Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

267: Canary already appointed by Qi Lin

Zhang Dan also echoed with a smile: "Nan Nan is still studying very hard, and her acting skills are improving. After a while, she should be able to find a role for her to practice."

The battle of the wise is invisible to the naked eye.

Knowing that Jiang Nannan was the little canary appointed by Qi Lin, she inadvertently sold Jiang Nannan a favor.

Waiting for Jiang Nannan to take the position later, maybe it will come in handy at a critical moment.


Hearing Zhang Dan speak for himself, a touch of gratitude appeared in Jiang Nannan's beautiful eyes.

"Jingle bell~"

Just when Jiang Nannan was about to say something, her cell phone rang suddenly.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I forgot to turn off my phone, so I'll hang up."

Jiang Nannan apologized repeatedly and prepared to turn off the phone.

Qi Lin smiled and said: "Nan Nan, you are too nervous, this is not a company, you are not working, you are just eating, you can pick it up if you want.

Qi Lin also wanted to see Jiang Nannan's recent movements and who she was in contact with.

Jiang Nannan nodded embarrassedly and had to answer the phone.

The call was from her, Jiang Lei.

"Nan Nan, guess where I am now?"

Jiang Lei asked with a smile.

Jiang Nannan whispered: "Brother, it's not like you don't know, I don't like guessing, can't you just say it directly?

Jiang Lei didn't give a shit anymore and said with a smile, "I'm attending Zhou Xingxing's Kung Fu football signing, Nan Nan, don't you like watching Zhou Xingxing's movies the most? Would you like me to buy you a signed CD? 35

Hearing Jiang Lei's words, Jiang Nannan's pretty face showed a hint of surprise, and even forgot that this was in the box.

"Haha, brother, you actually met Zhou Xingxing! He is so funny, every time I watch his movies, I can laugh out my tears, please help me get an autograph, thank you brother."

"The only pity is that I can't go to Xiangjiang, if only I could see him in person.

Jiang Nannan's pretty face is a little pity.

Jiang Lei smiled and said: "It's not difficult, just now at the signing meeting, Zhou Xing's "Seven Eight Seven" star has already said that tomorrow's itinerary will go to Huaxia Lingnan City, if you rush to Lingnan City, say I might be able to see him."

Jiang Nannan pouted and said, "Brother, you did it on purpose, you know I've been busy studying recently, so how could I have time to go to Lingnan City?"

Speaking of work, Jiang Lei's face turned positive: "Nan Nan, how have you been in the company recently? Haven't you been bullied?"

Qi Lin's image in front of Jiang Nannan is too majestic.

Hearing Jiang Lei say this, she was immediately dissatisfied: "Brother, what are you talking about? The company treats me very well, I am as warm as home here, and when my study period expires, the company will help me arrange roles for me. Well, it's not as dark as you think.

Jiang Lei: 66........."

"Brother, you have been going to Xiangjiang for a long time, when are you coming back?

Jiang Nannan asked again.

Jiang Lei's eyes flashed a deep look: "I should be back in a few days, Nan Nan, take good care of yourself, brother will hang up first.

His layout has come to an end.

Isn't Qi Lin the major shareholder of Snowman Education?

If he doesn't pull Qi Lin down the quagmire this time, he won't trust Jiang.

Hanging up the phone, Jiang Nannan saw that the three bosses didn't move their chopsticks, but looked at him in unison.

Her pretty face blushed, and she couldn't help but stuck her tongue out: "I'm sorry, I'm a fan of Zhou Xingxing. I was so excited for a while that I couldn't control my emotions."5

Qi Lin didn't say anything, but a deep meaning flashed in his black eyes.

Making a TV series is never as fast as making a movie.

Qi Lin in his previous life was also a fan of Zhou Xingxing, but he never had the chance to see him.

It would be a pity if I didn't meet this legendary star in my rebirth.


This meeting was not Qi Lin's past meeting with Zhou Xingxing.

Instead, let Zhou Xingxing come to see Qi Lin.

"If you have money, let's make it together. Zhou Xingxing's kung fu, Yangtze River No. 7, and The Mermaid have not been filmed. Although the copyright of Legend of Sword and Fairy has been obtained, the leading actors have not yet come together, and the full house has not yet come to fruition. Let's talk to Zhou Xingxing first. How about co-production of a kung fu?

Qi Lin was thinking about Zhou Xingxing's idea.

Zhou Xingxing is arrogant, not to mention taking the initiative to meet Qi Lin, a little-known figure, even if someone else co-produces a movie with him, it all depends on his mood.

But the problem is, Qi Lin is a big villain, and it is not his style to invite Zhou Xingxing in a serious manner.

"If Zhou Xingxing stayed in Xiangjiang, it would be very difficult to get him over, but he actually took the initiative to come to Lingnan City, which is a good opportunity to start.

The three women took the initiative to clink glasses with Qi Lin, but they never imagined that the smiling big boss was actually planning a big plan in his heart.

Kidnap Zhou Xingxing!

If they knew what Qi Lin thought, except for Zhang Man, who was as bold as Qi Lin, the remaining two might have to faint on the spot.

