Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

265: Yu Jin wears Lin Yun's clothes with a seven-point temperament

"The hole your dad left, it's quite a hole for you to fill with a girl."

"It's too dangerous to set up a stall by yourself at night, what are you going to do if the debt collectors are blocked?

Qi Lin came to teach Yu Jin a lesson again.

In this world where many novels are integrated, the male protagonist is his plaything, and the female protagonist is his trophy, and no one is allowed to interfere.

Qi Lin didn't want Yu Jin to have any accident.

Yu Jin's beautiful eyes flashed a little smug: "I don't run for nothing every morning, I admit that I can't beat them, but they definitely can't beat me."

Qi Lin said with a smile: "Then you said that you wanted to escape just now, but what happened when you were directly carried on my shoulders? Didn't you say you can run very well?"

Yu Jin pretty blushed and said stubbornly: "You are different from them, they are normal people, you are a pervert.

"Don't be rude to me, you are not allowed to set up a stall in the future, and I have prepared a new job for you.

Qi Lin gave Yu Jin a small chestnut.

In pain, she covered her forehead and grinned at Qi Lin's cute teeth.

"I don't want your alms, you must arrange a simple job for me casually, and then give me a lot of money, I don't want this.

Yu Jin directly refused Qi Lin's help.

"I still want to have a simple job and get a lot of money directly. I think you are quite beautiful. This is a hard job. If you don't do it well, I won't give you a cent of your salary."

"Tomorrow, I will report from Sugar Man Entertainment. If you don't come, you will be at your own risk."

There was an unquestionable majesty in Qi Lin's tone.

Yu Jin had been angry all this time. Qi Lin flirted with her and ran away, regardless of how she was doing.

But now Qi Lin also took care of Lin Yun, bought a lot of things for the family, and took the initiative to come to her, Yu Jin's resistance to Qi Lin gradually melted away.

Although she still minds that Qi Lin is too careless, she has no intention of escaping Qi Lin.

To describe it in one sentence, Yu Jin doesn't move by himself, Qi Lin can do whatever he wants to her.

One day the two were really together, and that was why she couldn't avoid Qi Lin's big claws, so she became his woman.

Lin Yun's words were still somewhat effective, she couldn't change Qi Lin's fascination, the only thing she could do was to pretend to be arrogant and make Qi Lin pay more attention to her.

Therefore, sometimes a woman ignores you inexplicably, but it's not that she doesn't love you anymore, she may need you to pamper her a little more.

"Xiao Lin, Jin'er? Why did you two come back together?"

Hearing the knock on the door, Lin Yun opened the door and saw Qi Lin standing at the door with a smile on his back with Yu Jin on his back.

"I was bored at night and went out to 783 for a stroll, and I happened to meet Sister Jin'er who set up a stall and said that she could take anything away. Don't you think I'm lucky? All ten circles have been caught by the beautiful lady boss, and then I took her away as a daughter-in-law.

Qi Lin opened his mouth and started talking nonsense.


Hearing Qi Lin's amusing words, Lin Yun covered her mouth and couldn't help laughing.

Yu Jin has an independent personality and has never been afraid of anyone since childhood.

After all, Qi Lin is the first person who can control her, right?

"I'm not your daughter-in-law, bastard, you carried me all the way, and you took all the cheap, let me down, I'm going back to my room to sleep.

Yu Jinqiao blushed slightly, she couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed to be so intimate with Qi Lin in front of her mother.

Qi Lin walked into the room, put Yu Jin on the sofa, grabbed her black silk jade feet, and helped her put on high heels.

"Who asked you to help me put on high heels, I'm home now, can I have my own slippers?"

Seeing Qi Lin's extravagant actions, Yu Jinqiao blushed slightly and cursed inwardly.

"Of course I know it's your slippers, but now that I've requisitioned them, I'm a little tired too. Sister Violet, where is our room? I changed my slippers and went to bed."

Qi Lin said with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

Only then did Yu Jin know what Qi Lin was thinking.


"There is no room for you here, you have to sleep and go home."

Yu Jin didn't have the money to rent a big house, and this house was a one-bedroom, one-bedroom.

Who is she next to Lin Yun at night, even if she is really Qi Lin's girlfriend, she can't keep him here.

With great difficulty, the bastard Qi Lin was pushed away.

After closing the door, Yu Jin leaned against the door and bit her lower lip, her beautiful eyes showing a touch of complexity.

"Why, why do I feel that the time just now was the happiest time I've ever had?"

Lin Yun didn't make fun of her daughter, because she felt a sense of loss in her heart after seeing Qi Lin leaving.

This afternoon, is it not the happiest time she has ever had recently.

Yu Jin is only a grassroots reporter, earning about 2,000 a month.

Qi Lin said that she was going to introduce her to a new part-time job.

Wearing the lady dress that Qi Lin bought for Lin Yun, she went to Sugar Man Entertainment.

