Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

293: When the bridal chamber is ready, the boring golden autumn

Chen Shuyi is not a child, of course she can understand the meaning of this sentence.

She blushed: "Is it okay to do this? Will there be any trouble when the police come?"

Jin Qiu has seen the forces behind Qi Lin and knows that she has a good relationship with the police department.

She comforted Chen Shuyi and said, "Sister Shuyi, Du Lin did it first, we are just self-defense, alright, there will be no problem.

"But, but I don't know what to do.

Chen Shuyi blushed.

"It's simple, Sister Shuyi, just kick it out with the sharp point of your high heels and pierce the egg shell.

Jin Qiu blinked her beautiful big eyes at Chen Shuyi, and said a very vivid metaphor.

Suddenly, Chen Shuyi thought of something.

"Xiaoqiu, why don't you come to do this, you are my bodyguard? Why do you keep asking me to do it?"

She asked with a smile in her beautiful eyes.

Jin Qiu looked unhurried and smiled slowly: "Sister Shuyi, didn't you always say you need to practice courage? Isn't this the best opportunity?"5

Chen Shuyi: "・...

She always felt that she was too timid and too kind in her heart.

Since you want to take charge of a large company, or even a multinational company in the future, you can no longer be soft-hearted to outsiders other than your relatives.

Thinking of this, Chen Shuyi mustered up her courage.

"Yeah! Doolin, kill me!"

Chen Shuyi, who closed her beautiful eyes, kicked the egg ruthlessly with the toe of her high-heeled shoes under Du Lin's desperate eyes.


This is the sound of eggs beating.

The egg yolk was runny.

In this way, Huaxia in the new era has another great eunuch.

Du Lin, who had been hit hard by Pi Yanzi, suddenly passed out completely.

"It's disgusting, Xiaoqiu, put on your sneakers for me, I don't want these high heels anymore.

Chen Shuyi threw off her high heels in disgust and sat on a chair.

Jin Qiu gave Chen Shuyi his sneakers to wear.

She was wearing a pair of small white socks 07, but she stepped on the ground without caring at all.

Now that there is a bloody case here, Chen Shuyi can't handle it alone.

She immediately called Qi Lin and told Qi Lin about the situation.

After speaking, Chen Shuyi was still a little uneasy, afraid that Qi Lin would say that she was messing up.

Qi Lin was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled: "Wife Shuyi, you have finally grown up. You were so kind in the past, you know that you will never suffer from future troubles. Your husband must praise you this time."5

Chen Shuyi blushed and said a little embarrassedly: "How can I have so many ideas, Jin Qiu told me to do this.

Qi Lin's dark eyes flashed a hint of playfulness: "This Jin Qiu usually doesn't speak, and always looks like a cold little beauty. I didn't expect that she was quite sullen behind her back and gave you such a bad idea."

Jin Qiu was next to him, and Chen Shuyi also had an external voice.

Hearing that the boss said that he was boring, Jin Qiuqiao blushed and turned around quickly.

Chen Shuyi couldn't help but covered her mouth and laughed.

"I'll let the police over, you just need to cooperate with the investigation, and I'll handle the rest.

"Dare to force my wife Shuyi to drink, I'm afraid I don't want to taste what it's like to have a broken family. 95

A cold light flashed across Qi Lin's black eyes.

Some people don't have that strength, but they just pretend to be villains.

After telling Lan Gang about these things, Du Lin's fate was already doomed.

In an attempt to persecute and kidnap women, white noodles were also found from his home. Although Du Lin was sent to the hospital for rescue, he was facing a life sentence.

When she found out that her husband had an accident, Du Lin's wife's reaction was also very real.

Immediately sold all of her husband's property, and took her son to fly with Xiaobailian.

Chen Shuyi is quite smart. Knowing that Du Lin's wife sold her property, she immediately bought Du Lin's decoration material factory at a very low price.

From now on, the 'city people' will also have their own custom factories, and will no longer be stuck by other material suppliers.

The eight villas under Qi Lin's name also entered the renovation process smoothly.

A few days after this incident, Chen Shuyi, who was working in the company, received a call from her mother Xu Yun.

"Shuyi, our house has been renovated, I have cleaned it all up, and I have posted the wedding room decoration items you want."

"You give Xiaolin a call and ask him to come over for dinner. 35

Aunt Chen said with a smile.

