Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

284: Lin Yun and the deer rammed, and cooperated with Yu Jin again

Just after dinner, Shasha found a reason to slip away.

She was afraid that as soon as her sister-in-law left, the bastard would try to bully her again.

Qi Lin didn't stay at Lan Yuxi's house any longer.

Under Lan Yuxi's reluctant eyes, he left here with Lin Dong.

After dinner, it was already dark.

Qi Lin did not go home directly, but let Lin Dong drive to Yu Jin's house.

This time, there are no more debt collectors at her door. It is estimated that after Zhou Pojun's warning last time, those people did not dare to make trouble again.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk~”

Qi Lin knocked on the door.

"Who are you looking for?"

Lin Yun's sweet young woman's voice came from inside.

"Aunt Yun, I'm Xiaolin.

Qi Lin said with a smile.


As soon as the voice fell, the door opened.

A beautiful face appeared in front of Qi Lin.

Lin Yun was wearing a pretty nightdress and looked at Qi Lin with a hint of joy.

Qi Lin was about to walk in.

The ignorant Lin Dong behind him also wanted to enter.

"You rubbed the rice just now, but now I don't have any eyesight, so I stand at the door and let the wind go."

Qi Lin jokingly kicked out Lin Dong Mengmei.

Looking at the closed door, Lin Dong suddenly puffed out his mouth: "Smelly boss, he will call others. 35


"What is the taste?"

Walking into the house, Qi Lin couldn't help shrugging his nose, smelling a strange smell.

However, Lin Yun's pretty face changed, and she ran to the kitchen screaming: "Oh, there are noodles still cooking in the pot.

When Qi Lin followed the kitchen funny, he saw Lin Yun's pretty face in frustration.

In the pot in front of her was an unknown thing that had been boiled into a paste.

"Aunt Yun, Sister Jin'er didn't come back to cook for you?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Lin Yun pinched the corner of her nightgown embarrassedly: "She is working overtime on the TV station today, she has already called me, she will be back later, let me cook some noodles by myself first. 99

"I was supposed to be able to cook noodles, but I forgot to watch the TV drama just now, and I missed the time.

Lin Yun was originally a wealthy wife who didn't touch her fingers, so it was a bit embarrassing for her to cook.

"Wash the pot, I'll teach you how to cook noodles. 99

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Lin Yun nodded with a blushing face, and hurriedly cleaned up the stove, pouring out that scary pot of 'things'.

"What kind of noodles do you want?"

Qi Lin asked after calling the kitchen refrigerator.

"Put a few green cabbage leaves and fry a soft-hearted egg.""

Lin Yun eats a relatively vegetarian diet.

All these ingredients are in the refrigerator. Qi Lin took out two eggs and a few green cabbage.

"Can you choose an omelette?"

Qi Lin asked Lin Yun.

This time, Lin Yun's pretty face turned even redder, and she shook her head: "None.

She just threw a few small cabbage in the noodles she cooked just now, and the small cabbage was just drenched in water, but the whole cabbage was thrown down.

Shaking his head, Qi Lin put the cabbage and eggs into Lin Yun's tender white hands: "Take it."

Lin Yun looked at Qi Lin at a loss, but found that he had taken off his apron and was tying it around her waist.

Then, Lin Yun felt someone stick it up and hug her from behind.

"The cabbage should be picked and cleaned one by one to avoid residues of pesticides, soil, and insects in it. After washing, put it in the vegetable basket to drain the water.

"Preheat the pot, heat the oil, and after the oil boils, break the eggs and beat them directly."

"The soft-hearted egg is different from ordinary poached eggs. The egg yolk in the middle is still liquid after it is made, and it bursts directly after a bite. Therefore, special attention should be paid to controlling the time."

Qi Lin's chin rested on Lin Yunyu's shoulder, grabbing her tender white jade hand, and earnestly teaching her how to cook noodles.

But the problem was that Lin Yun didn't even hear a word of the man's breath on the neck of the fair-skinned swan, thinking that Qi Lin was holding her from behind.

Pretty face blushed, a mess.

She didn't even know when the noodles were cooked.

"It's so fragrant, Mom, why are your noodles so fragrant this time?"?"

Just after the noodles were cooked, Lin Yun didn't take a bite, but Yu Jin actually came back.

After opening the door, she was standing on one leg, holding on to the door frame and taking off one of her high-heeled shoes.

Black silk little feet stepped into the little slippers.

