Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

250: Yu Jin broke off the engagement and gave Chen Jiawei a green hat

"The next auction is the bronze gilt pagoda."

"The top of this golden pagoda is the sun, the moon, the umbrella and the three treasures, which represent the most ideal heaven in Buddhism. The sun and the moon are inlaid with huge emeralds. There is a Buddhist niche in the semicircle in the middle, and in the niche is the statue of Sakyamuni, with a natural shape, The art of casting is superb."

“It is the most complete stupa found so far. It is said that the reincarnated saint monks in the Qing Dynasty consecrated it, and it is devoutly worshipped by Emperor Jiajing and Empress Dowager Cixi every year.35

"It has a starting price of 60 million."

Before waiting for Qi Xueyao to ask Qi Lin why this is fake with the hosta.

A finale-level auction item suddenly appeared on the stage.

At this time, some bigwigs who didn't raise their cards from beginning to end began to raise their cards.

Li Chao: "65 million.

Boss Ou: "Mr. Li is the first to bid, but I also like this thing, 66 million!"

Western Province Coal Boss: "88 million! Eighty-eight is sent, I want to invite this pagoda back to bless the mines in the mines if they can't finish digging!"

Li Chao: "One hundred million.


Asia's richest man shot, really extraordinary.

The difference in the price increase is all the worth of some small rich people.

"Husband, why did Li Chao buy a pagoda and go back? Could it be placed in the living room as a god?"

Qi Xueyao approached Qi Lin's ear and asked curiously.

At first, Qi Xueyao thought that her dead foot control husband was just to take advantage of her, and squeezed her tender white silk jade feet.

But after Qi Lin pressed it for a while, she suddenly felt her limbs warm and her whole body was refreshed, as if this guy really knew how to massage his feet.

"Most people in Xiangjiang have faith. I read the news last time that he built a clan ancestral hall in Xiangjiang, maybe he was asked to go back and put it in the ancestral hall for future generations to worship.

Qi Lin smiled and sniffed, it was a strange fragrance.

It is slightly different from Qi Xueyao's body fragrance, there is no peculiar smell, but it is easier for people to fall in love.

Qi Xueyao also noticed Qi Lin's small movements, and her pretty face flushed slightly.

"It's a pity, even if he bought this pagoda and placed it in the ancestral hall, it would still be in vain. Maybe the more he worshipped the family, the worse his luck would be. 99

Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with light.

The more than 1,000 collections were completely packaged by him, and none of them were treasures.

When will his power be so strong that he doesn't need to worry about the revenge of the Baz family, even in China, no one dares to covet these things.

Qi Lin built the most magnificent clan ancestral hall and put the pagoda in it for all the descendants of the Qi family to worship.

Of course, Qi Lin didn't believe in Buddhism. He did this just to honor his ancestors, and let Qi Lin's lineage become the main line of the 777 Qi surname, which was written on the genealogy.


"118 million twice!

"118 million three times!

"Congratulations to Mr. Li Chao for successfully bidding for a gilt bronze pagoda.


Li Chao's face is still great.

After the results were announced, there was a thunderous sound in the venue.

And Li Chao got up, put his palms together, smiled and thanked everyone who was doing it.

"Although Li Chao didn't get the real bronze gilt pagoda, with Buzz's promise, he can get double the compensation.

"One hundred million to fly back to China once, Li Chao is not a loss."

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin applauded and thought with a smile in his heart.

As a reporter qualified to interview at the venue, Yu Jin took a photo of the bronze gilt pagoda with his camera out of focus.

In fact, she wants to photograph these rich people around to create a bigger topic.

But the problem is that most of the rich are low-key and unwilling to let ordinary people know that they are the antiques they photographed, so as not to be hated for the rich.


When Yu Jin approached the front row, he was suddenly stopped by someone in a low voice.

Hearing this voice, Yu Jin's face froze.

Make yourself a hostage for him.

When the ransom was paid, the kidnappers came along and almost killed her.

Yu Jin doesn't have any good feelings for Chen Jiawei now.

"Do you like this bracelet? I heard that it was once worn by the imperial concubine. If you like it, I will photograph it for you right away."

Chen Jiawei said to Yu Jin flatteringly.

The more incomplete a man is, the more obsessed he is with the woman he likes, just like the former Li Zhou.

Although there is only one egg left, Chen Jiawei still loves Yu Jin deeply.

"Chen Jiawei, I have told you that our relationship is over, and I will find a way to return the 10 million betrothal deposit that your family gave to my dad.

"You don't have to bid me anything, because it's not necessary anymore."

Yu Jin said with a light expression.

Hearing Yu Jin's words, Chen Jiawei's eyes flashed with shadows, but he still endured the anger in his heart and said: "As long as you can't get the 10 million, you will always be my fiancee, and I want to bid you a bracelet, then Also my freedom."5

"it's up to you."

