Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

244: Qi Xueyao: Home flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers, my husband will coax wild flowers

Xia Sha ignored Qin Han's greeting, and as soon as she entered the banquet hall, a pair of beautiful eyes were intertwined with Qi Xueyao.

I haven't seen each other for a year. The school girl, who used to be famous with him, has changed a lot.

It seems that he is no longer in a hurry to be utilitarian, and there is a sense of confidence in his gestures.

Also, Qi Xueyao used to always think about success, to get rid of the embarrassment of coming out of a small city, and it is normal to rush into utilitarianism.

Now, she is captured by Qi Lin, she has no worries about food and clothing, and her future development prospects are also very bright. Naturally, she does not need to run around, calculating this, calculating that, and the whole person becomes confident and generous.

In particular, the pure white evening dress with low slits and one side of the jade shoulder exposed makes her full of extravagance and has the charm of a rich wife.

Just anticipating that Qi Xueyao might dress up a bit more beautifully, Xia Sha actually replaced the dark green cheongsam that she always loved to wear.

A champagne-colored one-shoulder feather tulle evening dress, with a pair of strappy high heels of the same color with bows on the toes.

Two white and tender jade hands were holding a small bag.

This dress made Xia Sha pure and playful, like an elf girl walking out of a painting.

Compared with Qi Xueyao's pure white evening dress, she was not inferior at all.

A group of old classmates in the banquet hall looked at Xia Sha in front of them and were a little stunned for a while.

It can be said that today is a competition for red and beautiful, and the two fairies descended at the same time, making the world suddenly add a little beautiful color.

"I'm sorry, the traffic jam on the road has delayed a little time, the old classmates shouldn't be surprised, right? 35

When Shasha was studying, she was a well-known independent performer and basically ignored the feelings of others.

But in the past few years, with the death of my mother, I have become a lot more mature by taking care of the hotel alone.

Her pretty face was calm, and while walking towards the venue, she greeted her classmates.

"No, no, it's only six o'clock now, so it's not too late.

Although Qin Han was ignored by Xia Sha, he was not angry at all, but rather happy.

Shasha's boyfriend didn't come with him, doesn't that mean he has a chance to take advantage of it?

Dig someone else's corner is not authentic?

What a joke, for rich people, as long as you're not married, who admits that's your girlfriend?

Even if your girlfriend is poached by me, it is only your ability.

"Sasha, although you weren't late, you were the last to arrive. It shouldn't be too much to punish yourself for three drinks, right? Don't tell me, you're pregnant too?"

Zhang Tingting said with a smile.

"Pregnant? Who is pregnant in our class? It's too early for this happy event?"

Shasha froze for a moment, then asked.

Zhang Tingting glanced at Qi Xueyao with a smile: "Who else is there, of course it's the school flower of Qi Da, she has already married into a wealthy family, and her parents-in-law and mother-in-law have sponsored the two companies, and they are already the winners in life, not the pitiful ones like us. The wage earners can compare.”

Hearing that Qi Xueyao was actually pregnant, Xia Sha gave her a deep look.

"Well, the last time I came was that I was rude, and I punished myself with three cups.

Like Lan Yuxi, Xia Sha has a physique that won't get drunk.

With a faint smile, he drank it amidst the cheerful cheers of the classmates.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Tingting blinked at Qin Han, meaning that I played well with assists, right?

After you get drunk with Shasha later, it's up to you to work hard.

Zhang Tingting knew that Qin Han's family was rich and wanted to curry favor with this rich second generation.

But it's a pity that Qin Han didn't look down on her beauty. In desperation, Zhang Tingting could only help Qin Han with assists, and see if he could go to his company and do a good job in management.

But how do these two fools know, let alone the two of them coming to fight Xiasha, even the whole class together, it is not enough for her to fight alone.

"Sasha, when I was studying, I remember that your family was the richest. My brother-in-law was the captain of the police station, and he also inherited a restaurant worth one million. At that time, our graduation party was to go to your restaurant for dinner."5

"Now that Xueyao has started a company, how is your development going?"

After Shasha drank three glasses of wine, the atmosphere became more lively.

A girl in the same class asked with a smile.

Holding high and stepping low is also a common thing in class gatherings.

At that time, Xia Sha was also the object of envy of the girls in the same class. Everyone knew that Xia Sha and Qi Xueyao could not get along, and some people wanted to make Qi Xueyao sour on Xia Sha.

Qi Xueyao didn't speak, but watched with interest how Xia Sha countered these sour female classmates.

For the treatment you received just now, it would be fair for Xia Sha to come here too, right?

It's not that Shasha wants to pretend.

She came so late, she and Xiao Tao chose evening dresses together.

Thinking that she might need help somewhere during the banquet, she brought Xiao Tao too.

The evening dress had no pockets, and the small bag couldn't hold her cell phone, so her cell phone was placed in Xiao Tao's hand.

Just after that female classmate finished asking Xia Sha, Xiao Tao hurriedly walked in from outside the banquet hall.

"Mr. Xia, an aquatic product dealer came to you and said that he wanted to discuss the price of this batch of goods." ""

Eat lobster in summer and crab in autumn.

