Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

242: Take care of Shasha and call her husband obediently

The bad news came so quickly that Qin Han, who had always maintained the image of a modest son in front of Xia Sha, was directly exposed.

Hearing the displeasure in Xia Sha's voice, Qin Han finally reacted and apologized repeatedly: "I'm sorry Xia Sha, it's my gaffe, you know, I have always liked you, even after studying abroad this year, I have never Haven't forgotten about you.""

"I don't know, in just one year, you have already found a boyfriend. If you knew it would turn out like this, I would never go abroad if I said anything.

Qin Han smiled bitterly.

Xia Sha's pretty face was light: "Don't talk about the past, you can get along with me as an ordinary classmate in the future."

"Jun Ting Hotel, right? When will you come to participate, you can tell me the time.

Qin Han's eyes flashed with pain.

But I had to say: "Just be there before six o'clock in the evening.""

After hanging up Qin Han's phone, Xia Sha's heart immediately became uneasy.

She wants to take Qi Lin to the class reunion and pretend to be her boyfriend.

But the problem was that she didn't know whether Qi Lin was busy or not, and whether she would agree.

Promise yourself what conditions will you put forward.

But it was already 4:30 in the afternoon, and the time was tight, and she had to call Qi Lin immediately.

"Wife Sasha, it seems that this is the first time you call me on your own initiative. I'm so happy."

Qi Lin, who was driving, said with a smile.

Lan Yuxi, who was sitting in the back row, heard Qi Lin flirting with her aunt again, and Mei Mu rolled her eyes.

"You're so happy, forget it, I came to you to say a few things."

Xia Sha's pretty face blushed slightly and spat.

Although Qi Lin is always very annoying, getting along with Qi Lin is much more comfortable than Qin Han.

Qi Lin is lustful and lustful, and he never hides from himself. Perhaps this is also the charm of his villain's personality.

"I used the money from my company account to buy an official car, but I haven't told you about it because I was in a hurry some time ago.

"Seven seven zeros," Shasha said with a chuckle.

"This is a small issue. You don't need to report it to me. I have already said that the Shrimp Emperor will take care of it for you. Except for some big-picture issues, you can make your own decisions."

"Of course, you are not allowed to make your own decisions about boyfriends. You have to get my consent. After all, there is only one maid and two husbands. You only have one husband, right?"

Qi Lin said in a lazy tone.

"Can you be serious? I'll ignore you if you do.

Xia Sha was also convinced by Qi Lin.

I don't want to do business all day long, why do I always miss her.

"Ignore it, just ignore it, it's just a matter of urgency, let's talk about it next time.

Shasha can't eat again.

Instead, the delicious Lan Yuxi was by his side.

Today is still the JK uniform, with thin black silk over the knee.

Might as well go home for dinner and have a baby earlier.

But when Xia Sha heard Qi Lin's words, she panicked a little.

She asked Qi Lin to talk about buying a car, it was just a pretense, what she really wanted to do was to let Qi Lin pretend to be her boyfriend.

"You, you are not allowed to hang up!

Shasha shouted anxiously.


Qi Lin's mind was sharp and he noticed that today's Shasha was not right.

She used to look like she drove herself away so that she wouldn't provoke her.

Don't want Qi Lin to hang up now?

With Shasha's character, she actively pursues Qi Lin and is unlikely to be Qi Lin's girlfriend.

Qi Lin guessed that Xiasha must have something to ask herself.

"It seems that there is a bargain today.

Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with playfulness.

"You don't want to talk to me, and you don't allow me to hang up. Isn't it a bit unreasonable?"9

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Shasha twisted and finally said her thoughts: "It's not that you are too annoying, it's true that you have something to do with you.

"Me, my college classmates are going to hold an alumni reunion tonight. I have a classmate who doesn't get along well and is married, and I have to bring my husband here. If I go alone, I will definitely be laughed at by him."

Speaking of this, Xia Sha said to Qi Lin a little embarrassed: "Qi Lin, you, can you do me a favor, pretend to be my boyfriend once, and let me handle this class reunion."

After hearing what Xiasha said, Qi Lin smiled.

Good guy, I really guessed it right for him, and Xia Sha really asked him for something.

"Pretending to be a boyfriend? Then I have no interest at all, unless you are willing to really ask me to be your boyfriend.

Starting from the ground up, this is a must-have skill for every mature villain.

Xia Sha blushed pretty, gritted her silver teeth and said frantically: "Why do you think you are so beautiful? It's just for the sake of our acquaintance that I asked you to pretend to be a boyfriend. Others don't have this treatment yet."

"Anyway, are you going? If you don't go, I'll just find a man on the street to pretend to be.

Of course, Xia Sha's words were angry words. If Qi Lin didn't agree to her, at most she would lose face and go to the class reunion alone.

Qi Lin also said that the plan to raise prices on the ground failed.

Xia Sha is not a real heroine, if it is so easy to handle, she will not be called Xia Sha.

"Oh, I'm afraid of you, if you really find a man on the street to pretend to be your boyfriend, I'm not dead jealous, so let's call your husband to listen, and I promise to pretend to be your boyfriend.

