Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

304: Jinqiu steals a phoenix crown and a robe, and the golden house hides a piece of it

After Qi Lin and Chen Shuyi bridal room yesterday, Jin Qiu wanted to try the phoenix crown.

However, just when she wanted to try, Chen Shuyi woke up and asked where Qi Lin was.

It is to explain to Chen Shuyi again, and it is to make breakfast for her and make chicken soup.

The matter of stealing the phoenix crown and the robe is also over.

Today, after knowing that Chen Shuyi can't get out of bed temporarily, she has to deal with work in the room.

After dinner, Jin Qiu secretly changed into the phoenix crown.

Before she cutely went to the bathroom mirror and turned around in a circle, she was smug, and there was a knock on the door outside.

Jin Qiu wanted to cry at this time.

Isn't it bad for her to be fleeting these days?

I just want to try on Sister Shuyi's dress, but God is always against her.

"Isn't it the boss again? If the boss comes, will he bully me again? 35

Jin Qiumei's eyes have a trace of fear, a trace of shyness, and a trace of excitement.

The feeling of being kissed by Qi Lin was too overwhelming.

Her sullen heart drove Jin Qiu to do dangerous actions again and again.

Perhaps she secretly wore Chen Shuyi's clothes, and subconsciously had the idea of ​​being discovered by Qi Lin, and wanted him to bully her severely.

I have to say, the girl Jin Qiu is really good at playing.

Open the door.

Jin Qiumei's eyes flashed with disappointment.

What kind of boss is outside, but a strange mother and daughter.

Similarly, Yuan Xiuyan, who was about to greet her neighbors embarrassedly, couldn't help being stunned.

Huaxia's phoenix crown, the aura is too strong.

The gorgeous red and gorgeous decorations set off Jin Qiu's beautiful little face, making it more and more elegant.

"Miss, are you going to get married today?"

Although Peninsula and Huaxia's wedding dresses are different, Yuan Xiuyan also knows that this dress is only worn by Chinese people when they get married.

Jin Qiu's pretty face had a trace of daze.

There was no other reason, she couldn't understand the bird's language spoken by this rude young woman.

"Aren't these two people from China?"

Jin Qiu was a little curious.

Fortunately, Lin Yuner has been in Huaxia for half a month.

She is very smart, and she is not very old. She has learned Chinese and has made rapid progress. She can barely use some basic conversations.

"Hello, eldest sister, we are new neighbors. My mother asks you if you are getting married today. 39

Lin Yuner asked politely.

Jin Qiu's pretty face had a hint of pink, and she thought that this turned out to be a newly moved neighbor.

"Well, my sister got married yesterday, and I want to wear this beautiful dress again today."

For the first time, Jin Qiu told a big lie.

Lin Yun'er looked at the peerless golden autumn in front of her, with a hint of envy in her beautiful eyes, like a Xi Shi holding her heart: "Sister's wedding dress is so beautiful, Yun'er will be a bride in the future, and she will also wear this wedding dress to marry. 35

Lin Yun'er looks exquisitely carved, like an elf descended into the world, and Jin Qiu couldn't help but like it.

She pinched Lin Yun'er's little face, smiled and said: "This is our traditional wedding dress in China, called Feng Guanxia, ​​then you will grow up quickly, my sister will give this set of Feng Guanxia to you. you

"Okay, okay, thank you sister~"

Yun'er's beautiful eyes were filled with a hint of joy, and she felt that the neighbors and sisters were good people.

"Yun, hurry up and ask him about the power outage~"

Seeing that Lin Yun'er was actually chatting with Jin Qiu, Yuan Xiuyan pushed her coquettishly.

Lin Yuner stuck out her pink tongue, and then asked Jin Qiu: "Sister, our house just had a power outage, I want to ask you if there is any electricity?

Jin Qiu held back a smile and stepped aside: "You'll know if you don't see it for yourself.

Lin Yuner probed her brain and found that the eldest sister's house was brightly lit.

She immediately turned back to Yuan Xiuyan and said cutely: "Mom, only our house has a power outage?"


Jin Qiu couldn't bear it any longer at this time, and she smiled back and forth, because this little loli was so cute.

This mother and daughter should have come to settle in China from abroad. They are not familiar with the place. As neighbors, if they can help, they still need to help.

"Come on, I'll go look for you.

Jin Qiu smiled at Lin Yun'er.

Lin Yun'er's beautiful eyes lit up: "Thank you, sister, can you tell me your name?

Jin Qiu said with a pretty face: "My name is Jin Qiu, you can call me Sister Xiao Qiu.

"Jinqiu? Sister, your Chinese name sounds good~"

Lin Yuner immediately flattered.

Jin Qiu lives in an orphanage, where the environment is so bad that the power goes out at every turn.

The girls there know almost everything.

After arriving at Lin Yun'er's house, she shrugged her nose and found that there was no burnt smell in the air, it should not be that the electrical appliance was burnt out.

Afterwards, she walked directly to the chassis of the main gate and observed it.

Within a minute, she was smiling.

Then gently pull down a switch.


With a crisp electrical sound, the whole house was lit up again.

"Wow, Sister Xiaoqiu is amazing, she fixed the power outage problem in one fell swoop~"

Lin Yuner clapped her hands and said excitedly.

Jin Qiu smiled helplessly: "How can I be so powerful, your house just tripped, it should be because the electrical load is too heavy.

