Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

255: Winter's soft and cute clip: he kissed me, I want him to be responsible

After sending Li Zhou to rest, Yan Yan finally went downstairs.

"Dong'er, sit down and eat.""

Yan Yan called out with a chuckle.

Yan Yan's words were much more useful than Li Jiaming's. Dong'er smiled lightly, then sat beside Yan Yan and took the initiative to help her with meals.

"I can do it myself, Dong'er, eat it yourself."

Seeing Dong'er being so sensible, Yan Yan fell in love with this girl more and more.

As a single woman, apart from her mother and Qi Lin, she has almost no relatives in this world.

Now that he has a sensible girl like his own sister by his side, Yan Yan feels that the whole person is much happier.

After eating, Yan Yan went to take a lunch break.

Li Jiaming has another chance to get along with Lin Dong.

"Dong'er, have you seen the movie? Have you been to the amusement park? It's all very interesting. How about I take you out to play? 35

Yan Yan went to rest, Lin Dong was going to stand at the door, but was stopped by Li Jiaming again.

"I'm not interested, I'm going out for a walk, please get out of the way."

Lin Dongqiao's face was expressionless, and she finally spoke.

To be honest, Lin Dong is not very suitable to be a bodyguard, because words are not deterrent.

The exit is the soft and waxy Lolita sound.

This is the purest clip sound, the kind that is not artificial at all.

Men in later generations can't bear the pure clip sound, how could Li Jiaming be able to bear it.

He shuddered instantly.

"Hey, it's okay to have a baby face, with such a soft voice and a soft voice, if you can really get married, it won't make a lot of money? A wife will never look old all her life.

"When I was chasing Chen Shuyi, I blamed me for being stupid and didn't understand that a woman's rejection meant what she wanted. If I took the initiative and held his hand and kissed her on the mouth, I would have been snatched by Qi Lin. The fate of the beloved woman?

"Dong'er is so cute, at first glance, she is the kind of girl who will hold back in her heart when she suffers a loss. This time, just take the initiative and maybe it will be a matter of course.

Thinking of this, Li Jiaming stretched out his hand and wanted to grab Dong'er's tender white hand, and said, "Dong'er, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you, can you be my girlfriend? You don't need to be my girlfriend. I'm working, and I'll give you anything you want."

Seeing the salty pig's hand stretched out by Li Jiaming, a cold light flashed in Lin Dong's beautiful eyes.

"Miss Rose is right, the men outside are all bad guys, and they dared to do something just the first time they met. Did I endure it and try to ruin my innocence?"

Winter doesn't care who Li Jiaming is.

"Crack! 99

"Oops! Ah!!!"

Lin Dong used a skillful blow to hit Li Jiaming's elbow, and Li Jiaming was directly dislocated.

Then, Lin Dong hit Li Jiaming's eye socket with another elbow.

Li Jiaming felt the darkness in front of him, he fell directly to eat shit, and lay on the ground.

The scream caught Yan Yan's attention. 780

When she came down from the upstairs, she saw Li Jiaming lying on the ground howling, how embarrassed he was.

"What happened? How did you beat Jiaming?"

Yan Yan asked Rin Dong in tears.

"He's been pestering me, I don't want to go with him, he still wants to force me, this kind of disciple should be beaten! 99

Winter's pretty face is as cold as ice.

Looking at Li Jiaming in front of him, Yan Yan was speechless.

This father and son are really exactly the same. When they see the woman they like, they will do whatever they can. If they are beaten, they can only say they deserve it.

But now Huamei Zixin is not Yan Yan's, and she has to maintain the mother-son relationship with Li Jiaming on the surface.

Yan Yan called a private doctor to give Li Jiaming his bones, while Lin Dong was brought back to his room by Yan Yan to avoid another disaster.

"Sit whatever you want, just be like your own home."

Looking at Lin Dongmei's eyes curiously looking at her luxurious and elegant room, Yan Yan said with a smile.

"I don't have a home, the orphanage is my home.

Lin Dong said lightly.

Yan Yan was stunned for a moment, then took Lin Dong's tender white hand and sat down beside the bed.

She gently stroked Lin Dong's hair: "Silly girl, there is no home now, but sooner or later you will have to get married, and then you and your husband will form your own little home.

'When you get married, my sister will prepare a dowry for you, so that you can marry beautifully, okay?""

Hearing Yan Yan's words, Lin Dong seemed to think of something, and her pretty face finally had a touch of pink.

"Sister Yan Yan, I don't want you to give me dowry, can you teach me makeup? I want to learn makeup.

Yan Yanmei looked at Lin Dong in amazement: "You want to learn makeup? But you are already very beautiful? You are born with a baby face, pure and flawless, and even Jiaming likes you, so you don't need makeup at all.

Lin Dong bit her lower lip, and her two white and tender hands pinched the corner of her clothes indiscriminately: "But I want to put on more beautiful makeup and match my dress, I don't want to be an ugly duckling forever.

