Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

299: The charming young woman Yuan Xiuyan, let her experience the horror of the big devil

"Bingdong, let's go, Mr. Man's plane should be arriving soon, we should set off."

Qi Lin got up and braced himself, and said to Lin Dong with a smile.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Lin Dong's heart was in a mess.

Zhang Man's return means that Qi Lin's full-time bodyguard Zhou Pojun should also return.

At that time, she, a temporary bodyguard, should return to Sister Yan Yan.

That's right, Lin Dong couldn't bear Qi Lin.

Accompany Qi Lin for a few days.

She saw Qi Lin's power.

I saw Qi Lin's wrist.

I saw Qi Lin's bad.

Saw Qi Lin's humor.

When she came out of the orphanage, she was a piece of white paper, and Qi Lin scribbled it in various colors.

She has no room for other men in the world, only Qi Lin, the god-like boss, remains.

But Lin Dong did not show his unhappiness.

As a qualified bodyguard, she should not show her negative emotions to the boss.

Tianhe Airport.

Qi Lin, who was leaning on the Maybach smoking a cigarette, saw Zhang Man with a beautiful face with sunglasses and a large crescent white trench coat at a glance.

He was wearing a large windbreaker on top, and on his slender jade legs, but there were no strands of thread. That dazzling dress had attracted a sneak peek at the men in the past.

Qi Lin put out the cigarette in his hand in the ashtray in Lin Dong's hand, then smiled and greeted him.

"The boss has come to greet you in person, do you want to give some indication?"

Zhang Manmei gave Qi Lin a white look, but the joy couldn't be concealed.

When she was in China, Zhang Man always thought that she and Qi Lin were just a cooperative relationship, she just admired Qi Lin and didn't have much affection.

But after almost a month of parting, Zhang Man realized that her feelings for Qi Lin had grown deep in her heart, and she had to admit that she had fallen in love with this bastard.

The love between men and women.

Looking at Qi Lin's open hands, Zhang Man also put his arms around Qi Lin's neck.

I don't care that there are Zhou Pojun and Yuan Xiuyan around.

Directly offered his moist lips.


Zhang Man and Qi Lin kissed, never secretive.

Very generously prepared a delicacy for Qi Lin, smooth and tender fish sashimi, and let Qi Lin taste the sweetness of it.

Behind Zhang Man.

Yuan Xiuyan looked at Qi Lin up and down with her beautiful eyes, her pretty face full of disgust.

She knew that Zhang Man was not the culprit who forced him to come to China.

Behind her, there is a mysterious boss.

It seems that this should be the big boss who let the peninsula government make concessions and let a few people back.

She thought that the big boss was a middle-aged man, maybe even an old man.

Unexpectedly, Qi Lin in front of him is so young, not even 20 years old.

a long time.

Qi Lin and Zhang Man split their lips.

Before Qi Lin and Zhang Man could chat, Yuan Xiuyan stared at Qi Lin coldly and said, "Where did you hide my woman? You said that as long as I come to Huaxia with me, you will let my daughter go." °"5

Qi Lin has a full-time Korean translator by her side, and she translated Yuan Xiuyan's words to Qi Lin.

"If you don't shake hands with the future big boss first, your tone will be cold when you come up. You don't think this is still a peninsula, do you?"

Qi Lin let go of Zhang Man with a light tone.

Looking at Qi Lin with a bad tone, Yuan Xiuyan's expression froze.

Only then did she realize that she got off the plane and entered someone else's territory.

If you are not polite, I am afraid there is no good fruit to eat.

"Mr. Qi, just now I took the liberty of speaking, and we met for the first time, I hope that President Qi will not take offense.

Yuan Xiuyan squeezed out a smile and stretched out her jade hand.

Qi Lin resumed his faint smile and shook hands with Yuan Xiuyan gently.

Don't say it yet.

Yuan Xiuyan's child is 13 years old, but her little hands are well maintained, delicate, white and tender, cold, and very comfortable to hold.

That's right, he was stroking the back of Yuan Xiuyan's fair hand with his thumb at this moment.

Aware of Qi Lin's excessive movements, Yuan Xiuyan blushed pretty and immediately withdrew her hand.

No wonder Lin Yuner was born at the age of 13, as slim as an elf.

She has inherited her mother's beauty completely.

Yuan Xiuyan's pretty face was pale pink, which further brought out the charming temperament of the young woman.

Watching this scene, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed a little bit of stars.

"This attitude is not the same. Don't worry, your daughter is fine. Now I have arranged for me to film in the crew."

Qi Lin smiled lightly.

Yuan Xiuyan, who had gradually calmed down, heard this sentence, and her tone suddenly became excited: "Yun'er is only 13 years old, so young, how can you let her enter the entertainment industry? You clearly want to harm her, you Hurry up and give me my daughter back!

As she said that, she wanted to rush up to grab Qi Lin's clothes.

Seeing this scene, Qi Lin's little bodyguard, Lin Dong, flashed a chill in her beautiful eyes.

She blocked directly in front of Qi Lin, and then unceremoniously pushed Yuan Xiuyan to the ground.

Yuan Xiuyan cried out in pain, and Bai Nen's palm was directly scratched.