After the season of eating lobster, it is impossible for the shrimp emperor to close the shop, right?

This idea was really not what Qi Lin told Xia Sha, but what Xia Sha came up with after thinking hard.

Crabs are more delicious than lobsters. If you eat crabs or even bullfrogs in a spicy, steamed, dry pot, can the business of the shrimp emperor in autumn and winter be guaranteed?

After Shasha's idea was put into practice, the feedback from customers was expected to be good.

Everyone is satisfied with the new products such as spicy crab, dry pot bullfrog, and dry pot fried crab.

Taking over the phone, Xia Sha also turned on the speakerphone.

"Mr. Huang, didn't I already tell you about that batch of goods? I have to give me a 20% discount. The price of crabs has just arrived, and this year's production is oversupplied. Except for our shrimp emperor, no one should be able to eat so much, right?

When Xia Sha talked about business, she was full of momentum. From these words, it can be seen that she was on the advantageous side of the negotiation.

"Oh, my Mr. Xia, this is not a small batch of goods. If you let me give me a 20% discount on the goods of 2 million, this will directly reduce 400,000. This year's crab feed is expensive, and it is difficult to meet a bumper year. , at least let me earn a cost price." 5

The other party said with a wry smile.

Hearing the content of the call, the female classmate just now stopped talking.

Even if Qi Xueyao has two companies, Xia Sha's business is 2 million if she keeps her mouth shut.

Can do a business of 2 million yuan, will Xia Sha still stand still and run a restaurant worth more than 1 million yuan?

Ken has a big business!

Qi Xueyao couldn't help laughing when she saw Xia Sha pretending to be forceful, and at the same time was filled with emotion.

If you hadn't met Qi Lin, maybe the two of them would still be living in the same place, how could they become the envy of their former classmates like they are now?

"Mr. Huang, I'm still in a hurry, crabs are not farmed by your aquaculture company, you don't want to give discounts, I can only find your other colleagues.

Xia Sha's face was pale, and she hung up the phone directly.

"Shrimp King? Xia Sha, the gourmet restaurant Shrimp King that has been popular in Jianghan City recently, shouldn't you be the one who opened it?

Some classmates knew the name of the Shrimp Emperor, and when they heard the information revealed by Xia Sha, they asked in shock.

Xia Sha smiled lightly: "How can I have this ability, Shrimp Emperor was actually opened by my friends, I was just lucky, I took a share in it and took the position of deputy general manager.

Speaking of this, Xia Sha glanced at Qi Xueyao: "Perhaps it's not as good as Qi Xueyao's two companies, our shrimp emperor's valuation has only broken 10 million, and it is expected to open another 16 in Jianghan City before the end of this year. branch.


This time, Xia Sha couldn't help but pretended to be forced.

But she swore that this was not aimed at anyone present, only Qi Xueyao alone.

But she didn't know that Qi Xueyao already knew everything about Xia Sha.

This forced not only did not hurt Qi Xueyao, but actually injured the students present all over the body.

His grandmother's legs are all fresh graduates. These people may have just turned regular, and they are complacent with their salary of three or four thousand, and feel that their salary is higher than that of most ordinary people.

But what about Qi Xueyao and Xia Sha? One married into a wealthy family and opened two companies, and the other was in charge of the popular gourmet restaurant Shrimp King with tens of millions of assets. The future is limitless.

He also graduated from China University of Science and Technology. Why haven't we seen it for a year, and the gap has reached the end of the world?

These classmates smiled bitterly in their hearts, unable to understand this question at all.

Seeing the look in Xia Sha's eyes, Qi Xueyao shook her head helplessly.

"Happy ass, no matter how much you jump around, it's not the monkey grandson in the hands of Qi Lin's bastard, he can't escape his Wuzhishan.

"At the beginning, I and Xia Sha were secretly competing with each other. In the future, we will achieve better than each other and find a better boyfriend than each other."

"But now? Both of them are planted in the same man's hands, which is more than a fart, just lay flat.

When Xia Sha saw that she had pretended to be coercive for a long time, Qi Xueyao still had a faint smile on her face, and she was a little puzzled.

Could it be that your heat is not enough?

"Qi Xueyao, why didn't your husband Jiang Lei come to the alumni reunion this time? I heard that he also opened a company, the Snowman Education that you invested in, right?"

Shasha asked again with a smile.

Qi Xueyao's pretty face was neither happy nor sad, and she shared a shocking news: "You must have misunderstood one thing, although we had a good relationship when we were in college, I never agreed to his pursuit. Purely a business partner relationship.

"My husband is not him either. I hope you don't misunderstand me in the future."

Qi Lin pretended to be Xia Sha's boyfriend, and Qi Xueyao couldn't reveal his identity yet.

Hearing Qi Xueyao's words, Xia Sha was also quite surprised.

At that time, the classmates thought that Qi Xueyao and Jiang Lei would definitely become a couple in the future, so they waited for their wedding wine.

Recently, they heard that Jiang Lei started a company. They thought that the rich man Xia Sha married was Jiang Lei.

