Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

283: Durian-flavored kiss, the mockery of two brewmaster girls

Zhou Lina went to the kitchen again.

Lan Yuxi brought out two dishes.

When he put down the plate, he also stole two pieces of fried pork ribs and sat in Qi Lin's arms to please.

"Hey~ it's so hot~ I will feed you my husband, the fried pork ribs made by my mother are delicious.

Lan Yuxi said with a smile.

Seeing the two openly show their affection, Xia Sha's pretty face was about to say something.

However, her beautiful Liu Ye brows were slightly wrinkled, and she sighed at Yu Shou.

"It stinks! Qi Lin, didn't you brush your teeth in the morning, you bastard?

Xia Sha gritted her silver teeth and glared at Qi Lin angrily.

This bastard just kissed himself, and there was a strange smell on his mouth, who else did he make?

Qi Lin smiled and shrugged: "Don't wrong me, I brush my teeth every day, but when you didn't come, I kissed Yuxi, and I don't know what she ate."


I just kissed Lan Yuxi and kissed myself again, why is this bastard so shameless?

"Lan Yuxi, what did you eat just now?"

Xia Sha's beautiful eyes glared at Lan Yuxi again.

Ever since this dead girl met Qi Lin, this bastard, she is now deceiving her little aunt.

Lan Yuxi cutely stuck out 07's little tongue: "I'm sorry, Auntie, my mother just bought a durian and it tasted quite sweet, so I ate a little more."5


When the voice fell, Shasha retched.

Although the two are nieces and aunts, one of them likes to eat durian, and the other hates it so much that they feel sick when they smell it.

While the three of them were laughing and scoffing, a sumptuous dinner was ready.

Qi Lin, a man, and five women in the family sat around a table.

Lan Yuxi's house was 80 square meters in size, and it was definitely not as spacious as Qi Lin's house. In order to leave a place for Lan Gang, they basically sat huddled together.

"Won't you wait for Uncle Lan?"

Seeing Zhou Lina let her move her chopsticks, Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Zhou Lina's beautiful eyes were light: "your dad is a workaholic, when he comes back to eat, the meal will be sour, let's eat first, I'll just leave some leftovers for him later.

*B: ".........'

This mother-in-law is really a good daughter-in-law.

"Boss, the 18 Shrimp King branches have been renovated and can be put into use immediately.

"These 18 branches are basically all over Jianghan City, making Jianghan City saturated. What should we do next? 99

After finally bumping into Qi Lin, even if I didn't ask him about business matters, Xia Sha felt sorry for the heavy-duty durian kiss just now.

Zhou Lina didn't interrupt, just smiled and watched the two talk about business.

Since Yuxi met Qi Lin, the stinky boy, it seems that life at home has become more and more prosperous.

The husband rose step by step, he survived the disaster, and the younger sister also opened a company.

To be honest, Qi Lin is indeed the koi of their family.

"There are so many 18 branches, and the free-range management is not suitable. Here is a business card for you. This is Qin Hanliang, the head of the Jianghan Administration for Industry and Commerce. He directly asks him to find someone to apply for a company business license for you, and will run the business. The unit expands into a company.”

"As for the problem of market saturation, it's easy to solve the problem. The eating habits of the neighboring Hunan Province are similar to those of Chu Province. When the company here is established and the branch is stabilized, you can go and inspect it yourself.

"This may be the most difficult step in starting a business. Others only give you a big framework. You need to implement the specific details yourself. Only you can experience the hardships. 39

"However, don't be too hasty to make utilitarianism. Although money is good, you don't have to give up everything for it, especially for yourself, you are so beautiful, there will be many people who will give you ideas, and even propose What dirty conditions threaten you, in the face of these problems, you can either call me to help you deal with it, or you can prejudge the other party's motives and choose whether to do business with the other party.35

"Remember, never go to each other's dinners alone. This is quite dangerous for a single girl."

Qi Lin had trained Xiasha as his future wife, and he still had to tell her some things.

