Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

253: The Immortal Wife Next Door Is Exciting

If Li Zhou is paralyzed in bed, his mouth is slanted and his eyes are slanted, and he cannot take care of himself, Yan Yan will no longer be dormant, and will directly let Qi Lin start and defraud Li Jiaming of 35% of the shares.

In addition, the two already own 20% of Huamei Zixin's shares, so they can directly hold a board of directors and control the company.

Facing Yan Yan's question, the doctor smiled and said, "Don't worry, madam, it's just a slight cerebral hemorrhage. After our full-scale treatment, the impact has been minimized, and it won't affect Mr. Li's activities, let alone let it go. Mr. Lee is paralyzed. 99

Hearing what the doctor in charge of Li Zhou said, Yan Yan really wanted Bang Bang to give him two punches.

Grandma is a jerk. She finally caused Li Zhou to have a brain hemorrhage again, and these doctors pulled him back from the gate of hell. Isn't this causing trouble?

"But it doesn't matter. The doctor said that Li Zhou should not have any more emotional fluctuations. If he finds a way to stimulate Li Zhou and make his blood vessels burst further, he can still achieve the ultimate goal."

Yan Yanmei's eyes flashed with a hint of coldness.

Ever since he knew that his parents were killed by Li Zhou, the once gentle and kind Yan Yan has completely died, and he was replaced by a strong devil who would do anything for revenge.

"If I trouble Dr. Chen, then I trouble you to take good care of my husband."

Yan Yan said politely.

"Madam, don't be polite, since I have taken the money, I must do my best to heal Mr. Li.

With a faint smile, Dr. Chen turned around and went back to discuss Li Zhou's follow-up treatment plan with the team.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, with slender legs folded, her thin and delicate complexion stockings and jade feet up, Yan Yan's beautiful eyes pondered, thinking about the next plan.

"The four hospitals of Huamei Zixin are already in the hands of Qi Lin and I. To be on the safe side, it is best to take the fifth hospital with a controlling stake of 25%. After all, I don't know if I can deceive Li Jiaming's 35% of the shares. .

"Although Li Zhou can stimulate him to be paralyzed, but after he falls, there is another Li Jiaming. It is best to solve this father and son together, and never have future troubles."

Thinking of this, Yan Yan went upstairs to change into a dress and drove to Huamei Zixin headquarters.

After arriving at the office, Yan Yan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and called Qi Lin.

"Little Lin, Li Zhou passed out of a coma from a brain hemorrhage just now, but this old thief is lucky, he has been rescued by the doctor and is out of danger, and is now in a coma.

"I have already asked Dr. 07 just now. He said that Li Zhou only had a slight cerebral hemorrhage. After he wakes up, it will not affect his movements, nor will he be paralyzed. I want to ask you what we should do next?"

Yan Yan asked in a soft young woman's voice.

"No paralysis? Of course, it is to speed up the acquisition of the director of the fifth hospital. There is no need to close the remaining two directors. 25% of the shares, plus the 35% in Li Jiaming's hands. You can be sure of winning.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Yan Yan's beautiful eyes flashed with a smile, because Qi Lin thought similar to hers.

"I have already investigated the information on the director of the fifth hospital. Come over to Huamei Zixin and take a look, and then we will discuss how to conquer him."5

Yan developed an invitation.

Qi Lin also hadn't seen this temperamental young woman, Li Zhou's sweet wife, for a few days, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly and he said, "I'll come over right away, I'll give you a surprise later.

"Husband, are you also busy with business this Saturday?"

Lan Yuxi had already come out of the bathroom. Seeing that Qi Lin was about to go out, she pouted and said.

"If I don't work hard, how can I raise you little babies?

"Didn't I already give you pocket money? You and Xueyao, Rose, and Si Ling can play the five-star card I taught you to play last time!

"For the time being, I went elsewhere. Chen Jiawei and Buzz have been looking for people for the past two days. Just in case, you guys will play at home this weekend."5

After finishing speaking, Qi Lin waved to Lin Dong again: "Little Sister Lin Dong, come here, my brother will take you out to play something exciting.

Qi Lin's tone was too like an unscrupulous young man. A shy flash of shyness flashed through the beautiful eyes of Winter who was eating apples, and immediately hid behind Rose.

"Qi Lin, you want to play something exciting, I'll accompany you out. Winter is too young to be suitable for any messy occasions."

Rose thought Qi Lin was going to bully Lin Dong, and immediately protected the 'daughter' behind him.

Qi Lin touched his nose and said with a smile: "Just kidding, I'm going to take Lin Dong to see Mrs. Qi, who she will protect in the future, is this okay? 35


"If you say serious things, say serious things, and there is no right thing to do all day."

Rose Meimei rolled her eyes at Qi Lin, then pulled Lin Dong in front of her and met her eyes: "If this guy bullies you, you will call me, if it is really delegated work, you have to be more serious. Don't betray the trust of your boss, you know?"

As the youngest sister trained by Rose, Lin Dong is leaving everyone for the first time to work alone, and her beautiful eyes flashed with panic.

