Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

292: Fang Yuanyuan's meeting ceremony, Chen Shuyi's touch

"Mom, you and Dad should be independent too. You can't always rely on me. It's time to move out, so as not to affect me and spread the branches and leaves to the Qi family."

"You pick a villa and see what style you're going to have.""

Qi Lin smiled and said to Fang Yuanyuan.

"Stinky boy, how did you talk to your mother, I should tell you this, right?

Fang Yuanyuan was amused by her precious son.

Skin goes back to skin, but Fang Yuanyuan also knew that her son let her choose first because of her filial piety.

The villa I currently live in is Villa 8.

Fang Yuanyuan thought for a while and said, "Let me and your dad live in Villa No. 7. It just happens to be close to each other. If the decoration style is Chinese, we should use a Chinese style. Although this villa is luxurious in Europe and America, my dad and I will stay here. I feel that luxury is a bit too depressing, and formality is suitable for our self-cultivation personality."

Qi Lin said to Chen Shuyi: "Daughter-in-law, did you hear what your mother said? Make a note, the Villa 7 where she lives is in Chinese style.

Chen Shuyi's pretty face flushed, and Qi Lin's beautiful eyes turned white.

"Aunt Fang...

She was going to say something.

Fang Yuanyuan interrupted directly with a smile: "Stinky boy, you should call me mom, and you have also come to visit. If you call Aunt Fang again, you will be born."

Chen Shuyi's pretty face was a little embarrassed: "This, this can't be considered a door? I didn't even mention anything."

Fang Yuanyuan said with a smile: "Our family doesn't like this kind of thing, Mom knows that Qi Lin is a bit of a stinker, but our Qi family is sorry for you good daughters-in-law. If you don't mention things, you don't mention things. Instead, Mom has to find a way to make up for it. you."

Hearing that Fang Yuanyuan was so reasonable, Chen Shuyi felt warm in her heart.


Fang Yuanyuan seemed to have thought of something.

She suddenly took off the emerald green bracelet in her hand, and put it on Chen Shuyi's delicate wrist, who had a somewhat confused expression.

"This is the Qi family's "803" rule. As long as you enter the Qi family's door, Mom will give you a gift."

Speaking of this, Fang Yuanyuan felt proud of her wisdom for a while.

Last time, her necklaces, bracelets, and rings were given to Wang Siling, Qi Xueyao, and Lan Yuxi.

In order to prevent Qi Lin from messing with flowers outside again, she took time to go to the jewelry store again, and bought more than one million pieces of jewelry for emergency use.

You see, doesn't this work?

"Thank you, thank you mom."

Seeing Fang Yuanyuan being so considerate to herself, Chen Shuyi felt sweet in her heart, her embarrassment disappeared, and she changed her name to mother.


Fang Yuanyuan couldn't close her mouth.

Although the stinky boy is a little bit concerned, his vision is still good, and all the daughters-in-law he finds are good girls who are virtuous and virtuous.

Usually when she goes home, either Wang Siling cooks her food or Lan Yuxi squeezes her shoulders.

While cutting fruit for her mother-in-law, Qi Xueyao chatted with her about her parents' shortcomings and what happened in the company, so as to relieve Fang Yuanyuan's work fatigue.

This kind of treatment is no different from the ancient empress dowager.

Therefore, Fang Yuanyuan also loves these well-behaved daughters-in-law very much.

"Xueyao, go get a red envelope."

Fang Yuanyuan said to Qi Xueyao again.

Chen Shuyi's favor did not make Qi Xueyao jealous.

Because Chen Shuyi's current treatment is what she experienced in the past.

Besides, she is now pregnant with Qi Lin's child, she is a collection of thousands of pets, how could she be jealous of other girls.

"I know mom.

Qi Xueyao knew what Fang Yuanyuan was going to do, so she went up to the second floor with a smile and went to Qi Lin's room.

He took out a big red envelope and took 100,000 cash from the safe.

Fang Yuanyuan should not be too witty to take Qi Lin's money and pay Qi Lin's wife to change her words.

"You keep this red envelope. 95

As a result, Fang Yuanyuan put the big red envelope in Qi Xueyao's hand in Chen Shuyi's palm.

"Mom, I can't accept this anyway, you gave me a bracelet.

Chen Shuyi's pretty face panicked and she refused again and again.

At this moment, Qi Xueyao, who was beside him, explained with a smile: "Shuyi, you can accept it. This is the change fee that my mother gave you. Lan Yuxi and I have both."

Hearing Qi Xueyao say this, Chen Shuyi blushed and accepted the big red envelope.

"Have you finished your gossip? Can I get down to business now?"

Seeing that the process was over, Qi Lin asked with a smile.

"Fuck you, your mother's side is the business, okay? 35

Fang Yuanyuan clicked on her son's forehead in annoyance.

"Mediterranean style, starry sky style, pastoral style, simple American style, new Chinese style, neoclassical style, modern review, Southeast Asian style, each of the eight villas has a style, the materials are the best, and the electrical floor heating is also bought. , the money I will also into the company account.

