Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

261: Li Zhou wakes up, Yan Yan: Qi Lin's baby and I will inherit all your property

"The Legend of Zhen Huan? What is this?"

Yan Yanmei froze for a moment and asked curiously.

Qi Lin smiled and said, "It's nothing, you'll understand after more than ten years.

Bai Yan glanced at Qi Lin, who was chattering, and Yan Yan looked at Li Zhou, and said lightly: "Your son Li Jiaming came here just now, but after being beaten, he threw it out again."5

"He lost his shares, and now I have cut off his bank card, and I don't know if he will starve to death outside.

"By the way, Ah Tao, who you still had hope for, has also been disabled and thrown in the back garden, waiting for me to deal with it. Now you have no chance of turning the tables."

Hear what Yan Yan said.

Li Zhou's old face was full of despair: "You, you poisonous woman, the tiger's poison still does not eat children, Jiaming has respected you as his biological mother for more than ten years, yet you treat him like this! 39

Yan Yan smiled coldly: "Don't be funny, he's not my biological son, he's just an evil hand left by you old thief!"

"Obviously knowing what you have done, and hiding it from me, he deserves it just like you."

Speaking of this, Yan Yan's beautiful eyes flashed a touch of tenderness, Bai Nen's little hands took the initiative to interlock with Qi Lin's fingers, and her moist little mouth kissed Qi Lin's mouth: "This villa will be my and Qi Lin's home from now on. , I will give birth to a lovely baby for him, and then inherit all your property from this lovely baby, this is my child.

Speaking of this, Yan Yan blinked his beautiful big eyes at Li Zhou: "After listening to this, do you feel very moved?"



Li Zhou spat out a mouthful of blood again on the spot.

Fortunately, it was the blood that accumulated in his internal organs yesterday. After it was sprayed out, it allowed him to live a little longer.

"You, you are so cruel, this is my property, the property of my Li family, Jia Ming will find a way to get it back, and will never let you and this little beast succeed! 99

Li Zhou cursed at the two of them.

Yan Yan smiled lightly: "Just rely on your trash son? Let's talk about how to support himself first."

"Okay, I don't want to see your disgusting old face anymore, don't worry, I won't kill you, I will always let the doctor take good care of you, and hang your bad life, I will let you Look at your wife, how you give birth to someone else's baby, how you take all your property, and let you see how your own son fends for himself."

After finishing speaking, Yan Yan took Qi Lin's arm and smiled and said, "Husband, we didn't have any protection measures last night, so we should be able to conceive, right?"

Qi Lin smiled and pinched Yan Yan's face: "Aren't you checking your body all the time? The doctor said that your physical condition is very good, and there will be no difficulty in getting pregnant, so let's wait patiently for the baby to come. Bar.""

Watching the two leave the room, the door was closed again, the dim room was like his next fate, and there was no hope in sight.

"Poison woman! Slut! You must die! You must die!"

Li Zhou yelled wildly.

What he heard yesterday was true, all true!

The two were actually in Yan Yan's boudoir, in the room opposite him.

How dare this dog man and woman!

"I'm sorry boss, I didn't watch that Tao.

When Qi Lin and Yan Yan went downstairs, Zhou Pojun said to them with a guilty face.

"What? Let this Tao run away?"

Qi Lin asked with a frown.

Zhou Pojun smiled wryly and shook his head: "That's not true, it's just that while I was leaving, he used his last strength to pull up a sharp stone from the lawn and inserted it into the aorta of his neck to commit suicide.

Hearing this, Qi Lin's black eyes returned to calm, and he said lightly: "It's a cheap piece of shit, I've been a running dog of Li Zhou for decades, and I don't know how many dirty things I've done. His skin can be regarded as sorry for what he has done."

Yan Yan comforted Qi Lin with this matter: "Xiao Lin, death is like a lamp, he deserves it, and my anger has eased a little, so don't be angry.

Qi Lin nodded, turned to Yan Yan and said, "I'm worried that Li Zhou still has lust here, so I'm going to send four more bodyguards to help you. Wood, if you need me, call me though.

Li Zhou has been completely defeated, but Yan Yan has become reliant on Qi Lin, especially after the two became intimate yesterday.

"Xiao Lin, when will you come over again? It's too monotonous for me to live alone in such a big villa."

Yan Yan said with a blushing face.

"Except for the medical room where Li Zhou lives in this villa, the other rooms, including the living room, Li Zhou and Li Jiaming have used all the furniture and furniture. In the future, this will be the love nest of the two of us. Anyway, this is not far from my home, as long as there are I'll come and see you when I get a chance.

Qi Lin smiled at Yan Yan.

Hearing Qi Lin's promise, Yan Yan nodded gently: "I'll have someone change it later. In the future, there will only be one man's stuff in this family."

Men love to hear women's love words as well.

Looking at the gentle little wife in front of him, Qi Lin leaned in and kissed.


Yan Yanmei closed her eyes tremblingly, stood on tiptoe, raised her pink heels, hugged Qi Lin's neck, and responded to her lover.

In an old community, a house with two bedrooms and one living room on the fourth floor.

