Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

282; Shasha's little grievance, cheongsam with white silk

Participating in the class reunion, I thought that I had found Qi Lin as her boyfriend, and I regained face in front of Qi Xueyao.

But she didn't expect that all this was a hole dug for her in advance by the two of them.

Qi Lin, the bastard, kissed her again.

Qi Xueyao saw her own joke.

Both of them took advantage, but she didn't even lose her panties, can she not be angry?

Facing Xia Sha who was glaring at her with thin eyes, Qi Lin smiled and said, "I should ask you this, right?"

"I came before you, and I think it was you who knew I was coming here for dinner, and came here on purpose, just to see me."9

Xia Sha had never seen such a narcissistic guy before, and her pretty face turned even redder.

"Bah! Narcissist! Who wants to see you? My sister called me and asked me to come over for dinner."

"If I knew that you bastard was here, I definitely wouldn't come here."

Speaking of this, Xia Sha still felt not relieved enough, turned around and walked towards the kitchen: "I haven't eaten this meal today, I will tell my sister that I am leaving now!"9

It's just that I haven't waited for Shasha to get close to the kitchen.

She suddenly felt light.

"Yeah! Put me down, you bastard!"

"Seven Nine Seven" 88 Jin Shasha in Qi Lin's hands, like a large doll.

He slapped his hands behind him and hugged Xia Sha directly with the princess hug.

Xia Sha's pretty face blushed, and her little pink fist was hammering on Qi Lin's shoulder.

"What did you mean just now? I would rather not eat, just because I don't want to see me? 35

Qi Lin walked back to where he was and put Shasha on the sofa.

Then he put his arms on both sides of her body and looked at him condescendingly.

The two pretty faces were close at hand, Qi Lin's breath hit Xia Sha's pretty face, causing her heart to scramble.

"Yuxi, don't you care about your husband? If you let your mother come out to see it, do you know that there will be a bloody case in your family today?

Xia Sha didn't want to answer Qi Lin's question, she could only turn her head and say to her niece.

Lan Yuxi blinked her big beautiful eyes and smiled: "Auntie, you are asking for help from the wrong person, I don't dare to provoke our eldest master, as for me,

"If you don't tell me, I forgot. I'll go to the kitchen and drag her to keep her from coming out."


With such a niece on the stall, is she crying? Or is she crying?

"When I was in college, I couldn't get along with Qi Xueyao. You know this, you still play me with her, I just don't want to see you."

Xia Sha's beautiful eyes flashed a hint of grievance, and she chose to fight with Qi Lin alone.

Qi Lin fiddled with the scattered hair beside Xia Sha's delicate earlobe and chuckled, "I didn't know you two happened to be from the same university, or classmates.

"And why don't you think about it? Qi Xueyao also asked me to support her, but I finally rejected her and chose you. Who is more important in my heart?"


Qi Lin's mouth is so sweet that he can't pay for his life.

This sentence was completely said in the heart of Xia Sha, which made her heart move.


According to Qi Xueyao's temperament, she was with Qi Lin, and she was pregnant with his child, so she would definitely pull Qi Lin over to show a wave of affection.

The relationship between the two is closer than hers, but Qi Lin finally chose to pretend to be her girlfriend and let Qi Xueyao attend the class reunion alone.

"I-I don't believe your nonsense, you chose me to take advantage of me, and Qi Xueyao didn't dare to provoke you, so she was jealous and could only watch you mess around.

Xia Sha's beautiful eyes glanced aside, but it could be seen that the anger in her heart had subsided a little.

"Who said Qi Xueyao was angry? Knowing that you haven't talked about a boyfriend yet, she asked me to pretend to be her boyfriend, and she took the initiative to ask me to accompany you. She said that it is not easy for you to support a store by yourself, and you have lost The most important person in life, if she can, she wants to be your friend, not your enemy.""

Qi Lin stroked Shasha's pretty face.

"Just talk when you talk, can you not touch it!"

Xia Sha felt goosebumps all over, but it wasn't an annoying feeling, but the feeling of the deer bumping around was stronger.

She blushed slightly, and pushed Qi Lin's hand away.

"Qi Xueyao really said that?"

But immediately, she couldn't help but ask.

"I can take you to see her now, and you can ask her how she is?

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Xia Sha is so embarrassed to see Qi Xueyao now.

