Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

251: Marry a chicken and follow a chicken! Marry a dog and follow a dog! I'm proud of you

As soon as the identification master makes a move, he can identify the authenticity with a few glances.

After appraising the wealthy businessmen who had bid for the collection, these appraisers turned pale and stunned.

Although these collections are lifelike one by one, they are completely enough to be fake.

But fake is fake.

As those rich people say, ~ these are fakes.

"Mr. Buzz, the collections that the wealthy businessmen bid on are all fakes, and none of them are real. 99

After the appraisal, these appraisal masters came back and reported to Buzz.

"Impossible! It's absolutely impossible!

"When this batch of collections just got off the plane and shipped to Christie's auction house, didn't you all have identified them and used your credit to guarantee that they are all true?

"How come it's all fake when it's auctioned off now?"

Buzz is going crazy right now!

There is no doubt that the collection is true, because when the ancient castle was transported out of Gaul, it was also identified by a master appraiser.

Now that these collections have become fake, there is only one possibility.

Somebody in the middle repackaged these collections.

"Go! Go to the exhibition hall to check it out. Isn't there more than 700 collections that haven't been auctioned? It's impossible for these collections to be fake, right?"

Buzz grimaced and roared at these appraisers.

These appraisal masters did not dare to offend Buzz.

After all, it is a collection of 8 billion, who can afford such a huge loss.

Disgraced, these appraisal masters went to the exhibition hall again.

"Mr. Buzz, you have to give us an explanation. We paid the security deposit and signed the contract. Now the collection is fake. How do you explain this?"

"I also have business dealings with your Buzz family. Is this how you treat your partners? 35

"I remember that Mr. Buzz had promised before the auction that if he found a fake, he would pay double compensation, right?

"Yes! Double compensation! Otherwise, this matter will never end!"

"Back then, we robbed and looted our Huaxia Yuanmingyuan, and now you dare to fool us with fakes. If this matter is not resolved today, none of you will even want to leave Huaxia.

The following wealthy businessmen will not give Buzz a chance to investigate clearly.

The auction was organized by Buzz, and the collection was also provided by Buzz.

Now that high imitations are photographed, they will only settle accounts with Buzz.

Looking at the pair of unfriendly eyes below, Buzz's face turned pale.

Although the Baz family covered the sky in Gaul, this is not Gaul, but China.

There is even the richest man in Asia like Li Chao.

Once this matter is not handled properly, I am afraid that the reputation of the Baz family and even the Gallic Empire will be ruined.

"Gentlemen and ladies, please calm down first. I'm also sorry for the fact that you took pictures of the fake collection, but I tell you the truth, I am also a victim. I don't know who transferred this collection. Can you No, give me a few days, let me investigate this matter, and give you a satisfactory answer.

Buzz tried to calm the people down.

"Don't bullshit there, either give us the real auction item, or directly double the compensation. Who knows if you want to secretly return to Gaul, and then you don't acknowledge the account, do you want us to go to the Gaul Empire to argue?"

But these rich businessmen did not buy it.

Buzz clenched his fists tightly at this moment, his expression gritted his teeth.

The moment before, he was still mocking these Chinese rich people as fools.

The next moment, he was forced to the edge of the cliff by these wealthy businessmen, and there was a possibility of overturning at any time.

"Everyone, no more, please give me 10 minutes, after 10 minutes, I will give you a proper answer.

Buzz changed the time again.

"In 10 minutes, we will send someone to guard here, you can't escape, either give us treasures or compensate, you choose.

Several wealthy businessmen snorted and said.

After gaining a little time, Buzz laughed and went to the exhibition hall immediately.

Qi Xueyao, who saw everything in her eyes, now her beautiful eyes flashed with excitement.


These collections are actually fake!

You know, Qi Lin just photographed the Emperor Qianlong's grand parade worth 300 million.

If Buzz had to pay, then Qi Lin won 300 million in cash without paying any price.

In addition, she herself spent 4 million bidding for the hosta.

Does this mean that she can also get 4 million compensation?

At the same time, Qi Xueyao also remembered what Qi Lin said just now.

"Don't wear it, this hosta is fake.

"Why didn't Chen Jiawei raise the price so much that I only made 300 million.

I didn't know what to say at first, but when I heard Qi Xueyao again, I was instantly stunned.

How did Qi Lin know that the hosta was fake?

How can you say that you only make 300 million?

I remembered that Qi Lin said a few days ago that he was preparing a 8 billion business.

As it happens, Buzz's collection is worth 8 billion yuan.

How could there be such a coincidence?

Then it really seems like there's only one.

