Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

303: Lin Yun'er: Wow, so big, I'll be a father in the future

She may have to work in Huaxia for a long time, and Yuan Xiuyan has received so many film and television copyright fees again.

She decided to buy a house in Jianghan City.

This matter is naturally handed over to the intermediary.

Yuan Xiuyan's conditions are very simple, the community environment is better, and the house area is large, so that she can have a separate coding office, a large bathroom with a bathtub, and a large living room with fitness equipment.

The last condition.

Yuan Xiuyan didn't have time to renovate, she wanted to find a new house that the owner had already renovated but never lived in.

Despite these harsh conditions, Won Soo-yeon was lucky.

"Miss Yuan, the community I'm looking for is called Markham City, which is the newest building in Jianghan City, with a beautiful environment and complete public facilities.

"The most important thing is that there is just a set of renovated large flats for sale here.

"The owner of this house was going to give this house to his son as a wedding room.

"But unfortunately, his son was hired by a company in the beautiful country, and the young couple decided to settle in the beautiful country. 99

"Unable to do anything, the owner of this house simply sold the renovated house and gave the money to his son."

Yuan Xiuyan didn't speak Chinese, so she hired an interpreter privately and brought it with her in the studio.

"Let's take me to the scene to see first, and then I will decide whether to buy it or not."

Yuan Xiuyan said with a light smile.

After reporting to Zhang Man, Yuan Xiuyan followed the sales manager to Markham City.

Not to mention, the environment here is as beautiful as the sales manager said.

The surrounding transportation is convenient, and the first subway line in Jianghan City is also near the community 07.

As for the large flat, Yuan Xiuyan was extremely satisfied after watching it.

Although Bower is the capital of the peninsula, its land area is so narrow that it belongs to every inch of land.

Yuan Xiuyan's house was bought by the husband and wife after struggling for more than ten years. It was less than 80 square meters, and it cost more than 3 million Chinese dollars.

Not to mention this large flat floor with an area of ​​more than 200 square meters, the owner's decoration is also quite tasteful.

Floor heating, air conditioning, refrigerators, and all kinds of electrical appliances are readily available, which already belong to the specifications that can be moved in with a bag.

The most important thing is that such a beautiful and big house can be bought for only 400,000 yuan.

Yuan Xiuyan, who came to China for the first time, did not know that real estate prices in Jianghan City were always so cheap.

She thought she had picked up a big bargain, for fear of being preempted by others, she immediately said to the sales manager, "I like this house very much, can I buy it now?"

It was also the first time that the sales manager saw such a cheerful guest, so he nodded and smiled: "Of course, as long as the house is paid in full, this house will be yours, Miss Yuan.

400,000 is just a drizzle for Yuan Xiuyan, who is now a millionaire.

She signed the contract and put the money into the broker's account as instructed by the sales manager.

And Yuan Xiuyan once again saw what is called Huaxia Speed.

That afternoon, she got the real estate license for the house.

20 years later.

Yuan Xiuyan's house has risen to 6 million, and it is still a school district house.

At that time, she had to sigh how lucky she was when she had a feverish impulse.

After work, Yuan Xiuyan also went to the 'Kung Fu' crew to pick up Lin Yuner.

"Yuner, mom has a surprise for you today.

Yuan Xiuyan had a mysterious smile on her pretty face.

"Really? Yun'er is looking forward to it~"

The little girl folded her hands together, and her beautiful eyes were filled with a little starlight.

This is how the little cute girl is made.

Taking a taxi, Yuan Xiuyan took Lin Yuner to her new home.

Yuan Xiuyan has a driver's license and a Beetle car.

But unfortunately, the car was on the peninsula and could not come over.

In the future, she will pick Lin Yuner to and from school, or filming, and Yuan Xiuyan is considering whether to buy a new car.

And this time, because of sufficient funds, she considered buying a BMW.

"Yuner, close your eyes, mom will take you to a place."

After the taxi arrived at Markham City, Yuan Xiuyan said with a smile.


Lin Yuner obediently covered her eyes with her fair little hands.

As for Yuan Xiuyan, Bai Nenyu put her hand on Lin Yun'er's shoulder, guiding her way.

The large flat floor has two households on one ladder, and it is very convenient to enter and exit.

After using the key to open the door, Yuan Xiuyan pushed Lin Yuner into Zanxin's new house.

"Yun, you can open your eyes now.

Yuan Xiuyan said with a smile.

Lin Yun'er blankly opened her big beautiful eyes and put down her white and tender hands.

The next second, her beautiful big eyes stared at the boss.

"Good, very big! Such a beautiful house, mother, where is this place?"

Yuan Xiuyan couldn't bear it any longer, she laughed and said, "Silly girl, of course this is your home. I have already bought this house, and we will live here in the future."

Lin Yuner's dream of becoming a star is to make a lot of money and let her mother live in a bigger house.

Now, her dream has come true ahead of schedule, and Lin Yuner can't help herself with joy.

"Mom, does this mean that we will stay in Huaxia in the future, and this will be our home in the future?

