Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

228: The arrogant girl Lin Dong was shy by Qi Lin

Hearing Lin Dong's words, Rose blushed and turned her face away.

Before she met Qi Lin, she thought so too.

"Aren't you afraid of death, are you afraid of this?

Qi Lin is the best at dealing with this kind of little girl who has never seen the world.

He suddenly kissed Lin Dong's thin lips.

At that moment, Lin Dong was at a loss.

But in the next second, her little face was already extremely red.

He covered his lips with his little hands, and looked at Qi Lin with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"What are you doing? You are bullied by such a young girl, aren't you afraid of retribution?"

When Rose saw Qi Lin bullying her sister, she had a pretty face, and immediately saved Lin Dong from Qi Lin.

"How young? At least 18 years old. 99

"I'm only 18 this year, have you forgotten about it? 99

Qi Lin blinked and said to Rose.

Rose was too lazy to break up with Qi Lin.

She asked lightly, "I ask you, how did you find this place?"

Rose believes that anti-reconnaissance capabilities are first-class.

Along the way, she has been observing the surrounding environment, but did not find any abnormality.

She really couldn't understand how Qi Lin found this place.

Qi Lin smiled and didn't speak.

"Shut up!"

Putting two fingers in his mouth, he whistled loudly.

Just in the shocked eyes of the children in the orphanage.

Above the nine days, a chilling white shadow hovered down, and finally landed firmly on Qi Lin's shoulders.

"Have you forgotten what Kun Kun is best at?"

Qi Lin said with a faint smile.

Rose: 99

"Stupid bird, thanks to me feeding you so many snacks in the past two days, it was you who betrayed me in the end.

Rose gritted her silver teeth and cursed at Kun Kun.

Hearing Rose's words, Kun Kun proudly raised the bird's head with disdain.

It did not ask for roses, but roses voluntarily gave it to eat.

Its owner is only Qi Lin, who does not work for Qi Lin, who does it work for?

"Qi Lin, what are you trying to do? Do you think that the handle I put on your hands is not enough? 35

"I tell you, if you dare to threaten me with these sisters, even if you fight to death, I will not let you succeed.

Thinking of something, Rose suddenly stopped in front of hundreds of girls like an old hen protecting her chickens.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin was a little amused.

Especially Lin Dong, who had just been kissed by him in 07, was hiding behind Rose and looked at him curiously.

He also saw Qi Lin wink at him, and Lin Dong's face flushed with shame, and immediately ducked back.

What do girls fear most?

Of course, what girls are most afraid of is the feelings of the beginning of love!

I have never been in contact with boys, and I have never experienced the cold winter of love. I was kissed by a handsome Qi Lin, and my heart lake, which has been calm for 18 years, is like a stone thrown, and the ripples gradually expand. , can no longer restore calm, and directly opened the door to a new world.

Even if I never see Qi Lin again, I am afraid I will never forget him in this lifetime.

So, Qi Lin is too immoral, and such a pure girl can provoke him casually.

"Don't think so badly of me. I could have killed you, but I saved you in the end. Shouldn't I be your savior?"

"It's not that you made it mysterious by yourself, which aroused my curiosity to see what secrets you have kept from me.

"Now that I've read your secret, I'm satisfied too."

"Don't disturb your sisters, I'll go first."

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth were slightly raised, and he turned around.

Rose is positioned as the heroine's female saint, protecting all heroines around Qi Lin.

With such an important role, Qi Lin definitely couldn't use threats to make her do things, or something would happen sooner or later.

The wisest way is to find her weakness and take care of her weakness.

With Rose's character, there seems to be no other way to repay Qi Lin except for doing things for herself.

Of course, Qi Lin wouldn't give Qian Rose directly.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

And it's easier to be thankful for Dade.

Seeing the abilities of spring, summer, autumn and winter, Qi Lin already knows how to use these girls.

"You stop!"

Seeing that Qi Lin had just left, Rose was stunned for a moment.

In her imagination, a big villain like Qi Lin, who discovered her such a big handle, would definitely use it to threaten her into submission, either to give her his innocence, or to capture these sisters and use it to threaten her.

But Qi Lin just left, she didn't expect it anyway.

She stopped Qi Lin.

"Is there anything else? Is it possible that Sister Rose wants to introduce me to a marriage? 35

When Qi Lin turned around, he saw Lin Dong looking at him again, he blinked, Lin Dong blushed again and hid back.

It's just so much fun.

Rose ignored Qi Lin's nonsense, she said solemnly: "You didn't threaten me with this matter, it changed my impression of you a lot, since you have seen it, aren't you ready to help these poor people? child?"

