Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

305: Yu Jin moved to a new house, Lin Yun's back view of cleaning

The construction phase of the viaduct is also no secret.

At noon the next day, Zhang Man called Qi Lin for feedback.

"At present, the Xiongchu viaduct has been constructed to the Huquan section, and concrete is being poured for the bridge body. What are you doing? Can you give me some news?"

Zhang Man knew that with Qi Lin's personality, as long as he behaved abnormally, it meant a big move.

She has always regarded herself as Qi Lin's left and right arms, and of course she wanted to share Qi Lin's secrets.

"There is a new plan, but it has nothing to do with you, it has something to do with the 'city people'."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Zhang Man rarely puffed out a small mouth and said angrily: "Okay, it is useful to transfer me to Sugar Man Entertainment, but in fact it is to give all the rights to your little Jiao. Wife Chen Shuyi, if you give her more resources, you are eccentric.

Qi Lin smiled lightly: "I'm just partial, what can you do? Shuyi has already given me her innocence, so what if I love her a little bit? As long as you give me your innocence, I will also give you resources.

Zhang Man:

Unhappy, Zhang Man hung up the phone.

She wants to use her strength to prove to Qi Lin that she has the ability to help Qi Lin manage his business empire, instead of exchanging her body with Qi Lin.

Hanging up the phone, Qi Lin's black eyes were thoughtful.

"It's already built to the stage of Tiger Spring, doesn't that mean that the bones buried under the collapsed viaduct are really going to be revealed?"

Qi Lin's mouth curled slightly.

There's nothing more enjoyable than watching a once-engaged couple fall in love and kill each other.

It's time to break the news to Yu Jin.

However, before Qi Lin could find Yu Jin, Yu Jin actually took the initiative to call Qi Lin.

"Why did you suddenly remember to call me? Missing my husband?"

Qi Lin laughed and joked.

Yu Jin's beautiful eyes showed a hint of anger: "Who misses you, I'm calling to tell you 810, I've moved to a new house, and the address is at No. 321 Xinjing Road."

"Tell you in advance, lest you say I'm hiding from you again.""

From here, you can see how much Yu Jin has changed.

When Yu Jin moved last time, he didn't even tell Qi Lin the address, and Qi Lin found it himself.

It seemed that she had completely lied down now, and did not want to resist Qi Lin, the great devil.

Speaking of which, it's not without reason that Yu Jin suddenly moved.

The first is that the original residential area is dilapidated and dim, and the environment is unsafe.

Secondly, many debt collectors know that address, and they always come to harass them.

In a different environment, it would be a responsible behavior for her and Lin Yun.

In addition, because of the part-time job introduced by Qi Lin, Yu Jin's economic situation has gradually improved.

A high-quality drama review can bring her thousands of dollars in income.

Working overtime a month to write a few drama reviews, she can almost earn tens of thousands of dollars. She simply found a community with good security and a good environment to improve the living environment.

"Why don't you talk? There's nothing else to do but tell me the address?"

Qi Lin deliberately teased Yu Jin.

Yu Jin's pretty face was slightly red, and a hint of shame flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Who said she was looking for Qi Lin just to tell the address.

Yu Jin is not an ungrateful person. Qi Lin introduced her to her job. She just took a break today, so she wanted to prepare a hearty dinner.

After all, a rented house is also a home, right?

"You, come to my house, there is something wrong with my electrical box, please take a look at it for me. 35

Yu Jin said in a heartless manner.

Qi Lin felt amused when he heard it.

"You really use me as a free electrician? Orcs will never be slaves unless they have food and shelter."

Qi Lin used a stalk from the world of monsters (ahdg).

"What a mess... You helped me fix the electrical box, can I still give you food?

"Come quickly, I'm going to start cooking, I'm late, I won't leave you anything to eat.

Jiao let out a sigh, and Yu Jin hung up the phone.


Then she went to the kitchen humming a song.

"Jin'er, you look very happy today, did something good happen?"

Lin Yun was cleaning the TV and called Yu Jin with a smile.

Not only is Yu Jin becoming mature, Lin Yun has also changed a lot.

As a lady before, it was impossible for her to do these household chores.

Now that cooking can't help Yu Jin, she will do some things within her power.

Yu Jin pretty blushed: "Good thing? Isn't it a good thing to move to a new house?"

Lin Yun smiled slyly: "But why did I hear that you called Xiaolin just now? Didn't you become happy after calling Xiaolin?

Yu Jin blushed at Lin Yun's words: "Mom, when did you become as fond of teasing as Qi Lin's bastard?"

After half an hour.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk~”

There was a knock at the door.

"I'll open the door.

Lin Yun said.

Yu Jin's voice came from the kitchen: "Mom, it's quite troublesome for you to go up and down, let me open the door. 95

Lin Yun was stepping on a stool, dusting the top of the refrigerator.

Today, she wore a home-made dress with a pair of thin stockings of her skin tone.

A pair of stockings and jade feet stepped on the bench, wiping the top of the refrigerator with their toes, and their delicate soles were facing the door.

