Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

288: The Sleepless Night of the Bower Gang, Zhang Man's Surprise for Qi Lin

"You two ladies, don't be afraid, as long as I'm here, they can't hurt you.

Rebuking the group of men in black suits, Ma Dongci turned around to comfort Rose and Zhang Man.

Zhang Manmei said with a smile: "Sorry, we don't understand Korean."9


Hearing Zhang Man's accent, Ma Dongci couldn't help but froze for a moment.

But this time, he spoke Chinese.

"So you can speak Chinese? Sir, are you from China too?

Zhang Man's pretty face was slightly surprised. Ma Dongci could speak Chinese, which she did not expect.

Ma Dongci said with a smile: "My hometown was originally from the Xian people in Yanbian, China. They immigrated to the peninsula decades ago. My grandparents can speak Chinese, so I will order them too."

Rose looked at Ma Dongci who still had time to chat with Zhang Man, her beautiful eyes were speechless: "You better look behind you first."

Ma Dongci hurriedly turned around and saw several men in black draw baseball bats from behind, and then smashed them towards him.

"Axi! You dare to attack, you don't have any gentleman's demeanor at all, you just lose the face of our Great Cold Nether Kingdom!

Ma Dongci has a stout and mighty stature, and is a typical violent fighter who punches to the flesh without bells and whistles.

Effortlessly dodging the baseball bat that was thrown at him, Ma Dongci punched the opponent's stomach.

"Pfft! 99

The man spit out a mouthful of blood and flew four or five meters backwards, losing his combat effectiveness.

Seeing this scene, Rose commented with interest: "I thought it was a flower fist embroidered legs who likes to pretend, but I didn't expect it to be a bit of real kung fu.

"But that's all, it's okay to deal with some ordinary people, and I can't hold up to twenty moves at most.

Rose does have this power.

And Zhang Man knew that Rose said this for herself, but she just smiled slightly, without her yin and yang.

Instead, he took out his delicate lady's mobile phone and snapped a few 'handsome' photos for Ma Dongci.

This Ma Dongci's strength is indeed capable. In the peninsula where even the bastard can be the eldest brother, it is a good candidate to support as a puppet.

Ma Dongci also saw Zhang Man's act of taking pictures of himself, he was stunned for a moment, and then showed a silly smile.

He thought it was Zhang Man who admired his bravery and took pictures of him to commemorate him.

With the onlooker bonus of beauties, Ma Dongci's combat power became more and more brave.

There were more than 20 men in black suits and uniforms holding baseball bats. In the hands of the bare-handed Ma Dongci, they didn't last even ten minutes.

In the end, the helpers that Yuan Xiuyan invited were lying on the ground, but Zhang Man didn't even touch a single hair.

"Miss, these bad guys who harassed you have all been dealt with, and you are now safe."

After clapping his palms, Ma Dongci walked to Zhang Man and Rose with a smile.

Looking at Ma Dongci, who looks a bit like taking credit, Zhang Man couldn't help but want to laugh: "Now there is good news and bad news to tell you, which do you want to hear first?

"Good news and bad news?"

Ma Dongci was stunned for a moment.

"What's the good news?"

What people most want to hear, of course, must be good news, Ma Dongci asked suspiciously.

Zhang Man smiled lightly: "The good news is that my boss likes you and wants you to help him."

Ma Dongci:

Hearing that there was actually a big boss behind this beautiful woman, Ma Dongci's sixth sense told him that something seemed amiss.

"What's the bad news?"

Ma Dongci couldn't help but ask again.

Zhang Man smiled dumbly: "The bad news is that the people you beat down are employees of the security department of KBS TV station. They were invited by the lady behind you, Yuan Xiuyan, to help. The reason they wanted to arrest me was because I kidnapped Ms. Won Soo-yeon's daughter.""

"I am grass!

Hearing Zhang Man's words, Ma Dongci even scolded the classic Huaxia Kingdom.

He originally thought that he was a hero to save Mei, and that he was saving two beautiful and kind girls.

Unexpectedly, these two girls looked so beautiful on the outside, but what they did was kidnapping people.

So, isn't he acting as an accomplice to the two?

What frightened Ma Dongci the most was that the people he was playing were KBS people.

KBS itself is a TV station, and it doesn't have the energy to give Ma Dongci what to do.

But as long as anyone from the peninsula knows that the TV stations here are controlled by the chaebols, offending these TV stations means offending the chaebols.

Even the previous commanders of the peninsula have been planted in the hands of the chaebols. If Ma Dongci can fight again, will he still be the opponent of the chaebols?

"It's over! It's over!"

"Originally, I came back from the beautiful country and wanted to be an actor because I saw the entertainment industry on the Peninsula is in full swing and the Korean Wave swept across Asia.

"Now I have offended KBS TV, let alone being an actor, whether I can see the sun the next day is a problem.