But seeing Rose's encouragement, she finally nodded: "Big sister, I won't let you down.

Qi Lin left with Lin Dong.

The mahjong stall at home is on the rise.

Lan Yuxi shouted at everyone.

"Come, come, play mahjong, the old rules, hard 10 yuan, count 456, the front door, the car, the newspaper and everything."

Qi Xueyao, who was knitting a sweater, glanced at Lan Yuxi: "Senior high school student, you are so addicted to mahjong, I don't play, I still want to knit a sweater."

Hearing Qi Xueyao mocking herself again, Lan Yuxi laughed and said: "Someone graduated from China University of Science and Technology, and he is not good at mahjong skills. If you can't beat me, forget it, even Si Ling can't beat me. Seeing that you are stingy, you are not willing to give up that little pocket money.""

Qi Xueyao raised her eyebrows: "Be careful when you speak, what do you mean I can't bear pocket money? My three companies have 8 million cash in hand, which is much richer than someone with 100,000 fixed pocket money.

Lan Yuxi didn't care about Qi Xueyao's ridicule, and smiled lightly: "Come here if you can't bear it, let me see if you really have so much money."

At this moment, Rose got up and pulled Qi Xueyao with a smile: "Xueyao, I heard that playing mahjong is good for developing the baby's brain. Anyway, it's boring, so let's play."

Qi Xueyao was helplessly pulled to the mahjong table: "Sister Rose, why do you care about my money?"

Rose blushed: "Don't I have an orphanage and a big family to support, they are all my own sisters, what does it matter if you lose to me?"5

Qi Xueyao smiled wryly.

It seems that she is recognized for playing mahjong dishes.

However, Qi Xueyao grasped the loophole in Rose's words, she blinked her beautiful big eyes and joked to Rose: "Sister Rose, you said just now that you are all your own sisters, when did you fall in love with Qi Lin?

"Hey! Qi Xueyao, can you please stop the words? I mean that our sisters have a good relationship, not what you understand.

A flash of shyness flashed in Rose's beautiful eyes, and she glared at Qi Xueyao.

While playing mahjong and chatting, there are early spring, midsummer and golden autumn next to help with tea, water and snacks, it is simply too comfortable.

"Sister Rose, Sister Yuxi, you, do you think I'm a fool? 35

Wang Siling has a quiet temperament and never speaks.

The two chatted, and she suddenly pushed the card embarrassedly.

"Pfft! The five stars are all blooming on the bar? Si Ling, do you want to be so ruthless? 35

Seeing Wang Siling's card clearly, the girls really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

The last time I played mahjong, Wang Siling, who seemed to be incapable of playing, said the most cowardly words and Hu's most ruthless cards.

If it wasn't for Qi Xueyao being too disheartened, maybe the three families would have to send money to Wang Siling alone.

Pushing open the door of Yan Yan's office, Qi Lin walked in with Lin Dong with beautiful eyes full of curiosity.

At this time, Yan Yan was holding a cup of coffee, standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, as if thinking about something.

The slightly curly hair is like a waterfall, and it is scattered to the waist of Yingying's small man.

Hearing the footsteps of someone walking in without pushing the door, Yan Yanmei's eyes flashed helplessly, and she slowly turned around.

Who can break into his own office so boldly and come out, Qi Lin, the little devil of the world, who else could it be?

Seeing Yan Yan turn around, Qi Lin's black eyes lit up.

Maybe because of the cold weather today, Yan Yan wore a macchiato maroon jacket with a low V-neck lining with pure white lace, which perfectly showed her 36C figure. It will be too abrupt and not too thin.

The lower body is wearing an off-white half-pleated lady's short skirt, the skirt is just half the length of the thigh.

It can bring out her long legs in a pair of thin-skinned stockings without making people feel too frivolous.

Being able to play new tricks with workplace collocation really deserves to be Mrs. Yan who has been in charge of Huamei Zixin for more than ten years.

"Whatever you look at, your eyeballs pop out. 99

Seeing Qi Lin's black eyes staring at him without blinking, Yan Yan's pretty face turned red and said with anger.

But there was a smile in her beautiful eyes.

Women are proud of those who please themselves.

If it wasn't to meet Qi Lin, why would she dress up like this?

"It's still someone else's daughter-in-law that looks good. Madam Yan hasn't seen her for a few days, so she looks more and more like a fairy wife next door."

Qi Lin was not polite, smiled and walked to Yan Yan's side, hugging her waist.

There are strangers in the office, Yan Yan's pretty face blushed slightly, avoiding Qi Lin's salty hands, and then looking at Lin Dong: "Where did you deceive this little girl? And where is the surprise you said?

Hearing Qi Lin say that Yan Yan is someone else's wife, Lin Dongmei's eyes flashed with contempt.

A cute girl who likes herself can still understand that she likes someone else's wife, what kind of special love is this?

It can only be said that when I was young, I didn't know how to be a mature woman, and I mistakenly regarded Loli as a treasure.

