Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

273: Zhang Man: If you lose, be your wife, and be your husband and son at home

"A few more things to tell you.""

Qi Lin's expression was light.

Huang Yiyi also felt the change in Qi Lin's tone.

Her smile faded away, and she said obediently: "Boss, you said, Yiyi listen.

Qi Lin lit a cigarette, spit out a smoke ring, and said slowly, "I won't interfere with you when you are filming or accepting commercials, but you should keep these points in mind."

"First, there must be no scandals, except for the other party's intentional hype. I will solve these things. If I find out that you are indiscreet, the ban is just a small snack, and the more serious consequences are more cruel than you imagine."

"Secondly, you are not allowed to accept advertisements with revealing clothes, playing sideballs, or taking all kinds of revealing photos. If someone forces you, you can tell me directly, and I will solve this matter.

"Thirdly, when filming, you are not allowed to have any physical contact with the opposite sex, kissing scenes, holding hands and hugging will ask the director to find a substitute for you, even if you borrow a seat, if there is an actor harassing you, you can also tell me, I will Help you deal with him.95

"Wait when you go to the company with me. From now on, your contract will be signed in Tangren Entertainment. As long as you learn to be smart, there will be a steady stream of resources that will be directed to you in the future, and your contract will be divided into parts, except for The company's operating expenses for you are divided according to seventy-three, the company three, you seven."

For Huang Yiyi, Qi Lin took great care of him.

Stars who have just debuted will be signed with overlord contracts. For example, the star's income will be shared, and the company will take 80 to 90%, and the remaining 10% or 20% will be given to the stars.

In the face of such an overlord contract, a star who has not yet become famous also dares to be angry and dare not speak.

After all, they don't have any resources and connections in the entertainment industry. If they want to become popular, they have to listen to the company obediently.

After listening to Qi Lin's words, Huang Yiyi's pretty face did not show any embarrassment or dissatisfaction, but she felt sweet in her heart.

She thought that after Qi Lin took away her innocence, she would ignore her, or if she was tired of playing, she just abandoned it.

But I didn't expect Qi Lin to be so domineering, not only not allowing her to have scandals with male stars, but also not allowing her to take intimate scenes and receive random advertisements.

This is obviously to treat her as a captive canary, and only allow him to molest him alone.

For this, Huang Yiyi thinks it's pretty good against 07.

She herself just likes filming and enjoys the feeling of being in the spotlight and being sought after by thousands of people.

On the contrary, he is not interested in rumors with male stars, because of drama.

No matter how handsome those male stars are, is her boss handsome?

No matter how rich they are and how famous they are? They are not playthings in the hands of their own bosses. If they want to be banned, they will be banned.

Qi Lin's words will only make Huang Yiyi feel more secure and feel that her innocence has been given to the right person.

"Boss, even if you don't tell me, I know how to do it. Yiyi is afraid that the boss will get tired of playing one day and forget me. I don't care what I'm doing or doing."

Huang Yiyi didn't eat breakfast anymore, and limped to Qi Lin's side, squeezed him and sat down, snuggling in his arms.

Qi Lin squeezed Huang Yiyi's delicate face and smiled: "These are not what you need to think about now, you just need to do as I say.

Huang Yiyi nodded obediently.

Afterwards, her tender white face rubbed against Qi Lin's neck again, and said in a coquettish voice: "Boss, you are so kind to Yiyi, I heard from the senior brothers in the school, when Zhou Papi Company signed contracts for newcomers. , are all given 91%, you not only give me the role of the female No. 1, but also give me 70%, there is no better person in this world than you.

Hearing Huang Yiyi's delicate words, Qi Lin smiled and said, "Then you should be nice to me, okay? You will give me all the money you earn, and I will only be responsible for your food, clothing and housing.

Huang Yiyi nodded without thinking about it: "Okay, anyway, I just like the feeling of being a star, and money is enough for me. My family is a wealthy family, and I am not short of money. use."5

"Boss, I'll give you all my money in the future, so you'll keep me in the future, okay?

Huang Yiyi raised her little face and asked with a smile.

B: "........."

For the sake of a role, Huang Yiyi is seductive and dedicated, making him think that Huang Yiyi is a girl who will do anything for money.

But now, he realized that he seemed to be wrong.

This little girl is clearly a love brain. Once she falls, she becomes a silly white sweet without IQ.

This seems to be evident from the past.

Since she fell in love with Yang Zi, she has gradually faded out of the screen, focusing on her husband and children at home, and even assisting Yang Zi's family business.

"What are you thinking, we've only known each other for a day and you just want to eat my soft rice?"

Qi Lin clicked Huang Yiyi's forehead angrily: "work hard, help me with more money, so that I can take care of a few more starlets.

"The boss hates~"

Even though she knew that Qi Lin was teasing herself, Huang Yiyi still puffed out her mouth, and acted coquettishly in Qi Lin's arms.

