Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

306: One hundred years of professional massage, Yu Jin began to act

"Then what should I do? Shall I go down and buy some medicine for bruises?"

After all, Yu Jin loved her mother and said anxiously.

Qi Lin said lightly: "You go down, what do you do with the vegetables in your pot? Forget it, you can go back and cook the vegetables. I will order massage and help my aunt take a look. 35

Yu Jin didn't think much, nodded and apologized to Qi Lin for the first time: "My mother is used to the life of a rich wife and is a bit clumsy, Qi Lin, I hope you can take care of her more.


What kind of experience is it to be called clumsy by your daughter?

"No big or small, Jin'er, do you say that about your mother? 99

Lin Yun wanted to walk over and squeeze her daughter's little face.


But she seemed to have forgotten that her own foot was sprained.


"Mom, just sit down and let Qi Lin massage you, don't mess around."

Regardless of her mother's coquettish eyes, Yu Jin went back to the kitchen to cook.

"Aunt Yun, should I help you over or carry you over?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Lin Yun's pretty face blushed slightly: "Just help me over there."

The two walked to the sofa, and Qi Lin took Lin Yun's puppet slippers down.

It's definitely impossible to take off the pantyhose in this situation.

Anyway, it was thin stockings, Qi Lin could see Lin Yun's injury through the stockings.

Fortunately, it's just a little sprained, and it's not swollen, just massage a few times to activate blood.

Holding Lin Yun's delicate little feet in his hands, Qi Lin's fingertips exerted a little force, and massaged from the instep to the ankle.

The only inconvenience is that the stockings are too slippery and a little hard to use.

After rubbing his ankle, Qi Lin massaged again from the arch of the foot, which is the delicate sole of the foot.

Lin Yun bit her lower lip, and felt that her pair of jade feet slowly regained her intuition in Qi Lin's hands, and it also warmed up, no longer sore and painful.

The cute toes curled up slightly, and also regained their vitality.

"Xiao Lin, please trouble you~"

After feeling that the soreness in the ankle was no longer, Lin Yun blushed pretty and quickly retracted her little foot, sitting sideways on the sofa.

When the food came to the table, Lin Yun was even able to walk over by herself.

"My mother's feet are fine, right? She is old after all, and her body is not as strong as our young people. 39

Yu Jin asked with concern.

Lin Yun was a little dissatisfied with her daughter's words, and Mei Mu was a little angry: "Jiner, what do you mean by getting old? Mom, I'm only 43 years old this year, okay? People who don't know me think I'm only in my early 20s. 39

Qi Lin also followed Lin Yun and said with a smile: "Sister Jin'er, what you said is wrong, Aunt Yun is young and beautiful, and now she is going on a blind date, and there are a lot of men around, how can you be called old.

Yu Jin's pretty face was speechless for a while: "You two are a group, right? Do you need to correct me together?

After chatting for a while, Qi Lin got down to business.

"Have you heard of the newly built Xiongchu Viaduct in Jianghan City?

Qi Lin asked.

Yu Jin, who was holding a chopstick of vegetables, couldn't help but froze for a moment.

However, she still nodded: "I know, I heard that this is an important transportation hub connecting the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Ring Roads. It can cancel the one-hour commute time for commuters in Jianghan City.""

"Why do you suddenly ask this? 39

Qi Lin's black eyes carried a hint of mystery: "Then do you know which company is responsible for this Xiongchu Viaduct?""

Yu Jin's beautiful eyes showed a daze, she didn't know about it.

With a sullen voice, Yu Jin said, "If you have something to say, just say it directly, and don't give a shit about it, okay?"

Qi Lin stopped teasing Yu Jin, and said lazily: "This Xiongchu viaduct is the project of Chen Tiansheng, your fiance Chen Jiawei. 55

"In the next few days, there is going to be a big problem with the viaduct under construction here, don't say I didn't remind you, this matter is of great importance to your future career as a journalist and the happiness of the rest of your life. influence."5

"You just go in and go undercover, maybe you will get unexpected results.

Qi Lin's supernatural powers are vast, and Yu Jin has seen it several times.

No matter when she was undercover in the waste oil factory, Qi Lin happened to appear.

Even in the last thousand-mile search for lost children, you can see Qi Lin's secret power.

Hearing the news revealed by Qi Lin, Yu Jin was moved.

"Could it be that there are some shameful activities or transactions in this Xiongchu Viaduct?"

"If you can get negative news from the Shanhe Group, there may be a glimmer of hope for breaking the engagement."

After eating, Qi Lin was ready to leave.

Yu Jin hesitated, and finally asked when Qi Lin turned around, "Why are you asking me to tell me this?"

Qi Lin turned around, smiled and blinked: "Is there any need to ask? If Chen Tiansheng falls, Chen Jiawei is a waste, then her delicate fiancée will not be bullied by me from now on? 99

"Dogs bark!

Yu Jinqiao blushed and closed the door directly, blocking Qi Lin's abominable face from the outside.