"I also came out of this orphanage at the beginning. Since you want me to be loyal to you, you should know how to do it. 35

Qi Lin's position on Rose at the beginning was that of a lawless female gangster.

But after seeing these orphans, Qi Lin knew that Rose was not a gangster.

It's just a little Virgin in a gangster's skin.

"Ding! Sensing that the heroine Rose is in a predicament, please make the following choices for the host. 35

"Option 1: Help Rose directly, agree to her terms, raise these orphanage children in the future, reward: double the power of the kidney. 35

"Option 2: Reject Rose's conditions, do charity work and find philanthropists, and reward: ten acres of coal mines.

"Option 3: It's better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish. Let your sister help me with the work. I'll give them a salary and a reward: two pairs of rare metal armors all over the body."5

Just when Qi Lin was about to speak, the system prompt sounded in his mind.

"Huh? This reward... is quite interesting.

Seeing this reward, Qi Lin's black eyes lit up.

Twice the power of the kidney is a good thing, after all, who doesn't like a real man.

But the problem is, Qi Lin is already very strong now, and he is troubled every day, and there are too few heroines.

Another double the power of the kidney, Blue Star is not directly pierced.

"Stained, with rare metal armor all over the body, this is Nima's future technology, I just don't know what it looks like, will it be as awesome as Iron Man's armor. 99

"If this is the case, then it will not be directly invincible in the future, and it will be directly immune to bullets and even artillery shells.

without hesitation.

"I choose the third option.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

System: "Ding! Congratulations to the host for making his choice, the rare metal armor has been distributed to the system warehouse, and the host will check it by himself. 35

In his mind, Qi Lin can directly see the things in the system warehouse.

He couldn't help but let his consciousness penetrate into it, wanting to see this awesome armor.

Qi Lin:

However, when Qi Lin saw the battle armor, he was speechless.

This... This armor is too small, isn't it?

Did you just go out to work when you were born?

Each piece is the size of Qi Lin's chest.

And the shape of this armor is not right, it doesn't look like people wear it.

"System, are you sure I can wear this armor?"

Qi Lin asked in his mind.

System: "Host, this armor is not for you, but for the host pet, Costin.

"Wearing this armor will make your Haidongqing invulnerable, the rare metal is more aerodynamic, the flight speed is doubled, and the feathers, turrets, and sharp claws are all strengthened, and can easily penetrate the steel plate."

Although the system has already explained it clearly, Qi Lin still smacked his lips and said, "It's a loss, Nima has suffered a big loss. If I knew it was a broken armor for birds, it might be better to choose a 10-acre coal mine. It's worth hundreds of millions."

"Hey, I'm talking to you, why are you just standing there in a daze?"

Seeing that Qi Lin didn't speak today, Rose gave Qi Lin an angry look.

"Cough, Rose, don't be angry if I tell the truth, my money is not rushing in, you ask me to help you raise these little sisters, I can't promise you.

Qi Lin said with a faint smile.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Rose Mei's eyes flashed with disappointment.

She smiled bitterly in her heart and said, "Yeah, whose money is flooded with water? A hundred or so children need millions of dollars a year. Qi Lin is not a charity, so how could he agree? 55

"Although I can't give money directly, I can help them introduce jobs.

"I see that your sisters' strength is okay. If you don't, let them follow me, and I will send them to protect others. 35

"I pay double the salary of ordinary bodyguards, 10,000 yuan per person. In this way, they can also support the orphanage.

"There are also some younger girls who can go to my restaurant to carry dishes and wash dishes, and I will pay them as normal.

"Working under my hands, you don't have to worry that they will be bullied by bad people outside.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Rose Meimei looked at him blankly.

It seems that Qi Lin is unwilling to help her, but in fact Qi Lin has already figured out a solution.

Rose can control these sisters for a while, but not for the rest of their lives.

If they can learn work experience outside and become self-sufficient, then Rose can be much easier.


Rose's lips moved, but she didn't know what to say.

She knew that she seemed to have misunderstood Qi Lin again.

"What are you, me, you and me, hurry up and pick people, those who can fight and who can be waiters, count them all.

Qi Lin urged with a smile.

Rose Meimou took a deep look at Qi Lin, and then began to pick people out of more than 100 little sisters.

"Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter, the four of you were trained by me from childhood to adulthood, you should follow Qi Lin to do things in the future, as long as he doesn't bully you, you all listen to him.

Hearing this, Qi Lin couldn't help rolling his eyes.

He said this as if he was a big stallion, he couldn't control himself when he saw a female.

Does he have high eyesight?

