big sister's words? A certain guy said that the temporary parting is for the next time to get together better. You listen to sister Chun'er's words, which is the greatest help to me.

This someone must be Qi Lin.

After spending a few days with Qi Lin, Rose has also been nurtured a lot.

"Don't cry, the big sister is gone, you all have to take good care of yourself, and next time the big sister comes back, you can't be alone. 99

Rose endured the grief and was about to turn around and leave.


Just as Rose was about to leave, there was a sound of iron falling to the ground from the big iron gate behind her.

When Rose turned around again, the whole person was speechless.

"Cough cough~"

"This door is really broken enough, and it almost failed to pretend."

"Po Jun, you bodyguard is a little incompetent, and you don't know how to explore the road ahead. 35

Qi Lin patted his clothes, but was choked on by the dust.

When turning over the iron door with one hand, a piece of iron flap on it fell off, and Qi Lin almost fell.

Zhou Pojun also blushed: "Boss, I will pay attention next time."

Seeing Qi Lin appear in the spring, summer, autumn and winter, her beautiful eyes narrowed, and she rushed over with a dagger without saying a word, and then surrounded Qi Lin and Zhou Po's army.

The plum orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum immediately protected the younger sisters and kept them behind.

Seeing the girls with clear division of labor and agile skills, Qi Lin's eyes lit up.

"Spring, summer, autumn and winter, put down your weapons, they're not bad people."

Although speechless, Rose still let Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter put down her weapons.

What Qi Lin's skills are, Rose knows best.

My little apprentices are in Qi Lin's hands, just like little chickens.

Rose didn't want to fight with Qi Lin, but someone didn't think so.

"Po Jun, go and try the skills of these little girls. 39

Qi Lin said with a faint smile.

Zhou Pojun's internal injuries were not yet healed, but after a night of training and no tranquilizer injections, he already had 80% of his strength.

"Who do you call little girl?

"Sisters, give this little white face some color!"

When Chun Xia Qiu Dong heard Qi Lin's words, his eyebrows stood upright, and he scolded coquettishly.

The four of them were personally trained by Rose from a young age, and with the strength of the four of them at the same time, Rose had to get serious.

Once, a group of gangsters of more than 40 people followed the little sisters who went out to buy.

I found that there were a lot of little girls in 3.6, so I became ecstatic and wanted to enter.

But the results were tragic.

It was an almost one-sided battle. These forty little gangsters were beaten by the gangsters in the spring, summer, autumn and winter. They all lost a few pairs of balls and fled.

These little girls are basically abandoned by their parents, and Rose often instills in them that men are not good things, don't believe what men say.

These girls don't like Qi Lin, who is good at entering here.

With a coquettish cry, Chun Xia Qiu Dong grabbed a dagger and rushed towards Qi Lin.

Zhou Pojun's face turned serious, and he immediately stood in front of Qi Lin.

Having no weapons is a disadvantage to having weapons.

But who is Zhou Pojun?

Deterring the frontier for more than ten years, killing countless real kings of drug lords.

"The offensive is similar, but it lacks actual combat experience. Compared with the female soldiers on the border, it is still far behind."

Zhou Pojun made a light comment.


‘Pain! 35


Zhou Pojun stopped when he clicked, and within five minutes, all the daggers in the hands of the four girls were seized by Zhou Pojun, and he fell to the ground with a small expression of grievance.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin smiled, walked to a girl with a delicate face and looked a bit like Song Zuer and squatted down.

He pinched the girl's fair jaw and asked, "Your name is Lin Dong, right, and you were the one who scolded me just now?"

"Broken, you are a little white face, not a little white face, why are you hiding behind others, and you have the ability to fight one-on-one with me!"

The girl raised her face arrogantly, not afraid of Qi Lin at all.

"Yo, you still have a little backbone, aren't you afraid that I will kill you?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

"Hey, I'm not afraid of you, people are inherently dead, and I can die to protect my sister, I am willing, besides, if you kill me, Sister Rose will also avenge me, she is much more powerful than your bodyguard, you must fight But she.

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