Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

297: Nan Nan, can you ask Mr. Qi to discuss his acting skills and help me?

Hearing the stern tone on the phone, Jiang Nannan's face turned pale and almost cried.

"Look at it for yourself, I just said that I don't have that much face, you insisted on making me call, and I was also scolded. 35

Jiang Nannan was extremely flustered, for fear that Qi Lin would get angry and would not give her resources in the future.

Seeing this scene, Feng Wei was also confused.

He seemed to think too highly of his girlfriend's status in Qi Lin's mind.

"Forget it, you can't help me with this matter. Give me 2,000 yuan. I have no money to pay the rent or living expenses."

Feng Wei stretched out his hand towards Jiang Nannan.

Jiang Nannan, who was originally in a bad mood, saw Feng Wei stretch out his hand and ask himself for money, and Mei Mou instantly showed a trace of contempt.

A big man is so mixed up that he reaches out to his girlfriend to ask for money.

How did she go blind before to see this kind of man?

For the first time, Jiang Nannan thought of breaking up with Feng Wei.

"The trouble you caused yourself in the first place, you find a way to solve it, I will give you 2,000 yuan, please don't come to me during the filming.

Jiang Nannan took out his wallet, took out 2,000 yuan and handed it to Feng Wei.

Seeing Jiang Nannan's impatient expression, Feng Wei who took the money was furious in his heart.

"I knew that this woman would look down on me when she became popular. Did she want to kick me before she became a popular star?"

2000 "803" yuan Feng Wei will definitely not be satisfied.

Jiang Nannan wanted to break up with him, but he would not agree.

After Jiang Nannan becomes a popular star, he will continue to suck blood from Jiang Nannan, otherwise how can he be worthy of Jiang Nannan's thoughts of abandoning him.

After Feng Wei left, Jiang Nannan was ready to return to the crew.


"Why, why are you here?

But as soon as she turned around, she was taken aback.

I don't know when, Huang Yiyi appeared behind her.

"Jiang Nannan, you are not too timid to actually meet your lover behind the back of the boss."

Huang Yiyi's beautiful eyes were full of ridicule.

After a while of panic, Jiang Nannan quickly calmed down: "I see who is in charge of what? Feng Wei is my boyfriend, the boss also knows about this, don't try to threaten me with this.

Huang Yiyi smiled and said: "Nan Nan, don't be so angry, I'm just joking, why do you react so much."

"I'm here to tell you that my part has been filmed, so I don't need to be scolded by Zhou Xingxing anymore, but you, it's up to you to play in the next part."

After all, Huang Yiyi graduated from Chinese Opera, and her acting skills are much stronger than Jiang Nannan.

Looking at Huang Yiyi's showing off, Jiang Nannan snorted: "Don't be complacent, this time you just picked up a bargain, it's not certain who the next heroine will be.

After speaking, Jiang Nannan turned around and walked towards the crew.

After Feng Wei left the crew, he didn't go straight to Chi Chi with 2,000 yuan.

He knew that if he did not cross this hurdle and prayed to Qi Lin to let him go, the future would still be an endless cycle, and he would not be able to receive any drama.

After taking a taxi, Feng Wei asked the driver to take him to the headquarters of Sugar Man Entertainment.

At the same time, inside Zhang Man's vice president's office.

Qi Lin was leaning lazily on the boss chair, with his legs resting on the desk, talking on the phone.

On the phone, Zhang Man's lazy voice came: "Boss, today's plane will arrive in Jianghan City later, will you come and pick me up?"

Qi Lin smiled and said, "You are a great hero of Sugar Man Entertainment, who am I not coming to pick you up?"

Zhang Man's tone had a hint of a smile: "It's not too bad, it's not in vain to help you die and work hard on the peninsula.

Zhang Man's return to China means that Yuan Xiuyan's copyright incident has come to an end perfectly.

And in the bow, Qi Lin left a force.

At the same time, Zhou Pojun is coming back, and the experience of life as a personal bodyguard of Little Penn Friends in Winter has also announced the end.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk~”

Qi Lin just hung up the phone when someone knocked on the office door

"Come in."

Qi Lin said lightly.

The one who came in was Zhang Man's little assistant, a cute girl with baby fat cheeks.

"Boss, there is a person named Feng Wei outside the company who wants to see you, do you want to bring him in? 99

The assistant asked cautiously.

Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with playfulness: "Let him wait in the reception room now, just say I have something to do here, and see him later."

"Got it, boss."

The little assistant nodded, then gently closed the office door and went out.

"Winter, come and help the boss have a head spa."

Waking up too early in the morning, Qi Lin was going to take a nap.

With a hint of joy in her beautiful eyes, she walked behind Qi Lin, who had closed her eyes, with her white and slender jade fingers gently touching Qi Lin's face and pinching her head.

Not afraid that the boss won't call her, Lin Dong is afraid that Qi Lin doesn't need her.

Time flies.

Under the caress of Winter's tender and slender jade fingers, Qi Lin slept for a full two hours.

And poor Feng Wei also sat in the reception room for two full hours.

During this period, no one even brought a glass of water. If it wasn't for Feng Wei's amazing endurance, he would have left with a slap in the face.

As it approached lunchtime, Qi Lin was lazy and said to Lin Dong: "Notify the assistant and ask her to bring that Feng Wei kid in, but I want to see what surprise he has prepared for me this time. 995

Qi Lin was willing to see him, and Feng Wei was so moved that he wanted to cry.