Hearing her mother's kindness, Chen Shuyi blushed, and it was the kind that dripped blood.

She and Qi Lin had an agreement that once the large flat she bought was renovated, it would mean that she would marry Qi Lin and become a real husband and wife.

For this matter, Chen Shuyi had some expectations, and at the same time, she was a little flustered.

"Mom, can this matter be postponed for a few days? My company is busy~"

Chen Shuyi tried to delay for a few more days.

Xu Yun smiled helplessly: "Silly girl, after the new house is renovated, you must have a meal, otherwise you will not be angry in the future, this is the rule left by the ancestors, how can it be changed.

Seeing that there was no way to hide, Chen Shuyi was heartbroken and blushed: "Then choose tonight, I'll call Qi Lin later.

Xu Yun smiled and nodded: "Okay, then I'll go to the market to buy some food first, and you can come back early after work.

Chen Shuyi's heart rammed, bit her moist lower lip, and called Qi Lin again.


Qi Lin interrupted Chen Shuyi's words and said with a smile: "Don't say it first, let me guess, is our love nest already decorated, and you called me to invite me to the bridal chamber?"

Chen Shuyi blushed even more, and said in a frantic tone: "Can you not be so vulgar, it's not a bridal chamber, you're here for a meal!"

"Also, how do you know this place has been renovated?"

Qi Lin held back a smile and said, "You don't really think you're the vice president of the company, so I don't know anything about the company's situation, right?

"Our house was also renovated by our company, and in terms of progress, someone will naturally tell me.


She suddenly found sadly that even if her mother was willing to help her hide the renovation of the house just now, she could not avoid being eaten by the big bad wolf Qi Lin.

"Come here for dinner at night, and I'll go home early after get off work.

Chen Shuyi's tone suddenly softened.

She fell in love with Qi Lin, Qi Lin also respected her choice, and waited until the two had their own marriage room to get married.

Why are you panicking?

Isn't this a happy thing?

"Do you want me to bring a box of umbrellas?"

However, Qi Lin was not serious, and almost choked Chen Shuyi to death with one sentence.

"You stinky bastard, I'll ignore you if you talk nonsense again!"

Chen Shuyi is not an ignorant girl, how could she not know what a protective umbrella is.

"Don't need an umbrella? Sister Shuyi wants to give me a baby right away?

Qi Lin continued to tease her.

Chen Shuyi also broke the jar, and said with a small mouth: "I'm born, I'm afraid of you, anyway, you have so many women, and you can't accompany me. When you're not around, there is a baby by my side, and I'm not alone.

"When the time comes, I will ask my mother to help take care of the child, so that my parents and my mother also grab it."

Hearing Chen Shuyi's cute tone of unwillingness to admit defeat, Qi Lin couldn't help laughing: "Wife Shuyi, your mother brought me up when I was a child, and now she wants to bring my cub, is it you who won or I won? ?"

Chen Shuyi snarled: "Can't you rot me once? 35

After the two flirted for a while, they hung up the phone.

Chen Shuyi still had a hint of reluctance.

The whole afternoon's work was not in the state, and I kept wandering about the night, thinking about the night.

Qi Lin was not idle.

Can't give Chen Shuyi a marriage certificate, but what a girl should have, Qi Lin will still let her have it.

First, I went to a jewelry store and chose a set of jewelry for Chen Shuyi.

Including diamond rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, bracelets.

A total of more than 2 million was spent.

Needless to say, in terms of appearance, it is beautiful and meets all girls' fantasy of luxury jewelry.

After that, Qi Lin went to a private tailor shop that customized Chinese weddings.

"Daming-style phoenix crown and robe, and the groom's hanfu?

Qi Lin asked a temperamental woman wearing glasses.

He raised his head and glanced at Qi Lin, and after seeing that he was a handsome young man, he smiled lightly: "There are too few young people today who like Daming-style wedding dresses, and they all choose Western-style wedding dresses, which I haven't made for a long time. "

Qi Lin frowned: "You mean no?"

This place was introduced by a friend of his previous life. There are few private custom shops that can make majestic and glamorous wedding dresses in Daming style.

"It's another set, I just don't know if you can wear it.

The woman stood up and walked towards the back room.

When I came out again, I was already holding two big red boxes in my hands, which looked quite heavy.