"Mom, the food at home has already been bought. Unless I come back at night, don't open the door when anyone comes, you know?"

Yu Jin told her mother Lin Yun.

Yu Zhen was sentenced to life imprisonment, but his debts did not disappear.

The material dealers and suppliers who were tricked by him all put the debt on Yu Jin's mother and daughter.

Although the two have been hiding well, people still come to the door every day to threaten and abuse, and ask the mother and daughter to repay the money.

Yu Jin had to repay Chen Jiawei's 10 million yuan, and he had to take care of the food, drink and clothing of the mother and daughter, so how could there be any extra money to pay back to these people.

Therefore, she can only maintain her current life with difficulty, and if she can avoid a debt, she will avoid a debt.

Two days have passed since the auction for the drive.

At first, Yu Jin thought that Qi Lin would come over, but her heart kept pounding, and it was easy to think wildly.

But two days later, she didn't even see Qi Lin's shadow.

"Why should I care so much about whether this bastard Qi Lin will come? Wouldn't it be better if he didn't come to me?

Yu Jin smiled wryly and shook his head, wearing high-grade grey slim fit suit pants, his black silk feet stepped into the high heels, and then hooked his index finger to the heel of the shoe.

After getting dressed, he left the house.

good guy.

Black silk in trousers.

If Qi Lin saw it, maybe Yu Jin would make a big snarl with a blushing face.

It wasn't long before Yu Jin left.

"Bang bang bang!"

Lin Yun heard a loud knock on the door from outside.

"Who? Who?"

She asked in a panic.

"Yu Jin! Lin Yun! I know you are at home! If you have money to rent a house, why don't you have the money to pay off your debts? Do you think that the old thing Yu Zhen is in jail, so you don't have to pay back the money your family owes us?

"Open the door! If you don't open the door, I will force your way!"

"The goods that Yu Zhen sold to me were all made of dead pork, and now I can't sell any of them, and I have suffered heavy losses, so I will refund the money! Hurry up and give me my money back!

The debt collectors outside were not one or two waves, but seven or eight people, three or four, making a lot of noise.

Lin Yun is a wealthy wife with fine clothes and food. When others see her, she is either flattering or respectful. When has she encountered such a battle?

Especially her daughter Yu Jin was gone, her beautiful eyes turned red, and she was so frightened that she started to cry.

Fortunately, Lin Yun wasn't stupid. No matter how people outside knocked on the door, threatened or cursed, she just curled up in the corner, sobbing softly, not opening the door.

Just because he was afraid that bad people would force his way in, after renting the house, Yu Jin had someone install a heavy iron door.

It can also be locked three or four times inside.

If people outside do not bring the cutting machine, it is estimated that they will not be able to get in.

"Hey, hey, who are you? Don't you know that the debtors will come first? What team are you in!?

Suddenly, seven or eight people outside were crowded into pieces, and all were pushed aside.

All they saw was a tall, muscular man standing in front of the door, leading the way for a lazy-looking young man with one hand in his trouser pocket.

"Debt? Yu Jin, she is all mine, have you asked her for a debt with my consent?

Qi Lin smiled lightly, and before these people understood what they meant, he instructed Zhou Pojun: "Throw these people out to me. If anyone dares to come here in the future, they will directly break their legs."5

"Yes, boss.

Zhou Pojun nodded slightly.

"Ah! 35


"Brother, I was wrong, don't throw me away!

In the next second, Zhou Pojun threw all the seven or eight people down the stairway and fell to the point of crying.

But everyone dared to come back and trouble Qi Lin, got up and hurriedly ran away.

The stairway finally quieted down, and Qi Lin knocked on the door: "Sister Yu Jin, I drove all the bad guys away, I'm here to save you, open the door quickly.

If Yu Jin was at home at this time, he would definitely give Qi Lin a coquettish glance.

What a bad guy, you bastard is the biggest bad guy.

inside the house.

Hearing Qi Lin's voice, Lin Yun was stunned and stopped sobbing.

Yu Zhen and Qi Feng had known each other since they were young, and the two became close friends. Lin Yun watched Qi Lin grow up when she was a child, and she often hugged him, so how could they not know each other.

Lin Yun quickly got up and glanced out at the cat's eye. When she was sure it was Qi Lin, she opened the door in surprise.

After all, she still didn't listen to Yu Jin, and didn't open the door to anyone except when she went home.

"Xiao Lin, how did you find this place?"

After Qi Lin entered the door, Lin Yun wiped the tears from Qiao's face and asked embarrassedly.

"I asked sister Yu Jin's colleagues, and they told me.

Qi Lin looked at Lin Yun in front of him and said casually.

Yu Jin just changed his address, not his workplace. Qi Lin asked Kun Kun to inquire about Yu Jin's address long ago.

It's just that these two days are the closing stage for Li Zhou, and I haven't had time to come here.

"It seems that this mother and daughter have had a really unsatisfactory life. In the past, Lin Yun always had a sapphire necklace between her delicate collarbone, beautiful earrings hung on her delicate earlobes, and jade bracelets on her white and slender wrists. Now these Everything is gone.35

0....... ask for flowers...