Yu Jin also didn't want to entangle with Chen Jiawei, and took the camera to find a new shooting angle.

"Damn, if it wasn't for Qi Lin's ass, I'd be married to Jin'er by now!"

"But so what? As long as Viola can't pay back the money, she will always be my fiancee.

"There is only one month left until the return period, if she is still obsessed, don't blame me for using unconventional means.

Chen Jiawei's eyes were full of resentment.

He is obviously his fiancée and future wife, but he does everything possible to break up the engagement with him.

Did you break off the engagement and throw yourself into Qi Lin's arms? Give him a big green hat?

Do not!

He would never let such a shameful thing happen!!!


Chen Jiawei brought his emotions into the auction.

Almost with a roar, Chen Jiawei called out the price of the jade bracelet.

And this voice also startled a rich woman.

"Crazy? Does a 2.6 million bracelet need to be so loud? It makes it seem like it's shouting 200 million!"

The wealthy woman gave Chen Jiawei a look of contempt, and simply stopped raising the card, so as not to be stained with bad luck.

In this way, in the eyes of the rich looking at the fool, Chen Jiawei took this jade bracelet at a price of 2.6 million.

"The next auction is also the finale collection tonight.

"It is the Grand Review Armor used by Emperor Qianlong, and it is the personal armor used by Emperor Qianlong when he is on his own expeditions and hunting.

"The armor is divided into tops, lower skirts, shoulder pads, armpits, sleeves, and crotch, bright yellow satin embroidered with colorful clouds and golden dragon patterns, the bottom is the pattern of sea water and river cliffs, and the moon white silk lining. There are regular gold cap nails on the nail surface. A steel heart protection mirror hangs in the middle, with forged gold cloud dragon pattern around the mirror. The two sleeves are woven with gold silk strips, and the cuffs are embroidered with golden dragons. Embroidered dragons and beads are arranged alternately."

"A total of 20,000 gold threads were used to make it, and there were several materials that were scarce at the time. It is the only emperor's royal armor that has been handed down today, and it is extremely precious."

"It's starting at 160 million.""

If it really is the finale-level collection of the auction, the starting price has reached a terrifying 160 million.

Change to the price calculation after 20 years, I am afraid that the starting price is definitely more than 800 million.

Although the starting price is appalling, this price is definitely worth the money.

There is only one thing in the world, and there is a market that is priceless. Only families with millions of dollars like the Buzz family will bid for it when they are short of money to expand.

Otherwise, it may remain in the Gallo Fontainebleau Palace forever, and it will only be available for viewing when it opens.

"200 million!"

As soon as the host finished speaking, Qi Lin, who had not spoken for a while, raised his placard for the first time.

"Boom! 35

This crazy price increase directly made the entire venue explode.

The starting price of 160 million yuan has discouraged many powerful rich people.

After all, they may have billions of assets, but the funds that can be used as cash flow may not be 100 million.

With this 100 million yuan, buying a sports car, buying a house, and investing in other industries can be regarded as visible materials.

But just bidding on a piece of armor and putting it in the house to eat ashes, most of the rich cannot be so rich.

Therefore, when Qi Lin raised the placard, everyone looked at Li Chao and Boss Ou.

I want to see if the two powerful bidders will compete with the mysterious young master Qi Lin.


Boss O and Qi Lin are on good terms.

Li Chaoguan and Qi Lin's face were frightened, and he didn't want to provoke this young man casually.

The two old gods are there, and they don't seem to be willing to bid.

"Husband, why are you shouting so high? Besides, does our family have so much money?

Hearing Qi Lin shouting 200 million as soon as he opened his mouth, Qi Xueyao's pretty face turned pale with fright, for fear that Qi Lin would not be able to get the money (ahdg) in the end and would be taken away.

Seeing Qi Xueyao's cute little appearance, Qi Lin pinched her little face and smiled, "I really remember when you said that, our family doesn't seem to have so much money, right? What should we do? When people come to get the money, I leave you behind to pay off the debt?"

Qi Xueyao's beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of speechlessness.

With Qi Lin's temperament, if he can make jokes, it means that he must have this ability.

"If you are willing to leave me, I have no opinion."

Qi Xueyao rolled her eyes at the bastard, then looked around nervously to see if anyone was bidding to lower Qi Lin's price.

Seeing this scene, Buzz and Chen Jiawei were not happy.

Buzz's final bidding price for this Qianlong Grand Parade armor is estimated to be around 300 million yuan. No one is bidding against Qi Lin now. Isn't it a mistake for him?

Not to mention Chen Jiawei, he was turned into a single-egg man by Qi Lin, and now his fiancée is in danger.

"220 million.

Chen Jiawei sneered and raised the sign.

He wasn't afraid that Qi Lin wouldn't shoot, anyway, he and Buzz were allies, and the big deal was to return the armor to Buzz, claiming to the outside world that the process was a mistake, and the shot would be aborted.

