Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

264: Life is not easy, the wife is performing arts

"I am going tocook."

Yu Jin was wearing slippers and high-heeled shoes, and her little black feet were stepping on puppet slippers, ready to cook for Lin Yun.

"Jin'er, you've been working hard recently. Qi Lin bought prawns, steak, and morels. Anyway, there are quite a few dishes, so you can eat them all. By the way, don't cook too much rice, you can eat it alone. Good. 99

Lin Yun remembered something, smiled and reminded.


Hearing these delicious dishes, Yu Jin's stomach made a longing sound.

She blushed.


Lin Yun remembered her former self and was as embarrassed in front of Qi Lin.

It seems that no matter how stubborn the mouth is, it cannot resist the cry of the stomach from the soul.

Yu Jin pretty blushed, went to the kitchen with the vegetables, and asked, "Mom, don't you want to eat?

Lin Yun said a little embarrassedly: "Xiao Lin took me to eat steak, I'm not very hungry now.

Yu Jin's beautiful eyes stared, and she turned to Lin Yun and said, "Mom, didn't I tell you not to open the door when anyone came? Why did you follow Qi Lin out?"

Although Lin Yun blushed, her voice became louder: "I grew up watching Xiao Lin, I like him very much, why can't I open the door for him? Could it be that he will hurt his own Aunt Yun? ?"

"Besides, if I don't go out with him, how can he, a big man, know what daily necessities to buy, and she won't choose my clothes.

Looking at Lin Yun who looked righteous and confident, Yu Jin was convinced.

Before she fell, her mother fell to the bastard Qi Lin first.

In this case, how can she resist this tyrant in the future?

Why don't you just send it to him and bully it.

After Yu Jin finished eating alone, he wrapped his apron and washed the dishes.

After doing all this, Yu Jin untied his apron and said to Lin Yun, "Mom, if you work hard for another day today, I'll go out, and tomorrow I'll buy a TV and come back to show you TV, you won't be so boring. "5

Lin Yun is gentle and luxurious, but not very courageous.

It was the safest to let her stay at home, otherwise Yu Jin would have to protect one more person if he was blocked by those who wanted debts.

"Jin'er, are you going to work part-time again? Xiaolin said that he is willing to take us to live in a new place and help you pay off the debt. Why do you have to embarrass yourself?"

Lin Yun pulled Yu Jin's wrist, her beautiful eyes showing a hint of distress.

She didn't want her daughter to be so hard, so dangerous, and have to go out to work so late.

A look of helplessness flashed in Yu Jin's beautiful eyes: "If Qi Lin doesn't have a girlfriend, it's fine, I promise him it's fine, but the problem is that this bastard is too careless, I've only met two or three of his girlfriends. "

"I don't want him to see me clearly, I want to prove to him that I can live well without him.

"If he really wants to marry me, unless he only loves me, don't mess around outside.

As for Qi Lin's fascination, Lin Yun's face was calm when she heard it.

"Jiner, once a woman chooses a way of life, she has to adapt to it. Since your father has been rich, he has been socializing outside. I don't know how many times he cheated on him. I even went shopping a few times and met him with his little lover in his arms. shop.

"But for all this, I pretended not to see it, and still lived my life with peace of mind.

"The love when I was young gradually faded with the passage of time. My mother's only thought is that as long as your father doesn't bring the woman back, and doesn't divorce me, I'll be satisfied with being responsible for the family."

"Look, haven't I had a good time all these years? Xiaolin is full of energy, and he is in the rising period of his career. It is normal to be involved in flowers and weeds. With a mother in the middle to help you maintain your relationship, I believe he will be in this life. I will love you and love you, and you will be happier than your mother, so you can trust your mother this time, okay?"

Lin Yun took Yu Jin's little hand and persuaded softly.

Yu Jin: 99

Of course Yu Jin knew about the dog-blood ethics in the rich and powerful.

She didn't expect that her mother didn't care about Qi Lin's troubles at all, and she also let her accept it.

"Mom, don't worry about my business for now, anyway, I think life is pretty good now, if you want to live with Qi Lin, you can just go with him when he comes next time.

Yu Jin's heart was in a mess, so he left this sentence and went out.

Seeing Yu Jin's back leaving, Lin Yun's pretty face blushed slightly: "Silly girl, if you don't go with your mother, how dare you go there, Xiao Lin has grown up, and I always feel that I am very nervous when I am with him 々

"The ring! The ring! Ten yuan for 5 rings, the price is favorable, and the rewards are rich. Uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters, and children, come and see.

Rose Bay Plaza.

The place with the most people at night in Jianghan City is also the place where Qi Lin once held the Crayfish Food Festival.

Yu Jin, who still didn't change her clothes, actually set up a hoop booth in the lively square and became the proprietress.

This is also Yu Jin's first attempt to start a business.

Fortunately, she is a journalist and has a good eloquence.

The stunning pretty face can also attract some dads who bring their babies to the square to play, or some young guys.

For the past week, Yu Jin has been able to earn two or three hundred yuan a night to subsidize the family and barely make ends meet.

The sweet voice immediately attracted a large number of idiotic fathers holding their children, as well as some single guys who admire Yu Jin.

