Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

272: The transaction is completed, Huang Yiyi gets the heroine

Jiang Nannan certainly understood what Qi Lin meant.

She never thought that she, who has always been pure and traditional, would take the initiative to kiss a man who was not her boyfriend.

Although her first kiss had already been given to Qi Lin.

"Boss, can I get the role after teaching acting?"

Jiang Nannan's voice was almost crying.

She knew she was heading for a point of no return.

But there was nothing she could do.

She knew that if she didn't change, she might face an indefinite snowfall, and eventually her face would grow old, but nothing would be accomplished.

Hearing Jiang Nannan's words, Qi Lin frowned, and his black eyes showed a hint of dissatisfaction.

Compared with Huang Yiyi, Jiang Nannan's emotional intelligence is too low.

"Sister Nan Nan, we are just practicing ordinary acting skills. In your eyes, are we doing an exchange of interests? Then you may think me Qi Lin is too dirty. 99

Qi Lin said lightly.

Well, even taking advantage of the fact that he has to flaunt his own justice, Qi Lin is just like that.

Jiang Nannan cried when Qi Lin played.

"Boss, I was wrong. I was too cranky. I know it's all for my own good."

She didn't dare to ask any more questions.

Sitting in Qi Lin's arms, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her moist lips slowly imprinted on Qi Lin's mouth.

"Not enough investment, not enough attention, I can't feel your love for me, your feelings for me, you are now playing the little wife I reunited after a long time, don't you want to look like a green baby?"

Qi Lin pointed out Jiang Nannan's shortcomings.

Jiang Nannan's beautiful eyes were full of shyness, she was clearly a pure girl, but she had to take many steps ahead of time to learn such profound acting skills.

She gave up!


ten minutes later.

"The selection of materials for making Yu Sheng sashimi is not bad, the fish is smooth and sweet, sister Nan Nan, the girl who was poured out of oil in Kung Fu will be played by you, and I will add some scenes to you appropriately.

Qi Lin commented on Jiang Nannan's "Seven Nine Zeros" skills.

Jiang Nannan's pretty face flushed red, she understood what Qi Lin was saying.

However, Jiang Nannan was full of joy.

It was the first time she had tasted the beauty of taking shortcuts.

She didn't have to memorize the acting skills, she didn't need to be criticized and taught by the teacher, and she didn't need to look at Zhang Dan's face, she easily won the first role in her life.

"Feng Wei, I-I'm just practicing my acting skills. Even if you know about it, you won't blame me, right?"

Jiang Nannan remembered at this moment that she had a boyfriend.

She and her three views are slowly collapsing, thinking that the entertainment industry should be like this.

Huang Yiyi is like this, she needs this too, otherwise how can she compete with so many goblins?

Besides, Qi Lin is so handsome and powerful, when she, she and Qi Lin practiced their acting skills, there was no feeling of rejection at all.

"I will only practice acting with my boss, and I will never give it to anyone else, so I am still a pure girl, I just dedicate myself to acting, right?"5

Jiang Nannan comforted herself silently, suppressing the last trace of unease.

"Bai Suzhen at the foot of Qingcheng Mountain."

"Cultivation of this body for thousands of years in the cave. 35


Huang Yiyi was in a good mood. After buying the dresses and sandals, she was carrying her handbag and was about to go to the hotel.

But she didn't realize that she was being followed, with a sneaky young man hiding behind her.

"Yiyi is from the magic city, she was studying in Kyoto, and she went shopping by herself when she first came to Jianghan City. She didn't have a few such fashionable dresses yet. Her actions are too abnormal.

Yang Zi's eyes were full of bad premonitions, and his face was gloomy.

However, he did not go to Huang Yiyi to ask the truth, but chose to continue to follow him.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Huang Yiyi, who had already taken a shower at the Asia Hotel, put on this beautiful dress, hesitated for a moment, and dialed Qi Lin's mobile number.

"Boss, I have already opened a room at the Asian Hotel, do you want to come over?"

Huang Yiyi came from a middle-class family, and her family was quite rich.

In 2002, several thousand and 10,000 Asian hotels are not something that ordinary people can open.

Of course, the most important thing is that she wants to leave a good memory for her first time, instead of finding a dilapidated hotel and ending it hastily.

"I don't have anything to do here, you pick me up at the door, I'll be there right away.

Qi Lin smiled lightly.

Huang Yiyi's pretty face beamed with joy, and it seemed that Qi Lin had not forgotten her.

Hanging up the phone, she was wearing a fashionable suspender and floral short skirt, revealing fair jade shoulders, and with a bright and clean back, she walked out of the magnificent lobby of the hotel, standing slim on the steps, looking into the distance.

Under her straight and tender white manga legs, she stepped on a pair of fresh girl-tie sandals with a one-word buckle and open toes.

The graceful arch of the foot and the ten cute toes exuding a sweet girlish atmosphere.

"She seems to be picking up someone?"

Seeing this scene, Yang Zi's face, who was hiding behind the stone pillar, became even more ugly.

Ten minutes later, a luxurious and domineering Maybach 62S stopped in front of the hotel.

