Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

254: Play mahjong, bet on what the clothes are

After finding out Ding Jie's home address and working hours, Qi Lin already had a complete plan in his mind.

But it's still early, Qi Lin can go home and make arrangements.

After leaving Lin Dong to Yan Yan, Qi Lin returned home in a Maybach.

"Husband, why did you come back so early? Have you had lunch?

When Qi Lin came home, the girls were quite addicted to cards and didn't leave.

"Not yet...Which one of you is more angry? How much did you win?"

Qi Lin stood behind Lan Yuxi and asked with a smile as he wrapped his arms around her fair neck.

Before Qi Xueyao and Lan Yuxi could speak, Rose said angrily: "It's not that your Siling won, this little girl always looks like she can't play, and she is more ruthless than anyone when she plays big cards. I have lost more than three thousand now.

Lan Yuxi on the side pouted, "I also lost four or five thousand."

Qi Xueyao sighed: "I knew I was here to serve as a foil, and I lost more than 8,000."

"Okay, Si Ling! I didn't expect you to be so talented at playing mahjong, why don't I invite Que Sheng to be your teacher and focus on training you? 99

Qi Lin let go of Lan Yuxi, hugged Wang Siling again, and joked.


Wang Siling is a little shy, why does this sound strange, it doesn't sound like she is complimenting her?

Aunt Chen, the mother of Chen Shuyi, has been busy decorating the new house during this time.

So lunch is left to the girls to solve by themselves.

"Brother, come and fight, I'm going to cook lunch for you.

Still Wang Siling is the best. Although he won the money, he has no poker addiction at all, so he voluntarily gave up his position to Qi Lin.

Rose said angrily: "Si Ling, you remember your brother, right? Don't we have to have lunch?

"Sister Rose, didn't I mean that~"

Wang Siling's pretty face was slightly red at the teasing of Rose, she stamped her feet, and quickly fled into the kitchen.

"Okay, I haven't played mahjong for a long time, so I'll show you a hand today.

Qi Lin pulled up his sleeves and sat down, smiling and starting to play mahjong.

"Hey? Heavenly Hu?"

Qi Lin sits in the village.

Just got the first hand of cards, the whole person was shocked.

Originally, his poker skills were not comparable to those of the girls, but now that his luck is against the sky, he still won't make them cry?

But the money from the girls was originally given by Qi Lin, and winning all their money had no meaning at all. Qi Lin rolled his eyes and had a bad idea in his heart.

"Yuxi, how about wearing a maid uniform and white silk for your husband tonight?

Qi Lin said nonchalantly, and beat Tianhu out by the way.

"Okay, as long as your husband likes it, you can wear the emperor's new clothes."

Lan Yuxi said very naturally.

As the first heroine to fall, Qi Lin is her god, as long as it is Qi Lin's request, she will not refuse.


When Rose heard this, she spit out a sip of water.

The Emperor's New Clothes?

This little couple really knows how to play.

Qi Lin has the ability to remember and remember all the cards in his heart when playing mahjong.

In other words, the card styles of Rose, Qi Xueyao, and Lan Yuxi were similar to the emperor's new clothes in his eyes.

"Yuxi, this is what your husband rewarded you.

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth twitched slightly, and he hit a four.

At first, Lan Yuxi didn't understand what it meant, but when she saw the cards in her hand clearly, her pretty face suddenly became happy.

"Bar! 95

"Qi Xueyao, put your hands down, I want to kick the four!"5

Lightly hitting Qi Xueyao's little hand, Lan Yuxi called a card at the back after taking the kong over.

"Hahaha, it's actually seven, I'm sorry everyone, it's all blooming, full, and money."

Qi Lin's feeding was too accurate, and it made Lan Yuxi go mad.

Qi Xueyao:


Rose's eyes were particularly sharp, she glanced at the card that Qi Lin had knocked down, and a hint of embarrassment suddenly appeared in her beautiful eyes: "Qi Lin, you are obviously Tianhu's card? Why do you want to play it? Is it just because Lan Yuxi is willing to do so? If you wear a maid's skirt and white silk to show you, will you feed her cards? You are too despicable to do so."

As soon as these words came out, Lan Yuxi and Qi Xueyao immediately looked at Qi Lin's card.

Sure enough, if he hadn't played the one just now, it would have been Tian Hu.

Seeing this scene, Lan Yuxi's beautiful eyes immediately gave Qi Lin a wink: "Husband, do I love you?"


Qi Xueyao pouted and said, "Husband, I'm the one who loses the most, okay, why are you only caring about feeding Lan Yuxi?"


At this moment, she really wanted to find a place to hide and cry.

It was really a wrong choice to play poker with Qi Lin.

Not to mention being fed dog food, all the money was won by their family.

"What kind of card do I want to play, that's my freedom, I was just too naive just now, I don't know that I'm a fool, can't I?

Qi Lin said in a lazy tone.

