Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

291: Fang Yuanyuan: This construction company is also a stinky boy? Chen Shuyi's name is mother

Smart people have smart people's ways of running their companies.

Stupid people have stupid ways of running a company.

After Zhang Man left the company, there was no one to assist him, and Chen Shuyi's pressure immediately increased.

In order not to let Qi Lin's hard work be ruined, she began to be more strict with herself.

The documents sent by the subordinates are reviewed three times and signed only after confirmation.

When encountering problems that I don't understand, I often call at night to ask Zhang Man, who is still in the bow.

The little girl who used to love to laugh and kind-hearted is now as cold as frost when facing her subordinates.

It is to hide the joy and anger, and prevent the subordinates from guessing their own thoughts.

"Mr. Chen, President Fang of Tianlin Group came to visit and is waiting in the reception room, do you want to see her?

Chen Shuyi is not only the deputy general manager of the "City People" company.

When Qi Lin was in the company, she had another identity, that is, Qi Lin's little secretary.

However, for the convenience of her work, Chen Shuyi has now promoted a girl she likes to be her assistant to help her deal with some trivial work.

"Tianlin Group? Why does this name sound familiar?"

Sitting on the boss chair, wearing a black suit and skirt, wearing black silk on her slender comic legs, and stepping on high heels, Chen Shuyi, who marked the document, was slightly stunned.

She stopped to think for a moment.

"Mother-in-law is here?"

Suddenly, under the surprised eyes of the little secretary, Chen Shuyi suddenly stood up.

Mr. Chen, who was originally calm and elegant, became flustered at this moment.

Walking back and forth in the office, I was a little embarrassed.

"What should I do? What should I do? Why did Aunt Fang come here all of a sudden? Could it be that they found out about me and Qi Lin?"

"Uuuuu, it's over, it's over! Qi Lin said that Qi Xueyao is pregnant, Aunt Fang must be on Qi Xueyao's side, shouldn't she be here to help Qi Xueyao tear up my mistress?"5

Chen Shuyi was very flustered.

The so-called fans of the authorities have touched it.

"Escape is not the solution. Forget it, let's go see Aunt Fang. 35

"No matter if Aunt Fang wants to be beaten or scolded, I will suffer. Who let me be eaten to death by this little rascal Qi Lin for the rest of my life."

Chen Shuyi sighed, then gathered up her courage and went to the reception room.

"Aunt Fang, long time no see.

Fang Yuanyuan, who was bored looking at the furnishings around her, heard someone calling her.

The voice was quite familiar.

She couldn't help but look up.

The next second, Fang Yuanyuan was also stunned.

"Shu, Shuyi?"

Seeing Fang Yuanyuan's surprised expression, Chen Shuyi felt a little strange in her heart.

"It seems that Aunt Fang doesn't know that I am the deputy general manager of the city people. Could it be that Qi Lin didn't tell her?"

Seeing that Fang Yuanyuan was not here to tear up the mistress, Chen Shuyi was slightly relieved.

"Aunt Fang, it's me.

Chen Shuyi smiled lightly, then sat down opposite Fang Yuanyuan.

Fang Yuanyuan also calmed down at the moment.

She took a careful look at the badge on Chen Shuyi's bulging suit: "Deputy General Manager of City People Construction Company.

After confirming that she was not mistaken, Fang Yuanyuan was a little shocked and sighed: "Shuyi, you have only been so promising after not seeing you for a few years, and you have already become the deputy general manager of a large company. When other children are so old, It is estimated that the intern will become a regular. 35

Hearing Fang Yuanyuan's words, Chen Shuyi's pretty face couldn't help turning red.

She doesn't call it promising.

If this wasn't Qi Lin's company, and if it wasn't for Zhang Man's efforts to train her, she might still be an intern.

"Mom, you actually misunderstood me.

Without thinking much, Chen Shuyi called Fang Yuanyuan a mother.

Fang Yuanyuan was stunned when she heard this title.

"No, Shuyi, what did you call me just now?"

She wanted to double-check.