The two got bored for a while and then left the room.

When they went downstairs, Qi Lin and Huang Yiyi found that Yang Zi was still in front of the hotel.

"Yiyi, don't make a mistake, will you go back to the capital with me?"

Seeing Huang Yiyi's lame walking posture, Yang Zi felt a sharp pain in her heart.

With dark circles under his eyes, he begged Huang Yiyi again.

Originally, Huang Yiyi made up her mind to dedicate herself to the heroine of kung fu.

Now the relationship with Qi Lin is much more intimate, how can I wait to see Yang Zi the dog.

"Go away! 35

Putting down a word ruthlessly, Huang Yiyi took Qi Lin's arm and walked towards the Maybach.

After returning to the company, Huang Yiyi immediately signed a contract with Sugar Man Entertainment.

When she went to the bathroom, Zhang Man sighed and said to Qi Lin, "This little girl doesn't have any precautions, she doesn't even look at the contract, she just signs her name, if I tell her, she should give it to her. If you sign a white labor contract with Bawang, not only do you not have to pay a penny, but you can play her for nothing, what do you think, big boss?"

Qi Lin took a sip of coffee and said lightly, "According to what you said, then I won't have to pay you salary in the future, and wait for me to give birth to my baby after you get off work?"

Zhang Man is really a femme fatale. In her eyes, any woman may only have utility value and no utility value.

Even Chen Shuyi is no exception.

That's why Zhang Man, who has an extremely hard heart, was moved by Qi Lin's enemy.

Without Qi Lin, Zhang Man can almost be said to have no flaws.

To describe it in one sentence is, there is no man in the heart, and the sword is drawn naturally!

Zhang Manmei rolled her eyes at Qi Lin: "Look at how you are protecting the calf, right, right, right, they are all your little hearts, and you won't even give me a word of ridicule. 35

Qi Lin and Zhang Man are discussing Huang Yiyi.

On the way back to the office, Huang Yiyi met his 'enemy'

Jiang Nannan bit her moist lower lip and looked at Huang Yiyi opposite her coldly.

Facing Jiang Nannan's hostility, Huang Yiyi didn't take it seriously. Instead, he greeted her with a smile: "I heard the boss talk about you, Jiang Nannan, right? We will be colleagues in a company from now on, please take care of me."5

"Shameless, why can't I get what I want with my true ability?"

Jiang Nannan couldn't help but ask.

If Huang Yiyi hadn't broken the rules, she wouldn't be so passive, and even forced to step into the abyss and do something wrong to her boyfriend.

Huang Yiyi looked Jiang Nannan up and down, and then smiled faintly: "You should be a little older than me, right? Why don't you understand what I know? 55

"Is it because I want to be shameless? Is my acting good? Is it the best among the hundreds of girls who have been auditioned? But so what? The boss didn't want to choose a heroine from us at all. 99

"Her position has always been prepared for you."

"It's a pity that your head is not very bright, you don't understand the boss's thoughts, and you don't want to take that crucial step. 35

"Then I have to be sorry, I can't get the role I want with my acting skills, so I can only use other means. 39

"Anyway, the process is not important, the most important thing is the result."

These remarks have been analyzed very thoroughly, and Jiang Nannan, who had taken the initiative to find fault, could not refute it.

"But, but I'm different from you. I have a boyfriend. I can't do anything wrong with my boyfriend, so it's not fair."

Jiang Nannan said in a both aggrieved and angry tone.

Huang Yiyi chuckled: "Jiang Nannan, are you joking? In the real world, what are you telling me about fairness? If it were fair, then no one would be born in Rome, and some would be born with nothing. Even missing arms and legs."

After finishing speaking, Huang Yiyi looked Jiang Nannan up and down again, she smiled and said: "Of course, you don't have to be so anxious, as long as you are still in the company, you have a chance to beat me again, having a boyfriend is yours Bonus points, as long as you grasp this well, the boss will definitely be willing to give you resources.35

After saying this, Huang Yiyi lightly walked past Jiang Nannan.

The current Jiang Nannan is still too immature and not qualified to be her opponent.

When she becomes more mature, Huang Yiyi will be a little interested in playing two tricks with her.

When Huang Yiyi returned to Zhang Man's vice president's office again, Qi Lin listened to Zhang Dan's report with an expressionless face.

"I didn't expect things to happen like this. The person I sent over said that Yuan Xiuyan had contacted the KBS TV station of the Peninsula, and she told our people to stop looking for her. The script for 'Full House' is licensed to us.

Zhang Dan said with a wry smile.

"You don't have to worry about this from now on."

Qi Lin tapped the table with his fingers and made a thumping sound, making Zhang Dan's heart beat slower.

Not letting her control it means that her trust in Qi Lin's heart has been reduced by another point, and a part of her power will also be lost.