"Husband, there is a big fool who is bidding again, you should stop taking pictures, it's just a dress worn by the emperor, what else can you do other than use it as a display? 99

Qi Xueyao took Qi Lin's arm and said anxiously.

"300 million!"

Qi Xueyao just finished persuading, Qi Lin raised the sign again.

Qi Xueyao:

"I can't shout anymore, what should I do if I don't take pictures of Qi Lin? 55

Chen Jiawei finally laughed when he saw Qi Lin shouting directly to 300 million.

The thing that can be photographed for 200 million yuan is to make you spend an extra 100 million yuan to buy it, and you will be mad at you stupid dog.

"300 million once!"

"300 million twice!!""

"300 million three times!!!99

The host hammered the gavel excitedly.

In the end, the Qianlong Emperor's grand parade was photographed by Qi Lin at a price of 300 million.

Because this collection is too valuable, it is impossible to give it to Qi Lin first, and then take it away after Qi Lin has paid the auction price.

"This Chen Jiawei doesn't know what a good person can do to the end. After raising the price a few times, he only made 300 million, which is a bit small."

Qi Lin touched his nose and said in a voice that Qi Xueyao could hear alone.

"Husband, do you have a fever? You seem stupid today?"

A look of worry flashed across Qi Xueyao's beautiful eyes, and her tender white hand touched Qi Lin's forehead.

It was obvious that someone had raised the price and spent an extra 100 million yuan, but now he says that he earned 300 million yuan.

Isn't this a burnt brain?

"You are stupid, you will understand later."

Qi Lin pinched Qi Xueyao's nose with his fingers and said angrily.

With each piece of collection auctioned out.

The total amount of auction has also reached 3 billion.

Seeing that the auction was successfully held, and the transaction price was much higher than he expected, Buzz showed a thick smile on his face.

"These idiots from China, who were obviously robbed by our Gauls, have to pay a lot of money to buy them back. Isn't this the most ironic thing in the world?"

Moderator: "The collection that will be auctioned below is...

Auctions of valuable collections cost millions, tens of millions, and some of the businessmen who participated in the auction couldn't help but sweat.

A businessman who is worth over 100 million can't wait to open a landscape painting and enjoy it.

"Zi Zhuzhui, it is indeed a work of famous artists. If this artistic conception is hung in the office as a background, it will be called a card face in the future."5

After watching it, the businessman closed the scroll with satisfaction.

"Huh? Why do I have black stains on my hands?"

Suddenly, the businessman discovered a strange place. The palm of his hand that was in contact with the picture scroll turned black.

After a few seconds, the businessman had a terrible guess.

"Well, could it be that this landscape painting has faded? But this is a painting from hundreds of years ago? It should have dried up long ago!""

The businessman was very nervous. He didn't believe in evil. He dipped his finger in saliva, and then touched a mountain in the picture scroll.

λ: "....

With just a slight touch, his right finger turned completely black!!!

This, this is the collection that he spent more than 6 million auctions?

Even people who don't understand antiques know that this is a fake.

"Fake! The landscape painting I auctioned is fake! How dare you sell fakes at Christie's!"

"Let's see if there is any problem with the artwork you are auctioning! As soon as I got this landscape painting in my hand, the color started to fade. Look at my hand! 99

The businessman stood up excitedly and showed everyone the pasted landscape painting, as well as his dark palm.

"Wow!!! 35

Such a big shocking news directly interrupted the auction and also attracted everyone's attention.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with disappointment.

"I still think that the auction is over. All the auction items worth 8 billion are sold. By then, Buzz will lose 16 billion."

"It was only after 3 billion pictures were taken that someone found out that the painting was fake. It seems that Buzz escaped half the disaster again."

That's right, it's half a catastrophe.

As long as the Buzz auction fails and offends countless business tycoons, Qi Lin's plan will succeed.

If you lose 5 billion, you will lose 5 billion.

Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with a smile, and he began to watch the excitement.

"Grass, why is the year 2005 written on the back of my chicken pot cup? New Year's edition of the Year of the Rooster? You Christie's really take me for a fool, don't you? 35

"Lele's 8-year-old work? Mr. Buzz, can you explain to me what is printed under this cloisonne vase?"

"I felt something wrong just now, how come the color of this imperial green jade bracelet is the same as the bottom of a beer bottle, you motherfucker, it really shouldn't be made of a beer bottle, right?

After being reminded by the owner of the landscape painting, more and more rich people found clues about the collections they photographed.

Hearing the angry voices one after another, Buzz, who was still smiling just now, was dumbfounded at this moment.


"Quick! Find the appraiser to go down and see what's going on!"

"Maybe these wealthy businessmen don't know how to identify collections, they just follow what others say.

Buzz's face was a little ugly, and he immediately asked the person in charge of the auction to bring the appraisal master to check the situation.

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