Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

252: Midsummer's lap pillow, wrong is wrong

"Mr Buzz, I swear to God I never did anything wrong to you.

"You must know that we are allies, and I, Chen Jiawei, act aboveboard and can't do anything against allies. 35

Chen Jiawei didn't know how to explain it at this time. Seeing Baz's expression of choosing someone to kill, he immediately swore to show his innocence.

"I believe in President Chen's conduct, but I can't believe in your subordinates, maybe he will be bribed by others and work for others, even you don't know?

Buzz looked bad and clapped his hands.

"What are you doing? I'm President Chen's bodyguard, you can't just arrest me!"

Two foreigners appeared behind him. Ali wanted to resist, but when he felt the hard and cold object behind his head, he directly persuaded him.

That is, the last time he touched the car, he was held by Boss Ou's subordinate with a gun, and the second time Ali was put two guns on his head at the same time.

It can only be said that he had eight lifetimes of bad luck for the boss Chen Jiawei, or Qi Lin.

Buzz originally wanted to control even Chen Jiawei.

But after thinking about it, it was over.

First, there is no evidence of Chen Jiawei in the surveillance, so there is no direct evidence that he was involved.

Secondly, Chen Jiawei is a local snake in Jianghan, and he has to consider the consequences of taking Chen Tiansheng's anger as a Guojianglong from Gaul.

However, it is enough to catch Ali.

He appeared in the monitoring, indicating that he was a direct participant.

If he confessed to Chen Jiawei, then Buzz would have reason to trouble Chen Jiawei.

"Buzz, what do you mean? When is it my man's turn to teach you a lesson? 35

Chen Jiawei is also a wealthy and wealthy young man. When has he been humiliated like this, he asked with an ugly face.

"Lessons can't be said. Your subordinates appeared on the surveillance camera. This is the most direct evidence. I'm going to invite the police to jointly investigate. I hope you don't make me embarrassed. I lost 11 billion, unless "Seven Seven Seven" you want Take my anger."

Buzz and Chen Jiawei looked at each other with suppressed anger flashing in their eyes.

Under a small flaw deliberately revealed by Qi Lin, the alliance between Buzz and Chen Jiawei finally showed an irreparable crack.


"I didn't expect Mr. Buzz and President Chen to know each other? But what's the matter with you? It's like a cockfight and staring at each other? Could it be that Mr. Buzz's antiques were manipulated by President Chen?"

The auction was interrupted, Qi Lin walked out slowly with Qi Xueyao, and happened to meet two people in the aisle.

"Qi Lin, you'd better not talk nonsense, I, Chen Jiawei, are an upright and upright man, and it is impossible for me to do such a thing. On the contrary, it is you, who is extremely sinister. I suspect that you are the one who stole Mr. Buzz's collection.

Chen Jiawei stared at Qi Lin, gritted his teeth and said.

Qi Lin blinked: "It's a bit too bright and upright, but I still admit that a gentleman is the only one. Eunuchs are the most insidious, and it makes sense for a man who becomes an eunuch to do some insidious things, right?"

This sentence is so poisonous.

Not only uncovered Chen Jiawei's scar, but also ridiculed Chen Jiawei for being almost like a eunuch.

"Grass mud horse, Qi Lin, you are courting death!

Chen Jiawei couldn't bear it any longer after being poked at the scar, and rushed towards Qi Lin in anger, preparing to punch Qi Lin in the face.

Originally, he didn't need to do this, but who told his bodyguard Ali to be controlled by Buzz?


How dare you fight Qi Lin without a bodyguard?

Zhou Pojun stood up from Qi Lin's side and easily grabbed Chen Jiawei's neck. With a little force, he could unscrew the rich second generation's head.

Qi Lin walked to Chen Jiawei, who was suspended in mid-air, his face turned purple, patted his face, and said with a smile: "Don't think about yin and yin all day, look after your fiancée first, don't wait for your fiancée one day. When you are leaning against my arms with a big belly, you can only stand on the side and be incompetent and furious.35

After saying this, Qi Lin said to Zhou Pojun: "Pojun, let him go.

Under the watchful eyes, Qi Lin couldn't really kill Chen Jiawei.

And he still wanted to keep Chen Jiawei watching Yu Jin throw his arms around him.

"Qi Lin, Jin'er will always be my Chen Jiawei's woman, you can't succeed!

Chen Jiawei covered his neck and said angrily.

"Yes, yes, it's your woman, not your woman. I don't feel like playing."

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth twitched slightly, and after saying something that made Chen Jiawei almost vomit blood, he left.

"You can leave now, let the masters of forgery go. 99

Sitting in the back row of the Maybach, Qi Lin called Rose.

Hearing this sentence, Rose also understood that all the plans on Qi Lin's side were over.

After hanging up the phone, she wiped out all the evidence and left with her little sister.

a few hours later.

Because they couldn't hear any movement around them, a few daring masters of forgery broke free and took off their blindfolds.