Rose was speechless about the thickness of Qi Lin's face.

"Husband, do you like the Hanfu skirt with white stockings last time? Wait, will I wear it again and step on your back?""

When Qi Xueyao called, she lightly touched the back of Qi Lin's hand.


Is this still called normal poker? It might as well be called charmed poker.

"Not bad, not bad! It tastes great! Ai Fei Xue Yao is also very good.

"Three biscuits!

Qi Lin hits a three-cake.

"Bar! 99

"I'm going to kick too!

Qi Xueyao's beautiful eyes lit up, and then she drew a card from her tail.

"Hee hee, the two sisters are embarrassed, and they are full of money, and they are full of money.

Qi Xueyao's smile was like a flower, and she stretched out her white and tender hand, full of wealth.


Two rounds!

She lost more than 3,000 yuan in two games!

How rich can she be a bodyguard? It's only 100,000 yuan a month!


This bastard family is just too bullying.

"Qi Lin!

At the beginning of the third game, halfway through the time, Rose suddenly shouted, Mei Mu stared at Qi Lin.


Qi Lin was also taken aback by the babbling rose.

"The red dress and long skin tone stockings will step on your back at the end of the game.

Rose pretty blushed blood, and suddenly said under the expressions of Qi Xueyao and Lan Yuxi holding back their laughter.

"What else did I think? 35

Qi Lin looked Rose up and down.

It's true that Rose likes to wear red dresses, but she never wears stockings.

Thinking of this, Qi Lin smiled and played a card: "Six of a kind.

"Six! I want six! I want kong! 99

Seeing this six of a kind, Rose was overjoyed, she had already drawn, and if she got a kong, she might be able to fill it up.

"Cough cough!

Just when Rose was about to take the cards, Lan Yuxi coughed while holding back a laugh, and took away the six pieces: "Sister Rose, I'm sorry, I'm all six pieces, you should wait for the next round if you want to."


"If you don't bring people who bully people like this, don't play anymore. It's not fair for your family to hit me one of three.""

Rose was so mad that she knocked down the mahjong.

"It's okay not to play, but what someone just said.

Qi Lin looked at the roses up and down.

"No, I didn't mess with it, I'm going to find your own wife.

Rose's pretty face was slightly red, and she directly denied what she just said.

"What doesn't count, I gave you the card, but you didn't grab it, and it doesn't count today. 99

Qi Lin stood up, smiled wickedly, and walked towards the rose.

"You don't have to leave me for lunch at noon, I'll go out to get some air. 99

Rose's heart throbbed.

This stepped on Qi Lin's back, and she couldn't beat the bastard. If the atmosphere was in place, she would have to pay for herself?


"Ha ha!

Qi Xueyao and Lan Yuxi smiled and leaned back, Chuchun, Midsummer, and Jinqiu also covered their mouths and snickered.

Several people watched Rose escape from the villa in a hurry and ran to take refuge.

Facing the fleeing Rose, Qi Lin didn't even go after him.

If she can escape from the monk, she cannot escape from the temple. When she returns, Qi Lin will carefully calculate the interest between the two.

"Husband, are you awake?"

When Yan Yan brought Lin Dong home for lunch, he was surprised to find that Li Zhou had woken up and was sitting on a reclining chair to play immune protein.

And Li Jiaming also came back and was with Li Zhou.

"Where have you been while I'm in a coma?"

Li Zhou's face was pale, and although there was no sign of anger, he was clearly in a bad mood.

Her husband was dying, but he woke up and found that he was not by his side.

Li Zhou was a suspicious person by nature, and he suspected that Yan Yan was hiding some secrets.

Hearing Li Zhou's question, Yan Yan's beautiful eyes flashed with shyness.

It was all because Qi Lin, the bastard, insisted on letting her sit on his lap and kissing her before he left.

Yan Yan also misses Qi Lin a little, and responds to Qi Lin's love.

The two kissed for a long time, causing her lips to be slightly swollen.

All of them stayed in the company for a while, and put a hot towel on their mouth to make themselves look normal.

But because of this, he came back late, which aroused Li Zhou's suspicion.

"The company said that the system was attacked by a virus again, and I thought it was the panda burning incense virus that made a comeback.

"Last time because of this incident, the company lost tens of millions. I was a little worried, so I went back to the company to take a look."

"I am relieved that, fortunately, it is not a panda burning incense virus, it is just some ordinary virus.

Yan Yan calmly said the reasons that had already been made up.

In the past, Yan Yan didn't think that Li Zhou's inquiry was anything but pure concern.

Now hearing Li Zhou's almost censorship inquiries, Yan Yan felt nauseated.

Even the basic human relations ability has been lost, and the desire to control is still so strong, this old thief is really a psychopath.

However, those days are coming to an end.

When she and Qi Lin take control of Huamei Zixin, she will repay Li Zhou thousands of times the repressed experience over the years.