"Plum orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum, there is no shortage of people in the family to protect the younger sister. In the future, you will take care of the younger sister."


The rose in the yard is the absolute authority.

Although everyone was full of timidity about the new life in the future, they answered in unison.

"My sister who is over 16 years old will work in my boss's restaurant from now on, and someone will drive to pick you up at work.

"I'll send you back after get off work."

"When doing things outside, you should also pay attention to protecting yourself, don't run around casually, and don't have contact with the opposite sex. If anyone really wants to fall in love and start a family, then they must leave here, understand? 99

The orphanage has the rules of the orphanage, and only girls are accepted here.

The girls who got married must also leave here and never come back.

"I know eldest sister!"

The children spoke in unison.


Just when the children were smiling and thinking that good days were coming, a loud bird call sounded.

Kun Kun, who flew out just now, flew back again and landed on Qi Lin's shoulders.

"Master, a police car is coming from outside, and it is still one kilometer from here.

Kun Kun reported to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with light, and he said directly to Rose: "Come with me immediately, there are police officers outside, they should be looking for you, I will give you a disguise immediately. 99

Although Rose is sometimes dissatisfied with Qi Lin, she still admires his ability.

She had a pretty face, nodded, and then said to her sisters: "Meilan, Zhuju, you take your sisters back to the house, you stay in the yard in spring, summer, autumn and winter.

After speaking, Rose took Qi Lin into the room where she lived.

Very simple, only a bed, a wardrobe, and finally a dresser.

In the mirror, Rose saw a miracle again.

In just three minutes, she changed from her original face to that of Qi Xueyao.

"Boom boom boom!""

Just at this moment, there was a loud knock on the door in the courtyard.

"Open the door, open the door immediately, if we don't open the door, we will directly break the door! 35

763 Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter stood at the door, looking at the rose nervously.

After Rose nodded, Lin Dong opened the door.

"Don't move, don't move at all, squat down with your head up."

A group of policemen with guns burst in and occupied all the entrances and exits.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter are not stupid. When they saw the police coming, they immediately squatted in the corner obediently.

"Rose, I know you're back. It's useless to hide in the east and west. Taking the initiative to surrender is the right way."5

Lan walked in at the door just now and shouted with a loudspeaker.


Seeing his father-in-law at the door, Qi Lin couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Who? Who is so bold and dare to laugh on such a serious occasion."

Lan Gang thought it was someone from the police, and asked with a black line.

Qi Lin took 'Qi Xueyao' out of the room, holding back a smile and said, "Uncle Lan, what kind of wind is it today, why is it blowing you here again?"

Seeing Qi Lin in front of him, Lan Gang: "・

Lan Gang's premonition is getting stronger and stronger.

He felt as if he was enveloped by a huge black hand, and he couldn't break free, and the owner of this big black hand seemed to be his son-in-law.

Otherwise, why would Qi Lin be at the crime scene every time he goes out to the police, just like Conan possessed.

"There is a secret report, a person who looks like a rose appears here, we are here to arrest people."

Lan Gang said with a serious face.

Hearing Lan Gang's words, Rose's beautiful eyes flashed with guilt.

Qi Lin has always kept her well hidden.

Because of her willfulness, the police almost caught her.

If it wasn't for Qi Lin's foreknowledge, I'm afraid she would have been handcuffed.

"What about you? Why are you here?"

"If you don't give me a proper reason this time, I'll just torture you back. You don't go to school well every day, and you run around everywhere. Yuxi complained to me, saying that you haven't been to class for three days.

Lan Gang said angrily.

Qi Lin smiled and said, "Didn't you have a relationship with Rose last time? Before Rose escaped, let me help take care of these sisters in the orphanage.

"Actually, I think she's pretty cute too, and the money she earns is useless, and it's all spent on these orphans. 99

"Uncle Lan, I think, this Rose probably committed suicide out of fear of crime. You should stop arresting her."

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Rose's beautiful eyes flashed with complexity.

She, who has always been stronger, never thought that one day she would be protected by others.

Lan Gang glared at Qi Lin: "You don't say if you want to catch it, and I don't mean to say it. Didn't you say you came to see these children? Did you bring something?

Hearing Lan Gang's words, Rose felt nervous for a while.

Qi Lin came in a hurry, how could he take something, Lan Gang asked, he wouldn't want to reveal the stuff, right?

PS: As long as the automatic subscription reaches 500, Qi Lin will seriously write the finale of this book, not to ask anything, but to give Qi Lin more motivation.

PS: At present, there are 487 automatic subscriptions, 3 more than yesterday. Qi Lin will report the number of self-subscribers in real time every day.

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