Facing Yuan Xiuyan's tragic situation, Qi Lin's black eyes were very calm: "Don't you know how to respect your child's dream? I didn't force your daughter into the entertainment industry, it's her own idea. 39

"Also, have you suffered enough in the peninsula and come to China to experience the life of a wine girl?

Yuan Xiuyan is not from China, and her temper is like a stone in a ditch, stinky and hard.

Otherwise, he would not have agreed to sell the film and television rights to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin didn't want to use that set against Yuan Xiuyan, after all, she was still Lin Yun'er's mother.

But she really didn't know what to do, Qi Lin didn't mind handing her over to Zhang Man, and let her experience the taste of femme fatale.

"This is the first and last time to forgive you for colliding with me. If you don't learn to be smarter, the entertainment industry is so dark, when something really happens to Yun'er, it's also because of your willfulness."

Qi Lin has done his best, but he just gave Yuan Xiuyan a warning.

It was also the first time that Yuan Xiuyan experienced the cruelty of the great devil Qi Lin.

Her pretty face turned pale, and Qi Lin was so frightened that she sobbed, tears dripping continuously.

Qi Lin's beating is still meaningful.

Along the way, Yuan Xiuyan didn't dare to bump into Qi Lin again.

Zhou Pojun drove the car, and Lin Dong sat in the co-pilot.

Qi Lin and Yuan Xiuyan Zhang Man sat in the back row.

Back to Sugar Man Entertainment.

Qi Lin directly held the company's high-level meeting.

Looking at Zhang Man standing beside Qi Lin, Zhang Dan had an ominous premonition in his eyes.

"This is the first time I have held the company's shareholders meeting, for no other reason, just to hold a commendation meeting for Vice President Zhang Man to congratulate her on winning the film and television rights of 'Romantic Full House', for our Sugar Man Entertainment Company, a real Opened overseas markets, let us give her applause.99

Qi Lin took the lead in applauding.

How can the employees below dare not cooperate when the boss speaks.


In the conference room, there was a thunderstorm-like sound.

Only Zhang Dan had a trace of worry in his heart.

Qi Lin is building momentum for Zhang Man. Through this incident, Zhang Man, who was not famous in the company at first, has now made great achievements.

Qi Lin pressed his palm, and the applause gradually quieted down.

Qi Lin continued with a smile and said: "The second thing is, Mr. Man not only won the film and television rights of 'Full House', but also invited Yuan Xiuyan, the author of Full House, back. In the future, Yuan Xiuyan Miss is the screenwriter of our Sugar Man Entertainment, let's applaud our new colleagues to join us."


As Qi Lin's voice fell, there was another thunderous applause, and some male colleagues looked at Yuan Xiuyan eagerly.

Yuan Xiuyan is only 32 years old this year. Although she has already given birth to Lin Yuner, she is white and beautiful, with a graceful figure and attractive young woman's temperament.

After knowing that she was from the Peninsula, these male colleagues began to work with Yuan Xiuyan as colleagues, and maybe they could get the moon first, and have a romantic encounter with exotic beauties in the future.

The translator told Yuan Xiuyan what Qi Lin said, but Yuan Xiuyan's face turned pale.

After she was going to come to Huaxia, she sold the film and television rights of the romantic house to Qi Lin, and brought Lin Yuner back to the peninsula.

But listening to Qi Lin's words, it seems that he wants to keep her working in Huaxia for a long time.

In this way, isn't her wish to get rid of Qi Lin, the devil, a long way off?

Yuan Xiuyan really wanted to reject Qi Lin's request for her to be a screenwriter at Sugar Man Entertainment on the spot.

But as long as she thought of Qi Lin's terrifying look when she first got off the plane, she didn't dare to say what she thought.

"`"Finally there is one important thing to tell you, a company cannot always be static, especially a fashion-forward entertainment company."

"Starting today, the evaluation system of Sugar Man Entertainment will be restructured.

"The employees here no longer get fixed performance, down to the grassroots employees, up to the company president, they must speak according to their performance.

"As long as your performance is outstanding, you can be promoted all the way, even the position of president is not hopeless.

(Zhao of Qian) Qi Lin tapped his index finger on the conference table and announced a big news.

The top executives of the company below looked at each other.

Those with real talents and real learning look excited, as if feeling that their spring is coming.

Those high-level executives who relied on stalking, or who have been eliminated by the times, turned pale, and hurried to the point that there was a bad future waiting for them.

"Zhang Man, Zhang Dan, you two, as the actual managers of the company, must lead by example.

"Next, Zhang Dan will be in charge of the filming of The Legend of Sword and Fairy, and Zhang Man will be in charge of the filming of Full House Romance. Of these two TV series, which one brings high revenue to the company, who will hold the position of president. "9

Qi Lin said to Zhang Dan and Zhang Man.

Speaking of which, he's actually done fairly well.

Because these two dramas were personally selected by him, they are both phenomenal-level dramas with amazing ratings.

In the end, whoever can better release the effect of the two TV series and seize the market will be the final big winner.

Of course, Qi Lin felt that there was a high probability that Zhang Man would win this match.

Not to mention that Zhang Man's actual ability to do things is higher than Zhang Dan.

No matter how influential The Legend of Sword and Fairy is, it is a costume drama after all, and its influence is all in China.

As a phenomenon-level urban romance drama, "Full House" can be popular in the entire Asian market.

Maybe the fight between the two will show a one-sided trend in the future.

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