Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

286: The incident is resolved perfectly, Yu Jin's pants are silky

These traffickers, Qi Lin, directly contacted the police in Hunan Province to take them into custody.

No way, when we reach the boundary of Hunan Province, it's impossible to contact Lan Gang to pick up a bargain, right?

At this moment, Qi Lin received another message from Kun Kun.

Kun Kun: "Master, the car is parked in a luxury villa, and I am hovering in the sky of the villa, what should I do now?

"You stand there and report your location to me.

Kun Kun is Costin after all, and its special ability is Qi Lin's secret weapon. If you can't expose it to the audience, don't expose it to the audience.

Shashi, Hunan Province, in a villa in the wealthy district.

"Don't be afraid, darling, we are not bad people, we will be your parents in the future, and we will buy you a lot of toys.

After Zhou Peng's son was sent to the villa, he cried and cried.

A middle-aged couple was coaxing him patiently.

Smart people don't ask where their children come from.

Although the child was bought from the traffickers, the couple did not know what kind of family the child lived in or who the parents were.

"Wow! I don't want you, I want my parents, I want to go home!"

After all, he is a 4-year-old child. After he can't see his parents, he is very restless, punching and kicking again, crying and wanting to go home.

But this emotion is only temporary, and the memory of 4-year-old children will gradually lose with age.

When he grows up, he will forget his original parents and think he belongs to this family.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk~”

Just as the husband and wife were scrambling to coax their children, the door of the villa was knocked.

Who is it!

The hostess of the villa walked over to open the door with an unhappy expression.

However, when she opened the door of the villa and found a group of people standing outside with interview equipment behind her, she panicked.

"You, who are you?

she asked in panic.

Qi Lin smiled lightly: "It's just an ordinary interview, why are you so panicked, could it be that you stole someone else's child?

Hearing Qi Lin's words, the hostess panicked even more.


She pushed the door shut and locked it.

"What's going on outside?"

The hostess, who was holding Zhou Peng's son and prevented him from running around, frowned and asked.

The hostess said with a weeping voice: "Husband, there are a lot of people outside, including reporters and police, has it been discovered that we are buying and selling children? What should we do now!

Man of the house:

Less than an hour after the child arrived, the other party came to the door?

How can it be so fast?

Of course the man knew what the crime of child abduction was.

Now that the police reporter came to the door again, after the man's eyes were shocked, it was calm.

"It seems that everything is destined. If you don't have children, even stealing other people's children will still not have good results."

"Open the door, since the other party has come to the door, it is useless for us to close the door."

The man sighed.

The hostess cried on the spot, glanced at the 4-year-old child reluctantly, and then opened the villa door.

"It's quite interesting, I'm still thinking that if you don't open the door, the door of your villa may not be able to be kept.

Qi Lin said with a faint smile, then walked into the door first.

Followed by Yu Jin holding a microphone, and the police from Hunan Province.

"Can I start the interview? 99

Yu Jin looked at Qi Lin with a pretty face.

Qi Lin nodded: "It seems that they have given up their resistance, so let's ask something.

Yu Jin's pretty face beamed with joy, she walked over immediately, and put the microphone on the male host's mouth: "Hello, may I ask where did the child in your arms come from?"

The host looked at the little boy in his arms cherishingly.

This little guy has thick eyebrows and big eyes, lively and cute, and he really liked it at a glance.

It's a pity that this child was not born to him and his wife.

"Since you have found it, why do you ask for it? I bought this child.

The man said frankly.


The audience who were watching the live broadcast were all shocked when this remark came out.

"Fuck, I found it, I really found it!

"Qi Lin is too good, and I didn't see any news he received, how can he find the final buyer of the child? 35

"Trafficking across provinces, and it's so covert, if it wasn't for Qi Lin who brought reporters here, the police would only be able to solve the case!"5

At this moment, Yu Jin's beautiful eyes also flashed a strange brilliance.

The essence of a reporter is to expose the truth and spread positive energy to the world.

Finding lost children with Qi Lin is such a great feeling.

"It is illegal to kidnap and sell children, and buying and selling is the same crime. Once caught by the police, you may face a sentence of more than 20 years. May I ask what motivates you to still take risks and do such a thing?

Yu Jin asked again.

The audience in front of the TV also showed expressions of interest.

The man of the villa looked indifferent: "What else could it be, if my wife and I can have children, do we still need to care about other people's children?"

The meaning of this sentence is obvious, the two cannot have children.

Before Yu Jin could ask another question, the man of the villa said in a somewhat unwilling tone: "There are so many kidnapping cases in the whole country, and I haven't seen you solve it so quickly? It happened to me that I found it in less than an hour.

"Can't this child be my son? I have hundreds of millions of properties, all of which will be his in the future, I will give him the best life, the best education, and be happier than he was with his original parents, why do you To intervene?

Perhaps thinking of his bleak future, the man of the villa became a little nervous.

