Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

298: Jiang Nannan broke the jar, and Feng Wei became the turtle master

Feng Wei quickly appeased Jiang Nannan: "Nannan, don't get excited, I have no choice but to do this, if I can't let President Qi let me go, my life will be over.

"And it's normal for the entertainment industry to do this. Which popular celebrity has just entered the entertainment industry and didn't get resources like this? Besides, I'm still your boyfriend, so it's okay to sacrifice for your boyfriend, right? First kiss.

"I promise you, even if you do this, I will not despise you. I will marry you in the future and love you for a lifetime, okay?"

Listening to Feng Wei's nonsense there, Jiang Nannan's beautiful eyes flashed with disappointment.

Feng Wei said he would not despise her, but Jiang Nannan disgusted Feng Wei.

As for marriage in the future, let alone talk about it, she is blind to marry such a man.

For his own future, Feng Weineng gave her to Qi Lin.

Then if it is for money, will he stun himself and give it to other big bosses?

"Okay, I promise you."

But Jiang Nannan still agreed to Feng Wei.

Since Feng Wei likes to cuckold himself, Jiang Nannan will fulfill him.

She also broke the jar.

Seeing Jiang Nannan agree, Feng Wei was overjoyed.

But that's how men are.

He obviously pushed his girlfriend into the abyss himself, but looking at Jiang Nannan's moist mouth, he couldn't help but regret it.

You know, Feng Wei has never kissed Jiang Nannan.

"Nan Nan, you are going to kiss your boss anyway, why don't you give me a kiss first?

Feng Wei said cheekily.

07 Jiang Nannan looked at Feng Wei in disbelief, unable to imagine that he would say such a thing.

What does he think of himself as?

Slutty slut?


Without hesitation, Jiang Nannan slapped Feng Wei angrily.

"The moment you gave me to others, you are destined to be a green turtle in the future, and you still want to kiss me, just watch me being bullied and stand by in a daze."

The bright red slap print on his face was painful.

"You dare to beat me, I will beat you to death!

Feng Wei was angry and wanted to slap Jiang Nannan.

Jiang Nannan's cheeks moved up, and a sneer flashed in her beautiful eyes: "Smack, slap me? What would you do other than beat women? If I go to the boss to complain again, what do you think he will do to you?"

The two had already torn their faces, Jiang Nannan was not afraid of Feng Wei at all.

Hearing Jiang Nannan's words, Feng Wei's face turned blue and white, but he didn't dare to take it anymore.

Although Jiang Nannan is his girlfriend, the ownership of Jiang Nannan is not with him.

To beat his girlfriend, but to see Qi Lin's face, this is a great irony.

"What happened just now was a misunderstanding. If you don't kiss, you won't kiss. Let's go to Mr. Qi first."

Rubbing his cheeks, Feng Wei smiled shyly.

Still a familiar office.

Feng Wei is back.

"Boss, Nan Nan is willing to compare her acting skills with you. I brought her here."

Feng Wei stepped aside, like a tortoise, with a flattering smile on his face.

Qi Lin looked at Jiang Nannan with interest, who had changed into a pretty dress and was wearing small leather shoes and lace white socks.

It was so beautiful, so cute.

At this time, Jiang Nannan blushed and dripped blood.

It was given to her boss by her boyfriend, she had a very contemptuous idea, and she wanted to find a hole to burrow into.

Lin Dong has been following Qi Lin's side, and has a general understanding of the cause and effect.

When she knew that Jiang Nannan was Feng Wei's girlfriend and Feng Wei gave Jiang Nannan to Qi Lin with his own hands, her beautiful eyes flashed with contempt.

A girl just wants to love herself, just like her, after being kissed by Qi Lin, she only wants to make Qi Lin like her, so she won't do such degrading things.

"Nan Nan, the boss never thought of bullying you, your boyfriend sent you here, you won't blame me? 99

Qi Lin is too cheap, and is still teasing Jiang Nannan who is ashamed.

Jiang Nannan was about to cry, and said with a weeping voice: "I, I don't blame the boss, my boyfriend and I both agree on this."

Qi Lin smiled and waved: "Then what are you waiting for, come here quickly. 99

Jiang Nannan played with his little hands, and under Feng Wei's helpless eyes, walked to Qi Lin's side and sat on Qi Lin's lap.

"Raise your head, don't close your eyes, and let the boss see your acting skills."

Qi Lin ordered Jiang Nannan.

There was a mist in Jiang Nannan's beautiful eyes, and there was a sense of dizziness in his mind.

In front of her boyfriend, kissing the boss, she almost fainted shyly.

But she didn't dare not to obey Qi Lin's orders.

Little by little he raised his little head, and his beautiful little face was face to face with Qi Lin.

The mist-filled beautiful eyes and Qi Lin looked at each other, and then slowly moved closer.


Jiang Nannan has to admit that she likes to kiss Qi Lin, and she is even used to the boss's kiss.

No sense of exclusion at all.

Feng Wei didn't know what he was thinking at this moment.

His legs were shaking and his body was cold.

In my heart, it was exciting, my Adam's apple couldn't stop throbbing, and I couldn't be greedy.

Qi Lin frowned slightly and pushed Jiang Nannan's little head away.


Jiang Nannan didn't notice any changes in the outside world. When she found out that she was still clinging to Qi Lin, she was so ashamed that she almost fainted.

