Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

294: Golden Autumn steals clothes such as dresses are found, and the god-level selection system reap

In the bathroom, after a rustling sound, Jin Qiu's black silk feet stepped on a small stool and stood in front of the mirror on the bathroom table, Mei Mu looked at herself in the mirror expectantly.

However, the result was destined to disappoint her.

"What, there is no temperament of Sister Shuyi at all, just like a receptionist at the front desk. 35

Jin Qiu pouted, a little discouraged.

It's not that she doesn't look good in this black suit and skirt with black stockings.

On the contrary, the girl Jin Qiu has a very good figure because of her martial arts training. Wearing this suit and skirt, she has the feeling of a little sister who just went to work.

It's just that she just looks like a little sister who just went to work, and she doesn't have the feeling of an iceberg female president like Chen Shuyi.

"Forget it, let's take it off quickly, Sister Shuyi went to the supermarket and will be back soon, if she finds out, it will be miserable.

Jin Qiu got off the stool, her delicate black silk feet stepped into the little slippers, ready to change her clothes.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk~”

But at this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.

"Xiao Qiu, go and open the door, maybe Xiao Lin is here, I can't walk away with the fish in the pan.

In the kitchen, Aunt Chen said quickly.

Golden Autumn: "35


It is a hassle for a lady to wear a suit and skirt, and it will take at least three or four minutes for her to take off the suit and skirt and put it back on her own clothes.

It is estimated that at that time, the matter of stealing clothes was not only discovered, but also offended the big boss.

Thinking of that scene, Jin Qiu couldn't help shivering.

"Jin Qiu! You big fool, what kind of curiosity do you have to wear sister Shuyi's suit and skirt, is it okay now? The boss is here at this time, what should I do!

Jin Qiu stomped her little feet, and her beautiful eyes were in a panic.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk~”

At this time, the urging knock on the door rang again.

"I have no one at home to leave.

It was accompanied by a cynical voice.

Jin Qiu's pretty face froze.

Because that voice was her boss Qi Lin's.

At this moment, Jin Qiu didn't dare to delay anymore.

With a sigh of relief, he did not change his suit and skirt, opened the bathroom door, and ran towards the door.

"If you die, you will die. The big deal is to admit that I envy Sister Shuyi, so I want to try on her clothes."

Jin Qiu had a bitter face and thought to himself.


Twist the door handle and the door opens.

Jin Qiu turned around and ran to the bathroom immediately, trying to get the last glimmer of hope of not being discovered.

However, her movements were not as fast as Qi Lin.

The moment the door opened, Qi Lin really thought it was Chen Shuyi, looking at the beautiful back of the familiar suit and skirt.

After all, the two girls' bodies are quite similar, otherwise Jin Qiu wouldn't be able to wear this suit and skirt.

"Wife Shuyi, it's just dinner time? Why did you run away shyly?

Qi Lin chased after him, then hugged 'Chen Shuyi'.

Feeling the warm embrace and the good smell, Jin Qiu's delicate body froze, and her pretty face instantly flushed red.

How to do?

What should I do now?

The boss actually regarded her as Sister Shuyi, should he remind him now or keep silent?

"You're not too timid, I asked you something, and I didn't answer your husband for a long time. I think you want to enjoy some torture."

Qi Lin said with a faint smile.

And this sentence, in Jin Qiu's eyes, is like a bolt from the blue.

Because she knew what the torture Qi Lin was talking about, and protected Chen Shuyi by her side, she had also seen the two show their affection.

"Don't, don't~"

She shook her head again and again in her heart, panicking.

But Qi Lin didn't give her a chance to explain.

Jin Qiu felt that his chin was pinched and turned his face directly.


The next second, she felt her lips become cold, and a handsome and handsome face appeared in front of her.

Qi Lin is not blind.

When he kissed, he found that he was not kissing Chen Shuyi at all, but Jin Qiu's little girl.

"What's the matter? Why is Jin Qiu wearing Chen Shuyi's suit and skirt? I didn't notice it if I didn't look carefully."

Qi Lin was dumbfounded.

Surprised to be surprised.

But after finding out that he kissed the wrong person, Qi Lin did not want to let go of Jin Qiu.

Instead, he hugged tighter.

Fresh and tender ingredients, it is necessary to eat famous Southeast Asian dishes, lively and tender fish, and eat them directly.

Jin Qiu is still the first kiss.

At first, her head was blank, but now that Qi Lin was crossing the river, she blushed and pushed Qi Lin away.

"Boss, don't 々~"

She lowered her head shyly.

Looking at Jin Qiu who was at a loss, Qi Lin said with a smile: "It's really a sullen character. 55

Hearing Qi Lin say this about himself, Jin Qiu felt even more ashamed.

"Tell me, why are you wearing your sister Shuyi's suit and skirt?

Obviously it was him who kissed the wrong person, but Qi Lin was overwhelming.

Who is Qi Lin his own boss?

Jin Qiu hesitated for a while, then said with a small face cramped: "Old ~ Boss ~ I'm sorry, I didn't wear Sister Shuyi's skirt on purpose, I just wanted to experience the feeling of a business elite."