First pretend to say something nice, and then make a new request. As long as the girl on the other side doesn't hate you, they will basically agree.

Love tips, quickly sit down on the small bench and take notes.


Hearing Qi Lin say that if she finds a random man to pretend to be her boyfriend, he will be jealous.

There was a hint of shyness in Xia Sha's beautiful eyes, and a hint of pride.

Hmph, I obviously like Miss Ben, but I still can't believe I can't handle you.

As for Qi Lin's request, Xia Sha felt that it was not unacceptable.

Call me husband, it doesn't hurt or itches, anyway, I don't really want to be this bastard's wife.


Shasha called out in a proud tone.

Great flavor, but something lacking.

Qi Lin tasted it carefully, smacking his lips: "Crisp and sweet, a little pure girly, just a little less sweet and greasy, and the feelings aren't particularly real.

"No, I'm not satisfied, call again.

Hearing Qi Lin's rogue's words, Xia Sha gritted her silver teeth in anger.

This little bastard really thinks he is the intended wife, and even picks and chooses.

"Call again, love to hear or not. 35

Xia Sha's beautiful eyes glared at the air, as if Qi Lin, the bastard, was right in front of her.


When the husband called out, Xia Sha's heart beat half a beat.

With a unique sweet and glutinous voice, the ending was also a little longer, and even Xia Sha herself blushed when she heard it, and scolded herself for being forced into a slut by Qi Lin.


"Husband listens, wife's voice is really nice."

"Since you invited your husband to the class reunion so solemnly, then the husband reluctantly agreed. You wait, the husband will come out after changing his clothes."5

Qi Lin flirted with Shasha there.

Xia Sha couldn't stand Qi Lin's sassy bag at all, and the series of kisses in the receiver made her goosebumps.

"Qi Lin, fuck you disgusting bastard!"

Pretty blushing blood, she scolded Qi Lin, and Xia Sha hung up the phone.

"Hey, my aunt didn't know what she did in her last life, and she was so unlucky to meet you.

In the back row of the car, Lan Yuxi was so amazed that she began to sympathize with her aunt.

"Midsummer, your boss is going out for dinner at night, we don't have to accompany him anymore, how about we go shopping at night? 39

Lan Yuxi said to Zhong Xia, who was beside her with beautiful eyes.

Midsummer had never been exposed to the outside world, nor had he watched TV, nor had he read a book. Literacy was taught in an orphanage.

For the first time, she knew that a man could date so many girls at the same time.


Just out of the orphanage in midsummer, Sanguan has gone astray.

"But, but I have no money, I can't buy anything when I go out."

Midsummer said a little embarrassedly.

Lan Yuxi put her arms around Zhongxia's small shoulders and said with a smile: "We are sisters, but we will spend the rest of our lives together in the future. My money is also yours. Don't worry, I will pay you the bill later."5

Lan Yuxi had Qi Lin's monthly allowance of 100,000 yuan, and was a well-deserved little rich woman.

Hearing Lan Yuxi brainwashing Zhongxia, Qi Lin was a little funny.

For a lifetime, my money is yours too.

These words not only win over Midsummer, but also tell her that all good things can be shared between the two.

Not only money, but also...

Really, if it wasn't for Lan Yuxi being a girl or his own concubine, Qi Lin was really worried that she would dig her own corner.

This kid is so talented.

ten minutes later.

The car arrives home.

Opening the door of the villa, Qi Lin was surprised to find that Qi Xueyao had changed into a pure white one-shoulder silk dress.

The long skirt is also split, about a little above the calf.

Inside was a pair of lady's white silk stockings.

It seems that Qi Xueyao is not only dignified and noble, but also has a strong young woman charm.

This girl really does what she says. Qi Lin likes white stockings, so she wears them for him.

"What are you doing? There's a little white face outside, and you're going out on a date? 35

Qi Lin joked hilariously.

Qi Xueyao walked up to Qi Lin with a smile and took her arm.

Because she hasn't gone out yet, she is wearing a pair of summer slippers.

The reinforced white silk toes moved playfully, attracting Qi Lin's attention.

"Jing Hui is talking nonsense, this is a surprise for you, isn't it good?"

Qi Xueyao gave Qi Lin a sullen look.

"It's pretty good, but you still didn't say, where are you going to wear it? Could it be that you're going to sleep at night?"

Qi Xueyao's JK today, coupled with Qi Xueyao's long dress, if it is really prepared for the evening, then Qi Lin can only sigh: Fenghuaxueyue is infinitely good, not envious of mandarin ducks or immortals.

"What a mess, just now a classmate of mine called me and said that he would invite me to a class reunion at night, and Jiang Lei would not go on a business trip in Xiangjiang. I want to take this opportunity to let all my classmates know you, lest they get old. I thought I had something with Jiang Lei."

Qi Xueyao said helplessly..

"Are you going to the class reunion too?"

Hearing Qi Xueyao's words, Qi Lin was really stunned.

Just now Xia Sha called him to pretend to be her boyfriend, and now Qi Xueyao wanted her to accompany him, Qi Lin had a strange idea in his mind.

Taking the test, Qi Lin asked: "Is the hotel where you attended the class reunion called Junting Hotel?

