Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

290: Brainwash Lin Yuner, Little Loli's Mind

The little loli on the peninsula is different. Just relying on this politeness makes people feel very comfortable.

And if Qi Lin remembers correctly, the name Oppa is only used by girls from the peninsula to their very close family members or boys they like.

This little girl Lin Yuner is a little careful.

"I didn't expect that the future goddess of all the people on the peninsula would actually be the daughter of Yuan Xiuyan. 99

"This woman, Zhang Man, is also a pure witch. In order to get the right to adapt to the film and television, she actually bewitched her daughter to Huaxia."

Looking at the cute little loli in front of him, Qi Lin had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Lin Yun'er in front of her is a pure girl who has never entered the entertainment circle of the peninsula, and has never experienced the baptism of a chaebol.

The knee is also uninjured.

Now that Zhang Man has kidnapped her, it's entirely possible to have a loli to develop her.

In order to communicate with Lin Yuner, Qi Lin specially asked Zhang Dan to recruit a full-time Korean female translator for him, who accompanied him at the moment.

"Has Zhang Man told you my identity?

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Lin Yun'er's beautiful eyes flashed with doubts, and then she shook her head gently: "No, then what is Oppa's identity? Yun'er is really curious~"

Oh shit.

This is natural green tea!

It is not deliberately pretentious, the words spoken and the questions asked can easily hit a man's heart.

Qi Lin couldn't help laughing: "Since you want to know so much, then I'll tell you, I'm Zhang Man's boss and the boss of Sugar Man Entertainment."

Hearing this reply, Lin Yun'er's beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and then she held her small hands, showing a look of admiration: "Wow, is it that Oppa's identity is so powerful? Sister Zhang Man told me that Zhou Xingxing was talking to me. Your company cooperates, you can invite Zhou Xingxing to film, Oppa is really amazing.

Lin Yuner's adored little expression was not at all contrived, it seemed to come from the heart, and it was quite cute.

However, Qi Lin knew that this was also a protective measure for herself because Little Loli was uneasy in her heart when she first arrived in a foreign country.

More importantly, Qi Lin was quite comfortable listening.

A beautiful girl with such a lovely elf always looks at you with admiration, few men can stand it, right?

In Lin Yun'er's shy eyes, Qi Lin rubbed her little head: "Zhang Man has already told me about you. Originally, our company needed a process and an interview to sign a star, but since you are her recommendation Yes, then these procedures are completely exempt.”

"Are you hungry? Are you going to take you to dinner now, or go back to the company to sign a contract with me?"

Lin Yun'er's beautiful eyes were filled with a hint of joy.

She guessed it early on, Qi Lin is definitely a big man, otherwise he wouldn't be riding in such a luxurious Mayba 800 Hz sedan.

This is also the reason why she had a different attitude towards Qi Lin at the beginning.

As Qi Lin guessed, living in a foreign country, Qi Lin is the one who decides her destiny. What if she is not good-natured and is rejected by the big boss?

At that time, they will be sent back to the peninsula pitifully.

"Oppa, I've already eaten on the plane, and I'm not hungry. I want to go to Oppa to have a look and get used to the environment there as soon as possible.

Lin Yun'er said with a hint of anticipation on her pretty face.

"Want me to help you carry the suitcase?

Qi Lin glanced at Lin Yun'er's small suitcase and asked with a smile.

Lin Yuner quickly shook her head and said with a full smile: "Oba, you are a big man, and you have more important things to do. These little things can't trouble you."

After speaking, she carried the small suitcase to the Maybach trunk.

However, this trunk is the most advanced sensing device, Lin Yuner was busy for a long time and couldn't open it.

She blushed slightly, and said shyly: "Oppa, I can't open the trunk, can you help me?"

Qi Lin held back his laugh: "Didn't you say that these little things can't trouble Oppa?

Lin Yuner stomped her little feet coquettishly: "Oppa, you bully me."

No wonder people who have been to the cherry blossoms or the peninsula say that the girls in these two places retain the virtues and virtues of traditional Chinese women.

Lin Yuner was only 13 years old, and she already had a gentle and virtuous taste on her body.

Help Lin Yuner open the trunk and put the salute on it.

When he got into the car, another thing happened that made Qi Lin slightly sigh.

Lin Yuner actually walked directly to the passenger seat, opened the door, and did not choose to sit with Qi Lin.

Qi Lin pressed the car door and asked Lin Yuner with a smile, "Why did you sit in the front?"

Lin Yuner's pretty face was stunned for a moment, and then she said as a matter of course: "The boss is sitting at the back. As the boss's employee, I can't sit there. It's too rude."

This kind of Lin Yuner made Qi Lin a little bit unbearable.

Holding Lin Yun'er's little hand, Qi Lin pulled her to the back seat: "The peninsula is a peninsula, and China is China, in my place, there are not so many cumbersome rules.

The fair and delicate little hand was held by Qi Lin, and Lin Yuner, who already knew everything, blushed slightly.

Because Qi Lin was the first man to hold her little hand.

