Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

268: I will not let my wife get pregnant

Those who dare to kidnap a big star like Zhou Xingxing are absolutely ruthless.

Not to mention that the other party did a good job and found a man who looked exactly like him.

Yes, Zhou Xingxing didn't think about the disguise technique, he didn't believe that there was such a strange and unpredictable disguise technique in this world.

Since he can find someone similar to him, that means that the young man in front of him killed him, and no one will know.

Another corpse destruction

Zhou Xingxing no longer dared to think about it.

He no longer had the confidence he had just now, and his tone became humble.

"Mr. Dissatisfaction said that my favorite thing is to make friends. As long as I can help, I can mention it."

"Ha ha!"

Looking at Zhou Xingxing who finally bowed his head to himself, Qi Lin raised his head and laughed loudly, making Zhou Xingxing extremely embarrassed.

In previous lives, it was said on the Internet that Zhou Xingxing did not understand the world, and was indifferent to friends and relatives.

However, these all became bullshit when their lives were in danger.

A top star with a high status like Zhou Xingxing doesn't have to curry favor with Qi Lin.

Putting away his smile, Qi Lin smiled lightly and said, "Mr. Zhou Xingxing must have noticed the decline of the Hong Kong film industry, but China's film industry is like the rising sun, and the situation is very good."

"I asked Mr. Zhou Xingxing to come here, and it's not just to meet you. I think Mr. Zhou Xingxing and I can cooperate in this regard."

People all over the world are bustling, and they come for profit.

Hearing that Qi Lin's main purpose was to discuss business with himself, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Don't know your name sir?"

Zhou Xingxing asked carefully.

Until now, he didn't know what Qi Lin's name was.

"Qi Lin.""

Qi Lin is concise and to the point.

Zhou Xingxing smiled: "Qi is always a funny person, I naturally want to cooperate with President Qi, but I just finished filming Shaolin football here, and I don't have a suitable script for the time being."

"Everyone says that my style is funny, and that any bad script can produce tricks. I don't agree with this statement."

"The scenes I've made all have one thing in common. When I first saw them, I couldn't help laughing at my belly, and I was amused by those nonsense, but after watching it a few times, I'd realize that this is most of what I'm talking about. The sad life of ordinary people, and that's where it resonates.""

"So, if there is no suitable script on Mr. Qi's side for the time being, you can ask someone to find it first. Once I start working, I will be the person in charge, very serious, and I don't want Mr. Qi's money to be wasted in the end. .

After listening to Zhou Xingxing's words, Qi Lin nodded with a smile.

This bit of his character is similar to what has been circulated on the Internet in later generations.

Zhou Xingxing in the movie is ridiculously funny, but in private or at work, he is a very serious person.

"Does this script Mr. Zhou Xingxing think is good?"

Qi Lin smiled lightly and threw the 'Kung Fu' script he wrote overnight.

He has the ability to never forget, such TV dramas, movies and songs in his previous life are all familiar to him.

If he chooses to enter the entertainment industry and become a copywriter, he will still be successful in the end.

But there's no way, it's not as fun to be a star as a villain, what he wants to do is not to entertain the public, but to entertain the stars.

Let those stars who are high in the eyes of ordinary people become toys that he can play with arbitrarily, just like Zhou Xingxing in front of him.

Looking at the script on the table, Zhou Xingxing was stunned for a moment.

He thought that Qi Lin's kidnapping was just a temporary intention, but he didn't expect him to prepare so well, but he despised Qi Lin a little.

Zhou Xingxing did not speak, but picked up the script and read it carefully.

As time passed by, the shock in Zhou Xingxing's eyes became more and more intense.

It's not how well this script is written, but it seems that this script was specially tailored for him.

There are endless nonsense bridges, humorous dialogues, and each little character is extremely smooth, as if they are lifelike people.

Finally, there is the love line that runs through the theme.

Zhou Xingxing himself agreed with one of the audience's comments on him.

He has satirized many things in his own movies, but he has never satirized love.

Also because he is too harsh on love, he is still alone in his nearly forties now.

"I was afraid that I would encounter an unreasonable gangster. I didn't expect that this person in front of me still thought that the literary gangster was kidnapped this time, but it was a blessing."

Zhou Xingxing thought with a smile in his heart.

"Can you ask Mr. Qi a question, who wrote this script? It's almost like it's tailor-made for me, I think he must be very familiar with me.

Qi Lin said with a smile in his heart: "Can I not know you? This script was written by you in your previous life, and I just brought it here in advance. 35

On the surface, Qi Lin smiled faintly and said, "This person is far away in the sky, and right in front of you."

Zhou Xingxing glanced at Yan Yan in surprise: "Mrs. Qi is so talented? 39

Qi Lin:

Yan Yan's pretty face was stunned for a moment, then he held back his smile and waved his hands: "I didn't write it, I don't have the talent to write the script, this script was written by my husband.

"Haha, I know it was written by President Qi, it's just a joke."