"Beauty, give me ten laps.

"Beauty, my son has always wanted to find another mother, look at my son, isn't he cute?

"Beauty, you're wearing a high-heeled lady's suit, and you have a good temperament? Why did you come out to set up a stall? If you have any difficulties, tell me about it and see if I can help."

"Beauty, my home is in the nearby new district, with three suites and two shops, can we exchange mobile phone numbers? 35

These hooped men were so busy, while absent-mindedly hooping, they approached Yu Jin.

Yu Jin adhered to the principle of collecting money when he had a business, asking other questions, and never answering, just kept a shallow smile.

But it was such a arrogant and beautiful look that further aroused the possessiveness of those men, taking care of Yu Jin's business.

"Sister Yu Jin, how much is ten laps?

Suddenly, a pair of feet appeared in front of Yu Jin who was squatting on the ground to pick up the ring.

Hearing this voice, Yu Jin, who had a pretty face originally, suddenly flashed a panic in her beautiful eyes. come this bastard is still here?

"100 yuan for ten laps, if you think it's too expensive, you can skip it."

Although Yu Jin was panicked, he didn't want to be timid in front of Qi Lin, and really got up and looked at Qi Lin.

"It's not expensive at all, get me 100.

Qi Lin smiled and put 10 bills in Yu Jin's hand, and touched her little hand by the way.

"Little satyr~"

Aware of Qi Lin's small movements, Yu Jinqiao's face turned slightly red, Mei Mu immediately glared at him, and withdrew Bai Nen's small hand.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding nanny dads and young people were all angry.

How could they know that this was a pair of acquaintances flirting with each other, and they thought it was Qi Lin who was a disciple and was taking advantage of Yu Jin.

You know, Yu Jin has been setting up a stall for a week, and no one has ever dared to be so frivolous.

The main reason was that Yu Jin had too many admirers, so if he didn't want to be beaten up by him, he would honestly line up and start a conversation.


Looking at the angry admirers walking towards Qi Lin, Zhou Pojun's eyes narrowed, and his body exuded a murderous aura.

It was the murderous aura that really came out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. How could ordinary people resist it? Looking at the tall and mighty Zhou Pojun with cold eyes.

Those admirers who still wanted to vent their anger on Yu Jin immediately froze, shrugging their heads and backing away.

Who is Yu Jin now? How could he care about a group of ordinary people.

He took away all the skirts Yu Jin had in his hands, and walked to the front of the booth with a smile.

"Is it interplanted, so I can take it away?"

Yu Jin didn't understand why Qi Lin came here, she hesitated for a moment, and then said lightly: "Yes, as long as you get any reward, you can take it directly.

"That's what you said.

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth twitched slightly, and he threw five ferrules in one go.

"Clap clap clap clap!

With a uniform voice, the five rings flew out in an elegant arc, and finally, in the shocked eyes of everyone, they were placed on Yu Jin's head.

That's right!

It's on Yu Jin's head!

Yu Jin was also completely blinded by Qi Lin's show, she stood there with a cute face.

But in the next second, she shouted frantically with a pretty face: "Qi Lin, what are you doing? There are so many rewards on the ground, so what are you throwing on my head?

Qi Lin blinked and threw out five hoops again: "Isn't that what you said? I can take whatever reward I get, and I fell in love with you, the boss lady, and the hoops threw your head directly. Come on, what's wrong?"

The voice fell, and the five rings landed on Yu Jin's head with great precision.

Seeing this scene, the people around were dumbfounded.

"Fuck, this little brother is too awesome, isn't he? He actually set the reward on the ground, and he actually set it on the beautiful lady boss???"

"Crap! Why didn't I expect that, your grandma's, it turns out that picking up girls can still be like this?"

"Hahaha, it's quite interesting, but that's it, the owner's wife is so arrogant, how could it be possible to go with him. 99

Yu Jin was also defeated by Qi Lin's powerful brain.

Hearing Qi Lin say that she was attracted to her own boss, her beautiful eyes flashed with shame.

But her reserved heart didn't allow her to promise Qi Lin: "That doesn't count, that's a loophole in my words that you deliberately picked, take away all these rewards, I'm not for sale, and I won't give it to anyone.

Qi Lin threw away the extra ferrule in his hand, and said with a laziness smile: "It's not your decision, it's fine to hide from me for half a month. My husband came to the door, and he dared to pretend he didn't know him. I'll look at you. It's itchy.""

Speaking of this, under Yu Jin's panicked eyes, Qi Lin walked towards her.

Yu Jin turned around and wanted to run away, but he felt that his body was light and Qi Lin had already carried it on his shoulders.

"My wife is naughty and goes out to perform, making everyone laugh. These gifts should be given to you. I will take my wife back to make a baby first."

Qi Lin turned his head and smiled at the dull-eyed dad, idiot, and admiring teenagers.

"Qi Lin, you bastard, let me go, who is your wife, why are you so shameless!

Yu Jinqiao blushed and struggled there.

Unfortunately, everything was in vain, and in the end, he could only watch himself being resisted by Qi Lin.