"How did you know?"

This time, it was Qi Xueyao's turn to be surprised, a pair of beautiful eyes and Qi Lin looked at each other.

Hearing Qi Xueyao's tone, Qi Lin smiled helplessly and basically concluded that his guess was right.

"Do you have a classmate named Shasha in your university?"

Qi Lin asked while holding back a smile.

He could tell that Xia Sha and Qi Xueyao were college classmates, and he didn't know that the two had this love-hate relationship.

"How did you know Shasha?"

At this moment, Qi Xueyao, the boss with a pair of beautiful eyes, always felt that the development of things seemed to exceed her imagination.

Lan Yuxi had been watching a good show next to her, and when she saw Qi Xueyao's shocked appearance, she couldn't help laughing.

This damn evil relationship is getting more and more complicated, and it is constantly being cut and disordered.

"Xiasha is my aunt, our eldest master has been thinking about her, does the Shrimp King know? Although my aunt did not agree to be the eldest master's girlfriend, but under the coaxing of the eldest master, she became the proprietress of the Shrimp King.

"This time my aunt participated in the class reunion. It is said that I didn't want a dead enemy to laugh at, so I took the initiative to find our eldest master and let him pretend to be a boyfriend."

Lan Yuxi explained the cause and effect.

Qi Xueyao's expression was weird, and she said something that made Qi Lin and Lan Yuxi couldn't help but want to laugh: "Is there a possibility that your aunt's enemy is me?

"When I was in college, some boring people chose me and Xia Sha as the school flower of China University of Science and Technology at the same time. I have no interest in this name, but it may be easy to dislike beautiful girls. I always feel that Your aunt is arrogant and pretentious, and your aunt thinks that I am too utilitarian and has been misunderstanding."5

As if thinking of something, Qi Xueyao suddenly couldn't help laughing, and then said to Lan Yuxi: "Lan Yuxi, your aunt and I are classmates, so am I a generation older than you?"

"Giggle~ In the future, you can just call me auntie, as long as you are willing to call me, I don't want the identity of the eldest wife, I will give it to you directly.

Hearing Qi Xueyao's arrogant arrogance, Lan Yuxi's small mouth bulged, and said angrily: "Bah, who are you auntie? Let's discuss each other, you can't take advantage of me.

"Besides, the identity of my eldest wife is recognized by the husband himself. Do you still use it to give it away? Do you have that qualification?"

Seeing that the two girls were about to quarrel with Maimang, Qi Lin said lightly, "What are you arguing about, do you think I don't exist?"

Qi Xueyao always called Qi Lin a bastard, but Qi Lin was so serious, she didn't dare to stimulate Lan Yuxi any more.

Lan Yuxi snorted, turned her face away, and stopped talking.

"The topic is back to the main topic, Qi Xueyao, say it yourself, what should I do about this?"

Qi Lin handed this headache to Qi Xueyao to see how she would deal with it.

Is it to accompany her to the class reunion, reject Shasha, or what.

After all, Qi Xueyao was already Qi Lin's woman, and she was pregnant with his 3.6-year-old child.

As far as this is concerned, Qi Lin will also give priority to Qi Xueyao.

Qi Xueyao took Qi Lin's arm and smiled and said, "What else can I do? Of course you are going to accompany Xia Sha. Speaking of which, this woman is also quite pitiful. I heard that her mother passed away when she was in college, and another one People are guarding the restaurant at home.""

"Anyway, I'm already pregnant with your child, and I don't want to snatch anything from her.

Although she is pregnant with Qi Lin's child, Qi Xueyao's emotional intelligence is getting higher and higher.

As she said, she was pregnant with Qi Lin's child, Xia Sha was a latecomer, even her niece Lan Yuxi couldn't compete with her, and another Xia Sha would still be useless.

It's better to sell a cute one here to Qi Lin and consolidate his position in Qi Lin's heart.

The most important thing is that Qi Xueyao has also developed a bad taste.

She wanted to see what Shasha's expression would look like if she found out that the fake boyfriend she brought was her nemesis husband.

It's best for Qi Lin to bring Xia Sha back as well. As the queen in the villa, it's not too much to explain the family rules to the little promise who has just entered the palace?

"Xueyao Aifei, I didn't realize that your consciousness is quite high, I like your idea very much, I will reward you and wear shoes for you personally.

Qi Lin smiled and kissed Qi Xueyao's white and tender face, and then helped Qi Xueyao to the door.

He helped her sit down again.

He picked up Qi Xueyao's beautiful white silk jade feet with crescent-like arches, pinched them for a while, and helped her smoothen her qi and blood.

Pregnant women bend over, which can easily lead to poor blood flow. Qi Lin's doing this is also a small concern for his sweet wife.

After kneading both small feet for a while, Qi Lin put her high heels on.

Seeing this scene, Lan Yuxi puffed out her mouth and was slightly jealous: "Fox spirit, you will charm your husband every day, wait for her husband to come back in the evening and see who he likes more.

Looking down at the 36 size black silk feet in the small leather shoes, Lan Yuxi's beautiful eyes flashed with confidence.

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