Seeing that Yan Yan's expression was normal, Li Zhou also dispelled his doubts.

However, when he saw Lin Dong beside Yan Yan, his eyes instantly lit up.

What a beautiful girl, and a completely different temperament from Yan Yan when she was young.

When she was young, Yan Yan had a standard melon-seed face with big eyes, and she would definitely be a temperamental young woman in the future.

On the other hand, Lin Dong belongs to that kind of delicate baby face. Even if she is in her thirties or forties, she may look like a girl who has not grown, the so-called loli.

But unfortunately, Li Zhou doesn't even have the ability to touch Yan Yan. Even if Lin Dong stood in front of him, what could he do?

"`"This girl is not bad. If she can marry Jiaming, it will allow Jiaming to come out of the shadows earlier, become more mature, and take control of the company.""

Li Zhou was thinking in his heart.

Recently, he gradually realized that something was wrong with Yan Yan.

Although there is nothing unusual about Yan Yan, as an old fox who has been in the business world for decades, his sixth sense is surprisingly accurate.

Li Zhou wants to quickly train Li Jiaming to replace Yan Yan's leadership in Huamei Zixin.

"Yan'er, this little girl is...

Li Zhou glanced at Lin Dong and asked.

Yan Yan had already thought about the answer, and she smiled softly: "This is a niece of mine from afar. Some time ago, she made a special call and said she wanted to rely on me. I thought she was pitiful, so I asked her to come to the company to try it out."

"She just came to Jianghan City, and she doesn't have a place to live. She may live in a villa for a while."5

"By the way, her name is Lin Donger.

Yan Yan changed Rin Dong's name, after all, there is no Rin surname in this world.

Hearing that it was Yan Yan's distant cousin, the smile in Li Zhou's eyes grew even stronger.

No wonder she looks so beautiful, so she and Yan Yan are relatives.

"Since it's Yan'er's distant niece, don't let her go out to rent a house, anyway, there are many empty rooms in the villa, so let her live here in the future.

"Jia Ming, you and Dong'er are the same age, take care of your sister in the future and walk around a bit more, do you hear me? 99

Li Zhou said with a smile.

"Knowing Dad, I will treat Sister Dong'er as my own sister."

Since Li Jiaming fought with Qi Lin, he is now particularly disgusted by scheming people, including women.

Chen Shuyi hurt him so deeply, and Nana, who he dug up from the "city people", betrayed him again, and now Li Jiaming has negative emotions towards women.

But the moment he saw Winter, he hurriedly seemed to have fallen again.

The eyes of the girl in front of her were so pure, so pure, she seemed to be like an elf who had walked out of a paradise and was completely ignorant of the world.

He felt that his heart had been bruised and bruised, and he began to believe in love again.

"Yan'er, I'm a little tired, you push me up to have a rest, and then you go downstairs for dinner."

Li Zhou wanted to create opportunities for Li Jiaming, so he asked Yan (Zhao Qian's) to push himself up.

"The old thief is really deliberate, Xiaolin stole Shuyi, and now he wants his son to harm Donger."

"Just because of what you've done to me, you old thief should die!"

Yan Yan's beautiful eyes revealed a hint of coldness, watching this scene.

She completely trusted Dong'er, just because Li Jiaming still wanted to approach her, for fear that her bones were too hard and her face was not swollen enough.

"it is good.

Yan Yan smiled lightly and pushed Li Zhou upstairs.

Because Li Zhou's legs were not good, an indoor elevator was installed at home.

In 2002, the elevator was installed in the three-storey villa, which had to be extravagant.

After Yan Yan and Li Zhou left, Li Jiaming immediately approached Lin Dong and said enthusiastically: "Sister Dong'er, sit down and eat, where are you from? You have eaten this king crab, Cordyceps sinensis soup, and morel mushrooms. No? Can't eat I can teach you. 99

Lin Dong didn't even look at Li Jiaming, and still stood there waiting for Yan Yan to come back.

She is a bodyguard, Yan Yan did not use chopsticks, she would never use chopsticks.

As for the handsome Li Jiaming?

Feel sorry.

Lin Dong has been in an orphanage since she was a child, and she has been instilled by roses with the three views of every good thing in men, otherwise why are these girls abandoned at birth?

Therefore, Lin Dong has no good feelings for all men, even if the other person is handsome, it is useless.

As for Qi Lin·

He is the biggest exception.

Most of the eldest sisters work under him, and they help so many sisters in the orphanage and arrange jobs for them.

I heard that at the most difficult time for Sister Rose, it was Qi Lin who saved her.

The main thing, the main thing, is that he is the first man Lin Dong has had intimate contact with.

Thinking of the kiss that touched the water, Lin Dong, who was alone, would touch her lips with her delicate jade fingers, and then her pretty face was hot and quickly retracted.

Li Jiaming is introducing himself again. If he has been pleasing for a long time, Lin Dong is standing in the beautiful eyes calmly, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.

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