Qi Lin doesn't care what Jin Qiu's reason is, he just likes to bully this kind of ignorant and cute little sister.

"It's a big mistake to wear someone else's dress without the master's consent.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

As soon as his voice fell, the system suddenly issued a task.

"Ding! I noticed that Jin Qiu was stealing the dress of the heroine Chen Shuyi, please make the following choices immediately.

"Option 1: Help Jin Qiu hide from Chen Shuyi and put the clothes back in their original places, reward: Jin Qiu's favorability +10"

"Option 2: Tell Chen Shuyi about this, and fire the golden autumn squid, reward: a copy of the stock market insider information.

"Option 3: Jin Qiu, you don't want your sister Shuyi to know about this. Reward: a future newspaper. 99

Is this answer still optional?

Qi Lin laughed: "I choose the third option.""

System: "Ding~ Congratulations to the host for making the choice, a reward for the future newspaper has been distributed to the system space, please pay attention to the host.

Jin Qiu's face turned pale. She likes the current life very much. Being able to live with Chen Shuyi on the flat floor, Chen Shuyi also takes care of her as her own sister.

She was afraid that Chen Shuyi would blame her and even drive her away.

"Boss, please don't tell Sister Shuyi about this, okay?"

Jin Qiu's tone contained a hint of pleading.

Qi Lin's mouth curled slightly: "Of course you can, but I haven't tasted the taste of your kiss, Xiaoqiu, just now.

Jin Qiuqiao blushed, she understood what Qi Lin meant.

But when she thought that Chen Shuyi was so good to her, she also did something sorry for Chen Shuyi.

Jin Qiu's tone began to have a hint of tears: "Boss, can you change the terms, Sister Shuyi will scold me when she finds out about this.

Qi Lin smiled and said in a bewitching tone: "Silly girl, if you don't tell me about this, how could your sister Shuyi know about it? Besides, you're afraid of your sister Shuyi, aren't you afraid of me? , Even your sister Shuyi usually has to look at my face.

In Jin Qiu's heart, the deer collided.

Rose told the four sisters that they must not have any love affair with Qi Lin.

After all, there are too many bastard women, and the four little girls are simple-minded and uneducated. She is afraid that Qi Lin just wants to play casually and will just abandon them.

But Rose didn't understand, blocking is worse than sparse. The more she said that, the more curious Qi Lin became in the spring, summer, autumn and winter.

Qi Lin is handsome and handsome, handsome and rich, and he can say with one mouth, how can the four sisters be able to resist.

At this moment, Jin Qiu's mind recalled the charming kiss just now, as if it sucked her soul away.

Jin Qiu compromised.

Little blushing closed her beautiful eyes, waiting for Qi Lin to kiss herself for the second time.

"Too low, tiptoe. Years

Qi Lin said lightly.

Jin Qiuqiao's face turned even redder, she stood on tiptoe slightly, her heels raised.

Because of the tight toes, the black silk-wrapped heels turned white.


Jin Qiu whispered.

She suddenly felt that Qi Lin was right in saying that she was sullen.

Obviously, she and the boss didn't say more than ten sentences.

But she really liked the feeling of the boss kissing her.

"Xiao Qiu, is Xiao Lin here?"

In the kitchen, Aunt Chen asked curiously when she saw that the living room had not moved for a long time.

But it is this sentence that makes Jin Qiu, who is fully devoted, directly stimulate a cleverness.

She shivered and slumped directly into Qi Lin's arms.

Looking at Jin Qiu with misty eyes, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed a smile.

It was just that the little boy bullied Jin Qiu all of a sudden, and Qi Lin let her change her clothes.

After a few minutes.

"Boss, what about this, this?"

Jin Qiuqiao blushed, holding Chen Shuyi's thin black stockings.

"Wait a minute, tell you Sister Shuyi, I'll take this away.

Qi Lin put it in his pocket.

Chen Shuyi is not a fool. If she finds an abnormality, she is willing to hold a meeting to suspect Jin Qiu.

Just help Jin Qiu back the pot.

Seeing Qi Lin's actions, Jin Qiumei was so shy that she didn't dare to look at her boss at all.

"Now I know I'm afraid? Will you still wear clothes that you can't wear in the future?

The two were sitting on the sofa, Jin Qiu's little sister kept her head down and looked guilty, Qi Lin joked with a smile.

"Boss, I'm wearing Sister Shuyi's dress, did you call me the wrong name?"

Jin Qiu didn't know who Pinru was, so he corrected in a low voice.

At the same time, she was still thinking: "What does the boss mean by this? Do you still want to see me wearing Sister Shuyi's dress? Then next time.

Chen Shuyi didn't receive Qi Lin's people downstairs, so she simply went to the supermarket.

It was just like this, the two missed it perfectly, causing Qi Lin and Jin Qiu to make a big fuss.

After returning home, Chen Shuyi saw Jin Qiu and Qi Lin sitting on the sofa watching TV, and her beautiful eyes flashed with joy.

"Qi Lin, when did you come? Why didn't I see you downstairs?"

Qi Lin smiled and said, "I just came here, so I guess I went wrong."