"Mr. Man, this matter is handed over to you, are you sure you can handle it well?"

Qi Lin asked Zhang Man lightly again.

To say that the peninsula stick is narcissistic, it is indeed narcissistic.

But it is this group of narcissistic extreme racists who have created the Hallyu brand that has swept the world.

At its peak, it even affected two entire generations of the post-80s/90s generation in China, making hundreds of millions of teenagers a non-mainstream crowd.

And the TV series "Full House" is an important part of it.

It is just this TV series. In one year, the entire Southeast Asia, China, Xiangjiang, Baodao, and Baodao have lost 1.6 billion Chinese dollars.

Doesn't the stick always like to plagiarize Chinese culture?

As a rebirth, Qi Lin has no reason not to fight against the army. All the TV dramas with wide influence of the stick are all made into mainland dramas, and they are put into the whole of Southeast Asia, Xiangjiang, Treasure Island, and even the mainland of the peninsula, and a wave of cultural output is reversed. ?

Therefore, this is the reason why Qi Lin severely criticized Zhang Dan for being unfavorable.

This is no longer a question of interests, but a question of cultural invasion.

Zhang Man has long known from Qi Lin why he transferred himself to Sugar Man Entertainment.

A subordinate should not only let the boss see his ability, but also let the boss see his loyalty.

Zhang Dan committed a big problem, that is, his distrust of Qi Lin.

"If it's a relatively simple matter, I'm not interested. This matter is quite challenging, but my answer is. Leave it to me, you can rest assured."

Zhang Man smiled and took over the task assigned to her by Qi Lin.

Qi Lin nodded with satisfaction, and then asked: "If you need anything, please ask me in advance, so as not to mess it up and say that my support is not enough."

Zhang Man was not polite to Qi Lin, she smiled: "Now that Yuan Xiuyan has been in contact with KBS TV station, making this troublesome, assigning someone else, or communicating with each other by phone, there is definitely no way to solve the problem.

"I'm going to the peninsula in person, so I need my boss to give me 10 million in cash and someone who can protect me, just in case.

This requirement is not too high.

79,010,000,000 in exchange for 1.6 billion in one year, and even more than 1 billion in subsequent profits.

This can no longer be said to be a steady profit, but a lucrative business.

"The request has been raised, what if it fails?"

Qi Lin asked lightly.

Zhang Dan's example was before, and he no longer wanted to see it again.

Otherwise, the big boss will need to come out in person at that time.

The subordinate's ability to handle affairs is not good, and his face as the boss is also dull.

Zhang Man's pretty face is rarely serious: "There is no failure, if I have to tell me, then I will resign as the vice president of Sugar Man Entertainment, and I will not fight with you in the future, just be your woman and help you at home. The husband and the child.""

This has always been what Qi Lin wanted Zhang Man to do.

"That's what you said."

Qi Lin smiled lightly.

This promise is really tempting. Do you think he wants Zhang Man to succeed or Zhang Man to fail?

10 million is easy to say, Qi Lin directly gave Zhang Man an international bank card.

As for the candidate to protect Zhang Man......

"There is early spring at home, Kun Kun and Qingqing can also protect the home, Rose is undoubtedly the best candidate.

"The most important thing is that Rose's rich experience against enemies is not comparable to those of the little girls. Only by letting her protect Zhang Man to the peninsula can her safety factor be higher.

"The only thing I need to worry about is that Rose won't listen to anyone except me, let alone Zhang Man. I hope the two of them won't fight when they are on the road.

Thinking of this, Qi Lin called Rose.

"To the peninsula?"

"No! It's too far there.

Rose refused without thinking.

Protecting Qi Xueyao at home is not dangerous at all, and you can still play mahjong at home every day, why bother going abroad?

Happy not thinking about Shu!

Ease of life is too much to obliterate people's will.

The female gangster, who used to feel uncomfortable without taking a hostage for three days, has now become a salty fish.

"Well, if you don't go, I'll let the little girl in the winter go with me, maybe when she comes back, you can be an aunt. 35

Qi Lin said with a smile.


Thinking of the 18-year-old Bing Dong with such a big belly, this is something that Rose can't accept anyway.

She gritted her silver teeth and said, "You're despicable, can't I promise? But the salary for going abroad is calculated separately. At least you have to give me 1 million!""

Qi Lin smiled and said: "This is no problem, just ask Zhang Man for your remuneration, and you will listen to her for this trip to the peninsula.

Zhang Man:

It was said that the 10 million funds used for her were inexplicably less than one million?

The bodyguard he found, shouldn't Qi Lin come out with the money?

PS: Brothers, click to subscribe automatically, Qi Lin thank you!

PS: Also ask for a monthly ticket! Evaluation ticket! Reward! Urge more! Flowers!.

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