"Aunt Yun likes to eat king crabs, so I brought one along."

The door opened, and Qi Lin smiled and lifted a fresh king crab tied with five flowers.

Men can't just rely on one mouth, and sometimes some trivial surprises can make women happy.

Seeing that Qi Lin also brought a gift, Yu Jin's beautiful eyes flashed with a smile.

But when Qi Lin said it was for Lin Yun, she snorted softly, "I cooked today's meal, did you please the wrong person? I don't know if you brought me a gift too.

Qi Lin looked at Yu Jin, whose pretty face was blushing, with a half-smile, "Who said you didn't have a gift? I gave it to you with my whole body, are you happy?"


Qi Lin's shameless words made Yu Jin unbearable.

"Yeah! The fish is still fried in the pot. It's all your fault, you stinky bastard. When the fish is mushy, I'll give it to you.

Wrinkling her cute little nose, Mei Mu glared at Qi Lin, Yu Jin quickly turned around and ran to the kitchen.

Qi Lin shrugged, put on the men's slippers Yu Jin prepared for him, closed the door, and walked into the house.

"This little girl, she said she asked me to repair the electric box, but she is arrogant, but she has prepared my slippers, and the size is just right. Isn't this duplicity?"

Qi Lin was a little funny.

After sitting on the sofa, Qi Lin turned his attention to Lin Yun.

Graceful back, well-proportioned skin tone, thin stockings calf.

There is also a slightly padded curve to tighten the arch of the foot.

To be honest, if a man has a gentlemanly demeanor, he should help out at this time.

But what a joke, Qi Lin helped Lin Yun to finish the work, is there still such a beautiful scenery to see?

"Xiao Lin, Aunt Yun will come to pour the water for you after finishing this hygiene.

Lin Yun knew that Qi Lin was here, and said with a blushing face.

Man is a magical high-level animal.

Although there are no eyes behind him, when someone looks at him from behind, he can perceive it clearly.

"Aunt Yun, I'm not thirsty either, you should clean up slowly, I love watching this.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

"Love watching me clean up???"

Lin Yun's pretty face was a little inexplicable.

"It's rare that Xiaolin has such a heart, knowing that Aunt Yun likes to eat king crab, you child has a heart.

Lin Yun praised Qi Lin again.

"Aunt Yun always hugged me when she was a child and went to buy all kinds of delicious food. If Aunt Yun really wants to thank me, just hug me more."5

Qi Lin said with a smile.

There was a hint of helplessness in Lin Yun's beautiful eyes. She didn't know whether Qi Lin often said this, whether it was intentional to tease her, or just unintentional words.


Maybe it was a distraction talking to Qi Lin.

When Lin Yun was about to wipe the left side of the top of the refrigerator, her little foot slipped and she fell off the stool.

The ground is a solid tile, and if it really falls, it won't be an accident.

Qi Lin finally moved at this time and appeared beside Lin Yun in time.

Lin Yun was also hugged by Qi Lin, and in the posture of a princess hug, she softly fell into Qi Lin's arms.

"Aunt Yun, are you alright?"

Qi Lin asked with a concerned smile.

"Plop, plop~"

This is the heartbeat of Lin Yun's deer, and her pretty face is also dripping blood.

What's wrong with her? Because of Qi Lin's princess hug, and because of Qi Lin's masculinity, her heart is in chaos.

"What happened?'

Yu Jin also heard Lin Yun's exclamation, and hurriedly put down the spatula and came out to check the situation.

Seeing her daughter come out, Lin Yun looked ashamed and immediately struggled to stand up.

But it was still too late, Yu Jin saw Lin Yun lying in Qi Lin's arms, her pretty face was stunned.

Qi Lin's expression was impermanent, and smiled: "When Aunt Yun was doing hygiene, she accidentally stepped on it and slipped, and I happened to catch it. 39

Yu Jin hugged Qi Lin when she was a child, and Lin Yun loved Qi Lin even more when she was a child, and often hugged and kissed.

She didn't think about it, but said to her mother coquettishly, "Mom, why are you so careless when cleaning? If you didn't follow Qi Lin, you would have to fall into the hospital.

Seeing that her daughter didn't think much, Lin Yun was relieved. She said embarrassedly, "Maybe the stockings are too slippery. Next time I clean up, I won't wear stockings."

Yu Jin smiled helplessly: "What's the use of talking now, I have persuaded you long ago, the stockings will slip, and you won't listen."

In fact, was it really Lin Yun who didn't listen?

Her beautiful eyes sneaked a glance at Qi Lin.

Qi Lin is a foot control thing. Lin Yun has long known that she likes to wear silk stockings. Since some people like it, why should she suddenly change it?

"The refrigerator is almost wiped, and I'll change my clothes and clean the rest after eating. 99

Lin Yun didn't dare to mess around, and was going to move the stool back first.

"Yeah! Hiss~"

However, as soon as Lin Yun took a step, the beautiful Liu Ye eyebrows frowned slightly, and there was a touch of pain between her brows.

"I-I really want to sprain my foot."

Lin Yun said with a wry smile.

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