Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

260: Witnessing the mother's embrace of the enemy, Li Jiaming was expelled from the house

"Mr. Li Zhou was rescued last night, but he has been brought back to the villa by Mr. Yan to recuperate, and he is not here."

Li Jiaming listened to Ah Tao's suggestion and went to the hospital immediately.

But the news from the hospital surprised him.

"What's the matter with you! The problem of cerebral hemorrhage is not treated in the hospital, how can I let my mother take it home? You are irresponsible for my father's life!"

Li Jiaming said angrily.

Last night, Li Zhou's attending doctor looked at Li Jiaming in front of him, and his eyes flashed with contempt.

Li Jiaming is not Mr. Yan's personal affair, as everyone knows.

Now that Mr. Yan has completely controlled Huamei Zixin, what is he, Li Jiaming, who dares to point fingers at him.

I'm afraid that when Mr. Yan starts, the next person to clean up will be this son.

"I'm sorry, but Mr. Yan is now the chairman and general manager of the company. I will only listen to her in all matters related to Huamei Zixin. 99

Leaving this sentence, the attending doctor ignored Li Jiaming and turned to leave.

Hearing the doctor's words, Li Jiaming noticed something was wrong.

Huamei Zixin's general manager and chairman has always been Li Zhou, but now it has become Yan Yan inexplicably. Could it be that she has really betrayed her father?

But why is this?

"Difficult, could it be that my mother already knows the truth of what happened back then?"

Regardless of the truth, Li Jiaming felt that he had to go back to the villa to see his father.

Now all his shares have been transferred to Yan Yan.

That is to say, once his bank card is cut off, he will be reduced from a wealthy second generation to a penniless poor man.

Thinking of this, Li Jiaming's face became even paler, he quickly turned around and went downstairs, and immediately rushed to the villa with Ah Tao.

Li Jiaming never imagined that once he could go in and out of his own villa like drinking water at will, but now it is as difficult to enter the sky.

After knocking on the door for a long time, no one answered, and when the door finally opened, it blocked a tall and burly man in a suit.

"Who are you and why are you in my villa?"

Li Jiaming didn't know Zhou Pojun at all. Looking at Zhou Pojun in front of him, he asked in shock and anger.

"I'm the bodyguard of the owner of this villa. Who are you? You can trespass into other people's villas at will."

Zhou Pojun asked indifferently.


Hearing Zhou Pojun's words, Li Jiaming vomited blood in anger.

When will he go back to his home without the consent of others?

Not wanting to talk nonsense with Zhou Pojun anymore, Li Jiaming ordered A Tao: "Uncle Tao, throw these 783 bastards out to me!

Ah Tao nodded and then directly shot at Zhou Pojun.

But just after the fight, Ah Tao's expression changed drastically.

Behind him, he was barely on par with Lin Dong, and he was fighting against the special forces kings like Zhou Pojun. Isn't he delivering food?

"Jia Ming, I will try my best to help you stop him, you hurry in! 39

He gritted his teeth and said with a hard support.

"Oh! Oh! Well, I'll go in right away!

Seeing that Uncle Atao, who he had always regarded as an idol, was not Zhou Pojun's opponent, Li Jiaming panicked, and quickly bypassed the two and ran towards the villa.

The moment when Li Jiaming's back disappeared.

A smile flashed across Zhou Pojun's eyes, and he stopped playing.


Ah Tao was kicked in the ribs by Zhou Pojun, flew out a few meters, lay on the ground, and was seriously injured.

"Do you think you can really stop my move? If the boss didn't want to let Li Jiaming in on purpose, even a fly wouldn't even want to fly in today."

Said sarcastically, Zhou Pojun walked towards the backyard like a dead dog.

And the door of the villa slowly closed again.

As soon as he entered the resplendent hall, Li Jiaming saw Yan Yan who was wearing a nightdress, with jet-black hair draped over his fragrant shoulders, sitting on the sofa with a cup of coffee sipping.

"Mom, why did you bring Dad back, he has such a serious cerebral hemorrhage, wouldn't it be better to stay in the hospital?

After all, she is a mother for more than ten years, and Yan Yan is strict with Li Jiaming. Even if she knows that she has had a conflict with Li Zhou, she does not dare to be too presumptuous.

"I think home is good, and home is good. Is it your turn to intervene in this matter?"

Yan Yan's beautiful eyes glanced at Li Jiaming, without a trace of affection for him.

The old thief's son is a little beast, and he knew the real resemblance later, and he was in a relationship with his father, which is definitely not a good thing.

A glance at Yan Yan's faint beautiful eyes, Li Jiaming immediately persuaded.

However, he did not forget the purpose of his coming here: "Mom, since you have decided on this matter, I have no right to say anything, but I want to see Dad now. 99

After speaking, Li Jiaming walked towards the second floor.

But before taking a few steps, Li Jiaming stepped back step by step, with a look of horror on his face.

I saw Lin Dong standing there on the spiral staircase, looking at him coldly.

Thinking of his still unhealed arm and the dull aching eye socket, how could he dare to force it.