"I didn't cook the noodles, it was Xiaolin who cooked them.

Lin Yun said with a pretty face blushing.

At the same time, he thought to himself: "It's dangerous that the noodles are cooked quickly. If Jin'er comes back and sees Xiaolin teaching me how to cook noodles, I might have misunderstood. 35

She actually likes Qi Lin quite a bit.

But he couldn't stand Qi Lin being too intimate with her.

Hearing Lin Yun's words, Yu Jin's body, who was changing high heels, suddenly froze.


Before she could look back, she felt that she was being hugged and sat down.

Yu Jin thought she would sit on the ground, but finally found herself sitting on Qi Lin's lap.

Then she watched Qi Lin help her take off the other high heels.

"Have you had dinner yet?"

Qi Lin smiled and put down Yu Jin's high-heeled shoes, and then helped her squeeze the black silk foot arch to relieve her fatigue from working all day.

"Why did you come to my house again?"

Yu Jinmei gave Qi Lin an angry look, and she lost her temper at all about his behavior.

"I have something to do with you.

Qi Lin sat on the sofa with Yu Jin in his arms.


Suddenly, there was a sound from Yu Jin's stomach.

"what sound?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Yu Jinqiao blushed: "I don't know, maybe you heard it wrong.

Qi Lin smiled: "So, Aunt Yun, bring the extra bowl of noodles, I guess Sister Jin'er has already eaten it outside.

Lin Yun knew that Qi Lin was teasing Yu Jin.

With a shallow smile, she put the remaining bowl of noodles on the coffee table in front of Yu Jin.

"Xiao Lin is just attentive, and when he taught me the next noodle, he also gave you an extra bowl for Jin'er.

Everyone should know how busy reporters are in urgent interviews.

Yu Jin not only didn't eat dinner, he didn't even eat lunch.

Seeing the fragrant vegetable and egg noodles in front of her, she couldn't hold back any longer. Sitting on Qi Lin's lap, she kicked Qi Lin with her little black foot, and said coquettishly, "Hurry up and hand me the bowl, I'm starving to death, and for the sake of the note you gave me, I won't care about you just now that you scared me. 35

Without exposing Xiao Aojiao's little thought, Qi Lin brought the bowl of noodles to her.

"Zi Liu~"

"Didn't you say you have something to do with me? What?"

"If it's about the magic doctor Xilai Le drama review, I have already written it and handed it over to the director of your company. She said that the writing was very good, and the manuscript fee was immediately sent to me.

Yu Jin said while eating the fragrant noodles.

Yu Jin was quite satisfied with this bowl of noodles.

She didn't expect that the macho Qi Lin could cook, and it was delicious.

"It's not about this, you prepare a live interview for me tomorrow, it's a live interview about the recovery of lost children, I want to find a lost child under your live broadcast.

"You can call your editor-in-chief about this later."

In fact, Qi Lin can buy a reporter, and then check the editor-in-chief of Chu Provincial TV Station.

But in this way, Yu Jin couldn't get this credit.

In addition to being unable to break off the engagement with Chen Jiawei, Yu Jin is now his woman, and it would be good to help her develop her career.

"Interviewing live? And retrieving a missing child while live?"

"Qi Lin, your idea is too unrealistic, isn't it? Isn't it the police's job to find missing children?"

"And if you don't find the child in a live broadcast, it's going to have a big impact on your reputation, and those viewers will think you're doing a show, so I don't recommend it."5

After eating Qi Lin's bowl of noodles, she gave Qi Lin a piece of advice out of kindness.

Qi Lin smiled and said, "Are you not suggesting me to do this, or are you worried that this matter will affect your career, so you don't want to help me?"

Qi Lin sometimes speaks out of anger.

Yu Jin kindly thought about Qi Lin, but he thought it was because he was reluctant to give up his job.

"Be kind as a donkey's liver and lungs, since you want to think of me so much, then I'll go with you tomorrow, and I'll regret it when something happens, don't blame me for not reminding you.

As soon as Yu Jin put down his chopsticks, Mei Mu glared at Qi Lin.

It wasn't that she was so angry that she didn't eat it, but that she had already finished eating the noodles, and there was not even a little soup left.

"What do I regret, if I fail, don't you also lose your job to accompany me?"

Qi Lin smiled lazily.

Yu Jin didn't want to deal with Qi Lin, the bastard, and called the editor-in-chief directly, and then told him what Qi Lin said.

