Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

287: Zhang Man cheated Lin Yuner back to China

For Zhou Peng, this reason would like to be reluctant.

"Mr. Fang, your son is so kind to me, it's not that I can't sell these villas to you, but the price of 1 million is too low, I really can't do it. 35

Zhou Peng smiled bitterly.

Fang Yuanyuan smiled lightly: "I can also understand President Zhou's difficulties, as long as you are willing to sell it, then you can make a price yourself.

Seeing that Fang Yuanyuan was good at talking, Zhou Peng breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled: "The current market price of these villas is 1.8 million, and I don't make a lot of money, so I sold 2 million to Fang. Bar. 35

"Li Chao, the richest man in Asia, will soon come to Jianghan City to invest in real estate. I estimate that the number of houses here will be at least 3 million, and then Mr. Fang will be able to make a small profit."

Zhou Peng still has more than 60 villas in his hands. Even if Qi Lin saved his son's favor, he sold these villas at a low price.

If someone else finds him for this matter, let alone a building of 2 million, it is a building of 3 million, he will have to think about it.

If Zhou Peng knew that after 20 years, the price of a villa here has risen to 12 million, I wonder if he would vomit blood with heartache.

In fact, Qi Lin did not want to make such a small price difference when he bought so many villas.

He just felt that the whole community belonged to him, the sense of privacy was stronger, and some unnecessary troubles could be avoided.

The price of a building of 2 million is not much different from the price Qi Lin told Fang Yuanyuan.

"Zhou is always a cheerful person, so let's draw up a contract now?"

Fang Yuanyuan asked with a smile.

"no problem."

Zhou Peng smiled and agreed.

After the contract was signed, Fang Yuanyuan said to Zhou Peng, "Xiao Lin is already on his way home, why should Mr. Zhou stay for dinner?

Fang Yuanyuan didn't mention Qi Lin's whereabouts at all when they didn't agree on their terms.

Now that the contract is signed, I let myself stay for dinner.

Zhou Peng smiled bitterly, sighing in his heart that this was too realistic.

After an hour of "eight zero zero", Qi Lin finally came back.

But there was no sign of Yu Jin beside him.

It turned out that Yu Jin was shy to see Qi Lin's family, and was reluctant to follow him.

She is still Chen Jiawei's fiancee, so in what capacity is she going to visit Qi Lin's parents?

After much deliberation, it is better to solve the problem of identity first, and then think about this matter.



Seeing Zhou Peng, four-year-old Zhou Yu burst into tears, broke free from Qi Lin's hand, and threw himself into Zhou Peng's arms.

Zhou Peng, a middle-aged man, also burst into tears.

In his heart, he secretly blamed himself for paying too much attention to his work, so he neglected his son's safety, and he had to take time out to accompany him in the future.

Once again, I thanked Qi Lin a lot. Zhou Peng saw that there were so many girls in Qi Lin's family, so he was too embarrassed to disturb him.

Also, in addition to his anxiety, his wife and his parents are also waiting at home.

Now the first thing is to take Xiao Zhouyu back to announce the good news to his family.


The bustling Myeongdong neighborhood.

On the crowded street, three thirteen-year-old girls had a clear division of labor.

One was beating the drum, the other was playing the bass, and the other was singing and dancing while standing in front of the microphone.

The girl who played the drums and the bass was beautiful, but compared with the girl who sang, it was much inferior.

The girl with double ponytails was wearing a cool suspender jacket and a tulle jacket.

Wearing a pair of ultra-short jeans on her legs, her fair-skinned legs glowed brightly under the night light.

On the beautiful face, there is a lively and lovely smile.

But giving doesn't always pay off.

On the street where the three of them stopped, there were clearly many people, but there were very few pedestrians willing to stop and watch the performance of the three.

Among these audience members, including Qi Lin's fox spirit lover, Zhang Man.

She has come to watch the girl's benefit performance for three nights in a row.

Not far away, Rose, who was guarding Zhang Man's safety, couldn't help but muttered: "It's mysterious, I've been doing it for a long time, watching this shitty performance can make Yuan Xiuyan hand over the 'Romantic Full House' film and television. right?""

"I'll just watch how you fail, and when you fail, see how I laugh at you.

The charity show is over.

Lin Yuner bowed to the four or five people who were willing to watch her performance: "Thank you very much for the support of my brothers and sisters, Yuner will definitely prepare a better show next time, thank you all."

The few audience members who had finished watching the performance immediately left when the performance was over.

Only Zhang Man was still standing there smiling.

Facing this scene, Lin Yuner felt a little strange.

She simply walked up to Zhang Man and asked politely, "Hello, sister, I remember that you came to watch my charity performance on the third day. Thank you very much for your support. May I know your name?"

Peninsula stars disagree with Chinese women, and placing their position very low will also make fans feel particularly comfortable.

"Sorry, I don't speak Korean. Nian

Zhang Man said with a faint smile.

Lin Yun'er was stunned for a moment, but immediately, she excitedly pulled over her bass-playing partner.

"Xiao Li, aren't you a Chinese student? Come and help me translate what this sister is talking about.