The tall and mighty Zhou Pojun parked his car, walked to the back row, and opened the door for Qi Lin.

Seeing Qi Lin get out of the car, Huang Yiyi's beautiful face showed a look of joy.

There was a strong contrast with the indifferent rejection of Yang Zi just now.

She jumped up to Qi Lin, her tender white jade arm took the initiative to hold Qi Lin's arm, and said with a very cute expression: "Boss, do you think I look good dressed like this?"

Smelling the fragrance of a girl on Huang Yiyi's body, Qi Lin looked Huang Yiyi up and down.

Especially when she saw the pair of one-word buckled sandals she had chosen, the straps were very thin, revealing a large white instep, and she couldn't help but take a second look.

"Are you wearing perfume?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Huang Yiyi smiled and said, "Yes, does the boss like it?"

"It's pretty good, it smells a little high.

Qi Lin nodded honestly.

"Boss, you haven't said whether my dress looks good or not."

Huang Yiyi shook Qi Lin's arm and acted coquettishly.

Qi Lin nodded: "Yes, it fits my aesthetic very well, especially these sandals, which make your little feet look fair and delicate.

"But you have to pay attention to yourself, filming is hard, you have to run around, it is easy to cause mosquito bites, cracked heels, calluses on the soles of the feet and so on.

"You usually pay more attention to maintenance yourself, and you usually use milk to soak your feet more often, which is good for you."

Huang Yiyi is a smart and witty girl, and she understood Qi Lin's preferences in just a few words.

With a hint of coursing, Mei Mu said coquettishly: "I know the boss, I will definitely protect it and let the boss see its most perfect side forever."

"No! Absolutely not!"

"I like it. The Yiyi I know is pure and flawless, playful and cute. She will never be so shameless to please another man."

At this moment, Yang Zi, who was hiding behind the stone pillars, was shattered and his eyes were painful. He couldn't accept that the girl he loved most took the initiative to please other men.

He couldn't take it any longer.

He rushed out from behind the stone pillar and stopped in front of Qi Lin and Huang Yiyi.

"Yiyi, why did you become like this? He has me in every way, I will give you whatever you want, why do you choose such an ignorant rich second generation. 39

Yang Zi pointed at Qi Lin and asked excitedly.

Qi Lin: "・...

Is it really the villain's temperament too strong? Anyone who rushes over here thinks he is an ignorant second-generation rich man?

"Isn't this Yang Zi? Why did he come to Jianghan City if he didn't stay in Kyoto well?"

"Could it be that the plot of this world has changed, Yang Zi and Huang Yiyi are already together?"

Qi Lin looked at the man in front of him with a hint of doubt in his heart.

"No, Huang Yiyi's green first kiss definitely doesn't look like she's pretending. It should be that she and Yang Zi knew each other in advance, but nothing happened yet, right?"

Qi Lin guessed in his heart.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Yang Zi, Huang Yiyi's pretty face was also frightened.

Facing Yang Zi's question, she didn't want to answer at all, but immediately looked at Qi Lin, fearing that he might have misunderstood her.

"Huang Yiyi, don't you explain what's going on here? 35

Qi Lin knew what Huang Yiyi and Yang Zi had, but he still beat her.

No matter how well-behaved a woman is, once she feels favored, she will be spoiled.

Huang Yiyi is only 19 years old now, which is the best age for training. This time is just a good opportunity for Qi Lin to let her know that those things must not violate his bottom line.

Seeing Qi Lin's smile disappear and her dark eyes full of indifference, she panicked: "Boss, I'm not familiar with this person at all, and I've never promised him anything, he always comes to my school to pester me. Me, I am very annoying, my first kiss is also given to the boss, and my innocence can be given to the boss at any time, all these can prove that I am pure.

Hearing that Huang Yiyi was trying to distance herself from her, especially knowing that her first kiss was given to Qi Lin, Yang Zi felt like a bolt from the blue.

However, Huang Yiyi's blow to him has just begun.

"Yang Zi, are you sick? I told you not to follow me. You have to listen. Are you satisfied with all this now?"

"Yes, as you can see, for the heroine's position, I volunteered to be the boss's lover."

"This is my own choice, and please respect my choice, I am not suitable for you, and I will never be your girlfriend. You should still die in the future.

Huang Yiyi said coldly to Yang Zi.

At this time, Yang Zi was already heartbroken to the extreme. He didn't want to believe that the pure and lovely girl had fallen into such a state that he was willing to take the initiative to become someone else's lover.

"Yiyi, please don't do this, okay? If you want to be a heroine, I can make you a heroine too. My family has billions of assets. I promise you how many TV dramas and movies you want to make, as long as you don't do this. spoil yourself.35

Huang Yiyi's beautiful eyes flashed a hint of helplessness, and affectionate men are sometimes really annoying: "Then I want to play with Zhou Xingxing and become the number one female?"

Yang Zi:

This is quite difficult to do. He is rich, but he may not be able to invite Zhou Xingxing if he is rich.

"Boss, let's go, this person is crazy, just pretend he doesn't exist...""

Huang Yiyi had no patience to toss with Yang Zi anymore, took Qi Lin's arm and walked towards the hotel.