Thinking of this, Ma Dongci looked at Zhang Man with a look of resentment.

It is said that there is a knife on the head of the word "beautiful", just because I saw two beautiful beautiful women and wanted to show it off, but I ended up in such a big trouble.

"You kidnapped people, just say it straight, why didn't you tell me, let me fight with the people from KBS TV? Now it's okay, offended KBS, I can't get along in the peninsula anymore.

Ma Dongci himself owns real estate in Beautiful Country, so he can flee back to Beautiful Country before the news spreads.

But the problem is that his parents, grandparents, and grandparents still live on the peninsula. What will they do if they leave?

Zhang Man smiled lightly and said, "I didn't ask you to help me from the beginning to the end, you rushed out by yourself, can't blame us for that?

"And you, a big man, don't think about how to solve the current predicament instead of complaining about others now. 35

"KBS TV, the chaebols are not as terrible as they imagined, as long as you create a force stronger than them, you will have an equal opportunity to talk to them.

Zhang Man began to confuse Ma Dongci.

But Ma Dongci is not a fool, he smiled bitterly: "Miss, I said that you are really joking, you are not from the peninsula, how do you know that the chaebol is terrible.

"In one sentence, people on the peninsula are inseparable from the chaebols from birth to death. They run hospitals, schools, work units, and even crematoriums.

"Such a behemoth, with my ability alone, how could it be possible to fight."

The chaebols have brainwashed the people of the peninsula too seriously.

Zhang Man didn't want to say more, she smiled lightly: "Since you don't want to cooperate with my boss, you can go, and I'll show these photos to KBS TV station later.

Zhang Man shook the phone in his hand.

Does this scene feel a little familiar?

That's right, Qi Lin used this method to threaten the heroines.

Ma Dongci: "...

He thought just now that Zhang Man was stunned by his handsome actions, so he took pictures.

Now Ma Dongci feels like a fool, and he did so clearly to leave evidence to threaten him, but he is proud of him.

"Miss, it's too much to do this, return the photo to me, or I'll be rude.

Ma Dongci's face turned cold.

Without these photos, Ma Dongci still has plenty of time to take his family to the beautiful country.

Once these photos are in the hands of the chaebol, he can't even get on the plane, and can only stay on the peninsula and wait to die.

"If you want photos, come and get them yourself."

Zhang Man's smile shook the phone with a hint of wickedness.

A flash of anger flashed on Ma Dongci's face: "It's too much to deceive people!"

After speaking, he strode towards Zhang Man and strode over.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Man immediately hid behind Rose, blinked his beautiful big eyes and said to her: "Ms. Rose, the next thing is left to you.


She always has a feeling of being led by misfortune.


five minutes later.

Ma Dongci flew out and looked at the beautiful woman in a leather jacket in disbelief.

He is a handsome and beautiful country's top fighting coach, and he can't even beat a woman.

Retracting her long legs gracefully, Rose looked at Ma Dongci on the ground with contempt.

After a few fighting matches, I thought I was invincible.

Without going through her fierce career as a gangster, she would never understand what fighting skills are and what killing skills are.

Of course, except for the pervert Qi Lin.

"Choose for yourself, whether to be loyal to the boss or let us send you on your way now."

Zhang Man looked indifferent, and asked Ma Dongci, who had received internal injuries.

He failed to get the photo back and even lost the chance to escape. At this time, Ma Dongci regretted it.

He really wanted to slap himself twice.

"Fuck you, mind your own business, now it's alright, even your own life is on the line!"

Thinking of this, Ma Dongci gritted his teeth and said to Zhang Man, "I don't understand at all what you guys want to do. I was caught by those chaebols, and at most I died. The fate of you being caught by the chaebols is much more miserable than me. "

Zhang Man said in a light tone: "This is not something you have to worry about, say your choice. 35


Ma Dongci sighed.

What choice does he have now?

Offending the chaebol and missing the best time to escape from the peninsula, he could only follow the beauty and the boss in front of him all the way to the dark.

"What do you want to do, just say it.""

Ma Dongci softened.

"Come with me."

Seeing that Ma Dongci had no choice to seek death, Zhang Man walked up to Yuan Xiuyan, who was completely stunned.

"Your daughter is in my hands now, and I have already sent her back to Huaxia, so even if you call the police and arrest me, it is useless, it will only accelerate your daughter's death, your only choice is to choose to cooperate with me.

After saying this, Zhang Man said to Ma Dongci, who had gotten up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, "Translate my words to her."

Ma Dongci was speechless at this time.

He never thought that one day he, who has an extremely upright personality, would follow the wicked to do evil.

When Yuan Xiuyan heard Ma Dongci's words, she felt the world was spinning and she almost fainted.

She did not expect that in less than a day, her daughter would be abducted by these two women to Huaxia!