Xiao Li smiled helplessly and could only choose to say hello to Zhang Man: "Hi, sister, my name is Zhang Li, this is Lin Yuner, the lead singer of my band, and we are very grateful for your support to our band.

Zhang Man came here for three consecutive days, mainly to dispel Lin Yun'er's vigilance.

Seeing that Zhang Li was actually from China, she suddenly had a new idea in her heart.

"Hello, little sister Zhang Li, my name is Zhang Man, I really like your band performances, so come and see these days. This is my business card."

She handed Zhang Li her business card of Sugar Man Entertainment.

This business card has a lot of background, and it was specially made by Zhang Man.

"Zhang Man, deputy director of Sugar Man Entertainment, producer of Zhou Xingxing's new movie "Kung Fu", and the heroine of Kung Fu Queen Huang Yiyi Bole? 35

The influence of Zhou Xingxing throughout Asia is beyond doubt.

Like Narita, he is a household name in the peninsula.

Recently, the fact that he is planning to make a new movie is not only fermented in Huaxia and Xiangjiang, but even the peninsula has begun to hype the news.

Therefore, when Zhang Li saw this business card, her eyes suddenly widened.

"Yuner, this big sister is the director of Huaxia Entertainment, and the producer of Zhou Xingxing's movie "Kung Fu"!"

Zhang Li said in Korean with surprise and joy.

Hearing this news, Lin Yun'er didn't get any better, and collapsed with excitement.

"Big sister actually knows Zhou Xingxing, can you ask for Zhou Xingxing's autograph for me? The one I admire most is him.

Zhang Li immediately translated this sentence to Zhang Man.

A glimmer of light flashed in Zhang Manmei's eyes, and then she smiled lightly: "Actually, I don't need Zhou Xingxing's signature to help you, Yuner, you can go to see Zhou Xingxing himself.

Zhang Li was stunned when she heard this sentence, and then translated it to Lin Yuner.

Lin Yun'er's beautiful Liu Yemei was a little confused: "What does big sister mean?"

Zhang Man smiled softly: "I mean that you have the potential to be a star. I am not only the vice president of an entertainment company, but also a scout. I want to bring you back to China and make you a big star. I don't know if you want it or not."

Huaxia's entertainment industry has also begun to flourish, and there are many phenomenal works that affect the whole of Asia. In addition, the competition here is far less terrifying than the peninsula, and many peninsula stars are already considering going to Huaxia for development.

Zhang Li glanced at Lin Yuner enviously, and then told her what Zhang Man said.

Lin Yuner's biggest dream is to become a star and the brightest spotlight on the stage.

But the problem is that her mother, Yuan Xiuyan, knows the darkness of the entertainment industry and doesn't want her daughter to plunge into it.

So she had already helped Lin Yuner reject many scouts and entertainment companies, and warned her that she must never enter the entertainment industry.

This also led to that despite Lin Yuner's natural beauty and stage talent, no entertainment company came to her.

Hearing Zhang Li's words, Lin Yun'er was also surprised.

13-year-old girls are immature in their thinking, and the easiest thing to do is impulsive things.

In particular, Zhang Li testified that the Huaxia sister in front of her was indeed the vice president of an entertainment company, not a liar.

"My mother on the peninsula has taken care of me, can my mother on the Huaxia side still take care of me?

Without thinking about it, Lin Yun'er nodded her head like garlic, and said happily, "Sister, I would like to go back to Huaxia with you, and I would like to join your entertainment company.

Having said this, Lin Yun'er's face suddenly collapsed, and she said in frustration, "But, the problem is that I don't have the money to buy a plane ticket, and I don't have a passport.

Peninsula has its own ID card since birth.

Even if you don't have a guardian, you can apply for a passport with your own ID.

If you can't apply for a passport, in this age where money can turn a ghost, you can also easily do this.

"Since you have chosen to train you, of course your elder sister will be responsible for the money. As long as you want to become a star in Huaxia, you can go home and get your ID card. My elder sister will wait for you here and bring you back to China when the time comes.

Zhang Man said with a hint of bewitching in his tone.

At this moment, Lin Yun'er was also heartbroken, and nodded her head like a ghost.

after an hour.

"Yun, didn't you just go to your classmate's house to finish your homework? Why did you forget to run out of the door again?

Looking at Lin Yuner who was sneakily preparing to go out, Yuan Xiuyan frowned and asked.

Lin Yun'er turned around, her face turned pale.

Fortunately, it was late, so Yuan Xiuyan didn't notice it.

"I-I'm hungry and want to go out and buy some snacks.

Lin Yuner said with a guilty conscience.

In fact, she was carrying her ID card in her pocket.

It is normal for children to like to eat snacks.

Yuan Xiuyan didn't think much, and said helplessly to Lin Yuner: "Okay, pay attention to safety when you go out, and come back early.


Lin Yuner breathed a sigh of relief, and then ran towards the agreed place without looking back.

"Sister, I got the ID card."

Lin Yuner met Zhang Man at the agreed place, and she handed her ID card to Zhang Man with joy.

During the time that Lin Yuner was away, Zhang Man called out her translator, a female college student, to facilitate her communication with Lin Yuner.

