Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

243: Little Rich Woman Qi Xueyao Shows Off Her Wealth

"What reward me, this is obviously to reward yourself.""

Qi Xueyao's pretty face was blushing, waiting for Qi Lin to go upstairs to change clothes.

But when she looked at Lan Yuxi, her small eyes showed that she liked her lover's caring service very much.

After getting dressed, Qi Lin called Rose.

"Rose, come back now, Xueyao is going to the class reunion, I don't worry about her, you go with her in person.

Rose, who was supervising more than fifty master counterfeiters, was speechless when she heard Qi Lin's words.

"You don't accompany your own wife to the class reunion, are you looking for me?""

Qi Lin smiled and said, "Isn't this a little lover who also needs me? I have already discussed it with Xue Yao, stop talking nonsense, and come back soon."


This time, Rose has a new understanding of Qi Lin's scum.

Who is Qi Lin, the big boss, who helped her take care of the whole family in the orphanage.

Rose helplessly hung up the phone and instructed Meilan, Zhuju, Early Spring, Golden Autumn, and Winter to take care of it.

"Xueyao Aifei, I've already called Rose. I'll leave the Mercedes-Benz car for you, and she'll drive you off later."

After going downstairs, Qi Lin said to Qi Xueyao.

Qi Xueyao's beautiful eyes threw an electric eye at Qi Lin: "Husband, do you want me to assist you later? Xia Sha is very arrogant. Back then, when the rich and handsome schoolboys in our class chased her, she didn't even look at her. It is quite difficult to want to kiss Fang Ze."

Seeing Qi Xueyao giving advice to Qi Lin, Lan Yuxi's little face turned red.

Before this woman was unwilling to follow her husband, Lan Yuxi didn't take her seriously.

But now Qi Xueyao has not only returned to her heart, but has also robbed her of her life, and has begun to transform into the villainous devil. Does she want to officially declare war with her and snatch the position of the main palace?

Qi Lin smiled lightly: "What difficulty can Xiasha have? If I didn't want to be distracted, I could handle her with a little trick, but since you said that, I'll give you a second chance and let me see it later. How did you help me with assists.

"Qi Lin, where are you, why haven't you come yet?

Shasha anxiously called Qi Lin again.

It's half past five, and I haven't seen the shadow of this guy at the agreed place.

"There's something urgent to deal with, so I shouldn't be able to make it in time. You should go to the class reunion first. I'll be there before 6:30."5

Benz used it for Qi Xueyao.

Passat drives away for Mom and Dad.

Qi Lin found a serious problem, the family car is not enough.

The procedure for picking up the car in 2007 in 2007 was quite simple. Qi Lin thought about it and decided to pick up a car.


"Okay, okay, it's okay to be late, but you can't let me dove, you have to be there at half past six, or I'll ignore you in the future.

A hint of helplessness flashed in Xia Sha's beautiful eyes.

Qi Lin said that he was in a hurry. She was asking Qi Lin, but she couldn't force him.

Junting Hotel.

To Qin Han's surprise, Xia Sha and Qi Xueyao were the first to arrive.

After the phone call, Qi Xueyao never contacted her, and he thought that Qi Xueyao would not come.

In the banquet hall on the sixth floor, Qin Han was stunned when he looked at Qi Xueyao, who was dressed in a pure white long skirt with half off-shoulders.

He didn't expect that Qi Xueyao would have such a big change after not seeing each other in just a year. He was so charming and simply too beautiful.

If it wasn't for the fact that the person he liked was Xia Sha, Qin Han might have been tempted by Qi Xueyao at this moment.

Qin Han is like this, not to mention the male classmates in the same class, all of them looked at Qi Xueyao with dull eyes, even ignoring the female classmates who just talked and wanted to laugh.

"Xueyao, I haven't seen you for a year, but I didn't expect you to be prettier.

As the host, Qin Han immediately greeted him.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Qi Xueyao smiled lightly.

"By the way, where's your husband? Didn't he come?

Qin Han looked behind Qi Xueyao, but did not see the figure of the husband Qi Xueyao said.

"Well, he was very busy, so he asked the bodyguard to take me here alone."

Qi Xueyao said with a casual smile.

"That's a pity... Come in and sit down, a lot of classmates were chatting about you just now, and you should go over to have a fun together.

Qin Han stepped aside, and the gentleman made a gesture of invitation.

Qin Han didn't go there together because he still had other classmates.

Qi Xueyao, who has a beautiful temperament, is too dazzling.

As soon as I walked into the group of classmates, a group of former classmates gathered around.

The waiter also walked up just right and handed the red wine juice.

Qi Xueyao didn't even think about it, and directly picked up a glass of orange juice.

Unlike those irresponsible mothers, Qi Xueyao is very careful about her diet now, not to mention drinking. Even if it is watermelon, crabs and other foods that will harm the baby, she will never touch it.

But this scene, in the eyes of the caring people, has become a reason to find fault.

"Xueyao, when we meet our old classmates, it's too much to just drink juice? It's said that the love between classmates is all in the wine. Whether men or women choose wine, shouldn't you change it?"