After the luncheon, Jiang Nannan, Zhang Dan, and Zhang Man returned to Sugar Man Entertainment.

Qi Lin started planning to kidnap Zhou Xingxing.

He first called Chen Ximeng: "Help me find a thin man who is about 1.7 meters tall. He must be obedient, because there is no room for mistakes in this mission."

"Boss, it's easy to find someone, but it's not easy to find a trustworthy person who also has height requirements, can you give me a little more time?

Chen Oimeng asked cautiously.

Qi Lin asked lightly, "How long will it take?"

Chen Ximeng immediately said: "Before tomorrow."

"Okay, then I'll give you half a day."9

Qi Lin can still trust Chen Oimeng to do business.

Time is fleeting.

At noon the next day, Qi Lin was drinking coffee in a coffee shop, and Chen Xuemeng appeared with a man.

Not daring to sit down, he hurriedly said to the man beside him: "Ayu, hurry up and call the boss.

The man looked very loyal, and immediately shouted honestly: "Hello, boss."

Qi Lin looked incredulous, ignored this Ayu, took a sip of coffee, and asked Chen Xuemeng, "Is it reliable?

Chen Oimeng smiled and said, "Boss, this is what I grew up with since I was a child. I'm not very good at studying, so I took him out to earn money."5

"Once I was chased and slashed by someone with a knife, because I had already been slashed a few times in front of me, and I lost too much blood and collapsed to the ground. If it wasn't for him blocking a knife at a critical moment, he ran with my back for more than a dozen times. Lidi, maybe I won't have the chance to see the boss later.

"If he doesn't know what I believe, I can't find anyone else."

"As it happens, his height also meets the boss's requirements.

Qi Lin nodded, and also expressed his thoughts: "Zhou Xingxing is coming to Lingnan City, I am going to kidnap him and come to Jianghan City. During this time, I need someone to disguise himself as him, so as not to be discovered and cause panic. 99

"His identity is special and he has a certain influence in China. I don't want the official to notice."


Hearing Qi Lin's bold plan, the daring Chen Oimeng also took a deep breath.

The young millennials all grew up watching Young and Dangerous, and Zhou Xingxing's movies are also watched. Everyone's dream is to see these famous stars.

Only Qi Lin was a daring artist, and he kidnapped others if they didn't come to see him.

"Po Jun, you are responsible for the plan this time, and then you can bring him back quietly, can you do it?"

Qi Lin asked Zhou Pojun who was standing behind him.


Concise and concise, it also represents the character of Zhou Po Jun's King of War.

"But before that, let's make a phone call and ask our idol, maybe he has an easy-going personality and is willing to come to become a fan of me?

Qi Lin smiled lightly and took out his phone.

Zhou Xingxing's personal phone number can still be obtained if he thinks of a way.

Fortunately, Zhou Xingxing was actually connected.

"Well, Lei, who should I ask?"

A wave of broken Mandarin came on.

"Mr. Zhou Xingxing, have you arrived in Lingnan City now?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Talking to idols from previous lives is a bit new.

Zhou Xingxing, who was resting in the hotel, was stunned for a moment.

"I'm in Lingnan City, and I'm going to attend the Lingnan Film Association symposium this afternoon.

"Excuse me, sir, do I know you? What is your business with me?

Zhou Xingxing was impatient.

If it weren't for the fact that not many people knew his mobile phone number, he would not answer the call for fear of delaying the business.

"I am a fan of Mr. Zhou Xingxing, and I want to discuss a business with Mr. Zhou Xingxing.

"Is Mr. Zhou Xingxing interested in coming to Jianghan as a guest? I am the host?

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Zhou Xing:

He is too famous.

Many club bosses in Xiangjiang have said similar things in order to meet him.

To be honest, Zhou Xingxing hated this kind of invitation very much.

"Sorry, I don't have a schedule to go there. If there's nothing else, I'll hang up first."

Zhou Xingxing said lightly.

Qi Lin sighed: "In other words, Mr. Zhou Xingxing didn't accept my invitation?

"If you can't invite good words, then we can only meet in a special way."

These two sentences are too threatening.

Zhou Xingxing was directly angry.

"Wake up!

He couldn't help cursing, and he hung up the phone.

"Po Jun, what does it mean to wake up?

Qi Lin wasn't angry either, and asked with a smile.

Zhou Pojun hesitated for a moment and said, "I used to have a special forces subordinate from Lingnan City, and he said that he was awake as if he was insane."

"Haha! Neurotic? Zhou Xingxing should be glad that I am a normal person. If I were crazy, he probably wouldn't even be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Qi Lin smiled very happily, but that look made Chen Xuemeng and the others a little creepy.

Among the four little dragons in Asia, the first economy to decline should be Xiangjiang.

As time enters the millennium, the golden age of cinema in Hong Kong has come to an end.

In 2001, Shaolin Football won the box office championship that year, totaling 60 million Hong Kong dollars.

In the same period of Huaxia, Li Jie's hero has directly won a box office of 250 million, completely crushing the Hong Kong box office.

Zhou Xingxing keenly felt the rise of the mainland film industry, so he told reporters that he would go to China at the Kung Fu football signing.