"Yun'er is so good, you go back to sleep first, pack up your clothes tomorrow, and come back to me.  …

Applying for a passport is not something that can be completed in a few hours, and Zhang Man still needs a day.

Lin Yuner nodded obediently, and then went home happily.

It seems that the star dream is already beckoning to her.

The next afternoon.

Lin Yun'er took advantage of Yuan Xiuyan's time to go out, carrying the clothes she had already packed, and sneaked out the door.

Boarding port.

"This is your passport and ID card, and someone will pick you up when you get off the plane. 35

Zhang Man sent Lin Yuner to the boarding gate, but he had no intention of going up.

Lin Yun'er's beautiful eyes widened, and her pretty face was a little unbelievable: "Sister Zhang Man, didn't you say go to China with me?

At this moment, Lin Yuner was a little scared.

Zhang Man smiled and touched Lin Yun'er's little head: "Are you afraid that I will leave you alone? How worried should your mother be if you secretly go back alone, I stayed here to convince your mother, and I will wait until I am convinced. Your mother, I will naturally come to you."

This reason is reasonable, Lin Yuner's panic was once again restrained by the star dream.

Reluctantly, she looked back at her hometown where she had lived for more than ten years. For the first time in her life, she set foot in a foreign country.

"Is this what you call a tactic?

Rose appeared behind Zhang Man at an unknown time, and asked with a pouted lip.

Zhang Man smiled and said: "When Lin Yuner gets off the plane and falls under our control, do you think Yuan Xiuyan will compromise?"

"Won Soo-yeon and her husband are divorced, she earns so much money, and everything she does is for this only daughter, I don't believe that she will even care about her daughter's life for the rights to this film and television adaptation.

Although Rose was dismissive of Zhang Man's performance, she actually sighed in her heart.

Is there really such a big difference between having an IQ and not having an IQ?

She personally went into battle to threaten Yuan Xiuyan, but the other party did not compromise.

Zhang Man didn't even use force, but he controlled the lifeblood that Yuan Xiuyan cared about most.

No wonder that bastard Qi Lin values ​​her so much, this woman's skills are really much more powerful than ordinary people.

"Where did you hide my daughter? Yun'er all told me that you told Yun'er that you could train her to be a long-term star, and then she stole her ID card and didn't go home now.

It was probably determined that Lin Yuner had already arrived in Huaxia, and it was impossible for the plane to return. Zhang Man and Rose returned to the hotel where they stayed.

In the quiet night, at the entrance of the hotel, Zhang Man and Rose were surrounded by a group of men in black suits.

And Yuan Xiuyan also appeared in front of the two of them.

These men in black are naturally sent by KBS.

Won Soo-yeon asked KBS for help, saying that her daughter was missing.

After several days of investigation, the other party finally locked in the hotel where the two lived.

So when Rose and Zhang Man came back, they encountered such a scene.

Looking at Yuan Xiuyan, who was in a hurry, Zhang Man smiled lightly: "I am afraid that your daughter has already arrived in China. As for her safety, it depends on whether Miss Yuan Xiuyan is willing to cooperate with us. 99

It's a pity that the two languages ​​couldn't communicate, and Yuan Xiuyan didn't know what Zhang Man was talking about.

"Get them first, I just want to know where my daughter is now.

Yuan Xiuyan shouted at the men in black.

3.6 Without Yuan Xiuyan's orders, these men in black also know what to do.

Seeing this scene, Rose's expression condensed.

If it's just her, the other party's No. 20 is totally fine, but the problem is that she still has to protect Zhang Man.

Unhappy, this woman is unhappy, but since she promised Qi Lin to bring Zhang Man back safe and sound, she must do it.

Just when the two sides were on the verge of breaking out, something unexpected happened.

"Hey! What do you guys want to do?"

"More than 20 big men bully two women, do you still have any gentlemanly demeanor? If you don't want to be beaten, just leave me quickly.

A man with a moustache, a rough appearance, and a majestic figure appeared.

Use this Korean language to warn those people in black.

If Qi Lin was here, he would definitely recognize the man in front of him.

Nicknamed God Ma Dong-seok, he is regarded as a god-like man by the peninsula stick.

Of course, this refers to the inside of the movie.

In the crime city, it was the policeman who starred in him, who finally killed the Black Dragon Gang and captured Zhang Qian, a man who almost slaughtered the entire peninsula gangster.

However, Ma Dongci is not yet a star.

He has been a professional Sanda coach in the United States for more than ten years. Recently, on a whim, he wants to return to the peninsula and enter the entertainment industry.

As soon as I got off the plane and wanted to find a hotel to pay attention, I encountered such an unexpected situation.

Just like in the movie, his nosy thing happened in one fell swoop.

Zhang Man and Rose were also stunning beauties, so he rushed forward with enthusiasm and stood up directly to come up with a hero to save the beauty.

But he didn't know that this impulse caused a big problem.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Man suddenly stretched out his hand to stop Rose, with a hint of deep meaning in his beautiful eyes: "Don't be in a hurry, just watch the situation, we have no power in the peninsula, we are too passive, this enthusiastic fool Maybe it can help us break this deadlock.


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