Although 'City Man' is also Qi Lin's company, the company's accounts must be clearly defined, otherwise Chen Shuyi will be in trouble.

The family had a warm dinner, and Chen Shuyi, with a full harvest, went home to prepare the villa design and start the construction.

the next day.

Chen Shuyi is hosting a meeting.

Wearing a suit, uniform and skirt, with black silk and high heels, she held a telescopic pole to explain the next development strategy to the company's executives.


Chen Shuyi's little assistant walked in.

Say something in her ear.

"Mr. Chen, the batch of building materials you requested is out of stock in our company."

"I've called the manufacturer just now, but they said they don't have this type of material anymore."

"Mr. Fang, what should I do next? Change the material of a different style?"

Chen Shuyi frowned slightly: "This is the decoration of Mr. Qi's villa. Does this material mean that you can change it?"

The styles of ceramic tiles, beautiful columns, and spiral staircases determine the beautiful atmosphere of the entire villa.

If it is someone else's list, Chen Shuyi will consider alternatives.

But this is Qi Lin's villa, and it may also be her frequent home in the future, how can it be vague.

"Xiao Zhang, you go on to explain, you must analyze the future trend of the market. If there is no result, this meeting will not be allowed to break up."5

Chen Shuyi's pretty face is cold and cold, and she has the demeanor of a strong woman who is the president of the iceberg.

It seems that after Zhang Man left the company, she has indeed grown a lot.

After handing over the meeting to her subordinates, Chen Shuyi returned to her office.

She called the material supplier who supplied the material.

"Mr. Du, do you still have the Mediterranean-style floor tiles of model M344, plus marble decorations?

Chen Shuyi asked with a light smile.

Du Lin is the boss of the largest ceramic tile manufacturer in Jianghan City, and has many cooperations with "urban people".

He also knew that the boss of the 'City Man' had changed recently, and she was a beautiful woman.

"I'm so sorry, Mr. Chen, it's unfortunate that we still have a batch of M344 floor tiles, but they were booked yesterday.

"When doing business, it is also necessary to talk about first come first served. Although I have a good relationship with President Chen, it is impossible to break the contract and sell these tiles to President Chen, right?

Doolin said with a smile.

Chen Shuyi knows that there is no unsuccessful business in this world, and the other party is unwilling to sell it because the price is not in place.

"I can help President Du with the liquidated damages, and the price can be negotiated. What does President Du think?

Chen Shuyi asked with a smile.

Du Lin thought for a while and said: "Well, it's not convenient to talk about business on the phone. President Chen has a game, let's talk in detail later."

Talking about business, it is normal to eat, drink, and eat.

But the other party is a man, Chen Shuyi will definitely be vigilant.

In the past, without even thinking about it, she simply refused, or let her subordinate public relations handle it.

But this batch of tiles involves Qi Lin, and now there is golden autumn protection.

Chen Shuyi smiled and said, "Then how about the Splendid Years Hall in the Jinxiu Hotel?"

Bringing Jin Qiu, it is her own position, Chen Shuyi is not afraid of what the other party wants to deceive.

"Mr. Chen arranged, of course I am satisfied.

Doolin said with a smile.

Half past six in the evening.

Doolin walked into the Homecoming box with four men in black suits.

"Hahaha, there is a traffic jam on the road, I'm sorry to keep President Chen waiting for a long time."

Entering the box, Du Lin looked beside Chen Shuyi with his eyes.

When he saw that Chen Shuyi actually brought only one little girl to the banquet, he couldn't help but move.

At the same time, Chen Shuyi's unattractive Liu Ye eyebrows frowned slightly.

The appointment time was clearly five o'clock, and Du Lin was a full hour and a half late.

If it wasn't for the batch of materials, she would have turned her head and left long ago.

"Waiter, it's time to serve.

Chen Shuyi began to let the waiter serve the dishes.

After a table of delicacies from the mountains and seas were served, Chen Shuyi asked with a smile, "Mr. Du, what about the batch of materials?"

Du Lin filled the wine glass with a glass of white wine, then turned the turntable to let the white wine turn to Chen Shuyi.

With a hint of playfulness in his eyes, he said, "How can anyone talk about business when they come to the table? If nothing else, Mr. Chen drank this glass of wine first, how about we talk about it later?"

Chen Shuyi wouldn't be angry at all during normal eating and drinking.

As soon as this Du Lin came up, he began to want to drink her, and it was obvious what he had in mind.

Chen Shuyi's pretty face was cold, and she said directly: "Mr. Du, you can eat and talk about business, but you can avoid drinking.

Du Lin's face also faded: "Drinking and talking about business is the Chinese culture of wine table, even if you don't drink the first glass of wine, Mr. Chen is looking down on me?

Chen Shuyi still said coldly: "I don't look down on it, but I can't drink this glass of wine."

Du Lin's face changed: "Chen Shuyi, don't be ashamed, the batch of materials you want is only available in our company, if you don't drink this glass of wine, you won't want to get anything in the future!

Zhang Man taught Chen Shuyi.

If it is not the dinner that decides the company's survival, there is no need to give the other party a chance to slap their noses in the face.