"I already know what you're talking about. That Zhou Peng was interviewed on TV just now. He said that if anyone can find his child, he will agree to all the conditions of the other party. 55

"Qi Lin is also an old friend of our TV station. I may not believe others who say they can find missing children in live interviews, but I still recognize this kid's ability."

"Tomorrow, you can follow him to the live interview, and I will send a professional camera team to follow you."

Yu Jin, who grew up with a small mouth, obviously did not expect such a ridiculous request, but the editor-in-chief would actually agree.

The next morning.

A morning news attracted the attention of many citizens.

Chu Province TV's morning news live room.

"Yesterday, the beloved son of Mr. Zhou Peng, a famous real estate developer in our province, disappeared unexpectedly at the door of his house.

"Mr. Zhou Peng summoned his relatives and friends to search for 6 hours and still had no success, so he turned to our reporter for help.

"He said that if there are enthusiastic citizens who provide information about Aiko, or help him find Aiko, they will thank them and meet all their requests.

"Next, the screen will be broadcast to our reporter Miss Yu Jin, so that everyone can learn about the latest progress of this incident. 35

The screen turns.

The footage in the morning news broadcast room has been switched to an interview signal car.

In order to broadcast the footage of missing children in real time, the editor-in-chief gave Yu Jin the most authority, and even allocated the most advanced live broadcast car in the station to her.

At this time, the live broadcast car was following behind a Maybach with a very luxurious appearance.

"Hello everyone, I am Yu Jin, a reporter from Chu Provincial TV Station. I am on the highway to Hunan Province, and in front of me, in this Maybach, is sitting our little hero Qi Lin from Jianghan City.

"I believe that many viewers and friends are already familiar with him. That's right, he is the teammate who exposed the waste oil with me, and he is also an enthusiastic citizen who helped the police catch the murder case. 99

"This time, when the 4-year-old child disappeared, he also stood up and said that he would definitely help Mr. Zhou Peng to find his beloved son."

Last night, Zhou Peng accepted an interview with the TV station at the suggestion of Lan Gang.

And directly release the news, as long as someone helps him find his son, he will thank him at all costs.

In Zhou Peng's eyes, ordinary people want at most one or two million, or a house, or a little help.

This thing, compared with his son, is simply insignificant.

But he never imagined that the person staring at him was Qi Lin.

He not only let Lan Gang bewitch Zhou Peng, but also made him promise to countless audiences under TV interviews.

And he also made a big play of looking for lost children from a thousand miles.

Under the attention of thousands of viewers, if Qi Lin can find Zhou Peng's son.

Even if the 8 villas could help Zhou Peng make hundreds of millions of profits in the future, he (Zhao Nuozhao) had to sell it to Qi Lin with tears in his eyes.

"Bullshit? Live search for missing children?"

"Without the strength of the police, how could one person find it!

"Yo, it's that Qi Lin again, I said, son, Qi Lin is just like drinking water and playing on TV. He's so promising at a young age, how come you know that you can't learn by lying in bed all day long? Do you learn from Qi Lin?"5

"Guazi Spicy Tiao is going, the live broadcast of this child in a thousand miles is interesting, if this baby can be found, I will go directly to the Public Security Bureau to give him a pennant.

More than ten years in advance, Qi Lin put the live broadcast on the televisions of thousands of households for the first time, and it was also in the form of outdoor live broadcast.

Qi Lin's villa.

"Isn't this stinky boy going out to buy a villa? Why did he play a thousand miles to find children again?""

Fang Yuanyuan silently watched her son on TV.

The last time someone else was on TV was extremely difficult.

It's better for this stinky brat of my own, like going there to play every day, coming every few days.

Qi Feng didn't feel anything, and said with a smile: "Oh, it's a good thing that Xiaolin can be on TV, and it's even better to find the lost child. A little more halo on the young entrepreneur will be beneficial to his future development. blame.

Lan Gang, who got up in the morning to go to work, also saw this scene from the morning news.

Blue Gang:

"Yesterday this stinky boy asked me to find Zhou Peng, I knew there was something wrong here, but I didn't expect him to really get involved again.

In the family manor where Chen Jiawei is located.

Seeing Yu Jin's interview car following Qi Lin and Qi Lin shining brightly on TV, his face was extremely ugly.



"It's clear that Jin'er is my fiancee, why do you follow this bastard Qi Lin around every day?

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