Hearing his words, Yu Jinmei's eyes carried a trace of anger: "No matter what the other party's original family is, it is not the reason for you to buy and sell children. It is an unforgivable guilt to let children leave their original parents.

"And let me tell you one more thing, this child's parents are also well-known wealthy businessmen in Jianghan City, with billions of assets. His original life was definitely no worse than that of yours. What else do you have to say now?"

Villa master: 66......

This was something he hadn't thought of anyway.

The reason he has always comforted his conscience is that the children he bought can get a better life in him.

However, his original family was very wealthy, and he could no longer excuse his robbery behavior.

Seeing this, the audience in front of the TV was very emotional.

"This plot is too bloody. From a billionaire family abducted and sold to another billionaire family life, the most emotionally painful days are the few hours spent with the traffickers."

"Life is really destined to be born into a family of hundreds of millions. Even if I sell it to another family, it will still be a family of hundreds of millions. Suddenly, I don't want to fight. I suspect that I will be a salted fish in my life.

"Ahem, kidnapping and selling children is against the law. If you want your son to say it directly, I am willing to be the son of this rich gentleman."

At the end of the interview, this time, the news of the search for lost children from thousands of miles has been completely fermented across the country.

Even Huaxia TV news 30 minutes were broadcast.

Qi Lin and accompanying reporter Yu Jin were praised by roll call.

The wealthy businessman couple who sold children were naturally handcuffed and went to the trial of the law.

Qi Lin took Zhou Peng's son and embarked on a journey home.

Zhou Peng's son has been found, and the live broadcast naturally does not need to be turned on again.

Yu Jin did not get into the interview car on the stage, but took the initiative to get into Qi Lin's Maybach.

"Why do you suddenly want to get into my car?"

Qi Lin looked at Yu Jin with a hint of a smile in his black eyes.

Yu Jinqiao blushed slightly: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt your ability, thank you for finding this child and letting him avoid the tragedy of separation from his biological parents.

Qi Lin had long talked about how Yu Jin would apologize like himself.

In her bones, she is still a kind and honest girl.

"Thanks is not just a simple sentence, but don't show it with actual actions?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Yu Jin's beautiful eyes flashed with shame, and then she bit her lower lip, making a move that even Qi Lin was a little surprised.

Today's Yu Jin was wearing a high-grade gray suit, with an air of sub-history.

Bai Nen's little hands took off the high heels, and a pair of black silk feet rested on the leather seat.

She pulled up her suit trousers, making the shapely calf in black silk more clearly visible.

"I've walked too much today, can you help me squeeze it. 99

The shyness in Yu Jin's beautiful eyes could no longer be restrained, and her pretty face turned to the side.


With the beautiful and delicate arches in front of him, Qi Lin shrugged his nose and said with a wicked smile, "What's the smell in the air, why is it sour?"

Yu Jin, who had summoned up all his courage, was now ashamed and angry: "You are the only one who is sour, you are the most sour, it's not worth it, and I hate you to death."

After that, I want to put on high heels.

"Sour is sour, and I am happy to help Sister Jin'er press it. 99

Qi Lin grabbed Yu Jin's little hand with a smile and let her lean against his arms.

Then help her to squeeze a pair of black silk jade feet to clear the blood.

And it's not just limited to this, Qi Lin's face leaned down and gradually approached Yu Jin.

This time Yu Jin didn't struggle, a light powder flashed across her pretty face, and her long eyelashes trembled and closed gently.


A sweet and greasy feeling rippled in Qi Lin's heart.

"Great! Great! 99

"Xiaoyu finally found it, the two hateful bastards, if they can't have children themselves, they will abduct and sell other people's families, you two beasts will repent in prison for the rest of your life!

Zhou Peng has also been following the live broadcast. When he saw that Qi Lin helped him find his son, he couldn't help being ecstatic.

But soon, Zhou Peng panicked again.

Because the live broadcast has been interrupted, although he knows that the child will return to him eventually, he can't wait for a moment.

"Blue Bureau, can you easily reveal who the little hero who helped me find my son is? I want to thank him personally.

Zhou Peng dialed Lan Gang's cell phone.

"You said Qi Lin, he is the son of Tianlin Group, he is quite famous in our city, don't you know him?

Lan Gang asked suspiciously.

It's a coincidence that Zhou Peng has been on a business trip to study in Xiangjiang some time ago, and he really didn't know about Qi Lin's TV appearance.

After thanking him repeatedly, Zhou Peng hung up the phone.

0....... ask for flowers ......

The address of the CEO of Tianlin Group is not particularly difficult to find.

After asking the secretary to find Qi Feng's address information, he immediately asked the driver to drive to Qi Lin's house.

Qi Lin's villa.

Fang Yuanyuan was receiving a call from Qi Lin at the moment.

"Mom, the boss of Tianpeng Group may come to our house later. He asks where you and I are, and you say that the police station in Hunan Province still needs to make records and cooperate with the case. It's very troublesome, and you don't know. When will I be back.35

Fang Yuanyuan has already started Qi Lin's live broadcast.