But how could these people know that if Qi Lin hadn't been reborn, Qi Xueyao would have been with Jiang Lei according to the development of the plot.

But this guy was greedy for Qi Xueyao's body, and he couldn't get along with Qi Xueyao and Jiang Lei in the previous life. If he didn't break them up, he greened Jiang Lei, tortured Qi Xueyao, and waited for them to sprinkle candy.

"It doesn't matter if it's not, but since you're married, you should bring your husband here. Qi Xueyao is the school flower of China University of Science and Technology. We also want to see how many outstanding men can be worthy of our school flower.

Shasha said with a smile again.

When others say that she is the school beau, Qi Xueyao should be complimenting her.

But when Xia Sha said she was the school beau, how could Qi Xueyao sound a little ironic?

However, Qi Xueyao didn't want to compete with Xia Sha either.

A foolish girl who was kept in the dark, who is more pitiful is not sure.

Qi Xueyao pretended to be self-pity and sighed: "`"There are difficulties in the wealthy family. Don't look at me dressing up and living extravagantly, but only I know the sadness in it."

"My family, to put it mildly, is a big radish with a big heart. I asked him to accompany me to the class reunion today, but he can't even see a shadow. I guess he will be with other little girls somewhere. It's romantic.

"There is a saying that home flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers, so I accept my fate. 99

Qi Xueyao's yin and yang quirky ability was comparable to Qi Lin's.

On the surface, it is the misfortune of his wealthy life.

In fact, he was saying that he was the real palace of the family, and Qi Lin went to accompany the wild flower, Xisha.

But Shasha didn't understand at all.

Knowing what happened to Qi Xueyao, she felt some sympathy for her.

"Hey, I didn't expect Qi Xueyao to live such a pitiful life now, the husband he married is a big radish, he doesn't stay at home all day, and he doesn't even come to accompany him when he is pregnant and participates in the class reunion.

"Fortunately, I stuck to my heart and didn't agree to Qi Lin's asshole's pursuit. With Qi Lin's asshole character, I might end up like this in the future."

There was a hint of pride in Xia Sha's beautiful eyes.

"By the way, Sasha, didn't you say that Shrimp King was driven by your boyfriend? Why didn't you bring him?

Qi Xueyao blinked her beautiful big eyes and began to fight against Xia Sha's army.

Seeing that his rival's attitude was not as aggressive as he imagined, the kind-hearted Shasha was also a little embarrassed.

"Xueyao, my boyfriend said that there's something to do. I'll delay it for a while. It's estimated that I'll be there around 6:30."5

Speaking of which, Shasha glanced at the light purple watch on her fair wrist.

It was exactly half past six.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk~”

The large wooden door of the banquet hall was knocked three times.

"Excuse me, may I ask, is my wife Sasha here? I'm here to accompany her to the class reunion.

A somewhat languid, but magnetic, nice-sounding boy sounded, and it also attracted the attention of everyone in the banquet hall.

Hearing Qi Lin's bastard's voice, Xia Sha's face was delighted.

Say 6:30, it's really 6:30, this bastard didn't let her dove.

But when I heard (Zhao Zhaohao) call Qi Lin's wife Shasha as soon as she came, a look of shame and anger flashed across her pretty face.

Just under the heartbroken eyes of all the male classmates, including Qin Han, Xia Sha took the initiative to walk over, took Qi Lin's arm, and brought Qi Lin over.

"For the sake of you being punctual, I won't bother with you about calling me Sasha's wife.

Shasha lowered her voice and said to Qi Lin.

When Xia Sha took Qi Lin to the front, Qin Han's face turned cold.

But he was still calm and did not directly conflict with Qi Lin.

He looked Qi Lin up and down, and found that Qi Lin looked only eighteen or nineteen years old, and Qin Han had an idea in his heart.

At such a young age, his immaturity is certain.

In this way, Shasha will understand who is a better man and who is more suitable for him.

Thinking of this, Qin Han brought a glass of wine, handed it to Qi Lin, and asked with a smile: "The little brother is really a good-looking person, and he is a good match for Sasha, but I don't know if the little brother can drink? We are adults here. The party, the juice-drinking little brother was a little out of tune with us.

Hearing Qin Han's seemingly caring words, he was actually sarcastic.

The students present were all in high spirits.

Damn, this is going to be jealous of the wind, the good show of double dragons fighting for one phoenix is ​​about to begin.

Only Qi Xueyao looked at Qin Han like a fool.

Originally, she didn't have any bad feelings towards Qin Han.

Now this bastard dares to insinuate her husband, and has to compete with Qi Lin for Shasha.

She doesn't know how many demons she has seen with a man who is more scheming than Qin Han.

In the end, they were all loaded into Qi Lin's hands without exception.

It's not good to provoke anyone, but she wants to provoke Qi Lin, the big devil. She has already foreseen Qin Han's tragic end.

Qi Lin's eyes were ablaze, and the moment he entered the banquet hall, he knew who was the master and who was the one who made Shasha's idea.

Seeing Qin Han attacking himself, Qi Lin smiled: "You like Xia Sha, right? How can you be worthy of your deep love if you don't bully your sweetheart enough today? 39

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