"Open it and see for yourself, if you can wear it, take it away if you can.

"I can't sell Chinese wedding dresses, so I'm going to sell only Western wedding dresses."

The woman bowed her head and continued to do her work.

Qi Lin didn't speak, but opened the box.

Shake off the groom's clothes worn by men and put them on directly.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, Qi Lin opened his hands, and his long sleeves hung down.

He was 1.855 meters tall, and wearing this groom's suit was actually just right, perfectly showing the toughness of a bright man.

The woman who was working hard, inadvertently raised her head and glanced at the floor-to-ceiling mirror, and then a smile appeared in her eyes.

Elaborate wedding dresses, meeting the most suitable person, can be regarded as a kind of fate destined.

Afterwards, Qi Lin took out the phoenix crown, and looked at it carefully.

Women's phoenix crowns are more locked than men's clothes.

There are not only multi-layered dresses, but also various headdresses that are as bright as stars.

"Similar to Chen Shuyi's body shape, it must be very interesting for her to wear this phoenix crown and bridal chamber."

Qi Lin's black eyes showed a satisfied look.

After collecting both sets of clothes, Qi Lin took out a check, wrote down the number of 100,000, and handed it to the woman.

Seeing this 100,000 check, the woman also showed a surprised look.

Afterwards, she shook her head with a chuckle: "I said, as long as you dress appropriately, these two sets of clothes will not be charged and will be given to you, the young man."

Qi Lin smiled lightly: "It's a pity that valuables are dusted, I can't make it look so cheap anymore, it's worth so much money."

Hearing this sentence, the woman's calm eyes finally flashed a touch of warmth.

"You are right, young man, I have accepted the money.


As soon as Chen Shuyi got off work, she immediately went to the bathroom and changed out of her black suit and skirt.

Although the clothes you wear to work look good, they are not as comfortable as casual clothes.

Putting the changed suit and skirt on the sofa, Chen Shuyi muttered: "What is this guy Qi Lin doing? Why hasn't he come yet? 99

"Shuyi, I forgot to buy steamed pork noodles just now, go down and buy a pack for me.

In the kitchen, Aunt Chen's voice came.

"Okay mom, I'll go buy it now."

Chen Shuyi smiled wryly.

I just got home from get off work, and before I could take a sip of tea, I was called to run errands again.

Jin Qiu also saw Chen Shuyi's exhaustion, she got up and said, "Sister Shuyi, I'll go down and buy it."

Chen Shuyi shook off her exhaustion, stood up and said with a smile, "I'll go, stop by and see if Qi Lin has arrived. 55

After speaking, Chen Shuyi wore a pair of sneakers and went downstairs.

Chen Shuyi didn't want to run errands by herself, and Jin Qiu sat back on the sofa again.

Later, her beautiful eyes inadvertently saw Chen Shuyi's suit and uniform skirt on the sofa.

At this moment, Jin Qiu's heart suddenly thumped.

No one knows, in fact, Jin Qiu is very envious of Chen Shuyi's identity.

Wearing a dignified and elegant suit and skirt, he manages a huge company with four or five hundred employees.

A single sentence can make subordinates tremble, sign a document, and decide a big business of hundreds of millions.

Once upon a time, Jin Qiu also imagined that he could become the president and become a fashion elite like Chen Shuyi.

But the reality is that Jin Qiu has never read a book, and the most basic literacy and numeracy are still forced by Rose to let the children in the orphanage learn, lest they go out of society and become illiterate one by one.

"Sister Shuyi has gone out. Let me try on her clothes. As long as I fold them and put them back before she comes back, they should be fine, right?"

A longing seed took root in the heart of Jinqiu.

You can't be a real president, but it's okay to wear a suit and skirt and experience what a president looks like, right?

Thinking of this, Jin Qiu couldn't bear it any longer.

First, she glanced at the kitchen and found that Aunt Chen was still cooking, and after she couldn't see the outside, she picked up the suit and skirt, picked up the thin black silk that Chen Shuyi had worn, and ran directly into the bathroom.

Qi Lin's eyes are really vicious.

No wonder he said that Jin Qiu was boring.

Although Jin Qiu didn't have any bad intentions, her behavior of sneaking on Chen Shuyi's dress was comparable to Ellie's sneaking on Pinru's dress.

PS: Brothers, click to subscribe automatically, Qi Lin thank you!

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