Lin Yun'er thought thoughtfully: "Is that so? Does it have something to do with turning on all the lights and electrical appliances in our house?

Jin Qiu smiled and said: "It should be like this. When our family moved, we also encountered this situation."

"Okay, since there's nothing to do, then I'll go first.

Jin Qiu turned around and prepared to leave.

Yuan Xiuyan came over to hold Jin Qiu, and smiled warmly: "You helped our house repair the power outage, and we will be neighbors in the future, why don't we stay and have a meal together before going back?"

Lin Yun'er also came over to help pull Jin Qiu: "Sister Xiao Qiu, Yun'er likes you, can you stay and chat with Yun'er? 99

Jin Qiu's pretty face is helpless: "But I just had dinner.""

Lin Yuner smiled and said, "You don't need to eat too much, it's alright to try some of our peninsula's delicacies, right?"

Seeing the so-called peninsula cuisine, Jin Qiu suddenly lost his appetite.

Spicy cabbage, spicy cucumbers, and spicy onions are all pickled products.

The only thing that can get on the countertop is the beef sizzling with oil on the oven.

"Which backcountry did they come from? This pickle is considered a delicacy, and they haven't seen the world at all."

Jin Qiu couldn't help but pouted.

Qi Lin didn't know that Lin Yuner, who he was going to cultivate, and his little wife Chen Shuyi actually became neighbors.

Qi Lin, who had returned home at this time, took out the future newspaper that the system rewarded when he bullied Jin Qiu.

"The time is 2012, which is the newspaper ten years later. What kind of surprise will this newspaper bring to me?""

Qi Lin smiled and thought.

Before he could read it carefully, the headline of the newspaper caught Qi Lin's attention.

"Major breaking news, a serious accident occurred in the section of Xiongchu Viaduct and Huquan Road in Jianghan City."

"At about 16 o'clock in the afternoon, a rollover occurred in this section, a total of 7 vehicles fell from the viaduct, and a total of two vehicles were crushed and buried under the viaduct. 95

"At present, the casualties are 8 dead, 7 seriously injured, 27 lightly injured, and 4 people are still missing. Search and rescue are still underway.

"In addition, among the concrete ruins of the collapsed viaduct, a human skeleton was also found, which is suspected to have been persecuted and buried in it during the construction of the viaduct.

"In addition, professional institutions have also tested the concrete of the viaduct, and the test results are infuriating. The hardness of the concrete is not up to the standard, and the density of the steel bar is also not up to the standard, which is also the main reason for the high price rollover.

"According to the information and verification, the contractor of the Xiongchu Viaduct is Shanhe Group. As of 24 hours after the incident, the deputy general manager of the project who was in charge of the viaduct, the general manager has been taken away by the police on a criminal case.

"`"Chen Tiansheng, chairman of Shanhe Group, was fined and confiscated 7.7 billion Chinese dollars by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine."

Ten years later, the news is over.

Qi Lin touched his chin with a strange look in his eyes: "Why don't I remember that there was such a big news back then?

He thought about it carefully, there may be two reasons.

One is that Qi Lin was so drunk that he didn't pay attention to social news at all. He lingered in bars all day, and went racing in the Alxa desert with his friends, so he didn't know.

The second reason is more complicated. Because of Qi Lin's rebirth and repeated killing of the protagonists of this wish world, the butterfly effect has occurred, which has caused a serious shift in the trajectory of time.

Qi Lin's speculation is biased towards the latter.

However, these are not the most important, the most important is the benefit this news brings to Qi Lin.

"Give this girl Qian Yujin, and let her even give Chen Jiawei a break from the engagement, this incident is an excellent opportunity.

"However, we still have to see what stage the construction of the Xiongchu Viaduct is at, and then we will make decisions based on the actual situation."

"It's best to let Yu Jin and Chen Jiawei break off their engagement, and at the same time let the Shanhe Group's vitality be greatly damaged, or even wiped out. 35

"There are bones in the concrete of this viaduct. Chen Tiansheng is still a black man. If he or Chen Jiawei did this by himself, it would be too late. 35

Qi Lin smiled, and a gleam of light appeared in his black eyes.

After collecting the newspaper (paid) back into the system space, Qi Lin simply called Zhang Man.


On the phone, Zhang Man yawned and seemed to have fallen asleep.

Across the phone, Qi Lin seemed to be able to smell the fragrance.

"You rascal boss, you still don't let others go so late, tell me, what's the matter with me? 35

Zhang Man asked in a lazy tone.

Qi Lin said with a smile, "You little goblin, if you were by my side now, I would definitely take care of you."

Zhang Man, who was sleeping on the silk quilt, turned over, her slender and fair legs rested on the silk quilt, and her delicate arches were graceful.

She exhaled like a blue: "Ha~ When the boss builds a 100 billion business empire for me to manage, the boss can do whatever he wants.

Qi Lin didn't bother to talk to Zhang Man anymore, he smiled lightly: "Tomorrow help me check one thing, the Xiongchu viaduct project under Shanhe Group, what stage has it been in, and you must give me the results tomorrow.

Zhang Manmei rolled her eyes: "I know you bad boss calls in the middle of the night and it's not a good thing, I know, I'll check it for you tomorrow."


After speaking, Zhang Man hung up the phone, turned sideways, and continued to sleep soundly.

And her graceful figure, smooth skin, only this silk silkworm is known what it is like.

PS: Brothers, click to subscribe automatically, Qi Lin thank you!

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