A classmate shouted.

"Yes, yes, there is no point in drinking juice. 35

"Red wine and foreign wine have the atmosphere.

"Stop drinking juice! 35

Some men coaxed and looked at Qi Xueyao greedily.

At the beginning, Qi Xueyao was the school belle of China University of Science and Technology, but because of the good relationship with Jiang Lei, the shy boy at the time was embarrassed to confess to Qi Xueyao.

Now Qi Xueyao is more and more feminine, with a beautiful temperament and no male partner.

These men all wanted Qi Xueyao to drink more, so they could take advantage of it later.

"Sorry, I'm pregnant and only drink juice.

"And my husband said that I'm not allowed to drink outside, I listen to my husband.

Qi Xueyao smiled lightly, with a calm tone.

Controlling two companies, if her husband is an evil villain, she is not at all worried about offending these old classmates.

If anyone dares to give her face and bully her, go back and tell Qi Lin, these people will naturally pay the price.

This is also the reason why Qi Xueyao fell in love with Qi Lin after hating Qi Lin so much.

Although Qi Lin is bad, he gives women a sense of security that no other man in the world can match him.

"Crap? Just one year after graduating from university, Goddess Xueyao got married?

"Isn't it? Still pregnant? Are you planning to get married and have children?"

"My heart hurts, how could the former goddess become famous so quickly, and now I want to pursue it, but I don't even give a chance.

Hearing Qi Xueyao's words, those male classmates suddenly felt heartbroken.

Men all admire Qi Xueyao.

Among those female classmates, there were quite a few who were not used to Qi Xueyao, and even said that they were jealous of Qi Xueyao, and they stole their limelight and became the focus of the boys.

A pretty girl, but she was overshadowed by the comparison with Qi Xueyao, asked with a smile: "Xueyao, I remember that you were the most career-minded girl in our class back then? At the graduation party, you even swore that you would marry him. Starting a business and being a female boss, how come she became pregnant just a year after graduation, and she became pregnant before marriage. This is a bit inconsistent with your personality?

Although the tone is not mean, but the smell of yin and yang is full.

Before Qi Xueyao came, she knew that some saucy hoofs would be jealous of her and say some ugly things.

But she is now a wealthy little woman with a fortune of tens of millions, and she has the backing of her husband, the villain of destiny, so she is still afraid of these little hooves?

"Zhang Tingting, the world outside is quite big, don't stay on your own one-third of an acre all day long.

"Who told you that love and career can't be balanced? I'm sorry. In the year after graduating from college, I have opened two companies, one is Snowman Education, the other is Tianlin Paper, and the total assets are not much, right? Just over 10 million. 99

"I don't know if this tens of millions of dollars can be in the eyes of an excellent talented girl like you?"

Qi Xueyao has also learned the essence of Qi Lin now.

His expression was indifferent, but he was able to say things that made people mad.

Hearing Qi Xueyao's words, the whole class was shocked.

Just a year after graduating from university, if it is not for the rich at home, many of the classmates have just turned regular jobs, and even some classmates have not even found a job and are still looking for a job.

This Qi Xueyao is too good, right? Not only did he find love and get pregnant, but he also opened two companies, which is simply more popular than the dead!

Especially the woman who was Qi Xueyao with yin and yang anger just now, although her expression was still smiling, her heart went wild with jealousy.

It's like that among classmates.

Damn you! Seeing you make a lot of money is more uncomfortable than killing Lao Tzu!

This woman was obviously not reconciled, and was about to ask Qi Xueyao if she had started a company or if she had bought a car and a villa.

She just didn't believe that Qi Xueyao was worth millions and thought that Qi Xueyao was lying.

"Madam, your mother-in-law called and said she wanted to talk to you."

At this moment, a dashing beauty who was wearing a gorgeous red dress and not inferior to Qi Xueyao walked in and handed Qi Xueyao a mobile phone.

This was really not arranged by Qi Xueyao herself.

It can only be said that when you want to pretend, it will come.

"I'm pregnant, and my mobile phone has radiation, so I can only give it to the bodyguard."

Qi Xueyao smiled and said to the stunned classmates around.

Then, she connected the phone and turned on the external voice.

"Mom, what's the matter with me?"

Fang Yuanyuan's voice was a little angry: "your dad and I just came back from the company. Some time ago, the panda burning incense virus was rampant, and a lot of work in the company was stopped. It wasn't until just now that the company system was repaired. Your dad has held a board meeting to discuss the next few days. Monthly development charter.99

"Back to the villa, before your dad and I kicked, Sister Chen said that you went to the class reunion alone, and the stinky boy actually went out to play alone and didn't accompany you."

"You are pregnant now, or the first bloodline of our Qi family, what if there is a slight mishap?

The colleagues beside Qi Xueyao looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

This is the bodyguard again, and the mother-in-law also called to say that the father-in-law held a board meeting.

What happened to this Nima?

Qi Xueyao married into a wealthy family?