Zhang Man's guess is indeed correct, Yuan Xiuyan and her ex-husband divorced, and now the only belief is Lin Yuner.

If Lin Yuner had any accident, she would not have the faith to live in this world.

Yuan Xiuyan cried bitterly and compromised: "I will listen to you, I will listen to all of you, as long as you don't hurt my daughter, I will do everything."

Looking at Yuan Xiuyan who was submissive in front of her, a satisfied smile appeared on Zhang Manqiao's face.

But this smile made her feel cold all over in Rose's eyes.

"Although this woman doesn't have much force, her head is full of heart. Anyone who opposes her will have no idea how miserable the end will be. Well, it's exactly the same as that guy Qi Lin's virtue."

The matter is resolved perfectly, Zhang Man's top priority is to send Yuan Xiuyan back to China.


KBS's ability to react is much faster than she thought.

She took Yuan Xiuyan to her house to get her ID card, but found that Yuan Xiuyan's house was full of police officers.

After returning to the hotel where several people were staying, the outside was also blocked by the police, and they watched everyone who came and went vigilantly.

Fortunately, Zhang Man and Rose cleaned up the salute in the hotel in advance, otherwise they would have to leave clues to the police.

In this case, let alone returning to China, the safety of several people may be a problem.

Ma Dongci asked with a wry smile, "What should we do now? Why don't we turn ourselves in?"

Rose looked at Ma Dongci with contempt: "I think about surrendering every day, but I don't have any prospects. Bai Chang is so big."

Ma Dongci couldn't stand the woman saying that he was useless. He said that because the chaebol was too powerful, which made him feel powerless.

"Then you gotta be careful, right? Where do we live now? There are police everywhere. 99

Ma Dongci said helplessly.

Zhang Man said lightly: "Find a local gangster, kill their boss, and then use the opponent's nest to slowly strengthen himself.

"No matter how smart these police officers are, they would never have imagined that we would do the opposite and strengthen ourselves under their noses."

When 800 heard Zhang Man's words, Rose's eyes lit up: "Zhang Man, this is the first time I found out that your head is quite bright. I heard that there are many associations on the peninsula, and they are legal, so let's have a game. .99

Hearing the words of the two beauties, Ma Dongci's eyes widened, thinking that he had heard it wrong.

He, who used to hate corporate crime the most, is now going to be a pirate, is it wrong!

I hate it, but I hate it, but today's Ma Dongci has no right to speak.

In terms of physics, he can't beat the rose.

In terms of brains, Zhang Man sold him, and it is estimated that he will need to count the money for Zhang Man.

In desperation, he could only follow Zhang Man and Rose, all the way to darkness.

Zhang Man holds the 10 million yuan that Qi Lin gave her.

There are two generals, Rose and Ma Dongci, and the venture capital is abundant.

As a native of the peninsula, Ma Dongci is very familiar with this place and can also act as a translator.

Rose used to manage the club and was very good at gathering people's hearts and managing members.

Zhang Man made plans behind the scenes and pointed the country.

In less than a week, half of the gang in the bow has been destroyed in the hands of three people, and their subordinates, including thugs, have more than 2,000 people.

"Mr. Man, a strange thing happened recently in Bower, after the club we created rose up, a club called the Black Dragon Gang also rose up.

"All the gangs that Bower can destroy have been destroyed by us, and the only thing we have to face next is the Black Dragon Gang.

Ma Dongci walked into a luxurious box and reported the news to Zhang Man.

The current Ma Dongci is no longer as repulsive as when he first joined.

Apart from Rose and Zhang Man, he is the third-in-command of the Tianlin Club, and he manages thousands of younger brothers.

Every day, there are not only fist-fighting to the flesh, but also all kinds of flattery from the younger brothers, and countless shop owners respectfully hand in protection fees.

It's more exciting than being an actor.

Ma Dongci has been completely broken. He has been playing the reliable uncle of the police in movies, and now he has become a bloodthirsty gang leader.

"I just want to give the boss a surprise. When he comes to the peninsula, there is a decent welcome scene. Half a bow of underground forces is enough."

"Fighting with the Black Dragon Gang will only allow those chaebol-supported societies to reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"Let's go, go meet the president of the Black Dragon Gang, and see what the other party is up to.

Zhang Man put down the red wine glass that was shaking in his hand and said lightly to Ma Dongci.

the other side.

Zhou Pojun also encountered the same problem.

Zhou Pojun's strength is still above Rose.

Zhang Qian, Zhou Tai, and Wei Cheng are also Chinese gold medalists who murdered brutally.

Those local gangsters in the bow were in their hands, and they were directly cleaned up like chopping melons and vegetables.

It only took about ten days for them to control half of Bower's underground forces.

"Mr. Zhou, all the gang forces in Bo'er have been wiped out, and only the Tianlin club that suddenly appeared, what should we do now? 35

Zhang Qian said in a respectful tone.

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