Chen Shuyi smiled and nodded: "You sit for a while, the rice will be cooked right away, I'll bring steamed pork noodles to my mother."

Seeing that Chen Shuyi didn't ask any more questions, Jin Qiu finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But in the next second, her beautiful eyes flashed with panic.

Because the bad boss actually grabbed one of her white feet and played with her.

Jin Qiu didn't even think about it, he took the pillow on the side and put it on it, for fear of being seen by Chen Shuyi.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin couldn't help laughing.

The first thing this silly girl thought was not to take back her little feet, but to cover it with a pillow.

It seems that this little girl is still a little careful about his boss.

"Xiaoqiu, the boss bullies you, why don't you resist?"

Qi Lin teases the girl Jin Qiu.

Jin Qiu was as simple as a piece of white paper, how could she stand up to Qi Lin's teasing, she almost cried and said, ""I, I don't dare, I'm afraid the boss will fire me. 99

"Silly girl, you are so cute and well-behaved, how can the boss fire you, keep it up, the boss will give you a raise in the future."

Qi Lin squeezed Jin Qiu's delicate arches and said with a smile.

Aunt Chen paid great attention to this housewarming dinner.

The warm table was filled with 16 dishes, all of which Qi Lin and Chen Shuyi liked to eat.

It can be seen how much she spoils her pair of children as a mother.

"Xiao Lin, come and sit down. From now on, you will be in charge of this small family."

Aunt Chen smiled lovingly and asked Qi Lin to take the seat.

Qi Lin was not polite, just sat down with a smile.

Chen Shuyi was sitting on his left.

"Why don't you move your chopsticks, just grab the vegetables and eat. 35

Seeing Chen Shuyi and Xu Yun both looking at him, Qi Lin said with a smile.

Chen Shuyi looked at Qi Lin with her beautiful eyes, and said coquettishly, "It's a pity that you are still a macho, you are the master of the family, this is a meal, if you don't move your chopsticks first, who would dare to use them.

The traditional girl is good at this, pampering her husband like a treasure.

Qi Lin smiled and picked up a piece of his favorite spare ribs.

However, he did not put it into his bowl, but into Chen Shuyi's bowl.

Seeing Qi Lin's thoughtful actions, Chen Shuyi's beautiful eyes showed a hint of shyness.

Although Qi Lin took the first chopstick, he gave it to her.

A macho, but doting wife, who can not love such a husband.

Seeing Qi Lin move his chopsticks, Xu Yun and Jin Qiucai smiled happily and began to serve.

"Great housewarming, the days to come will be prosperous, and the hall will be full of gold and jade. Cheers!"

The table was full of joy.

A full 16 dishes, four people must not be able to finish.

The rest of the dishes, Aunt Chen, who has always been frugal, chose to throw them away.

In her words, this is called more than a year, and in the future, I will only live a day when I don't worry about eating or drinking.

"After the dinner, the next thing is that you little husband and wife will toss yourself, remember to give your mother a big fat boy early, and I will go first. 99

Aunt Chen jokingly laughed at the two with a rare smile.

Chen Shuyi's pretty face blushed. She had a relaxed face, but she suddenly remembered that she was about to enter the bridal chamber after dinner.

Qi Lin stopped Xu Yun and said with a smile, "Aunt Chen, don't leave, the ceremony will not be without you. 99

(Good money) "And my ceremony?

Aunt Chen had a hint of curiosity on her face.

Qi Lin walked up and dragged Aunt Chen to the sofa and sat down.

Then, he said to Jin Qiu: "Xiao Qiu, go and bring the two big gift boxes I brought.

The things were put in Jinqiu, just in the master bedroom, she hurriedly trotted to bring it over.

"Huh? Did you bring anything? What's in it? Is it a gift for me?"

The two are about to become husband and wife now, and Chen Shuyi and Qi Lin's last sense of strangeness has dissipated.

Qi Lin smiled and said, "What are you curious about, you won't know until you open the box yourself."

The box was brought over, and the three women in the room were full of curious eyes at the same time.

"Can I open it now?"

Chen Shuyi's beautiful eyes were filled with anticipation.

"Open it."

Qi Lin nodded with a smile.

Chen Shuyi immediately opened the gift box impatiently.

"This is···......

The gift box above is her phoenix crown.

The jade hand stroked the silky red silk fabric, feeling the extreme beauty of the red wedding dress, her beautiful eyes were both surprised and delighted.

She couldn't bear it any longer, she took the entire Feng Guanxia out of the box and spread it out.

"This is Feng Guanxia, ​​it's so beautiful, Qi Lin, where did you get this? 35

Not only Chen Shuyi.

Xu Yun and Jin Qiu also looked at this majestic phoenix crown in shock.

In the past, they had only seen it in ancient costume dramas of the Ming Dynasty, and it was the kind that was not completely restored.

Now that I have seen it with my own eyes, it is still the most beautiful one. Can the two not be shocked?

"Bring it? Silly girl, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy this phoenix crown. A month ago, I found a tailor-made tailor shop. It took a month of meticulous sewing to complete it completely, just to give you the most perfect wedding.

Qi Lin's speech is simply bragging without drafting.

But women just like to listen to this set.

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