Buzz's collection has become a high-quality imitation, and it is definitely related to Qi Lin.

The collection of 8 billion is a number that Qi Xueyao can't even imagine.

Unable to swallow a sip of saliva, Qi Xueyao asked in a voice that can only be heard by Qi Lin: "Husband, did you do the thing that Buzz and Buzz's collections were all turned into fakes?

Seeing Qi Xueyao's nervous and expectant expression, Qi Lin smiled lightly.

Since this girl has already guessed it, there is no need to hide it from her.

"As you can imagine, I did it, and more than 1,000 collections are really in my hands.

"Didn't you always want to get rid of me? Tell the police about it, and I'll be jailed for life."

Qi Lin leaned into Qi Xueyao's ear and said with a light smile.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Qi Xueyao's beautiful eyes flashed with panic, and then she leaned her little head against Qi Lin's arms and smiled bitterly: "What nonsense, how can I harm you now that I am pregnant with your baby? From the moment you took my innocence, the two of us are destined to be intertwined forever in this life.

Speaking of this, Qi Xueyao's pretty face blushed, and she suddenly kissed Qi Lin's mouth.

"Marry a chicken, follow a chicken, marry a dog, follow a dog. Although what you have done is earth-shattering, I will not ask you right or wrong, I will only be proud of your success."

"Husband, let me take a look at the collection when I go back, okay? I remember that there are good-looking girls to clean up, so you can give me a few pieces.

Qi Xueyao's tone was coquettish.

Qi Lin is very satisfied with Qi Xueyao's changes now.

Even if what he did was downright bad, he still stood by his side without hesitation.

At this time, Qi Xueyao was worthy of being his Qi Lin's woman.

"I'll give you a few things for sure, but it's not enough in a short time. This matter is too involved. It's not good to be seen by someone who has a heart to leak it out."

Qi Lin picked up Qi Xueyao's white silk jade feet and wore small flower shoes for her.

It's time to close the net, go home and slowly bully the little wife.

"Well, I'll listen to you.

Qi Xueyao happily took her white and tender face and rubbed it on Qi Lin's neck, like a puppet cat.

Qi Lin didn't tell anyone about it, but only told her.

It feels so good to be trusted by a loved one.

at the same time.

In the exhibition hall where the remaining 700 pieces are collected.

"Boom! 35


Baz frantically pushed all the collections to the ground and fell into pieces.

After the appraisal by the appraisers, these collections are all fake, not even a single one is genuine.

"Fake! It's all fake!


"Who can tell me where the real collections that I have shipped from Gaul have gone?"


Buzz slapped the head of Christie's auction house in the face.

The man in his 40s immediately had a bright red slap print on his face.

"Didn't you bastard tell me that the security of your Christie's auction house is the most advanced in the world?"

"Then tell me how those collections all turned into fakes?"

"More than 1,000 collections! Even if it is transported, there will be a little movement, and you didn't notice it at all?"

Buzz cursed angrily.

Although the person in charge of the Christie's auction house was not a subordinate of Buzz, his face was ashen, and he had no intention of resisting.

After such a big incident, he, the president of Christie's auction house in Central China, has also come to an end, and maybe he will go to prison for taking responsibility.

Cursing can't solve the problem of the collection being repackaged.

When he thought of his miserable end after his father found out about these things, Buzz began to tremble.

"Jingle bell~"

Afraid of what to come.

There is a family eyeliner around Buzz. Just now, this eyeliner has told Buzz's father what happened at the Christie's auction house.

"Damn it! Over a thousand items that the family has treasured for a hundred years have been easily lost by you idiot.

"I tell you, from now on, your family's second-in-line heir has been deprived of your qualifications."

"This time, the family's 11 billion losses will be deducted from the shares you inherited.

"When will this collection be found, and when will you restore your heir status."

"If you can never find it, you will die in China and never come back!"

Before Buzz could explain it, his father's scolding came over the phone.

Then, the phone hangs up.

"Deducted from my shares?

Buzz's face was pale, and he slumped weakly to the ground.

As the largest construction group in the world, Wanxi Group has a market value of about 130 billion yuan.

As the second son, Buzz owns 13% of the shares, which is about 16.9 billion.

These shares are the foundation of Baz's survival. Even if he fails to compete for the heir in the future, he is still a billionaire, and he can get a lot of dividends every year.

Now his father asked him to use these shares to compensate those wealthy businessmen, which is equivalent to cutting flesh on Buzz!

But even so, Buzz had to do it.

Unless he wants to see the family's reputation go bankrupt and the consequences of being swept out of the house.