"In the past, she also liked to dress up, either wearing luxurious long skirts, or tens of thousands of dresses and expensive bags, but now she wears tens of pieces of coarse linen clothes, and the standard of living has also regressed too seriously.

"The so-called transition from thrift to extravagance is easy, and from extravagance to frugality is difficult. Lin Yun, who is used to living a life of fine clothes and jade, must have had a very hard time."

Qi Lin touched his chin and thought to himself.

If Lin Yun knew what Qi Lin was thinking, she would definitely be ashamed and angry.

This kid has remembered her dress so clearly since he was a child, and looked around everywhere. Does this make her an elder?

"Aunt Yun, I remember that you always had a beautiful jade bracelet on your wrist. You also said that Sister Yu Jin would give it to her when she got married. Why are they all gone?"

Qi Lin suddenly held Lin Yun's white and tender jade hand and asked with a smile.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Pojun closed the door sensible and went out to check the door.

When Qi Lin suddenly squeezed her little hand, Lin Yun's pretty face flushed red, and her little face also showed a trace of panic: "The jewelry has already been sold, and I have to pay Jin'er, Xiao Lin, let go of Aunt Yun, okay? ?99

Qi Lin laughed and said: "Aunt Yun, it's unfamiliar for you to say that. When you were a child, you watched me grow up and always hugged me and kissed my cheeks. Why are you so shy now? Is it not Aunt Yun? like me?

Lin Yun: 66.

Can that be the same?

Before the age of ten Qi Lin, Lin Yun often hugged him and kissed his little face, holding his hand and taking him and Yu Jin to the amusement park.

But now that Qi Lin has grown up and has become a handsome and handsome guy, how could Lin Yun still be as close to him as he was when he was a child without any grudges in his heart.

Lin Yun bit her lower lip lightly: "Xiao Lin, you have grown up, I'm afraid Jin'er sees a misunderstanding. 35

Qi Lin smiled and said, "What is the misunderstanding? Aunt Yun means that Sister Yu Jin likes me?"

Lin Yun smiled bitterly: "I don't know if Jin'er likes you or not, but you and Chen Jiawei are jealous, isn't it all for Jin'er?"

Qi Lin paused for a while, then smiled lightly: "So, Aunt Yun knows that Yu Zhen was also sent in by me? Don't you hate me when you know this?

Lin Yun lowered her head, her beautiful eyes with a trace of sadness: "Even if you don't do this, Xiaolin, he will have an accident sooner or later, I have persuaded him long ago not to do things that hurt the world, but if I am a weak woman, he will also If you don't listen, you will end up in this situation in the end.

"I'm not a vain and vain woman, I just think that the money is enough, he has already got into the eyes of money, and I have always been afraid of the wrong things he did, which will implicate me and Jin'er.

"He even dared to kidnap his own daughter, but you saved Jin'er, so I hate Yu Zhen, but thank you Xiaolin very much."

Speaking of which, Lin Yun couldn't care less about Qi Lin still holding her tender white hand, looking at him with a pleading look on her pretty face: "Xiao Lin, I know you really like Jin'er, so I beg you. Can you help Violet? 35

"When her father got engaged with Chen Jiawei and their family, he received a dowry of 10 million yuan, but now Jin'er wants to break off the engagement with Chen Jiawei, but they use the 10 million yuan to threaten Jin'er.

"Which mother in the world doesn't want her daughter to be happy, she works two jobs a day in order to pay off her debts and take care of me, a mother who knows nothing. 39

"If it goes on like this, her body will really collapse. 35

Hearing this, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with surprise.

No wonder the gestures on Yu Jin and Lin Yun were gone. It turned out that they were all repaid to Chen Jiawei.

"Yu Jin, ah, Yu Jin, I didn't need to tell me, just went to break up the engagement with Chen Jiawei, such a lovely sister who has lost her way and returned, is worthy of my collection.

Qi Lin smiled lightly: "Aunt Yun, I want to help Sister Yu Jin, as long as she is willing to be my girlfriend, the 10 million will be available immediately, can you make her agree to this condition?

Lin Yun's pretty face turned even redder because Qi Lin was playing with her little hand.

"Jin'er has had her own opinions since she was a child. Her father can't control her thoughts, let alone me."

Lin Yun pulled her little hand, but found that she couldn't pull it back. She had no idea what Qi Lin wanted to do.

"This is not the end, if Sister Yu Jin really likes me, she might have come to me long ago. Since she wants to experience herself, let her have a good experience. Even if I help her, she will not appreciate it.

Qi Lin took another look at the small wooden table in the living room.

There are only two bowls of vegetables, a bowl of unfinished shredded potatoes, and a bowl of leftover enoki mushroom soup.

Looking at Lin Yun's little face again, there is a lack of blood on it, which seems to be caused by poor eating for a long time.

PS: Qi Lin recommends two books of the same type, Rebirth: I have a daily check-in system and check-in the diary of the heroine. This male match is inappropriate.

PS: Ask for a wave of automatic subscriptions, Qi Lin kneels and thank you! Also ask for a monthly ticket! Evaluation ticket! Reward!

PS: One million words are still updated with 15,000 words every day. Feilu doesn't have a few books, right? Wan.

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