It's just some decoration materials, this Du Lin also looks down on himself too much.

Chen Shuyi's pretty face was frosty and she stood up suddenly: "Your father didn't teach you how to respect women, so let me teach you today.

She picked up the glass of wine that Doolin had poured.  …


It splashed directly on Du Lin's face, and poured him into a mess.

Seeing this scene, Jin Qiumei's eyes showed a touch of admiration.

"Sister Shuyi looks weak, I didn't expect to have such a personality.

Du Lin was also stunned. He didn't expect Chen Shuyi to be so bold. Couldn't she see the four bodyguards in suits she brought?

Raised his hand and wiped it on his face, Du Lin, who felt insulted, gritted his teeth and scolded: "Stinky 38, no one in Jianghan City dares to pour me Du Lin wine like this, if I don't teach you a lesson today, You don't know what your last name is."

"Go and catch these thirty-eight for me."

He instructed the several bodyguards he brought with him.

Seeing this scene, Chen Shuyi did not panic at all.

She took a step back and stood behind Jin Qiu.

"Xiaoqiu, I'll leave it to you next. 99

Jin Qiumei's eyes showed a hint of coldness: "Sister Shuyi, don't worry, I will make these scumbags pay the price. 99

Seeing that Chen Shuyi actually asked a little girl to protect him, Du Lin couldn't help being amused.

"Haha, Chen Shuyi, do you think that you are not enough to accompany me by yourself, so you have to send an extra little beauty? Then I will be welcome and accept them all."5

But soon.

Doolin found that what he said was like a joke.

At some point, Jin Qiu pulled a dagger from his waist and sneered at the four bodyguards who rushed up.

Using the terrain, she easily dodged the combined swoops of several people.

When a few bodyguards want to organize an attack again.

"Pfft!" 5


A series of screams came.

A sharp dagger easily cut off their tendons and hamstrings, making the four bodyguards lose their combat effectiveness.

Doolin, who witnessed this scene from beginning to end, was stunned.

He couldn't believe why a girl who looked delicate and beautiful had such a powerful explosive force, and how in an instant, the bodyguard he had hired at a huge price lost his combat effectiveness.

Chen Shuyi did not have the slightest sympathy for the four bodyguards who were lying on the ground screaming and bleeding.

After confirming that there was no danger, she walked to Jin Qiu's side, her beautiful eyes looking at Du Lin, who was sweating coldly.

"Didn't you just win the game? What else is there to say now?

Doolin did not expect that the situation would be reversed in an instant.

He, who was still arrogant and domineering just now, sensed the imminent danger, and immediately changed his smile and said with a smile: "Mr. Chen, don't be angry, what happened just now was just a misunderstanding, can I apologize to you? Anyway, you have nothing to lose.・By the way, I will send the batch of decoration materials to the Chen head office immediately, and if they don't charge a penny, how about taking it as my apology?"

Chen Shuyi is now the controller of a company with a market value of over 100 million, and she is no longer an ignorant girl.

The kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to oneself. I still understand the truth.

Her pretty face was as cold as frost: "From the moment you forced me to drink, you have no chance to apologize, Xiaoqiu, take him down!

"Grass! 35

Seeing Chen Shuyi so heartless, Du Lin panicked.

He is not a fool, his bodyguards are not the opponent of this little girl 3.6, why doesn't he run?

Turning around, Du Lin rushed towards the box door.

As long as he goes outside, does Chen Shuyi dare to kill him in public?

But Dühring did not know.

Jin Qiu is not only good at daggers, she is also a little genius with hidden weapons.

Seeing Du Lin's escape, she did not panic at all.

The dagger turned in the palm of her hand, and she threw it back.

The sharp dagger flew straight towards Du Lin's back as if it had a locator installed.


This is the sound of the dagger digging into the leather swallow.


Immediately afterwards, Du Lin screamed inhumanly, and his pants were gradually soaked with blood.

"Xiao Qiu, well done!

Seeing this scene, Chen Shuyi also felt relieved and gave a thumbs up with a smile.

Jin Qiu showed a clear smile: "Sister Shuyi, there must be no relief from your own actions. Now that he has no ability to resist, you also come to vent your anger."5

Chen Shuyi was stunned for a moment, she was a lady.

This was the first time someone had made her beat someone.

"I...  … can I?"

Chen Shuyi asked.

Jin Qiu took Chen Shuyi's delicate white hand and walked to Du Lin, who was about to faint, and chuckled, "Of course, this kind of bastard needs to teach him a lesson to relieve his anger. 39

After listening to Jin Qiu's words, Chen Shuyi's beautiful eyes also showed a little excitement.

She took a deep breath, and then kicked Du Lin in the stomach a few times: "Dead pervert, stinky bastard, let you force me to drink, let you play my ideas, I will kick you to death!"

Looking at Chen Shuyi's lovely appearance, Jin Qiumei's eyes flashed with helplessness.

It hurts a lot, but it's not very effective at all.

She simply leaned directly to Chen Shuyi's ear and said softly: "Sister Shuyi, let him beat the eggs, so that he will not be able to harm other girls in the future.

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