Zhou Xingxing couldn't help but laugh.

This is the charm of power. Zhou Xingxing was brought to reality by the nonsense in the movie, just to liven up the atmosphere and make Qi Lin happier.

With the script and the conditions for cooperation, the two hit it off on shooting the movie "Kung Fu".

Next, is to discuss some details.

"I don't know much about Huaxia's film policy, when the movie will be released simultaneously in Huaxia and Xiangjiang, the work on Huaxia's side will be troublesome to President Qi.

Zhou Xingxing said with a smile.

Qi Lin took out a cigarette and stuffed it into his mouth, Zhou Pojun immediately stepped forward to help light it, and after spitting out a smoke ring, he smiled and said, "I will have someone make a detailed list and send it to you, the cinema. I will also make preparations in advance, and the box office at that time will definitely allow Mr. Zhou Xingxing to open up a new world."5

Zhou Xingxing also has some expectations for cooperation.

Qi Lin was able to tie him up from Lingnan City, which showed that his skills were sky-high.

Judging from the luxurious villa he lives in and the temperament and appearance of his wife, he is definitely famous in the local area.

Especially the temperamental lady Yan Yan.

He has worked with so many actresses in Xiangjiang, but in terms of appearance, there are only a handful of people who can compare to this lady.

"Since we have finalized our cooperation, we can be regarded as friends in the future. President Qi, don't call me Mr. Zhou Xingxing. People who know me will call me Axing."5

Zhou Xingxing said with a smile.

Even though he was almost forty, Qi Lin, who was less than twenty, called him Ah Xing.

But there is no way, he can't let Qi Lin call him brother or uncle.

Zhou Xingxing didn't have the guts yet.

"Ah Xing, regarding the role, I have one more request. 55

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Zhou Xingxing was stunned for a moment, and then his heart froze.

He was very concerned about film casting because it was what he was best at.

A supporting role in someone else's movie, after the audience has watched it, may forget it in the blink of an eye.

But the supporting role of Zhou Xingxing's movie is so real that everyone can remember it.

Buck Tooth Zhen, Sauce Burst, Cao Dehua, Young Master Kidney Deficiency, and even his four 'beautiful goddesses' wives, etc.

If Qi Lin has to intervene in the casting process and arrange a lot of his people, I am afraid this will have a great impact on the film.

"I don't care about other roles, but the heroine, and the girl who was splashed with gasoline and tightly guarded her sister, I have already been selected.""

Qi Lin put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray and said lightly.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Zhou Xingxing, who was nervous at first, was relieved and smiled again.

He thought: "This Chinese film investor is really the same, always likes to take the opportunity of filming to pick up girls.

It's just the heroine and a supporting actress, and the two of them don't have many roles in "Kung Fu" anyway.

Zhou Xingxing said with a smile: "As President Qi wishes, I don't care about these two roles."

The details are finalized.

Zhou Xingxing also saw it.

Qi Lin was about to send him back.

"Po Jun, it's time to send Mr. Zhou Xingxing back to Lingnan City, and then bring our people back.

Qi Lin instructed Zhou Pojun.

Zhou Pojun nodded, then raised his knife and walked behind Zhou Xingxing.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Xingxing was startled.

He was slashed on the neck by Zhou Po's military knife, and his nerves are still aching till now.

"Mr. Qi, there's no need, there's absolutely no need to do this, I just wear a mask, sunglasses, hat, and the effect is the same."9

He said with a wry smile.

Qi Lin just asked Zhou Pojun to scare Zhou Xingxing, who made him dare to make no sense just now.

"Well then, since A Xing has said so, you can be polite to Po Jun and send him back to Lingnan City."

Qi Lin nodded with a smile.

Before leaving, Qi Lin gave Zhou Xingxing another piece of advice.

"When Mr. Xing goes back, don't think about talking nonsense, or stay in Xiangjiang and don't go out. I am a good person, but I hate being cheated the most by others. Otherwise, there will be an unnamed corpse in Victoria Bay, and many fans will stay there. Not so good down.

Zhou Xingxing smiled bitterly and said: "Xiangjiang people take honesty as their foundation, since I have already agreed to cooperate with President Qi, how can I change my mind at will.

Qi Lin said with a smile: "Then I will wait for Ah Xing's second visit, and then we will sign a contract under the spotlight of the media, but it's a matter of our own.

Hearing what Qi Lin said, Zhou Xingxing knew that he should not be able to go back to Xiangjiang in the next two days.

Back at the hotel in Lingnan City, it was already night time.

Zhou Xingxing and Ayu passed by by mistake and looked at him carefully.

When he was sure that the person in front of him really looked exactly like him, he couldn't bear the thought of disobeying Qi Lin any longer.

Early the next morning, Huaxia Media thought that Zhou Xingxing was going back to Xiangjiang, and surrounded him for the last interview.

"What is the next itinerary for Mr. Zhou Xingxing after returning to Hong Kong?