When they saw that there was no one but them in the whole abandoned factory, they immediately said excitedly: "Guys, those gangsters have left, they really didn't hurt us. 99

"What do we do now? Go home and pretend nothing happened, or call the police?"

"Call the police? Are you looking for death? Not to mention whether those gangsters will retaliate against us, but to say that we participated in the fraud, and the police were the first to arrest us.

"Those gangsters gave us money, just hush money, don't hurry to find a place to hide, and call the police, are you sick?"

Immediately, these master forgers broke free from the ropes and fled in all directions, and none of them thought of calling the police.

Early the next morning.

A news that shocked the world began to radiate from China.

"Today's headline news, more than 1,000 precious collections taken from the Yuanmingyuan by the Gallic Empire a hundred years ago were auctioned at Christie's auction house. A certain group did not know what method to use. Before the auction was held, more than 1,000 pieces of collections were perfectly packaged, It was not until halfway through the auction that it was discovered by a wealthy businessman who had photographed an ancient landscape painting.35

"The estimated value of these collections is around 8 billion. Mr. Buzz is now issuing a reward order to the whole society. As long as the citizens who provide key thieves evidence help to recover this collection, he will personally provide tens of millions of cash rewards.

No matter what those people abroad think.

But at this moment, the ordinary civilians in China are overjoyed.

"Haha, which hero did this good thing? It's so heartwarming!

"Stealing my treasure of China, and now it is shamelessly shipped to China for sale, how can there be such a shameless person in this world! It's a good steal! No, it's to bring back our artworks. 99

"If anyone provides information about this hero, I will be the first to kill him and protect the hero. It is everyone's responsibility."

"Fuck you 10 million, 10 million want to get back 8 billion works of art? If you don't take 4 billion, I will give you a chicken feather. 99

Another weekend.

Lan Yuxi brought Midsummer to Qi Lin's villa to stay for two days.

At this time, Lan Yuxi and Zhongxia were like little squirrels.

Even though they had already eaten breakfast, one person was still eating a box of Haagen-Dazs ice cream.

"Husband, you are amazing, you really won glory for the country this time, and now people outside are praising you when they see the news.

"Reward you for a scoop of ice cream."

Autumn is approaching in November, and the weather is a little cold.

Lan Yuxi was also wearing a light yellow pajamas with ultra-short lantern sleeves and bloomers, and sat cross-legged on the sofa with her fair and well-proportioned slender legs.

"I won't eat it, you can eat it yourself.

Qi Lin was lying on Lan Yuxi's lap, lacking interest.

"Forget it, I'm not enough.""

Lan Yuxi puffed out her mouth and stuffed the ice cream into her moist little mouth.


But the next second, a grinning face suddenly appeared in front of her eyes and kissed her.

After a few minutes.

Qi Lin smacked his lips, and after reminiscing about the jasmine scented Haagen-Dazs, he lay down again.

"Bad husband, I hate it to death, how can you bully people like this."

Lan Yuxi smacked Qi Lin with a blushing face.

Seeing the two showing affection, Qi Xueyao, who was knitting sweaters, was used to it.

"Lan Yuxi, isn't your father a policeman? Aren't you afraid that your father will find out about this and take our eldest master away?"

When a woman is free, she will find something to do for herself.

Now Qi Xueyao is all focused on Qi Lin, so she learned to knit sweaters from Aunt Chen, and plans to add some love sweaters to Qi Lin.

Lan Yuxi snorted: "Qi Xueyao, don't stir up troubles there, my dad loves her husband the most and treats him like his own son, even if he knows about this, he will still favor Qi Lin.

"Jingle bell~"

Coincidentally, Qi Lin received a call from Lan Gang as soon as Lan Yuxi finished speaking.


Lan Yuxi may have eaten too much ice cream, and her stomach suddenly started to hurt.

She really wasn't pretending.

"Midsummer, you help me push it first, and I'll go to the bathroom.

Pulling Zhongxia, who was dressed in the same way as him, to his seat and sat down, then put Qi Lin's head on Zhongxia's fair thigh, and Lan Yuxi walked away.


Looking at Qi Lin who was facing his own eyes, Zhongxia's pretty face turned red all of a sudden.

"I-I didn't do it on purpose, it was Yuxi who pulled me over.

Midsummer hurriedly explained with a blushing face.

"I know, help me press my head."

Qi Lin glanced at Zhongxia, then answered the phone.

At home, Qi Lin is a well-deserved eldest man, and even Midsummer's rose as a mother listens to Qi Lin.

Midsummer's beautiful eyes flashed with shame, and she could only use her tender white hands to squeeze Qi Lin's temples.

"Let me tell you first, because of negligence of duty, which has caused heavy losses to foreign companies, Sun Yu, the deputy director of the Jianghan Police General Bureau, has been suspended for inspection.

Lan Gang said with a serious face.

Qi Lin said with a smile: "That's good, he is Uncle Lan's only competitor, and now he has flaws, Uncle Lan's position as the chief of the police station is a certainty.

Lan Gang couldn't help laughing and crying: "Is this what I'm talking about? I'm asking you if what happened yesterday has something to do with you? Where is the collection worth 8 billion?