At this time, she was convinced of her own son.

Zhou Peng's son was abducted and sold.

Qi Lin can also seize the opportunity to help the other party find his son.

In this way, the purchase of a villa seems to be a drama.

"Okay, I see, but Lin'er, are you really going to stay in Xiang Province for a few days?"

Fang Yuanyuan asked curiously.

Qi Lin smiled and said, "Mom, what I said was just to make Zhou Peng's appetite, why do you still believe it?

"Don't worry, I have already arrived in Chu Province to tell me, and I will be back in a while.

Fang Yuanyuan just hung up the phone.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk"

There was a knock on the villa door.

Wang Siling was practicing the piano upstairs, Fang Yuanyuan was about to open the door, but Chuchun said in a delicate tone: "Madam, let me open the door.

Although she is Wang Siling's bodyguard, Chuchun has a gentle personality and often helps the family.

Everyone likes this 19-year-old girl who is very sensible.

"You are Mr. Fang, right? It's the first time I came to visit, I don't know what to mention, I hope Mr. Fang will not dislike it.

The secretary followed behind Zhou Peng, and the two were carrying luxury goods such as Cordyceps sinensis, Ejiao blood swallow, Moutai wine, and said to Fang Yuanyuan with a pity.


The last time Fang Yuanyuan went to Tianpeng Group, she didn't even see Zhou Pengren, and the other party's attitude was not very good.

She was naturally not very enthusiastic about Zhou Peng's visit this time.

As for what Zhou Peng mentioned, she didn't even look at it.

The Qi family was originally a billionaire, but now that his son is promising, and his assets have increased exponentially, how can he still see Zhou Peng's small favor.

"I don't know what is the purpose of Mr. Zhou's visit this time?

Fang Yuanyuan asked knowingly.

Seeing Fang Yuanyuan not picking up her things, Zhou Peng looked a little embarrassed, so he could only put it on the table by himself.

But other people's son is equivalent to his benefactor, how can he dare to be dissatisfied.

"Mr. Fang should also know about my son's disappearance? If it wasn't for your son who helped me find my son this time, I don't know if I would have the courage to live. 39

Zhou Peng said with lingering fears.

Fang Yuanyuan glanced at Zhou Peng, and suddenly said: "Zhou Zhou's family has a great business, why can't they live? Last time I visited Zhou's company and wanted to buy a villa of Zhou's company, the tone of Zhou's subordinates was not like Zhou's. Always so humble.""

Zhou Peng did not know that Fang Yuanyuan had been to his company.

However, those villas were not bought anymore, it was indeed what he ordered his subordinates to do.

Commanded to be commanded, but the pot must be carried by subordinates.

"And this? How dare someone who doesn't have long eyes dare to talk to Mr. Fang like this? After I go back, I will open him directly!""

Zhou Peng pretended to be unhappy.

Then, he asked politely: "I don't know which real estate Mr. Fang wants to buy?"

Zhou Peng owned several properties, and he really didn't know that Fang Yuanyuan wanted to buy a house in that property.

Fang Yuanyuan smiled lightly: "It's the community where Mr. Zhou is standing now."9

Zhou Peng's expression froze when he heard this.

Because the Moon Bay villa area is a community he plans to hoard in his hands and wait for the appreciation.

There are a total of nine areas, each area has 9 villas, a total of 81 villas.

Because it has just been developed for more than a year, there are not many buyers, and a total of less than 10 sets have been sold.

In particular, the community of Fang Yuanyuan was only sold to Qi Lin's family, and the remaining 8 sets were all vacant.

Originally, Zhou Peng really didn't want to sell these villas, but whoever told him to make a promise on the spot on TV, whoever found his son back, he would agree to any conditions.

"To be honest with Mr. Fang, I have no plans to sell the villas here recently, because they still have room for promotion, but since the buyer is Mr. Fang, I have to agree to anything I say. 99

"Mr. Fang, please tell me, which villa I want to buy, I will still sell it at the price I gave to Mr. Fang."

Zhou Peng said boldly.

Thinking of Qi Lin's words, Fang Yuanyuan couldn't help but hesitate for a while, and then coughed dryly: "I want all the remaining 8 villas in this community. According to the original price, one is 1.2 million yuan, and the total is 9.6 million yuan, right? ?


As soon as Fang Yuanyuan finished speaking, Zhou Peng almost spurted blood.

Now the price of these houses has risen to 1.8 million yuan, and if they were sold to Fang Yuanyuan for 1 million yuan, he still had to lose money to the point of vomiting blood.

"Mr. Fang, why are you buying so many villas? No, you also want to sell them? 99

Zhou Peng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Fang Yuanyuan thought to herself: "What else can I do, it's not that that stinky brat is messing with flowers too much, and there is no place to hide in a golden house.

But these words can't be said to Zhou Peng, she smiled lightly: "I bought it to give to relatives and friends. Our family likes to be lively. It's easier for everyone to live in the same community." Wan.

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