He wants to personally inspect China's film market.

The most important thing is to be familiar with China's film censorship system. After all, the censorship systems of Hong Kong and China are too different.

If you accidentally violated China's taboos and prevented the movie from passing the trial, wouldn't the investment money be wasted?

In fact, the Lingnan Film Association has been inviting Zhou Xingxing to visit and exchange and study, but Zhou Xingxing has been rejected because he is too busy with work.  …

Now that he wants to invest in the mainland market, he thinks that the Lingnan Film Association is the most suitable place for him to understand China's policies?

Moreover, Xiangjiang and Lingnan City are separated by a strip of water and have similar cultures, and there is no difficulty in communication, so Zhou Xingxing is very satisfied with this trip.


Until he finished the symposium and returned to the hotel where he was staying at night.

He was held on the head with a pistol.

"Mr. Zhou Xingxing, my boss wants to see you, please come with me.

Zhou Pojun said in a light voice.

Zhou Xingxing had a wry smile in his eyes.


Is there a way to put a gun on your head?

The security of Xiangjiang is getting better now, and Zhou Xingxing has never heard of this kind of kidnapping of celebrities.

But when he came to Huaxia, he tasted what it was like to be kidnapped.

"Aren't you afraid of attracting the attention of the Huaxia police if you took me away? I have a certain influence in Xiangjiang and Huaxia, and the consequences of kidnapping me are more serious than your boss imagined.

"Go away, I'll pretend nothing happened, and I won't tell anyone about it. 35

As expected of the king of comedy in Hong Kong, someone who has seen strong winds and waves can still stabilize his mind and try to persuade Zhou Pojun.

"I'm sorry, the boss asked me to take you back and didn't give me a second option, so Mr. Zhou Xingxing should just follow me honestly.

Zhou Pojun said lightly.

Not waiting for Zhou Xingxing to struggle again.


He felt a sharp pain in the back of his head, his eyes darkened, and then he passed out.

"You can come in.

Zhou Pojun said to Ayu, who was wearing a mask outside the door.

The door was pushed open, Ayu walked in, and then took off his mask.

A face identical to Zhou Xingxing appeared in front of Zhou Pojun.

"Stay here well, if someone asks, they say that your throat is sore, you can't speak, and don't go to any activities. When you wait for the boss's news, someone will take you back. 99

Zhou Pojun told Ayu.

"I know Brother Po Jun.""

Ayu took off Zhou Xingxing's clothes and changed it himself.

And Zhou Xingxing was stuffed into a snakeskin bag by Zhou Pojun, and then carried him away.

After a night of running around.

When Zhou Xingxing woke up again, he found that he was taken to an extremely luxurious villa, several times more luxurious than his home in Xiangjiang.


Xiangjiang is worth every inch of land, and if he really wants to buy this villa in Lizhou, the price may be in the hundreds of millions.

"Po Jun, who told you to treat Mr. Zhou Xingxing like this?"

"I grew up watching his movies, and I'm a big fan of him, and I'm not ready to untie him.

Qi Lin was wearing a loose nightgown, while Yan Yan was wearing a luxurious nightdress, snuggling beside Qi Lin.

Of course, the sexy type who can meet guests, not wear it for Qi Lin.

Yan Yan was also taken aback when he saw Zhou Xingxing at first.

Qi Lin was so daring, he actually tied the world's most famous stars to his home.

She also thought what Qi Lin was going to do to Zhou Xing 3.6 stars.

But I heard Qi Lin explain that he just wanted to discuss business with Zhou Xingxing, but they refused to cooperate, so he forced to get it.

This explanation made Yan Yan admire his little boyfriend.

It was the first time she heard that there was such a way of talking about business.

Hear what Qi Lin said.

Zhou Xing:

"You, are you the one who called me yesterday?"

Zhou Xingxing asked with a wry smile, clutching the back of his head that was still aching.

Qi Lin stood up with a smile and handed a glass of milk to Zhou Xingxing: "I didn't tell Mr. Zhou Xingxing that we would meet again, it's just that Mr. Zhou Xingxing didn't believe it.

How dare Zhou Xingxing take the milk that Qi Lin handed over.

Everyone dares to kidnap, what if they put some inexplicable medicine in the milk?

"This gentleman, you kidnapped me for one night, and there must be a fallout outside now? How do you want to end this matter?

"Killing me is definitely not in the interests of Mr., after all, you and you will end up in the end.""

"As long as Mr. sends me back now, I'll justify it myself."

Zhou Xingxing still believed confidently that Qi Lin would obediently let him leave because he had the initiative.

Qi Lin smiled and turned on the TV.

"Mr. Zhou Xingxing, see for yourself where you are."



Zhou Xingxing looked at the TV in confusion.

The next moment, as if he had seen a ghost, his entire face was sluggish!

On the TV, a man who looked exactly like him appeared in the hotel restaurant where he was staying.

In the face of all kinds of photos taken by the surrounding reporters, there was no reaction at all.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin also smiled and nodded.

The people that Chen Oimeng recruited were good, they looked naive, but they didn't show any timidity when they encountered big scenes.

When he comes back, he will be rewarded well.

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