"It's good that this little girl can deceive. If she deceived her body, it is estimated that the head of my bodyguard will take the lead in rebelling.

"As for the surprise you mentioned. She is.

"Lin Dong, come and call Mrs. Yan Yan, and you will stay by her side to protect her in the future.

Qi Lin said to Winter Girl with a smile.

"Hello Mrs. Yan Yan."

Lin Dong follows the teachings of Sister Rose, and is very polite to the lady she will protect in the future.

"Are you sure that this little girl was sent to be my bodyguard, not that you wanted to hide her in a golden house and put her with me? 35

Looking at Bing Dong with a baby face, resembling Song Zuer, Yan Yan was a little amused.

Anticipating this for a long time, Qi Lin smiled at Lin Dong: "Show Mrs. Yan Yan a hand and tell her that girls can hold up half the sky."


Outside, Lin Dong is still very respectful to Qi Lin, the big boss who pays wages.

Just in Yan Yan's surprised eyes, Lin Dong showed her a set of fierce fighting techniques, and the last flying round kick kicked and shattered the chandelier in Yan Yan's office.

Yan Yan: "・........"

This time, she really misunderstood Qi Lin. With these sharp punches, she could quickly beat out a dozen gangsters by herself.

Thinking of this, Yan Yanmei's eyes flashed with tenderness.

Worrying about her safety, but the heart of the male bodyguard is a problem, and it is not convenient for a woman to protect her closely.

How many girls know kung fu in this world?

Qi Lin worked hard and found a close-fitting female bodyguard for her.

This alone is enough to make Yan Yan moved.

"Her name is Lin Dong, she is a child from the orphanage, although she will be your bodyguard in the future, I hope you will treat her like your own sister.

"The time she will protect you is not certain, maybe a few years, maybe ten years, so you can get along well.

These girls who came out of the orphanage have suffered a lot, and what they lack most is family affection.

Now that the orphanage is also Qi Lin's property, he naturally hopes that these girls can be treated as lovers by those who protect them, not as tools.

Yan Yan's own fate is tragic.

Hearing that Lin Dong's life experience was so tragic, a feeling of pity rose in his heart.

She took Lin Dong's little hand, took her to the sofa and sat down, and said gently: "I'll call you Dong'er in the future, you may have seen it, I'm your boss. Wife, so you will later Don't call me Mrs. Yan Yan, just call me Sister Yan Yan, and you will treat me as your own sister in the future, and I will also treat you as your own sister."

Although Lin Dong is in the orphanage, there are hundreds of sisters, but after all, everyone is suffering from the same disease and cannot take care of themselves. Everyone has lived independently since childhood.

Rose is the eldest sister and takes care of every younger sister.

But how could her love alone be able to take care of every girl.

Yan Yan's temperament is elegant and luxurious, and his status is honorable. At a glance in the winter, he will feel that he is gradually filthy, and he feels inferior.

And she was only Yan Yan's bodyguard, but she was willing to take the initiative to say what she said as her own sister.

A wisp of mist suddenly appeared in Lin Dongmei's eyes, and she almost burst into tears.

"Sister Yan Yan~"

In the end, Lin Dong still couldn't hold back the temptation of family affection, and cried out timidly.

"Okay Dong'er, you go outside to guard first, don't let others come in, or be overheard our conversation, do you know?"

Sister Yu is not only lethal to men, but also to girls.

She touched Lin Dong's hair, Lin Dong nodded obediently, and then went out to check the door.

Seeing that the two were getting along very well, Qi Lin smiled and started talking: "The fifth hospital, which hospital is it? Have you checked the other party's information?"

Seeing Qi Lin sip his coffee cup, Yan Yanmei's eyes flashed with helplessness: "The fifth hospital is Huamei Zixin Andrology Department, the director of this hospital is called Ding Jie, he himself has nothing to do wrong, But a heavy superstitious.

"Obviously I am a medical student, but every time I have an operation, I have to ask God to ask the Buddha to test the fortune before I do it.

"This may be his only weakness, Xiaolin, is there any way you can take advantage of this?""

Yan Yan used to call him Qi Lin directly.

But now the relationship between the two has come naturally, and it seems a little strange to call it that.

Let her call her husband, but Qi Lin is 15 years younger than her, which always feels weird.

So she simply called Xiaolin now, which is not only friendly, but also not too awkward.


"This is a good weakness. Ancient alchemists and warlocks, powerful people can control the life and death of emperors, Qin Shihuang, several emperors of the Ming Dynasty, were not all fooled into eating elixir and eating to death?"5

"You show me his information and figure out his travel rules and behavior, and within two or three days, I will be able to get him to hand over his shares obediently.

After Lin Dong left, Qi Lin sat next to Yan Yan, patted her folded legs, and said with a smile.

"I have already collected the information, but you kept saying that you were too busy two days ago, so I didn't bother you, you can take a look for yourself now.

Yan Yan's pretty face blushed slightly, but he acquiesced to Qi Lin's intimacy.

The two are a veritable husband and wife, and it doesn't hurt to have a quick heartbeat.

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