The car has already started, Qi Lin looked at Lin Yuner, who was a little too shy to speak, with his small head lowered, and asked with a smile, "What's the matter? Did I make you unhappy by holding your hand?

Lin Yuner immediately shook her head, lowered her head and said shyly, "Yun'er is very happy that Oppa can hold my hand, but Oppa is the first boy to hold my hand, so I'm a little nervous.

Maybach arrived at Sugar Man Entertainment, and Bing Dong came down to open the door for Qi Lin.

This is the first time that Lin Yuner has enjoyed a life of service.

And what she didn't tell anyone was that she also enjoyed this extravagant life.

"Ouba seems to like me quite a bit. If only he can always like me, I can stay here forever."

Lin Yun'er looked at Qi Lin quietly with her beautiful eyes.

Sugar Man Entertainment has long set a strategic plan.

Cultivate a group of contracted new actors who belong to Sugar Man.

Therefore, Sugar Man has a dedicated staff dormitory for training trainees.

This trainee plan was also proposed by Qi Lin. He wanted to copy the star-making factory model of later generations to 20 years ago, and grab this big cake from the peninsula.

"You live in the company's dormitory for the past few days. When your mother comes to Huaxia, let's see what arrangements she has for you."

In Zhang Man's vice president's office, Qi Lin sat on the boss chair and said with a light smile to Lin Yuner who was standing in front of him.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Lin Yun'er's pretty face froze, and then she said in a panic, "Oppa, why is my mother coming to China? 39

The reason why Lin Yuner secretly came to Huaxia is to realize her star dream here, and finally she made a blockbuster and made her mother admire her.

But if her mother also came to China, would she still let herself continue her star dream?

Qi Lin lit a cigarette and smiled faintly: "Worried that your mother won't let you be a star? You can rest assured, as long as she comes to Huaxia, she will no longer be able to interfere with your dreams."5

"By the way, during this period of time, you have to work hard to learn Chinese. When you are developing in China, you can't even speak Chinese. How can you communicate with others?"

"In addition to the usual trainee training, your culture class can't be missed. When your mother comes to Huaxia, I will find a way to go through the admission procedures for you.

Qi Lin has everything arranged, what Lin Yuner can say, she nodded obediently: "Yuner remembers what Oppa said.

Lin Yun'er is more well-behaved than Qi Lin imagined, and it's impossible to justify without rewarding her with something.

"Have you heard about the filming of the Kung Fu movie?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Lin Yuner smiled sweetly: "Of course I have heard of it, and I also know that Mr. Zhou Xingxing is the protagonist of this movie.

Speaking of this, Lin Yun'er's beautiful eyes were full of anticipation: "Oppa, can I ask you one thing?"

Qi Lin smiled and said, "What's the matter?"

Lin Yuner's pretty face was a little embarrassed: "Mr. Zhou Xingxing is my idol, I want to meet him, it would be better if I can get an autograph."

"Put this matter aside, you go to a place with me first. 99

Qi Lin put out the cigarette butt and stood up suddenly.

Lin Yuner's pretty face was a little curious, but she still followed behind Qi Lin.

A spacious training room.

Two interviewers are casting for a female character in Kung Fu.

The heroine is Huang Yiyi.

The girl who was doused with gasoline was Jiang Nannan.

The little girl held by the girl who poured gasoline is also the little girl she protects and also needs a little girl to play.

But it was such a girl who didn't even have a line that attracted more than 200 girls from all over the country to apply for the job.

Just to show up in Zhou Xingxing's movie and add a color that can show off to my life resume.

"Mr. Qi!

Seeing Qi Lin, the company's big boss, the two big men who could decide the fate of these 200 girls quickly got up and respectfully shouted to Qi Lin.

"Sit down, there's no need (ahdg) to be so restrained, I'm just here to check on the interview.

Qi Lin took Lin Yuner to the side and sat down.

The two interviewers looked at each other before sitting down to continue the interview.

However, this time, the two did not dare to make a decision casually. Every time they interviewed a girl, they subconsciously glanced at Qi Lin.

Seeing Qi Lin's expressionless face, he directly brushed the girl down.

In the blink of an eye, two hours have passed.

All the girls left the training room in frustration, none of them were selected by the interviewer.

"Do you want to make a movie?"

Suddenly, Qi Lin asked Lin Yuner who was standing beside him.

Lin Yun'er looked at these girls enviously at first.

Because once they apply for the job, they will have the opportunity to make a movie with their idol Zhou Xingxing.

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Lin Yun'er was stunned for a moment, and then she asked dumbly, "I, can I?

Qi Lin smiled and touched Lin Yun'er's little head: "Of course, this is a surprise for you from Oppa, do you like it?

Can Lin Yuner not like it at the moment?

The joy on the beautiful little face could not be hidden.

More than 200 girls came to apply for the job, and they tried their best to get the best.

Qi Lin gave it to her with just one sentence.

For the first time, Lin Yuner saw the charm of power.