Realizing that she called it wrong, Chen Shuyi's pretty face was almost red with blood, and she quickly waved her hand: "No, it's nothing, it's Aunt Fang, you heard it wrong.

Chen Shuyi's little assistant knows the relationship between President Chen and the big boss.

It turned out that the elegant and beautiful woman in front of her was the future mother-in-law of President Chen.

Seeing Mr. Chen, who is usually pretty and frosty, lose his composure in front of Mr. Fang several times, this funny scene, if not for the little assistant's desperate suppression, I would have laughed out loud.

Fang Yuanyuan has not reached the level of senile dementia, so she can still judge if she heard it correctly.

She looked at Chen Shuyi in front of her with beautiful eyes speechlessly.

If she is not wrong, the girl in front of her is probably the daughter of that stinky boy who is in trouble outside, right?

She used to worry that Qi Lin was too stupid and could not find a good girl to spend the rest of her life.

But now Fang Yuanyuan has no such idea at all.

She even began to worry that Qi Lin's provocation was too much, and that there would be a situation where the Asura field would appear in the future, and the girl who was harassed by him would stab him.

"If you hear it wrong, you will hear it wrong... By the way, what did you say I misunderstood, Shuyi?"

Fang Yuanyuan didn't mean to expose Chen Shuyi either. The stinky boy's own troubles will be solved by herself, and she will never let her mother help wipe her ass.

Seeing that Fang Yuanyuan didn't ask any more questions, Chen Shuyi finally breathed a sigh of relief. She explained with a smile, "Don't you know Aunt Fang? This construction company is also owned by Qi Lin, and I am the deputy general manager appointed by him to help him manage it. This company."5

Fang Yuanyuan: 66....

For a moment, Fang Yuanyuan thought that Chen Shuyi was joking.

But seeing her serious expression, Fang Yuanyuan overturned this idea again.

"What? This company is also run by a brat? How much is he hiding from me outside? 35

Fang Yuanyuan stood up suddenly, her pretty face with a hint of anger.

Seeing Fang Yuanyuan seemed a little unhappy, Chen Shuyi didn't dare to speak.

At the same time, there is some resentment towards Qi Lin in his heart.

I didn't tell Aunt Fang about such a big thing as starting a company. Now that I'm better, I've become a punching bag.

"How much is this company worth now?"

Angry is just the baby son hiding from himself.

But right now, Fang Yuanyuan was only proud.

The son is capable, which mother is not proud?

Seeing that Fang Yuanyuan's anger seemed to have subsided, Chen Shuyi cautiously said: "The current market value of the company is about 200 million yuan. If the construction of the Xiaomanyao TV Tower is successful, it is estimated that the market value can climb to 500 million yuan.


Fang Yuanyuan took a rare breath.

It doesn't look amazing. A small company with only a few hundred employees has a market value of more than 200 million?

You must know that the Tianlin Breeding that she and Qi Feng have worked so hard to build for half their lives has a current market value of only 100 million.

Coupled with the establishment of Tianlin lobster farming, it can reach 200 million.

The efforts of the two couples were not comparable to a company founded by their son. Fang Yuanyuan felt like she wanted to cry at this time.

"Isn't Xiaomanyao the Lingnan TV Tower known as the tallest building in China?

The construction of the tallest building is not a small news, and Fang Yuanyuan has also heard a little about it.

Speaking of this incident, Chen Shuyi's beautiful little face showed a smile: "Yes, it was Qi Lin who took me to the bidding conference at the beginning, and I still remember the scene where he showed his works on the stage heroically, The eight judges at the scene were all conquered by his works, and all gave full marks.

This is also a turning point in Chen Shuyi's feelings for Qi Lin.

It was only then that she realized that Qi Lin was not the ignorant and ignorant rich second generation she imagined, but a talented young man with erudition and talents. The two shared a common hobby in architectural decoration.

Fang Yuanyuan: 66.........

"This brat can also draw architectural plans?

Why does Fang Yuanyuan not believe it?