Two girls who were once dissatisfied with each other ended up entangled with the same man, which is too bloody.

"Forget it, who made her pregnant now, I don't care about it with you anymore."

"Okay, get up quickly.

Xia Sha pushed Qi Lin's chest, and the two of them getting so close together would only make her feel numb.

"Your business is over, mine is still unresolved. What do you mean when you say you don't want to see me again?"

Qi Lin didn't move, looking at Xia Sha under him.

Xia Sha was stunned for a moment, and then muttered: "You are such a big man, can't you tell the joke? Am I not leaving now?"

Qi Lin said lightly: "No matter how old people are, they will be angry. Unless you promise me a condition, I will not be angry."

This guy is really invincible.

It was clearly that Shasha was angry at first and wanted to leave, but now after he said a few words, it became that Shasha was coming to coax him.

"What condition?

Shasha asked subconsciously.

"Your dark green cheongsam looks good, but it lacks embellishments. Don't leave your calf bare in the future, add a pair of long tubes of white silk. 35

"If you promise me this condition, I won't be angry anymore."

Qi Lin's weight poured all over Shasha's weak body.

If it wasn't for her holding her hands, maybe the two of them would have been directly facing each other's chests.

"This is absolutely impossible! What is too monotonous, it is obviously your four-legged hobby!

"Don't think I don't know, the first time you saw me, you peeked at my feet.

Shasha was ashamed and angry, and resolutely refused to agree.

At this time.

Zhou Lina's voice just came from the kitchen: "Sasha, come to the kitchen, I have something to tell you. 55

Hearing this voice, Shasha seemed to grab a life-saving straw.

"Get up, my sister called me, if she sees you bullying me, I have to beat you with a rolling pin today...

Xia Sha pushed Qi Lin hard with her mouth puffed out.

"Fight, fight, anyway, I have rough skin and thick flesh, as long as you don't agree to my conditions, I won't get up.

In the face of a strong-willed person like Shasha, being a ruffian and a rogue is the best way to treat her.


"Sasha, are you here yet?"

Zhou Lina asked again.

There was also the faint sound of moving footsteps.

At this moment, Shasha was really scared.

Qi Lin is shameless, and he is not afraid of being caught.

But if I let my sister see it, and I don't know her niece's boyfriend, what face will she have to see her sister-in-law in the future.

"Stinky bastard! You win~ I promise you that's all, get me up!

Shasha's smiling face went crazy and finally surrendered.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin had a wicked smile on his face.

Then under Shasha's cute little expression.


kissed her moist lips.

Before Xia Sha could react, Qi Lin sat up again, put his feet on the coffee table, and nibbled on the seeds.

"When did this guy become so disciplined? He just kissed the lips?"

When Xia Sha was kissed by Qi Lin, she was a little angry.

More still strange.

According to the virtue of this bastard, how could he let go without drinking the honey flower tea.


The next second she knew why Qi Lin was so honest.

"Sasha, are there still people at home? Why are you sitting or not sleeping?"

Zhou Lina saw Xia Sha lying on the sofa, and a white comic leg slipped to the ground from where the cheongsam split, she said coquettishly.

"I-I didn't sleep well last night."

Xia Sha blushed, made up a random reason, and quickly got up and sorted out her dress.

"No wonder this bastard only kissed, it turned out to be my sister.

"Damn! I've been fooled by 3.6 again. I thought he wasn't afraid of my sister, but he agreed to his boring condition."

"Will cheongsam with white silk really look good?

Originally, Zhou Lina wanted to ask Xia Sha something, but when she heard that she didn't sleep well, she could only say helplessly: "The meal is almost ready, go to my room and sleep for a while after dinner."

Xia Sha said quickly: "No, my shop has something to do at that point in the afternoon, so I'll be leaving after dinner.

Zhou Lina sighed: "Now everyone is busy with business. When you and Yuxi get married, your brother-in-law and I will really become lonely old people."

Xia Sha's beautiful eyes glanced at Qi Lin: "Sister, your son-in-law is so rich, let him buy you a villa, just buy it near his house, then you can visit every day.

Zhou Lina smiled and said, "This is a good idea.

Qi Lin:

This is a good idea, and I won't mention it again next time.

This girl just knows that there are many women outside. If Zhou Lina really lives next to her, that's fine.


Now I dare to dig a hole for myself.

It seems that the surprise for this girl is not enough․

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