There are some things that can't be said to Lan Gang...

It's not that he is afraid that he will kill his relatives righteously, but that Lai Lan Gang is too upright and can't bear the pressure in his heart, driving himself crazy.

"It has something to do with me. I also participated in Buzz's auction. As for the 8 billion collections that Uncle Lan asked about, I also want to know where it is. If I find it first, there is nothing about Buzz.

"Uncle Lan, don't you suspect that I did this? I have evidence."

"My home is under surveillance, and I'm basically at home during the period when Buzz's collections were shipped to Jianghan City. 39

Qi Lin's work will not leave flaws for others.

On the evening that he took Zhou Pojun to harvest the collection, Qi Lin had already put on his make-up in Chuchun and left it at home.

Even if the police came to suspect Qi Lin, he could have evidence to escape.

"But now there is pressure on me to find this collection within a month's deadline?"

There was a hint of helplessness in Lan Gang's voice.

Qi Lin said with a smile: "This should be for Buzz, after all, he is an international friend. Maybe the above wants to find this batch of collections, and they are living in the people. Even if you can't find them for a month, it is possible that the above really changed them. Can't you do it?"

"You are the only one left in the bureau now. 99

Lan Gang knew this himself, he just wanted to scare Qi Lin.

"Whether it's in your hands or not, you should pay attention to yourself, if you can't do it, you won't do it, let's talk about it when the limelight is over.

After reminding Qi Lin, Lan Gang shook his head and hung up the phone.

"More than 1,000 collections? How did this kid do it? With that level of security, even if the gods come, they can't do anything, right?"

There was a hint of amazement in Lan Gang's eyes.

He personally checked the security of the Christie's auction house. There are dense infrared sensors in it. As long as the glass cover protecting the artwork is damaged, it will be touched.

There are fingerprint locks on the door outside, and if the fingerprint locks do not match, poisonous gas will be released inside.

Outside the gate, there are countless surveillance cameras and countless security personnel.

But even in this case, the more than 1,000 collections disappeared mysteriously, and they were dropped by people with fakes.

Lan Gang was sure that Qi Lin must have taken away these collections, but he couldn't guess what method Qi Lin used anyway.

"It's a good thing for a son-in-law to be good, but can you stop being good in a crooked way?"

Lan Gang smiled bitterly, his head hurting even more.

at the same time.

Yan Yanjia villa lobby.

"Dalang...husband, it's time to drink pearl powder.""

Yan Yan has been using Bletilla striata powder for Li Zhou for half a month.

This morning, it was time for Li Zhou to drink Baiji powder again.

Maybe because he wanted to kill Li Zhou too desperately, Yan Yan almost called it wrong.

Fortunately, Li Zhou was far away and did not hear it.

"This pearl powder is indeed a good thing. After drinking it for half a month, I feel that my skin seems to be firmer and my whole body is more energetic.

Li Zhou put down the newspaper in his hand and took the water glass with a smile.

Hearing Li Zhou's words, Yan Yan felt a little depressed.

After drinking Bletilla striata powder, will the cerebral hemorrhage be aggravated?

Did Qi Lin get the wrong medicine?

But that's not really the case.

Bletilla striata powder can constrict blood vessels, giving people a feeling of being stretched. Can the skin feel tight?

The constricted blood vessels, combined with the thickening of the walls of the blood vessels, can clog the blood in the brain.

There is more blood supply to the brain, and it does feel a little more spiritual.

But to put it bluntly, these are all signs of returning light. When the time comes, Li Zhou should have a stroke, but he will still have a stroke.

It seems that Bletilla striata powder is looked down upon by Yan Yan.

In order to prove his efficacy to Yan Yan


Li Zhou had just finished drinking the water in his cup, and he felt dark in front of him, and the glass in his hand fell directly to the ground.

"I, I feel flustered and weak, and my eyes can't see clearly, Yaner, hurry up! Hurry up and call a personal doctor for me!""

Li Zhou slumped on the sofa and said weakly.

At this moment, a tiny blood vessel in his head finally couldn't bear the huge blood pressure and burst open.

Seeing this scene, Yan Yan was overjoyed, but he didn't dare to show it on the surface.

Because there is a babysitter in the living room.

two hours later.

Li Zhou had been sent to the room to rest by the doctor, and his personal doctor found Yan Yan.

"Mrs. Yan, after brain CT examination, we found that a tiny blood vessel ruptured in Mr. Li's brain, but fortunately it was only a tiny blood vessel rupture. After our antihypertensive treatment and auxiliary treatment with various drugs and instruments, it has been controlled. Living.""

"The risk of craniotomy is relatively high, so I won't consider doing it for the time being, but Mrs. Yan must remember that Mr. Li must not be stimulated again, otherwise his condition will only get worse."

Hearing that Li Zhou only had a slight cerebral hemorrhage, Yan Yanmei's eyes flashed with disappointment.

"Will this bleed in his brain interfere with movement? Or will it lead to paralysis?"

Yan Yan asked pretending to be concerned.

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