Chen Shuyi smiled and said: 'Of course, the design concept and data of Xiaoman Yao now come from Qi Lin's design drawings. "

"Aunt Fang, I think you usually pay too much attention to your work and neglect your relationship with Qi Lin. Maybe he has many advantages that you don't know about. 35

These words seemed to hit Fang Yuanyuan's heart, and a hint of guilt flashed in her beautiful eyes.

To say that Fang Yuanyuan loves Qi Lin, that is indeed love.

But from childhood to adulthood, she really didn't spend much time with Qi Lin. Instead, Chen Shuyi's mother Xu Yun played the role of a mother, taking care of Qi Lin meticulously.

Thinking of this, Fang Yuanyuan's eyes softened when she looked at Chen Shuyi: "Shuyi, Qi Lin's stinky boy always looks like a sloppy guy. This company is usually managed by you."5

"If that kid Qi Lin treats you badly and bullies you, you can tell Aunt Fang, and Aunt Fang will teach him a lesson for you."

This is quite obvious, Chen Shuyi knows that Fang Yuanyuan should know about her relationship with Qi Lin.

"Thank you Aunt Fang.

Chen Shuyi said a little shyly.

To avoid bringing up the matter between the two, Chen Shuyi quickly changed the subject: "Aunt Fang, do you have anything to do with me in the company today?"

Fang Yuanyuan smiled and said, "It's nothing, Qi Lin bought eight villas and was going to renovate them. He recommended me to come here.

Speaking of this, Fang Yuanyuan sighed: "I was played by this kid again, I guess this kid is watching my jokes at home.

Why did Qi Lin buy so many villas?

The speaker has no intention, the listener has a heart, and Chen Shuyi's heart moved at this moment.

"He has so many women, shouldn't these villas be prepared for these women?"

"Will I have a part in this?"

Chen Shuyi is not a girl who worships money, and she has already bought a set of flats, which belongs to Qi Lin's love nest.

But women are like this, I can don't, but I can't, because it means that she has no place in her heart, so she will not be prepared.

At this time, Fang Yuanyuan smiled again and said: "It is convenient for me to open a decoration company by myself. I am also worried that the eight villas will encounter a black-hearted decoration company and make a lot of money for others. "5

"It happens that the lobster farming branch in Xuyi is going to start construction next year. I will give you this list as well."

Seeing Fang Yuanyuan taking such care of herself, Chen Shuyi felt sweet in her heart, which showed that her status in Fang Yuanyuan's heart was not as bad as she thought.

"Thank you mom~"

Chen Shuyi must pay attention to the villa that her husband bought.

She personally took a measurement and design team and went to Yueliangwan Community with Fang Yuanyuan.

........for flowers....

"Shuyi, let's sit in the villa for a while, Aunt Fang hasn't caught up with you for a long time.

As soon as she entered the villa, Fang Yuanyuan did not drag Chen Shuyi to go home.

Chen Shuyi said quickly: "Aunt Fang, we will talk about the old things later, these villas are all the same in shape, and they will be over soon.

Hearing what Chen Shuyi said, Fang Yuanyuan let go of her hand, but she still warned: "Shuyi, you are not allowed to leave secretly after the measurement? At home for dinner at night, Aunt Fang will cook for you herself. 39


Chen Shuyi smiled and nodded.

Since she persuaded her mother to resign last time, she has not been to Qi Lin's house for a long time.

In addition~

She also misses a certain guy and wonders if he will be at home.

"There are pavilions and pavilions, as well as a public swimming pool. The environment of the community is elegant. From the side gate of the community, there is a riverside with green grass. It is indeed a good environment to live in.

Let the staff measure the data of the villa, while Chen Shuyi is standing on the balcony, overlooking the beautiful Moon Bay community.

"If Qi Lin really wants to give me a villa, which one should I choose?"

Chen Shuyi blushed slightly, thinking about what happened after she saw Qi Lin later.

It seems that she is afraid that Chen Shuyi will run away.

Fang Yuanyuan came again after a while.