Yang Zi's eyes were about to split, so he wanted to rush up to stop Huang Yiyi.

Once Huang Yiyi is allowed in, the girl he loves will be a toy that other men arbitrarily manipulate from now on.

"If you don't want to die, just get away."

Zhou Pojun's face turned cold and stopped in front of Yang Zi.

Like a chicken, he lifted Yang Zi's collar, and after a warning, threw him out heavily.

"Woooooo! I hate it! I hate it! Why is God doing this to me, making me fall in love with a girl I can't get!"

Regardless of the scratches on his body, Yang Zi knelt under the steps of the hotel and roared up to the sky.

And the passing passengers around are watching this scene with novelty.

With Zhou Pojun guarding the door, Yang Zi couldn't come in to disturb him.

Under the guidance of Qi Lin's Huang Yiyi, she came to the presidential suite she had already booked.

"Boss, do you want to take a bath? I'll go to the bathtub to help you run the water?"

Seeing Qi Lin smoking on the large sofa in the living room, she asked sensible.

"Go, call me when the water is ready. 55

Qi Lin nodded with a smile.

ten minutes later.

"Boss, the water is ready. 99

Huang Yiyi did not leave the bathroom, but let Qi Lin come in.

Seeing Huang Yiyi who was wearing a bathrobe, Qi Lin smiled lightly.

She is beautiful, smart and playful, and understands the mind of a man. It is difficult for such a girl to keep him from collecting.

Qi Lin, who originally thought of playing casually, suddenly changed his mind.

After half an hour.

in the master bedroom.

"Don't take off your sandals, I really like these shoes.

Seeing that Huang Yiyi was unbuttoning her sandals, Qi Lin stopped her with a smile.

Huang Yiyi blushed pretty, nodded, then climbed to the head of the bed and snuggled into Qi Lin's arms.

The next morning.


Huang Yiyi moaned softly and woke up Yoyo.

She touched her side subconsciously, a girl who lost her first time would always feel particularly insecure.


When she felt that there was no one around, Huang Yiyi was frightened, and her pretty face immediately got up with a hint of panic.

She has dedicated the most important things to Qi Lin. Once Qi Lin eats up and leaves, and the heroine's position is not given to her, how desperate should she be?

Not caring about the pain when walking, Huang Yiyi leaned on the wall and ran out of the master bedroom to find Qi Lin.

Fortunately, walking out of the master bedroom, Huang Yiyi saw Qi Lin wearing a bathrobe, standing in front of the bed, smoking a cigarette, and looking at the morning river view in front of the huge French window.

"Why did you escape by yourself? Are you afraid that I will leave you alone?"

Qi Lin turned around, and when he saw Huang Yiyi staring at him, he couldn't help but ask with a smile.

Seeing that Qi Lin hadn't left, Huang Yiyi's beautiful eyes gradually became misty, then limped over, and plunged into Qi Lin's arms.

Although it is an exchange of interests, 19-year-old Huang Yiyi still fantasizes that she can reap her own sweet love, not just a cold sentence, I will give you what you want.

Qi Lin could see what Huang Yiyi was thinking, he pinched Huang Yiyi's fair jaw and let her pair of beautiful eyes look at him.

"Say, whose little lover are you?"

Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with evil intent.

3.6 Qi Lin's black eyes are like an endless vortex, attracting Huang Yiyi to fall into it and get lost in the endless darkness.

"I, I am the boss's little lover, the boss's little lover, the boss can bully me any way he wants, but no one is qualified to bully me except the boss. 99

Huang Yiyi's beautiful face stared at Qi Lin dazedly, and answered Qi Lin's question.

Her fall was faster and deeper than Qi Lin had imagined.

"What should you do first thing in the morning when you see your boss?"

Qi Lin asked again.

Huang Yiyi gradually woke up, her beautiful eyes with a mist: "Boss, I want you to kiss me, kiss me fiercely, your little lover needs your favor.


In the next second, Qi Lin pinched her fair jaw and kissed her heavily.

Huang Yiyi was a little shy at first, but gradually, she stood on tiptoe, her delicate pale pink soles appeared in the sunlight, and responded to Qi Lin's kiss.

In the presidential suite, a special waiter will deliver breakfast to your door in the morning.

From a young girl to a young woman, Huang Yiyi also needs to supplement nutrition, and this breakfast she eats is extremely sweet.

"The heroine of Kung Fu, the role of the dumb girl Fang'er belongs to you. You have to take this opportunity well, but don't let my investment go to waste."

Qi Lin had finished eating, so he watched Huang Yiyi eating breakfast and talked to her about work.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Huang Yiyi's pretty face froze, and the knife and fork in her hand stopped.

next second.

"Thank you boss, boss I love you so much!

Huang Yiyi said to Qi Lin with joy.

After traveling thousands of miles from Kyoto to Jianghan City, she gave Qi Lin her most important things. Isn't that what she did for this role?

And now, Qi Lin finally got her wish.

If it wasn't for her inconvenience, I'm afraid she would have jumped into Qi Lin's arms just now and offered the sweet and delicious honey flower tea again.

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