No way, she is now in financial distress, and she has no other clothes to wear except the high-grade gray lady's suit to work.


Go to Sugar Man Entertainment today, you can wear whatever you want, just enough to wash and dry that suit.

"Excuse me, may I ask if Mr. Qi Lin is here?

Walking into the company, she politely asked the lady at the front desk.

"Are you Miss Yu Jin? Our boss is already waiting for you at the president's office, Xiao Li, come and take Miss Yu Jin over.

she shouted to a colleague.

When following this employee named Xiaoli to the president's office, Yu Jin's beautiful eyes flashed with shock.

Sugar Man Entertainment is not a small company.

The market value is more than 300 million yuan, which is larger than that of her family's closed food company.

If she heard it right, the front desk lady is called Boss Qi Lin. Could it be that this company is also his?

Thinking of this, Yu Jin smiled bitterly in his heart: "My dad tried his best to run the company, using any means, and in the end, he attacked himself and went to prison. 99

"Clearly Qi Lin, this bastard is only 18 years old, how can he start a company like playing?"

"Hey, I used to think that he was ignorant and ignorant. When I was young, I always lifted my skirt. When I grew up, Kenkai was a hooligan, so I stayed away from him.

"Thinking about it now, it seems that I think too highly of myself, and in the end, my achievements are not as high as his.

"Fortunately, Qi Lin didn't make fun of me about this, otherwise I wouldn't have the face to see him in the future."

While she was thinking wildly, she had already entered the president's office.

"Miss Yu Jin, the boss is waiting for you inside, I'll go to work first.

Xiaoli said politely, then turned and left.

With a touch of novelty, Yu Jin entered the office and saw three people.

Sitting on the boss chair, Qi Lin looked at Erlang's legs.

President Zhang Dan, who is making coffee for Qi Lin himself.

There is also director Huang Lijia, who is standing at the desk and reporting to Qi Lin on the progress of the new drama Magic Doctor Xilele.

Zhang Dan and Huang Li's family are in their 40s and belong to the social elite.

But doing things under an 18-year-old youth, this scene looks really shocking.

"This bastard's shelf is quite big.

Yu Jin murmured softly.

"Sister Jin is here?"

"Let me introduce you, this is Huang Lijia, the director of the genius doctor Xilai Le, who is your employer these days.

"This is Zhang Dan, president of Sugar Man Entertainment. She will call you in person if she has a part-time job in the future."

Qi Lin pointed at the two and explained to Yu Jin with a smile.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Zhang Dan's eyes flashed with helplessness.

This boss is getting more and more unprofessional, her company still has a lot of things to deal with, and she has to help her pick up girls and be responsible for such small things as part-time jobs.

Yu Jin was also embarrassed to hear it at this time.

One of them is a big director, the other is the president of an entertainment company, and they have to take care of their part-time jobs.

This can no longer be said to be overkill, it is simply bombarding mosquitoes.

"Mr. Zhang, Director Huang, hello, I've made you worry about my affairs.

Yu Jin smiled lightly and greeted politely.

Looking at the beautiful and outrageous Yu Jin in front of him, the Huang Li family quickly waved their hands and smiled: "Miss Yu, please don't say that, we can only be regarded as cooperation, I'm still having a headache about the promotion of the new drama recently, and I want to find a solution. A professional writer wrote a drama review, but I didn't expect President Qi to introduce such a professional reporter as Miss Yu.

"Theatrical review?"

Yu Jin's beautiful eyes were full of curiosity.

She still doesn't know what the part-time job Qi Lin is talking about, until now, Huang Li's family said it herself.

Huang Lijia said with a smile: "Yes, it's a drama review. The TV drama Magic Doctor Xilai Le, invested by Sugar Man Entertainment, has been completed. The next stage is the publicity stage. A good drama review is put into the Internet and broadcast, and you can reap the rewards. a lot of spectators.

"Ms. Yu Jin is a professional reporter. Last time, she exposed the dark inside story of waste oil. She enjoys a certain reputation on the TV network. If Miss Yu Jin writes the drama review herself, it will definitely make this drama a huge harvest."

Qi Lin really didn't give Yu Jin in disguise.

Industry specializing in surgery.

Twenty years later, the top professional film critics are earning more than one million a year.

Transforming into a food blogger, even with an annual income of hundreds of millions is not a problem.

Yu Jin likes to be a reporter, and Qi Lin will not kill her dream.

But in the case of her doing her own job, adding a lot of income to her is the best of both worlds.

Hearing the cause and effect clearly, Yu Jin looked at Qi Lin with a hint of gratitude that was imperceptible.

This, this bad guy thought so carefully, which not only protected her self-esteem, but also solved her income problem.

How many men can do that?

"Sister Jin'er, I am now officially hiring you as a professional consultant of Sugar Man Entertainment. This job does not have any salary, but when the company releases a new drama, or other film companies entrust us to write drama reviews, President Zhang will To inform you, would you like to take this position?