The stall where she finally started her own business has gradually drifted away from her.

Zhou Pojun followed far behind the boss and the proprietress, protecting them without disturbing their sweet date.

But for Yu Jin, her current treatment is not very sweet.

As it has been struggling.


Yu Jin's pair of green high-heeled shoes with one word buckle also fell.

Looking at the black silk feet in his suit pants, Qi Lin was stunned for a moment.

"Sister Yu Jin, who taught you to dress like this?"

A smile flashed across Qi Lin's black eyes, this elder sister Yu Jin understood a man's heart too well.

"`"Who taught me to dress like this, can't I like it myself?"

Seeing Qi Lin's eyes fixed on her, her pretty face flushed slightly.

Qi Lin squatted down, picked up Yu Jin's fresh pair of high-heeled shoes, and continued to walk forward.

"That's quite a coincidence, I like to see you dressed like this too."

Qi Lin laughed.

Yu Jin's beautiful eyes flashed a hint of shyness: "Then I won't wear it next time, and you don't like me anymore."

"You are all in my hands, and you dare to be so arrogant, you really don't know what a big villain is.

Qi Lin walked to the fence of a stone bridge and stopped suddenly.

At this moment, Yu Jin felt that something was wrong and panicked: "What, what do you want to do?"

"Of course you were seated."

Qi Lin grinned, suddenly put Yu Jin on the fence and sat down, then let go of her.

"Ah! 35

Under the night, behind the dark river, under the instinctive fear, she hugged Qi Lin's waist with both hands.

"Sister Yu Jin, if you don't want to kiss me, just push me away. If you want to kiss me, just hold on to my clothes and don't move. Which one do you want to choose?"

Qi Lin didn't rush to kiss, but asked with a smirk.

"You bastard, I don't want to kiss you at all! Just let me down! 99

Yu Jin said madly with a pretty face.

Qi Lin looked at the little hand that was only holding onto his clothes and said with a smile, "It's duplicitous, since you don't want to kiss me, you should let go."

Yu Jin was about to cry at this moment: "You bastard put me on the fence, how can I let go, you are clearly bullying me on purpose.

Qi Lin turned a deaf ear and said with a smile: "You also said that you don't like me, since Sister Yu Jin has taken the initiative to ask me to kiss, then I'm welcome. 39

"Dare you...・・・Ugh!!!"

A flash of shame flashed in Yu Jin's beautiful eyes, and she wanted to shame Qi Lin.

But Qi Lin's face was already close, and he kissed her firmly, and there was a coldness on her moist lips.

It wasn't the first time that Yu Jin was kissed by Qi Lin, but to be honest, the kiss today might be remembered by her for a lifetime.

Behind him is the clear sound of the rapids of the river, and if you let go, you may fall.

She was shy and wanted to avoid Qi Lin, but when Qi Lin got so close, she had nowhere to hide.

In the end, Yu Jin's appointment (Zhao Qianhao) hugged Qi Lin's waist tightly, letting him be light on himself.

"Wuwuwu, I don't want to be kissed by this bastard, but if I don't hold him tight, I'll fall.

Yu Jinqiao's face became more and more red, she already had a good impression of Qi Lin.

This time Qi Lin's sneak attack is too much, but the deeper meaning is romance, Yu Jin is quietly emotional.

In the end, he even started to respond to Qi Lin unconsciously.

"Uh~ you bastard, my arms are weak, you should hold me up~"

In the end, Yu Jin surrendered.

Her arm was exhausted, and if it was a little later, she would really fall off.

But she didn't think about it, Qi Lin was here, even if she wanted to jump into the river, she wouldn't be able to succeed.

ten minutes later.

Yu Jin was carried on his shoulders by Qi Lin again, and the two had already left the stone bridge and strolled along the tree-lined street.

"You kissed and kissed, and I won't run away, can you let me down?"

Yu Jin puffed out his mouth.

Qi Lin seemed to be afraid that she would run away, even after kissing, he would not let her down.

"Someone hasn't promised me yet, and will always dress like this today, respect my aesthetics, and don't fight against me."

Qi Lin changed the princess's hug and pinched Yu Jin's delicate black silk and delicate arches.

Wearing high-heeled shoes, I worked on the TV station all day, and came out to set up a stall at night.

Qi Lin is a warm man, there is no one who doesn't love his future petite wife, so naturally he wants to help her clear her blood.

Yu Jin shrank her little feet, feeling a little itchy on the soles of her feet, and her pretty face was slightly red: "I saw it when I was a child, every time you lifted my skirt, it was when I was wearing white silk pantyhose, and then I I'm far away from you, I didn't expect that in the end I won't be able to escape from your clutches." 5

The two were real childhood sweethearts when they were young, but maybe the six-year-old Qi Lin was afraid of bullying the twelve-year-old Yu Jin, and she had been avoiding this little devil king.

But Huanxi's little friends are like this, they can't escape by hiding, and they finally returned to the original point and were bullied to death by Qi Lin.

PS: Ask for a wave of automatic subscriptions, Qi Lin kneels and thank you!

PS: Also ask for a monthly ticket! Evaluation ticket! Reward! Urge more! Flowers!.

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