Qi Lin is at home, driving several heroines every day with dresses, stockings and shoes, and Lin Dong sees them in his eyes and envies them.

She didn't think Qi Lin liked her, she was just teasing her.

What he really likes are those elegant sisters who know how to make up and match their dresses, which is also the source of winter's inferiority complex.


Qi Lin ran away after teasing him, but he didn't know what he had done to the innocent and ignorant little girl.

Yan Yan:

"Don't... do you have someone you like? 35

(ahdg) Being able to say these words, Yan Yan felt that this little girl must have someone she likes.

Fortunately, Lin Dong is simple-minded, and will not hide his thoughts when facing people he trusts.

"I don't know what I like, but I want to make up for Qi Lin.

Lin Dongmei's eyes flashed shyly and said.

Yan Yan:

She should have thought for a long time that Qi Lin could handle a married young woman like her at will, and let her sink into it.

A simple little sister like Lin Dong stayed beside him for a long time, and saw him turn his hands into clouds and rain, saw his domineering, and saw his gentleness.

Thinking of this, Yan Yan sighed in his heart: "After doing it for a long time, my sister has also become a maid, and in the end, even if she gave Dong'er dowry, it was returned to her.

"Isn't Qi Lin your boss? How could you fall in love with him?"

Yan Yan asked the curiosity in his heart.

A flash of shyness flashed in Lin Dongmei's eyes: "He kissed me forcibly and took my first kiss, and I want him to be responsible for me.

Yan Yan smiled helplessly: "In this day and age, let alone the first kiss, even if you lose your innocence, you don't have to be so serious, your boss already has so many women, I think it's just the first kiss, you don't need to let yourself fall .

Lin Dongmei and Yan Yan looked at each other: "What about you, sister Yan Yan? The boss told me that you were also taken away from your first kiss by her, and then took away your innocence. his wife?"

"Big sister told me that the strong people in this world deserve more resources. Anyway, men outside are not good things. The boss kissed me, and I don't hate him. Why can't I be like Sister Yan Yan? to be his wife?"

Yan Yan:

After the identification, this little sister has already finished brainwashing herself, and she can't be pulled ashore by herself.

"Since you want to be your boss's wife, then you can think about his confession now. You are also a beautiful woman, and you will not look worse than your sister in the future. I believe he will not reject you."

Yan Yan has given up on saving this watery cabbage.

People fell in love with Qi Lin, could she still force the two of them to be demolished?

Besides, Lin Dong has really become Qi Lin's woman, so this little girl will protect her for the rest of her life.

She can also have one more ally, so that she will not be in a weak position in Qi Lin's harem.

"I don't want to go, I don't know how to dress myself up, the sisters around the boss are beautiful, they can make up, and they can dress themselves up, I can't compare to them.

"All I have to do is learn makeup from sister Yan Yan. When I become better and more beautiful, the boss will naturally notice me."

Lin Dong said with a serious face.

Yan Yan: "・........

These words are more like ignorant young boys and girls when they are reading, but they have no courage to pursue the person they like, and can only hint to themselves that as long as they become excellent, the other party will definitely notice them.

Cute and goofy.

"Makeup is unnecessary. You have a flawless little face and a baby face. Men can't dislike it. After putting on makeup, it will take away your most shining advantages, and it will be counterproductive. 39

"Well, in the future, I will teach you how to dress and match, and how about some details that enhance the charm of girls?

Yan Yan said with a smile.

"You're talking about the details are you kissing your boss, or even sleeping?

"Can I watch from the side?"

Lin Dong has never even been in contact with the Internet or TV. His mind is like a blank piece of paper, and he only knows the most basic human ethics, so he asks a question that makes Yan Yan extremely embarrassed.

"Of course not. What's there to learn? You have to find Qi Lin yourself. That bastard knows more than anyone else."

Crushing Qi Liuhai in the winter, Yan Yan got up and walked to the closet: "I guess I won't be able to sleep during the afternoon nap, I'll match you a few dresses now, and then explain the precautions inside.

When Li Zhou woke up, he was startled by Li Jiaming beside the bed.

Li Jiaming's left arm was wrapped with a bandage, and his eyes were bruised all the time.

"Jia Ming, how did you get hurt?

Li Zhou asked with a frown.

Li Jiaming smiled bitterly and said, "I want to take my mother's niece, sister Dong'er, out to play, I just want to hold her hand, and she beats me like this.

The courtship failed, and he was beaten by KO. If it wasn't for his father, Li Jiaming would be really hard to tell.

Hearing Li Jiaming's words, Li Zhou didn't care about the fact that he was beaten, instead he focused on Donger.

"How can a delicate little girl beat a young and strong man of 1.8 meters? This is a bit unusual."5

A gleam of light flashed in Li Zhou's eyes.