Especially the yin and yang Qi Xueyao woman just now, her face was blue and white.

She did not expect that what Qi Xueyao said was actually true, she not only married into a wealthy family, but also had her own career.

"Damn God, why don't I, Zhang Tingting, have such a life!

She thought very jealously.

"Mom, I'm just participating in a class reunion, how could something happen, and isn't Sister Rose accompanying me?

Qi Xueyao said with a light smile.

"Is there a rose? Then I'm relieved. You can participate in the class reunion, but you must not drink alcohol, and don't sing at night. It is not good for the fetal hearing development."

"Go home early. Mom has stewed Xueyan Tremella soup for you to make up for your body."

Fang Yuanyuan also knew a little about Rose's strength, although she didn't know where her son got it, but with her around, Qi Xueyao's safety shouldn't be a problem.

Just like that, the phone call ended.

At this time, those students who had doubts about Qi Xueyao's words also dispelled their doubts.

Xueyan is a luxury supplement that costs thousands of dollars per gram. Ordinary people, let alone eating it, have never seen it before.

It seemed that Qi Xueyao was really married to a wealthy family, and what she said about two companies was also true.

Once again, Qi Xueyao was surrounded by the stars and the moon, and all kinds of flattery and flattery were endless.

It seems that this year's struggles in society have also made these students mature.

No longer arrogant and arrogant, he believes that the world revolves around him, and wants to develop Qi Xueyao into his own network, so he can ask her for something in the future.

Qi Xueyao was pregnant and had a husband, and these male classmates were directly discouraged.

But a few male classmates set their sights on Rose.

She is also a big beauty, wearing a red dress, high heels, fair legs, and a beautiful face. Which man can't be tempted!

But if they knew that this beautiful woman with slender wrists, who seemed harmless to humans and animals, was a murderous female gangster, would they still dare to be so bold?

"Miss, would you mind having a drink together?"

A well-dressed man with a suit and bow tie came over and asked Rose who was guarding Qi Xueyao not far away with a smile.

Rose Mei Mu looked up and down at the man, and Mei Mu flashed a playful smile: "Want to chase me?"

The man did not expect the rose to be so direct.

After being stunned for a moment, he smiled and nodded: "I mean, I don't know if Miss is willing to give 773 a chance.

A few men standing not far away, seeing this scene, immediately beat their hands and feet, they did not expect this beauty to be so good at talking.

Knowing this earlier, they were the first to rush up, how could they still hesitate.

"See this table?

Rose glanced at the round wooden table in front of her, and asked lightly.

It's the kind of round table with a glass turntable, hard and heavy.

"Um, what's wrong with this table?"

The man did not understand the meaning of the rose, and asked in confusion.

The corners of Rose's mouth twitched slightly.



A palm slapped on the glass in the middle.


In the man's terrified eyes, the thick glass, including the round wooden table, instantly produced dense cracks, and then with a click, it shattered directly.


What inhuman power is this?

I'm afraid that calling a burly muscular man may not be able to achieve this level, right?

What's more, this is still a beautiful woman with a slender wrist, the effect of a random palm.

Including the man who came to strike up a conversation, the men and women in the entire banquet hall were all shocked.

They thought that Qi Xueyao was joking when he said that Rose was her bodyguard.

After all, how can there be a female bodyguard who looks so beautiful.

But after the palm of the rose, everyone believed it!


This is really a female bodyguard!

"As long as you can withstand my slap, I will agree to your pursuit."

Rose also blinked mischievously.

"Don't, don't! Miss, it was I who was rash just now, I apologize to you, I'm not worthy of you at all, forgive me!

Facing Rose's soft words, the man was almost scared to pee, and even after apologizing, he said goodbye without looking back!

What a joke!

Even the big hard table can't stand the slap of this beauty. If he leans over, he will break a few ribs and send him directly to the ICU!

Such a sturdy beauty, let a certain fierce man conquer it.

The man escaped, and the remaining men who were thinking about roses turned their heads quickly, as if they had never been moved.

Seeing this scene, Qi Xueyao on the side covered her mouth and smiled happily.

"Sasha, why are you only here now, everyone is here, you are the only one left.

Just as everyone was chatting happily and thinking about the future, Qin Han, who had been waiting at the door, said in surprise.

Hearing Qin Han's words, everyone turned around, and their smiling faces gradually became gossip.

Everyone knows that Qin Han, who was the school grass at the beginning, rejected the pursuit of unknown girls, and was unrequitedly in love with the school girl, Xia Sha.

But Xia Sha didn't seem to catch Qin Han, and they didn't get together until graduation.

After a year, Qin Han came back from abroad, and Xia Sha also came to participate in the alumni reunion.

Everyone wants to see if there will be any new developments between the two.

PS: The automatic subscription is over 500, you good brothers can rest assured to read, there will never be eunuchs writing.

PS: In addition, be cheeky and then click on the automatic subscription. If you can reach 1000, you can give it if you want. From tomorrow, it will be reported regularly. I hope the brothers will still support Qi Lin.

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