"Mom, you let your niece let me go, I'm going up to see Dad. 55

Li Jiaming swallowed and said.

Yan Yan's beautiful eyes were flat: "Your father has not yet recovered from his illness and needs to rest, and no one can see him without my consent.

Li Jiaming still wants to say something.


There was a flushing sound in the bathroom on the first floor.

"Who? Who's in my house?

The bathroom on the first floor can only be used by people in my own family. Yan Yan is sitting on the sofa, and Li Zhou is still lying on the bed. Who can be in the bathroom at this time?

Qi Lin opened the bathroom, wore Li Zhou's nightgown, and walked out lazily.

Of course, this is the new nightgown from Li Zhou's cabinet.

"Yo, isn't this Brother Jiaming? Why are you here so early as a guest? Wife, have you entertained the guests well?"

Qi Lin walked over to Yan Yan and sat down, hugging Yan Yan's waist very rudely.

When Li Jiaming saw this scene, his eyes popped out.

He never expected that Qi Lin would appear in his home, and he was so close to his mother.

Originally, Li Jiaming thought it was a conflict within his family, no matter how much trouble he made, he was still Yan Yan's son, and Yan Yan would not do anything to him in terms of the mother-son relationship.

But seeing Yan Yan gently feeding Qi Lin a grape, he felt the darkness before his eyes and the feeling that the sky was falling.

"Why are you here, you bastard?"

Almost gritted his teeth, Li Jiaming pointed at Qi Lin.

Still feeling not enough, he asked Yan Yan angrily: "Mom, are you worthy of my dad? He was rescued from a cerebral hemorrhage, and you and other men are unclear, do you still have any conscience?

Hearing Li Jiaming's rebuke, Yan Yan's expression was indifferent: "Is there a sentence of conscience, you shouldn't ask me, but your dad. Besides, your dad has been paralyzed for life. I'm going to be a widow for the rest of my life? I didn't divorce your father, I'm just looking for a lover, do you need to make a fuss?"

Of course, it is impossible for Yan Yan to divorce Li Zhou. Once the two divorce, many of Li Zhou's properties will be unconditionally transferred to Li Jiaming's name.

She wants to continue to occupy the identity of Li Zhou's wife, cuckold him, and even transfer all his property to Qi Lin without leaving a cent.

This is the resentment of a woman who has been deceived and hurt.

Therefore, there is a saying in the ancients that only villains and women are difficult to raise.

"You! You! Yan Yan, you have no shame!

"Qi Lin, this is my home, get out of here! If you don't get me out, I'll call the police!

Li Jiaming cursed angrily.

"Speaking disrespectfully to your mother is regarded as disrespectful, Zhou Pojun.""

Yan Yan's beautiful eyes flashed a chill, and she shouted to Zhou Pojun in the courtyard.


Zhou Pojun, who had finished dealing with Ah Tao, walked in and bowed slightly.

"Reward him with a hundred canes, and let him remember his lesson. 35

Yan Yan said lightly.

Zhou Pojun nodded and walked towards Li Jiaming.

At this time, Li Jiaming was lonely and helpless, with horror in his eyes, he stepped back again and again: "What do you want to do? Yan Yan, you colluded with outsiders to occupy the property of the Li family, and you want to harm me, you will definitely be punished!

"How dare you talk hard? Zhou Pojun, take the point.

Yan Yan's eyes were indifferent.

Li Jiaming did not want to get down.


Zhou Pojun kicked at the crook of his leg, and he fell down screaming in agony.

"Crack! 35

Then, one after another, the sound of rattan being drawn on the meat sounded continuously.

Compared with the physical pain, what Li Jiaming felt the most shameful at this time was the spiritual pain.

Since adulthood, he has not been used family law again.

But now, in front of the enemy (ahdg) he hated the most, he was stripped of his pants and beaten to death with a rattan.

As long as he has the ability to resist, he must hit the wall to death now.

"Qi Lin, are you worthy of Shuyi? It's fine if you stole my beloved, and now you are still bewitching my mother, you bastard can't die! 99

Li Jiaming's tears and snot came out, but he still did not forget to stare at Qi Lin with malicious eyes.

"It's not a good habit to complain about others. Li Jiaming, I don't believe you didn't care about your young and beautiful stepmother. You want to wait for your father to die and bring her beauty back."

"It's a pity that you are not as capable as I am, so in the end not only even your beloved betrayed you, but now even your mother has become my woman."

While admiring Li Jiaming's embarrassed appearance, Qi Lin sat on his lap with Yan Yan with a pretty blushing face.

After all, he was a stepson who had been with him for more than ten years, and it was quite embarrassing to be bullied by Qi Lin in front of him.

But Qi Lin gave Qi Lin a sullen look, but let him be the special one.

Li Jiaming and Li Zhou are guilty of serious crimes, which can make the father and son suffer a bit, and make them suffer even more.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Li Jiaming's eyes flashed with pain.