Hearing Qi Lin's detailed explanation, although Xia Sha's pretty face showed no expression, her beautiful eyes flashed a little smug.

"This little bastard also said that people have bad intentions and threaten me with interests, and he is the happiest person to do these things.

With this thought in mind, Xia Sha pouted and said, "I know, I know, it's annoying to think about it all day long. 99

Zhou Lina looked left, then looked again.

For some reason, she had a feeling that there was something between the two that she didn't know about.

How can an aunt and nephew-in-law talk like this?

"Hey! There are a lot of broken things after eating. Even if a case is filed, it will not take 24 hours to concentrate on helping him find a child."

Several people laughed and chatted while eating.

Suddenly the door was pushed open, and he saw Lan Gang taking off his police cap, muttering there.

"It's fortunate that I came back quickly, otherwise you would pour the leftovers together and leave it to me as if you were feeding pigs.

Looking at the table full of dishes without moving a few chopsticks, Lan Gang said with a smile.



The dignified deputy director of Jianghan City was treated like this at home, and the girls couldn't bear it any longer, giggling.

"Come on! Qi Lin!"

"Let's have a drink!

Lan Gang opened a new bottle of Wuliangye and poured a glass for Qi Lin with a smile.

It is also rare for a husband to pour wine for his son-in-law.

But for Lan Gang, Qi Lin, the son-in-law, has this qualification.

"Dad, do you want me to have a drink with you too?

Lan Yuxi blinked her beautiful eyes and suddenly smiled.

Hearing this sentence, Qi Lin and Lan Gang's expressions changed at the same time.

Lan Gang remembered the embarrassment that when Lan Yuxi was six years old, he tricked the little girl into drinking for the first time, and the little girl got him drunk.

As for Qi Lin, he remembered that he wanted to get drunk on Lan Yuxi and hold the beauty back, but in the end he made a somersault and hit a home run with Qi Xueyao by mistake.

Speaking of these things brings tears to my eyes!

"Naughty, what kind of wine do girls drink, drink your oranges!""

Lan Gang stern face.

Qi Lin coughed: "The first rule in our Qi family is that women are not allowed to drink alcohol. Lan Yuxi, you are not allowed to drink alcohol without my consent in the future, do you know?"

"Pfft~ Hahaha!""

Midsummer and Rindong couldn't understand the meaning of this stalk.

But Zhou Lina and Xia Sha know.

Seeing that the two big men were so frightened by Lan Yuxi that their faces turned pale, they also covered their stomachs and couldn't laugh.

"Uncle Lan, how did Zhou Peng handle the matter?"

After taking a bite of the dish, Qi Lin casually asked about Zhou Peng.

He can't let Zhou Peng find the child and then do it, and now he will start the layout.

Lan Gang didn't realize that Qi Lin and Zhou Peng had entangled interests. A police officer helped him find it together, and gave them the right to call the surrounding surveillance.

"His son has been missing for less than 6 hours, maybe it's just for fun, and it won't be long before he can be found."

Qi Lin's black eyes flashed for a moment, and then he raised his head and said to Lan Gang: "Uncle Lan, let me give you a suggestion, let that Zhou Peng disclose this to the TV station, and let him mobilize social forces to help him find children. "

Lan Gang was stunned for a moment: "How to mobilize social forces?"

Qi Lin smiled and said: "It's simple, revealing his identity as a billionaire, saying that if someone can help him find the child, he can make any request.

"You also know that people are motivated by interests, let the TV station expose this matter to the maximum extent, maybe someone with a good heart can help him find the child all at once, and at that time, it can also help your police station save human resources.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Lan Gang nodded: "What you said makes sense."

"Okay then, I'll go see him again later and tell him what he has to say to see what he thinks."

Can have any ideas.

At the age of 40, there is such a golden lump, just agreeing to a request from a warm-hearted citizen, you can exchange the child, and the other party will definitely agree.

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