Lin Yuner hugged Yuan Xiuyan's small waist and said happily.

Yuan Xiuyan's pretty face showed a hint of helplessness: "This may be the case, maybe we will be able to return to China after staying for a few years.

When Lin Yuner heard this, she pouted and said, "I don't want to go back to China, the peninsula is boring, and when I see someone older than me, I call my brother and sister, and the peninsula is so small, compared to China's vast land and rich resources. , It's too bad, I want to stay in Huaxia all the time, I don't want to go back."

Tong Yan is the most real.

In addition to spicy cabbage on the peninsula, there are ramen fried rice cakes and so on. These are not even delicacies, and they are also regarded as the quintessence of food by local residents.

And the interpersonal society of the peninsula is also deformed. As long as you are older than you, you must listen to the other party and be bullied by the other party.

Whether it is the school or the workplace, oppression, discrimination and bullying are everywhere.

On the contrary, men and women are equal in China, and the status of girls is higher. Everyone likes them, and they also take care of Lin Yuner, the lovely peninsula little sister.

It was strange that she wanted to go back.

"Then what about your father? Don't you miss him?"

Yuan Xiuyan said with a wry smile.

This Yun'er has only been in China for half a month, has she been brainwashed so seriously?

Speaking of her father, Lin Yuner got angry: "What did that irresponsible man do? She abandoned her mother and also abandoned Yuner. Yuner hated him to death. He is not Yuner's father."5

When Yuan Xiuyan and her husband divorced, because she was afraid that Lin Yuner's children would be ignorant, she leaked her words, and the government knew that she was cheating on her qualifications to study.

Yuan Xiuyan told Lin Yuner that it was his father who cheated, so he chose to leave the house.

The child's mind is very pure, and Lin Yuner, who regarded his father as a reliable mountain at that time, collapsed directly in his heart.

On the day her father packed up and left home, Lin Yuner was expressionless.

After her father left helplessly, she threw herself into Yuan Xiuyan's arms and cried to the death.

You can see how much it hit her.

Yuan Xiuyan hesitated for a while, and told Lin Yuner the truth: "Yuner, in fact, your father and I are not broken in love, we are just for your eligibility to study.

"Don't say it! In my heart, that father is dead. If my mother lied to me with that man, I would hate my mother too!"

Lin Yun'er covered her ears, and there was a trace of anger on her face.

Won Soo Yeon:........

Seeing that the direction of things seemed to be out of her control, Yuan Xiuyan began to doubt whether her original decision was correct.

"Okay, okay~ Mom won't talk anymore, you can visit the house first, and mom will prepare a meal for you. 99

Yuan Xiuyan rubbed her daughter's little face and said with a light smile.

The peninsula and Huaxia belong to the Han cultural circle, and it is also popular to have a meal in the peninsula.

"By the way, remember to turn on the lights and electrical appliances in all rooms, so that the family will be prosperous in the future.

In the kitchen, Yuan Xiuyan gave Lin Yun'er another order.

"I know~"

Lin Yuner obediently agreed.

As for that dad..810.

Since he chose to abandon her at the beginning, huh! Who still remembers him.

After half an hour.

"Yun'er, the rice is ready, wash your hands and come over to eat."

Yuan Xiuyan brought the dishes to the table and shouted to Lin Yuner.

At this moment, Lin Yuner was lying on the comfortable big bed in her room with a little enjoyment on her face.

The bed here is bigger than the one in Bower's house, and the room is double the size of the original one.

For Lin Yuner, who has grown up and needs privacy, it is like heaven.

Lin Yuner washed her hands and sat at the warm dining table with Yuan Xiuyan.

"Mom has worked hard, Yun'er is about to start.

"It's not hard, as long as Yun'er likes to eat, mother is very happy.

The two looked at each other and smiled, then prepared to move chopsticks.


At this moment, Yuan Xiuyan and Lin Yuner were taken aback.

Because the lights in the house suddenly went out.

And it's not even a living room lamp.

All lights, including electrical appliances, went out.

"Woooooo~ Mom, Yun'er is scared."

Lin Yuner threw her chopsticks, and with the help of moonlight, she threw herself into Yuan Xiuyan's arms.

"Don't be afraid, Yuner, it might be a power outage. Let's go out and ask about the situation."

Won Soo-yeon comforted her daughter.

The mother and daughter held hands, endured the fear in their hearts, and groped towards the door.

After finally coming to the corridor, the two knocked on the neighbor's door.

This fellow Qi Lin doesn't understand Lianxiangxiyu too much, or it may be because Sister Shuyi is too beautiful, Qi Lin loves her more.

Even after drinking hen soup, Chen Shuyi found it difficult to walk.

In desperation, she simply asked the company for three days of leave and asked the assistant to send the documents that needed to be processed to her home.

At this moment, Chen Shuyi, who was processing documents in the room, heard someone knocking on the door.

"Xiao Qiu, it seems that someone is knocking on the door, go and see.

she called towards the living room.

In the living room, Jin Qiu was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he almost cried.

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