Whoever said that he had no idea about Yan Yan, Yan Yan's temperament is graceful and luxurious, and the beauty is indescribable.

Once let him fall in love, the first person to fall in love with was his stepmother Yan Yan.

But it's a pity that Yan Yan is his father's woman, no matter how daring he is, he will not dare to surpass Yan Yan's mind.

But what about now?

The woman he had fantasized about when he was young is now lying in Qi Lin's arms, letting him handle it. This feeling makes his life worse than death.

Especially seeing Qi Lin hugging Yan Yan and kissing him directly, and Yan Yan's expression of happiness and intoxication, Li Jiaming bit out the blood from his mouth.

After the 100 lashes, Zhou Pojun also let go of Li Jiaming, who was dripping with blood on his buttocks.

At this time, Yan Yan also blushed pretty, and elegantly took out a tissue to wipe the corner of his mouth, and also wiped it for Qi Lin.

With lipstick all over his face, this guy is really annoying.

"You are rude to your mother, I will now punish you to drive you out of the house, cut off your bank card, and let you come back when you know you have repented.

It is worthy of being the Queen of Yan Yan, who drove Li Jiaming out of the house and said so fresh and refined.

"Yan Yan, Qi Lin, don't think I don't know what you are thinking, you just dare not let me see my dad, for fear that my dad will make a will and transfer his shares to me!"

"I tell you, even if you drive me out, I will never be afraid of you?"

"You can kill my dad if you want. I'm his only son. If he dies, his shares can only be my turn, not your son and daughter!"

Li Jiaming was ruined by Qi Lin, how much Yan Yan hates Li Zhou, how much Li Jiaming hates Qi Lin now.

It's a pity that Yan Yan has the help of Qi Lin, the villain of destiny, but Li Jiaming's aura of the protagonist has been exhausted.

His only end now is to become a beggar and become a beggar, watching Qi Lin occupy his home, his sweetheart, his mother, spend the rest of his life in pain and despair.

"Jia Ming, actually I don't want to make things so stiff. Look, now your mother is my woman, then I am your father according to my seniority. As long as you call me father, I will not be difficult for you. , how about continuing to let you live in the villa?"

Qi Lin said with a smile.

But does he really think so?

of course not.

He was just playing with Li Jiaming, the mouse. Even if he called, Qi Lin would let Zhou Pojun throw him out.

When Li Jiaming heard Qi Lin's words, his face became angry.

However, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind immediately: "This stupid dog really regards himself as the villain in the TV series, and dares to play with me? Isn't it just called Dad? Just let me stay in the villa , I will have the opportunity to meet my dad and get the shares at that time. Even if I can't fight against Qi Lin, I can live the next life without worries.

Ah Dou, who really couldn't help it, the first thing he did to get the shares was to stay away from Qi Lin and live the rest of his life comfortably.

"As long as you don't hurt my dad and treat my mom well, I'm willing to call you dad.

Li Jiaming hesitated and said.

"Then what is your name?

Qi Lin should look at Li Jiaming with interest.

This kid is quite enduring, actually playing the trick.

Let him think, who was the last time he tried his hardest?

Wang Cheng, right?

The result? This fellow has now become a darling man who sells skin swallows through and through, sinking into it.


Li Jiaming almost endured the raging anger in his heart and shouted.

"Hahaha! This dad's shout is nice, but I can't give birth to a bad boy like you, so you should listen to your mother and go out and wander for a while.

"Po Jun, throw him out to me first!"

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Li Jiaming's Qi Qiao was so angry that he almost spurted blood on the spot at a glance with his father.

"Qi Lin, if you don't keep your promise, you won't die, I will definitely come back and smash your corpse into pieces.

Li Jiaming's scolding turned out to be farther away, until he disappeared in the villa.

If you can get revenge by swearing, what else do you need to control weapons for?

Li Jiaming, a rich second-generation who knows nothing and has his bank card cut off, Qi Lin is looking forward to his sleepless life under the flyover.

As for him looking for a job?

Let’s take a look at Su Can in Su Qi’er, the champion of martial arts.

It's good to eat dog food.

"Mrs Yan, should we deal with that Ah Tao first, or should we go up and see Li Zhou first?

After Li Jiaming was thrown out, Qi Lin asked Yan Yan with a smile.

Yan Yan's beautiful eyes flashed coldly: "Of course, I'll go see the old thief in Li Zhou first, he woke up last night and must have been waiting for us for a long time.

Listening to the voice from last night, Li Zhou fainted from anger and woke up, fainted and woke up, reincarnating in endless pain.

Until finally passed out completely.

After sleeping for a few hours, Li Zhou finally woke up in a daze, only to see two people beside his bed that he hated deeply.

"Slut! You slut! I will kill you, I will kill you!"

Li Zhou beat and scolded frantically.

It's a pity that he has been paralyzed all over, and he has to squeeze out word by word even when he speaks.

"Zizhui, this look is really pitiful, but it looks a bit like the unlucky emperor in Zhen Huan's biography.""

Seeing the miserable Li Zhou, Qi Lin said with a smile.

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