God knows how long he persisted, and even wanted to give up on the way, ready to go back and move bricks.

"Mr. Qi."

When meeting Qi Lin again, Feng Wei did not dare to make trouble, and bowed respectfully.

"My time is precious, just tell me if you have anything.

Looking at Feng Wei who seemed like two people in front of him, Qi Lin smiled lightly.

The reality will always teach some people who don't know the sky to be a dog.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Qi is willing to take the time to see me, it is my honor, how dare I delay Mr. Qi's time.

"This time, I mainly apologize to President Qi, for the last time I offended President Qi, I really know I'm wrong, I hope Mr. Qi will not remember the villain's deeds, and don't care about the little people like me. ."

Feng Wei has been in the entertainment industry, and I don't know how many times I have said this in front of the director.

Now that people are under the eaves, they have to bow their heads, and say it without blush at all.

For Feng Wei's apology, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with disdain.

"Everyone has their own value. If you want me to forgive you, what value do you have to me?"

"I never do anything that is worthless. Years

Qi Lin said in a playful tone.

Feng Wei was stunned by Qi Lin's words.

Because he really couldn't think of his own value to Qi Lin.

He is not a beauty, and he is not a popular star like Zhou Xingxing, so he cannot create value for Qi Lin.

What can he use to make Qi Lin forgive himself?

Feng Wei couldn't help but look up at Qi Lin, and then he saw the cold winter beside Qi Lin.

"What a beautiful girl, it's good to be a boss, and there is never a shortage of beautiful women around.""

Feng Wei was extremely envious in his heart.

He didn't dare to think about Qi Lin any more, it was just envy.

And seeing Lin Dong, Feng Wei suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his heart.

He seems to have figured out how to make Qi Lin raise his hand towards him. …

"Qi Lin tried his best to sign Nan Nan into his company, I don't believe he didn't have Nan Nan's idea.

Thinking of this, Feng Wei tentatively asked, "Mr. Qi, isn't my Nannan pretty?"

Hearing Feng Wei's words, Qi Lin glanced at him with black eyes and couldn't help laughing.

"It's pretty, and then what?

Seeing Qi Lin praise Jiang Nannan's beauty, Feng Wei's face was overjoyed.

"Mr. Qi, as long as you let me go and lift the ban, Nan Nan can play whatever you want, and I will pretend not to know."

Feng Wei said something extremely brazen.

Qi Lin was also amused, he took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and Little Mengmei Lin Dong immediately picked up the lighter sensible and put it together.

Slowly exhaling a puff of smoke, Qi Lin said lazily: "Feng Wei, what do you think of me? With my status, I still need to take the initiative to bully a girl, and it depends on whether you agree or not? "

"I am very dissatisfied with your statement. You can organize the language yourself. 35

"Again, your girlfriend Jiang Nannan is indeed very principled. She has been with our company for so long, and she is not willing to use herself in exchange for benefits. 99

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Feng Wei felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Such a good girlfriend, but he has to give it to other men to play with himself, it is definitely impossible to say that it is not heartache.

At the same time, Feng Wei also began to ponder the words of Qi Lin.

"He said that with his status, he would not take the initiative to bully girls. Could it be that he wanted me to send Nannan to him to play with him?"

Thinking of this, Feng Wei's face turned blue and white.

By default, Qi Lin bullies Jiang Nannan.

Now he wants him to personally give Jiang Nannan to Qi Lin, which is simply murderous and heartbreaking.

But Feng Wei had nowhere to go.

Reluctantly smiled, Feng Wei followed Qi Lin's words and said: "Qi is always a big man, and he really doesn't need to do it himself, so let's ask Nan Nan to find President Qi, to ensure that President Qi will be served comfortably, and I just ask President Qi to let him go. I am a horse.

This time, Qi Lin finally laughed, spit out a puff of smoke again, and said slowly: "This is quite interesting, if you can do it to my satisfaction, I will let you go temporarily and help you revoke the ban.

Hearing Qi Lin promise him, Feng 3.6 Wei looked overjoyed.

"Thank you, Mr. Qi, thank you, Mr. Qi, I'll do it for you here."


Jiang Nannan was scolded by Zhou Xingxing, and finally finished filming her scene.

Feng Wei went directly to Jiang Nannan, who had just stepped out of the crew.

"Why, why are you here again? Didn't I already give you the money?"

Looking at Feng Wei in front of him, Jiang Nannan was about to die of anger.

Feng Wei showed a flattering smile: "Nan Nan, this is the last time I'm looking for you today, I promise, I just want to ask you to help me with one thing.

Looking at Feng Wei in this state, Jiang Nannan had an ominous feeling in his heart: "What's the matter?

Feng Wei said quickly: "It's very simple, just ask Mr. Qi to discuss filming skills."

Jiang Nannan endured the feeling of nausea: "How to discuss skills?"

Feng Wei said cautiously: "It's the kind of technique of kissing in TV dramas.

Before Feng Wei could finish speaking, Jiang Nannan exclaimed excitedly like a kitten with fried fur, "Feng Wei, are you crazy? How could you push your girlfriend into someone else's arms and sacrifice yourself for your own future? Girlfriend, are you still a man?'

Although Jiang Nannan had already kissed Qi Lin.

Although Jiang Nannan also discussed her acting skills with Qi Lin, the nature of these matters is completely different from Feng Wei pushing her into the abyss.

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