Lin Yun'er's beautiful eyes had a hint of shyness, and in Qi Lin's somewhat surprised eyes, she smelled his cheek.

The moment the two touched, a good-smelling girly fragrance filled Qi Lin's nostrils.

"Oba, thank you, Ou and Ouba are also the first boys that Yuner kisses. 35

Lin Yun'er said in a slightly twisted tone, her little face was already flushed red like a little apple.

Little Loli still doesn't understand what love is, she just expresses her love to express her gratitude to Qi Lin.

"Don't be so polite, as long as you listen to Oppa, there will be more characters waiting for you in the future."

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth were slightly upturned, washing Lin Yun'er's brain.

Lin Yun'er nodded lightly with a hint of joy in her beautiful eyes.

Then he walked behind Qi Lin, two fair and delicate hands, gently pressed and pinched Qi Lin's temples: "Ouba is so busy every day, it must be hard work, can Yuner help you press and squeeze it?"

Qi Lin closed his black eyes.

From a technical point of view, this little girl is quite comfortable to squeeze.

"Have you helped other men press before?

Qi Lin asked lightly.

Lin Yun'er's pretty face flashed a touch of pink: "Oba talks nonsense, how could I have such an intimate behavior with other boys, my mother is a writer, and often has cervical discomfort and headaches, I have learned to squeeze by myself. Technology, give my mother a button~”

"I bought all the villas for you, this stinky boy, and I don't know what you want so many villas for.""

Fang Yuanyuan put eight brand new real estate certificates in front of Qi Lin.

"How much did that Zhou Peng want from you?"

Qi Lin picked up a real estate certificate from the coffee table and glanced at it casually.

In 2002, there is no purchase restriction order. If you buy a house or something, write it in your own name and you will not be charged more property tax.

Except for the villa where Qi Lin lives now, which is under the name of Fang Yuanyuan and Qi Feng, the remaining eight villas are all written in Qi Lin's name.

Fang Yuanyuan's beautiful eyes showed a trace of anger: "You obviously saved Zhou Peng's son, and a villa charged us 2 million. When I think of this, I get angry."5

Qi Lin said with a smile: "There's nothing to be angry about, then Zhou Peng sold our 8 villas, and it's already bleeding."

"It won't be long before a villa here will rise to 3 million yuan, and after 20 years, it will take at least 12 million yuan to buy one.

“Seriously, even if our family starts to live and die from now on and invest all of our money in real estate, we will still be billionaires 20 years from now.35

Fang Yuanyuan was stunned for a moment: "Is it such an exaggeration as you say? Can you really make so much money buying these houses?'

In their previous lives, Fang Yuanyuan and Qi Feng were too reliant on the real estate industry and did not buy more real estate to preserve their value.

If they hoard dozens of properties in the early stage, they do not know that the company will go bankrupt in the end, and they will not even have a cent left, and they will finally jump off the building in despair.

There is no need to worry about the past life, Qi Lin put down the real estate book in his hand, Fang Yuanyuan smiled and said: "It won't be long, Mom, you will know, yes, since the house is now in hand, the next step is to put these After the house is renovated, this matter will be handed over to your mother.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Fang Yuanyuan's beautiful eyes showed a hint of anger: "You stinky boy is idle every day to pick up girls, your mother and I can't wait to use one hand as two hands, how can I have time for a farm as big as the manager? help you run this.

Qi Lin smiled mysteriously with black eyes: "Whoever said that the decoration of the villa requires Mom to run around, you can go directly to the construction company of 'City People' and find the company's boss. I have already arranged the rest."

"Cityman Construction Company? Why haven't I heard of this name? Is it reliable? Don't make a mess of our villa.

Although she didn't understand what Qi Lin was doing, Fang Yuanyuan was still willing to do it if she was just running an errand.

After all, it is her own villa, and there is another one where she and Qi Feng live.

After Fang Yuanyuan left, Qi Xueyao, who was wearing a maternity dress, slapped Qi Lin lightly and said with a smile, "Is it funny that you play your mother like this? Can't you just tell her that this is your company?

Qi Lin stroked Qi Xueyao's fair belly and smiled lightly: "I told her it wouldn't be a surprise, it's better for her to experience it herself."

Qi Xueyao grabbed Qi Lin's big hand and didn't let him touch it, she gave Qi Lin a sullen look with her beautiful eyes: "I'm only two months pregnant, and I don't show my belly, what's there to touch.

Qi Lin asked lazily: "Since you don't show your belly, why do you start wearing maternity dresses now? A lady's long dress, dress, cheongsam high heels, which one is not better than this? I found that you women, once you get your beloved The man who started to dislike dressing himself up.


Qi Xueyao couldn't help rolling her eyes when she heard Qi Lin's words.

"Pregnant women's long dresses are the most comfortable, right? You just think about your preferences every day. No matter how good I look, you can't mess around, so it's better not to wear them.

What Qi Xueyao said was quite reasonable.

Before three months of pregnancy, it is best not to have sex between husband and wife, otherwise it is easy to cause fetal miscarriage.

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