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

"I didn't agree on your face, I just thought this job was quite suitable for me, so I, I agreed.

Yu Jinqiao blushed slightly, and said dutifully.

Huang Lijia smiled again and said: "Miss Yu, the price announced by our crew is 10,000 yuan for a 1,000-word drama review. Although the price is high, the requirements are also quite high, and you may change it many times. , also asked to watch the whole drama, you should be able to accept it?

Yu Jin is not a little girl who has never experienced setbacks. If the money is too easy, she will feel uncomfortable.

"I can accept.

Yu Jin nodded.

The Huang Li family gave Yu Jin a full set of CDs of the magic doctor Xilaile: "This is the full set of CDs of this drama, Miss Yu can take it home and watch it, but you must remember that it must not be exposed, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

After completing his task, the Huang Li family said goodbye to Qi Lin and left the office.

Qi Lin, on the other hand, sent Yu Jin out of the company.

"Sister Jin'er, you are so beautiful today, wearing this dress and these high-heeled shoes, is like Aunt Yun's temperament.

Qi Lin stopped, looked Yu Jin up and down, and praised him with a smile.

Yu Jin stubbornly said not to wear the lining of his pants to show Qi Lin.

But today, not only did I put on the dress Qi Lin bought for Lin Yun yesterday, I even wore those French interrupted high heels with a pair of skin tone thin silk.

The arches and even the soles of the feet can be clearly seen under the silky stockings.

"How can you praise people like this? If you say I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful, but you don't say I'm like my mother.

Yu Jin's beautiful eyes showed a hint of pride, but her pretty face was slightly red and she sneered at Qi Lin.

"I helped Sister Jin'er to find such a good part-time job, doesn't she have nothing to say?"

Qi Lin asked again with a smile.

Hearing that Qi Lin kept calling her sister Violet, she seemed to be back to the naughty time of her childhood.

6-year-old Zheng Tai Xiao Qi Lin followed behind her skirt and lifted her skirt naughty, that's how she was called.


"Is this all right?"

"But don't get me wrong, if I don't kiss you, you will kiss me too, which doesn't mean I like you. 39


The pretty face was slightly red, Yu Jin's skirt swayed slightly, and the beautiful back disappeared in front of Qi Lin's eyes.

She was going home to write a drama review, and before that, she had to buy a TV and a DVD player.

Seeing Yu Jin's disappearing back, Qi Lin laughed to himself: "It's useless to say anything, if you fall, you will fall. The next step is to destroy the marriage contract between Chen Jiawei and Yu Jin, and then eat the childhood sweetheart. Miss, if you let her get pregnant again, will she be so stubborn when she has a big belly.99

At the beginning, Qi Xueyao didn't like being tough, but now? He didn't obediently become Qi Lin's helper, helping him take care of things in the villa.

After Yu Jin left, Qi Lin returned to the president's office.

Helping Yu Jin find a part-time job was just a matter of convenience, and he was looking for Zhang Dan mainly for business purposes.

"How about I asked you to buy the game company over there? Is there any progress?

"There is also the drama Full House, have you contacted its author, Won Soo-yeon?"

Qi Lin was lying on the boss chair, with his feet on the Zhang Dan table unceremoniously.

Now that the company has changed hands, Qi Lin is the big boss, and Zhang Dan, who has always loved cleanliness, has nothing to do with Qi Lin's dirtying of her desk.

"I've already contacted Daewoo Information. Just like you said, boss, their capital chain has been broken and they can't make ends meet. I heard that we are going to acquire the company, so I agreed without hesitation."

"I have sent someone to negotiate, and it is best to keep the purchase price below 500.

Zhang Dan said with a smile.

A poor company is not as good as a dog. The company that created the popular IP of Legend of Sword and Fairy, which is worth billions in later generations, can now be bought for only 5 million.

When talking about things on the peninsula, Zhang Dan hesitated for a while: "I also contacted Yuan Xiuyan, she seems to be a populist, and feels that the perfect work she wrote is only qualified for the Great Cold Empire. When it became a TV series, I asked her to talk to her several times. In the end, she said that she would give her 1 billion Chinese coins, and she would authorize us.

"Such a high price, obviously I don't want to sell it. I think it's better to forget it. If the works on the peninsula are shot in China, it will definitely be unacceptable. Let's look for the script again...

Hearing this, Qi Lin frowned slightly and interrupted Zhang Dan's words: "I personally ordered these two things. It's fine if you didn't go there in person on the treasure island, and you didn't go there in person on the peninsula side?"

"The task I gave you cannot be completed, there is only one reason, that is, the method is not right, and even if no one passes, how do you know that you can't win the other party? 99

"You think the drama Full House is not suitable for China, but I think you and Sugar Man Entertainment are not suitable for it.

What Qi Lin said was actually a bit hurtful. After all, he said at the beginning that he would not interfere in the operation of this company.

But the question is, Qi Lin is a big villain, can you believe his words?

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