"Can you watch this? Go outside and watch the door by yourself, don't let outsiders disturb us.

He kissed someone else's girlfriend and asked Feng Wei to visit the door.

I have to say, Qi Lin is simply a talent.

Feng Wei clenched his fists and lowered his head, his eyes full of anger.

But he didn't dare to show it.

Nodding and bowing, he walked out of the office and closed the door.

Leaning weakly against the door, he slid to the ground.

Tears fell instantly.

After all, he was in love with Jiang Nannan.

"Boss, let go, let go of Nan Nan~"

ten minutes later.

Jiang Nannan was extremely thirsty.

Her fish pond is dry.

The tender little fish in the fish pond were teased by Qi Lin and lost their vitality.

Qi Lin also kindly gave Jiang Nannan time to rest.

However, Jiang Nannan also seemed to be very uncomfortable, and gradually began to sob.


"Why are you crying? Could it be that you have something against me?

Qi Lin frowned.

Jiang Nannan hurriedly shook his head, and tears were thrown around.

"Feng Wei is simply not human, why would he give me to others casually, I'm his girlfriend!

"Wu wu wu, I was too stupid to agree to be his girlfriend because I was blind.

"Boss, I want to break up with Feng Wei.

Qi Lin was not very interested in Jiang Nannan breaking up with Feng Wei.

"Why did you break up? Could this be the way to get revenge on Feng Wei?

"Since he used you, why don't you give it back to him?"

"I guess Feng Wei is hiding outside the door and crying. He is suffering more than anyone else when you kiss me."

"Wouldn't it be more pleasurable to betray him blatantly in the future and make him want to die?""

Qi Lin was brainwashing Jiang Nannan.

Jiang Nannan felt that it was quite reasonable.

Since Feng Wei used her, trampled on her dignity, and didn't treat her as a girlfriend, then she also cheated on her, mad at Feng Wei.

At the same time, Jiang Nannan gave Qi Lin a shy look.

She is not a child, so how could she not know Qi Lin's bad taste.

She and Feng Wei don't break up, she will be more attractive when the boss bullies her.

"Tell the boss, do you like the boss to kiss you, or do you prefer Feng Wei to kiss you?"

Suddenly, Qi Lin pinched Jiang Nannan's jaw and asked with a light smile.

How should Jiang Nannan answer this question? It's too hard to say.

She lowered her head shyly.

Seeing that Jiang Nannan was unwilling to answer, Qi Lin stepped up his efforts.

Jiang Nannan's jaw also began to hurt.


She exclaimed, and quickly raised her head aggrieved: "Boss, Nan Nan only likes to kiss the boss, Feng Wei is a green-haired turtle, he is not qualified to kiss me."

Qi Lin is still dissatisfied: "What is wronged? It is very wronged to give me a kiss?"

Jiang Nannan is about to suffer from Stockholm Syndrome now. She breathed a sigh of relief, and then smiled: "Boss, Nannan only likes to kiss you alone~"

"The comprehension is not bad, keep it up, next time I will arrange an important female role for you."5

Qi Lin released his hand in satisfaction.

“Thank you boss~”

Jiang Nannan was delighted, and actually took the initiative to put a sip of 807 on Qi Lin's cheek.

The movement of flowing clouds and water was simply impossible before.

Because of Feng Wei's backstab, Jiang Nannan took another important step towards the dark abyss.

"Okay, you go out first.

Qi Lin patted Jiang Nannan and said with a smile.

Jiang Nannan opened the office door and found that Feng Wei was still waiting outside.

Seeing Jiang Nannan coming out, Feng Wei rushed up and asked, "Nan Nan, did Mr. Qi say anything? Would he like to lift the ban?

Jiang Nannan glanced at Feng Wei lightly: "I don't know, you can ask yourself.

After speaking, her pretty face flushed red, and she walked towards the bathroom with a twisted footstep.

As long as Jiang Nannan knew what happened just now.

Looking at Jiang Nannan's back, Feng Wei's heart was cut like a knife.

However, there are more important things waiting for him.

Walking into the office, Feng Wei nodded and asked, "Mr. Qi, are you satisfied with Nan Nan?

This looks like the tortoise in the land of ancient fireworks.

"It's alright, I have temporarily lifted your ban order, and whether or not you will issue a new ban order will depend on your future performance."

Qi Lin's tone was light.

Feng Wei's expression froze.

He is a smart man.

What Qi Lin means by this is that he feels that one time is not enough, and he plans to occupy Jiang Nannan for a long time, turning him green from head to toe?

But the reality is, Qi Lin's words made Feng Weisheng unable to resist for a long time.

"Nan Nan is in Qi Lin's company, it's easy to get Nan Nan by his means, maybe he just wants to see me being humiliated?

Feng Wei felt extremely aggrieved.

"Yes, yes, I will definitely persuade Nan Nan when I look back, let her have a deeper exchange of acting skills with President Qi, and definitely perform well.

Feng Wei smiled apologetically.

"Okay, you can leave now.

Qi Lin had to pick up Zhang Man, too lazy to look at Feng Wei's disgusting face, and waved his hand.

PS: Brothers, click to subscribe automatically, Qi Lin thank you!

PS: Also ask for a monthly ticket! Evaluation ticket! Reward! Urge more! Flowers!.

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