0....... ask for flowers......

"Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to tell you the unfortunate news that due to the negligence of Christie's auction house, more than 1,000 pieces of the collection have been stolen, and their whereabouts are still unknown.

"As for your hands, there are still unfinished collections in the auction house, all of which are high imitations and fakes left by the other party.

With a gloomy expression on his face, Buzz shifted the responsibility to the auction house.

"How you lost it is your own business. We also give you 10 minutes. Now it's time for you to talk about compensation."

The wealthy businessmen below said impatiently.

"Our Buzz family has been passed down for hundreds of years, based entirely on credibility, and we will definitely do what we promise you.

"VIPs who have auctioned collections can use the auction contract to leave their international bank accounts. Within three days, the compensation will be remitted to your bank card."

Buzz took a deep breath and said.

Every time a collection is auctioned, a prepared contract will be sent to the wealthy businessman. After signing the payment contract, the auction house will offer the collection.

This is to avoid the situation where the collection is auctioned but not recognized.

"It's almost there."

"Mr. Buzz, don't even think about delaying, waiting for an opportunity to escape.

"I will apply for the Huaxia government to freeze your passport and restrict all your travel, don't believe me, I have this strength.

Boss Ou also photographed three fake collections worth about 90 million.

Speaking of which, he also made a lot of money for nothing.

The turning point of this auction came so fast that Chen Jiawei was always in a state of shock.

When Buzz announced that everyone would pay double compensation, Chen Jiawei beat his hands and feet regretfully!

"It's hastily! Qi Lin bought 300 million yuan of Qianlong Emperor's royal armor! Although he has to pay the auction amount of 300 million yuan, Buzz will pay him 600 million yuan, which is nothing. Made 300 million in vain.

Take another look at yourself.

Chen Jiawei picked up the fake jade bracelet worth 2.6 million.

The compensation he could finally get was only a pitiful 2.6 million.

The most important thing is that Qi Lin's bidding price of 300 million is also credited to Chen Jiawei.

If it wasn't for him deliberately raising the price, Qi Lin might not have made so much.

Thinking of this, Chen Jiawei was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

"Baz lost so much this time, he must be going crazy."

"People are most likely to lose their minds when they are mad. At this time, go and provoke Qi Lin and frame this incident on Qi Lin. Maybe Buzz can do something crazy.

"It's better to kill Qi Lin with Buzz's hand. 95

Chen Jiawei was not reconciled that Qi Lin got such a big deal.

When he rolled his eyes, he thought of a plan.

After appeasing these wealthy businessmen, Buzz has come to the door of the monitoring room.

"Now that I think about it, the sudden disappearance of the three staff responsible for the security of the monitoring room yesterday is definitely not unusual. The disappearance of this batch of artworks definitely has something to do with them. 99

Buzz's mind suddenly became clear, and he said coldly to the person in charge of the Christie's auction house beside him.

"Mr. Buzz, I think this matter should have something to do with Qi Lin."

"The last time my fiancee was kidnapped, the 100 million ransom was gone, and Qi Lin happened to appear at the scene of the crime.

"Don't look at him, he always seems to be a fool, but the city is very deep. I don't think anyone except him can devise such a meticulous plan."

At this moment, Chen Jiawei's voice suddenly came from Buzz's ear.

Buzz is not in a good mood now, glanced at Chen Jiawei, he gritted his teeth and said, "I hope Qi Lin did it, if I find out the truth, I will definitely tear this bastard to pieces.

"Open the monitoring room, I want to see the monitoring!"

Under Buzz's order, the monitoring room, which had been locked, was opened.

ten minutes later.

"Mr. Buzz, all the storages have been taken, but they seem to have missed one."

A subordinate handed it to Buzz with a storage.

"Put it in and have a look, I hope this leftover storage can find key clues."

Buzz said coldly.

When the subordinate heard the order, he immediately inserted the storage device.

It stores 72 hours of monitoring for three days.

After dozens of times of fast-forwarding, no one noticed anything unusual.

Until a short time last night.


"This person is not a staff member of the auction house, who is he?

Baz pointed to the one who appeared on the surveillance screen, that is, Ali who was pretending to be Zhou Pojun and asked?

The moment he saw this person, Chen Jiawei seemed to have seen a ghost, and the whole person was frightened.

how is this possible?

How could his confidant Ali appear in the surveillance video?

"Mr. Buzz, this, this person looks like President Chen's bodyguard.

The person in charge of the auction house glanced at Ali behind Chen Jiawei, and stammered.


Needless to say, Buzz's eyes were already furious, staring at Chen Jiawei Wan.

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