"Do you have any specific information about Mr. Zhou Xingxing's next work to reveal? 35

"Did Mr. Zhou Xingxing and Ms. Zhao Wei have a relationship because of the drama?"

Zhou Xingxing refused all irrelevant questions, except for the itinerary, which shocked all the reporters.

Zhou Xingxing said with a smile: "I have no intention of returning to Xiangjiang for the time being, but I am going to Jianghan City to meet a friend who is missing the year. 99

"Jianghan City? Isn't this the most prosperous city in Central China? Mr. Zhou Xingxing is actually going inland!

"May I ask Mr. Zhou Xingxing to reveal the name of your new year friend, and is there any way to know him?"

The reporters asked impatiently.

Regarding Qi Lin's identity, he told Zhou Xingxing, there is no need to hide it, he is just a serious businessman.

Hearing the word "serious businessman", Zhou Xingxing couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"His name is Qi Lin. He is a young and promising entrepreneur. We met through the Internet. We have many common topics and ideas in film art, so we gradually became friends."

"Okay, there's only so much I can tell my friends from the reporters. I'm catching a plane. Please let me go."

Another weekend.

Lan Yuxi brought Midsummer to the villa for vacation.

This time, Fang Yuanyuan also came back from the company, for the purpose.

She knew that Qi Xueyao and Lan Yuxi had a bad relationship, so she was afraid that the two daughters-in-law would fight, so she went home to take a look.

Fang Yuanyuan asked Qi Feng if he would go back, Qi Feng said speechlessly: "The house is full of girls brought back by that stinky boy, I don't even have a place to sit, and with me here, your daughters-in-law are embarrassed and inconvenient, anyway, I am here. In the company's habit, you can go back by yourself.35

Speaking of which, Qi Feng was also pitiful. It was obviously the villa he bought, and in the end he didn't even have a place to live.

Fortunately, he and Fang Yuanyuan have already negotiated, buy another villa in the community, and when the decoration is finished, he will be able to live with Fang Yuanyuan in a two-person world.

Get on 787 early in the morning.

Just after breakfast, the mahjong booth was set up.

Among them, the three sparrow gods are still old players. The only thing that has changed is that Wang Siling, the 'general victorious', has become Fang Yuanyuan's mother-in-law.

"This stinky boy is getting more and more outrageous, there are so many girls in the family, and they don't go home at night, wait for him to come back and see how I twist his ears.

Fang Yuanyuan taught her son a lesson while playing mahjong.

Said to be a lesson, in fact, to appease the daughters-in-law in the family, lest they have resentment towards Qi Lin.

Damn, it really breaks my heart for my son.

Last night, Qi Lin simply stayed at Yan Yan's house.

Yan Yan is now 33 years old.

Qi Lin did what he said, and would not let the lady get pregnant, he would not give up.

He is looking forward to what the little baby born by himself and Yan Yan will look like.

"Mom! Come and watch, my brother is on TV!"

Several people were playing mahjong, and Wang Siling, who was pouring tea at the coffee table, suddenly shouted excitedly with her beautiful eyes.

Mahjong is good, but once I hear the news of my husband.


The sound of the stool moving back sounded, and there were a few small heads beside Wang Siling.

"The brat is on TV? Where is the man? 35

"Husband is doing justice again?"

"It's good to be brave, but I'm afraid that I won't be arrested by the police because of prostitution.

Qi Xueyao's words were astonishing, making several girls and even Fang Yuanyuan wonder if they should laugh or cry.

"No, this should be Xiangjiang actor Zhou Xingxing, right? What about your husband, Si Ling?"

After searching for a long time, but couldn't find Qi Lin, Lan Yuxi asked amusingly.

Wang Siling's pretty face was a little embarrassed: "I, I'm too excited, I'm wrong, it's not my brother, it's TV, it's Zhou Xingxing who just said that my brother is his friend, and he is coming to Jianghan City to find his brother. 35

It is well known that Wang Siling never speaks.

Hearing her words, everyone was shocked.

"Stinky boy Jianghan city is very small? When did you meet a big star like Zhou Xingxing?"

"My husband knows Zhou Xingxing? It's quite interesting. It just happened that I've been rusting at home recently. Sisters, let's find my husband and let him take us to see Zhou Xingxing. How is it?

Qi Xueyao suggested with a pretty smile.

"I agree, Qi Xueyao, you have made a good suggestion this time.

Lan Yuxi is also a playful character, and immediately raised her tender white jade arm, hehe laughed.

"Yo? We were playing mahjong in the morning? But why did we end? What are you doing all around the TV?"

After a long night, Qi Lin went home refreshed.

Although Qi Lin was Yan Yan's first man, she was a gentle and mature young woman after all. She could guess what Qi Lin wanted.

This kind of charm is definitely not comparable to girls like Qi Xueyao and Lan Yuxi.

Seeing that the protagonist Qi Lin actually came back.

Lan Yuxi's beautiful eyes lit up in pure white silk JK, and she immediately flew over, hanging on Qi Lin like a koala.

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