"Shuyi, finished the data measurement?"

she asked with a smile.

Chen Shuyi knew that she could not escape, and nodded with a blushing face.

"Then let's go, the meal is ready.

Fang Yuanyuan pulled Chen Shuyi and called to go home.

Chen Shuyi hurriedly said to several employees: "Go back yourself first, store the data in the computer and organize it, make a space map, I will use it tomorrow.


"Shuyi, long time no see."

It was not someone else who opened the door for Chen Shuyi and Fang Yuanyuan, but Qi Xueyao, who had a relationship with Chen Shuyi.

At this moment, she is looking at Chen Shuyi with a smile.

Looking at Fang Yuanyuan in front of her, Chen Shuyi was filled with emotion.

She used to have a dispute with Qi Lin because of Qi Xueyao's injustice.

As a result, not only did Qi Xueyao become Qi Lin's woman, she was pregnant with her child, but she herself could not be spared, so she obediently became his little wife.

"Yeah, Xueyao, you've become beautiful again. 35

Chen Shuyi smiled lightly and looked at Qi Xueyao.

Neither girl meant to make fun of each other.

In life, there are some things that cannot be escaped. Since they have become Qi Lin's woman, let her pass the past and live the rest of her life well.

"Shuyi, sit down first, and I'll pour you a glass of water.

Qi Xueyao, the hostess, did a good job, and Chen Shuyi poured water for her as soon as she came in.

The key is that Qi Xueyao is pregnant, how could Chen Shuyi be so embarrassed to let a pregnant woman entertain her.

"No need, no need, I'll do it myself."

She got up and thought about it.

But a certain big man sitting on the sofa was holding her little hand.

Like a classic movement in ballroom dancing, Chen Shuyi turned around and sat in Qi Lin's arms.

A beautiful woman in a suit and skirt, with black silk high heels, is full of fragrance.

"Pour some water, it's not doing any physical work, you just let her do her best. Besides, she's pregnant recently, and she hasn't exercised much. It's also good to let her walk more, so as to avoid giving birth in time and getting fat. into a ball.

Qi Lin laughed and made fun of Qi Xueyao.

Qi Xueyao put the water glass in front of Chen Shuyi, and Mei Mei glared at Qi Lin angrily: "You've only gotten fat into a ball, even if I'm fat, it's your Si Ling who fed me, if you dare to dislike me, I asked mom to clean you up. 39

The two were just joking.

Many women will cause involution, how can Qi Xueyao dare to let her figure out of shape, she has been practicing yoga at home, a relatively gentle anaerobic exercise, just to maintain her graceful girly figure and show her most beautiful side In front of Qi Lin.

After saying a word to Qi Lin, Qi Xueyao took Chen Shuyi's little hand and said with a smile: "Shuyi, you are also an acquaintance here. We have known Qi Lin since we were young, but in the end we couldn't escape his claws. This is also the fate of our sisters. ."

Chen Shuyi was still sitting in Qi Lin's arms, while the pregnant little wife was holding her little hand. This feeling is not to mention weird.

"Whoever said no, it's just that I didn't be a little more resolute at the beginning to help you get out of the sea of ​​misery, Xueyao, and now I'm still being bullied by this bastard and pregnant.

Qi Xueyao's pretty face blushed, how could she feel this strange.

"Shuyi, I'm talking to you. Listening to what you mean, why does it seem like you regret not pushing me away and occupying Qi Lin all by yourself?

Chen Shuyi's pretty face was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help but said coquettishly: "I didn't mean that, Xue Yao, you have been with Qi Lin for a long time, and you have learned badly.

The two girls chatted for a while, and the distance got closer.

"Mr. Qi, what style are you going to decorate these eight villas in, should you tell me first, so that I can go back and design drawings for you.

Chen Shuyi talked about business affairs, and Mei Mu looked at Qi Lin with a funny look.

PS: Brothers, click to subscribe automatically, Qi Lin thank you!

PS: Also ask for a monthly pass! Evaluation ticket! Reward! Reminder! Flowers!

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