"Jia Ming, did that Dong'er fight wildly, or did he know some martial arts and hurt you in a targeted manner?"

Li Zhou asked slowly.

Li Jiaming was stunned for a moment, and then said: "No, isn't it just a slap in the face? I was holding her hand very fast, and most girls couldn't react at all, but I didn't even touch Donger's little hand, she interrupted. My arm, and then a sideways elbow hit my eye socket, she seemed to have fighting skills.

"Okay, I know, you go down first.

There was a dignified look in Li Zhou's eyes, but there were some things that he couldn't talk to this stupid son, so let him go first.

Li Jiaming glanced at his father suspiciously, and then went out.

After Li Jiaming left, Li Zhou immediately called a confidant at Huamei Zixin headquarters.

"Keep an eye on Mrs. Yan Yan with me, if there is anything unusual, report it to me immediately. 35

Qi Lin didn't see any sign of Rose until after the meal in the afternoon. It seemed that the woman didn't wait until she left and didn't go home.

Anyway, there are early spring, midsummer and golden autumn at home, Qi Lin is not afraid that a few girls are in danger.

After eating, Qi Lin took Zhou Pojun and started to implement his own superstition against Ding Jie.

"It should be this route. From Huamei Zixin Men's Hospital to Ding Jie's home, this is his only route."

"I have already investigated, and there are probably three ways to set traps for him on the road.

"One is to drive into a car accident and intentionally hit him."

"The second is standing on a tall building and throwing things at him and hurting him.

"The last method is the most damaging. I noticed that when he came home, there was a septic tank under a small alley he passed by. As long as he moved his hands and feet on the manhole cover, when he stepped on it, the manhole cover would shatter." "

"The car accident is easily suspected by him to be man-made, and the uncertainty of falling objects is too great, which may delay the boss's time.

"The last method is more secure and less likely to cause Ding Jie's suspicion."

Qi Lin sat in the car smoking a cigarette and listened to the report of Zhou Pojun who came back after the inspection.

"As expected of a special forces king, this way of thinking about things is different from ordinary people, and it means a little handsome."

Qi Lin praised Zhou Pojun.

Zhou Pojun immediately touched his head embarrassedly: "I just said it casually, and I don't know if it's right or not.

"That's right, it's pretty much what I thought, okay, let's split up and act, you stay at the manhole cover, and when I call you, you can do something to the manhole cover, so as not to destroy the manhole cover in advance and let other unlucky ghosts step on it. .

Qi Lin instructed Zhou Pojun.

"I know the boss.

Zhou Pojun nodded, turned and walked into the misty drizzle.

As for Qi Lin himself, after Zhou Pojun left, he began to disguise himself.

Less than ten minutes.

A thin, yet immortal old Taoist figure appeared, holding Fuchen in his left hand and Fan in his right, quite like that.

The cloth shoes stepped on the slightly wet ground, and Qi Lin walked towards Ding Jie's only path.

eight pm.

Ding Jie left from the office of the president of Huamei Zixin Men's Hospital.

After going downstairs, he did not drive, but walked towards the house.

He once asked a Taoist priest for fortune-telling. The Taoist priest said that when he was born, he was short of soil.

Although this statement is nonsense enough, Ding Jie still believes it.

With an annual salary of one million, but never driving to and from get off work, this is a well-known thing in Huamei Zixin Andrology.

"To exorcise evil spirits and Najib, the linen clothes are divine calculations, and if there is a mistake, no penny will be taken.

When passing an overpass, Ding Jie's ear suddenly heard an extremely ethereal and ethereal voice.

At this time, the ability of god-level ventriloquism was manifested, making Qi Lin more and more like an expert outside the world.

Although Ding Jie is superstitious, he is not stupid.

Ordinary street fortune-telling, he would never take the initiative to find the other fortune-telling.

He was looking for ancient temples in the deep mountains, or the highly respected Master Zhou Yi.

Originally, he was going to pass directly by Qi Lin's side, ignoring the street liar.

However, when he heard this ethereal voice, and if there was a mistake, he would not take a penny, and his heart moved.

"This master looks immortal, and his tone is quite confident, and he dares to slogan that if there is a mistake, he will not take a penny. Could it be that this is where I meet a real master?""

Ding Jie stopped.

In Journey to the West, the Dragon King of Jinghe took the initiative to trouble Yuan Shoucheng, and Yuan Shoucheng, a legendary master of Zhouyi, had this kind of cloth fan attached to his fortune-telling.

After hesitating for a while, Ding Jie couldn't resist the temptation in his heart and walked to Qi Lin's booth.

"The Taoist priest, give me a divination.

Ding Jie said reverently and respectfully.

"I don't know what the benefactor's divination is?"

Qi Lin's ethereal voice sounded again.

Ding Jie thought for a few seconds, and then replied: "I want to test the good and the bad.

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