In fact, Yu Jin'er's heart was thumping and thumping at this time.

"If Chen Jiawei and I really broke up the engagement, I would be eaten by this bastard for the rest of my life, let her bully me? 35

Yu Jin thought wildly.

Downstairs in the back seat of the Maybach, Qi Lin lit a cigarette.

"Breaking the military.

Zhou Pojun, who was about to drive, immediately responded: "What is the boss's order?

Qi Lin said lightly: "You secretly protect Yu Jin these two days, but don't let her know. At the same time, bring a camera and take pictures of the more shocking scenes you see."

Zhou Pojun's expression became condensed, and he immediately said: "I understand the boss."

After Yu Jin returned to the TV station, he applied to the station director for the qualifications for outdoor interviews, and also applied for a high-powered camera to record videos from a distance.

Then she came to the construction site of the Xiongchu Viaduct.

In 2002, the Optics Valley area was still a wasteland, and there was little development.

It's sparsely populated, a field, and apart from construction workers, it's not very popular at all.

"Sorry, miss, this is a heavy construction site, without a work permit, you are not allowed to enter and visit, let alone taking pictures.

Yu Jin wanted to enter the construction site, but was stopped by the construction site security.

Seeing this scene, Yu Jin bit his lower lip and finally got through the phone.

"Jin'er, why did you call me? Did you encounter any trouble?

"As long as you're in trouble, tell me now, and I'll rush over to help you right away. 35

Chen Jiawei, who received Yu Jin's call, was surprised and delighted.

Because of Qi Lin's estrangement, his relationship with Yu Jin became more and more estranged.

At this point, Yu Jin even tried every means to break up the engagement with him.

But how could Chen Jiawei agree?

If Yu Jin really broke off the engagement with him and messed with Qi Lin again, he would be cuckolding him soon.

0...・・ Flowers・

What's more, Chen Jiawei still has feelings for Yu Jin, how could he be willing to let her go without even holding his fiancée by the hand.

"I have something to ask for your help. Our TV station arranged for me to interview on the site of your Shanhe Group's Xiongchu Viaduct, but I was stopped by your security guard and wouldn't let me in."

Yu Jin said lightly.

Chen Jiawei wondered why it was such a big deal.

As for the authenticity of what Yu Jin said, he didn't think much about it.

"I'll come over and scold this security guard right now and fire him. He doesn't even know the young lady of his company. What kind of work are you here for?"

Chen Jiawei's tone had a hint of anger.

Yu Jin's tone was flat: "No, I just want a pass, you can just talk to the person in charge of the construction site. 35

Chen Jiawei didn't dare to make Yu Jin angry, he smiled bitterly: "Okay, I'll make a phone call and ask the person in charge of the construction site to come and pick you up.

"Jin'er...Will we come out for dinner tonight?

Yu Jin didn't even think about it, so he simply refused: "Let's talk about it later.


After speaking, she hung up the phone.

Chen Jiawei showed a wry smile while listening to Busy Yin's mobile phone.

From the looks of it, it was quite difficult to get Yu Jin to change his mind.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Yu Jin is still willing to look for him, it means that the two still have room to turn around.

But how did Chen Jiawei know that this time Yu Jin was looking for him because he was also inspired by Qi Lin.

This is not a sign of a change of heart either, but the opening of a good show where the woman he loves personally pushes him into a cliff.

Less than three minutes.

A man wearing a white silk helmet came out with a warm tone.

"Is it Miss Yu Jin? The janitor at the construction site is ignorant. I hope Miss Yu Jin will not take offense."

"This is a document for entering and leaving the construction site. If you wear this in the future, no one will dare to stop it. 35

"There is also this helmet, Miss Yu Jin. The environment at the construction site is dangerous. If you make a mistake, we can't afford it.

The person in charge of the construction site smiled and handed Yu Jin the certificate and red helmet.

"sorry to bother you."

Yu Jin smiled and thanked him.

"It's just a small matter, Miss Yu Jin is polite... by the way, I don't know if Miss Yu Jin needs me to find someone to accompany her, the viaduct construction site is quite big, I'm afraid that Miss Yu Jin will not find her way.

The person in charge of the construction site asked enthusiastically.

Yu Jin came to find the unscrupulous people of Shanhe Group, how could someone follow her.

Shaking his head, Yu Jin chuckled lightly: "I just came to take a few photos and show everyone the progress of the construction site. After all, this viaduct has also touched the hearts of many citizens, and everyone wants to know how the progress is. "

The person in charge of the construction site didn't think much, nodded with a smile: "Understand, understand, after all, this place was built with taxpayer money, and citizens have the right to know the progress of the construction. 99

For the next two days, Yu Jin walked around the construction site, patted here, looked there, and found nothing unusual.

Interviewed workers, these workers did not show any deductions in wages, or accidental casualties or anything.

Yu Jin didn't get any useful information.

She even thought that Qi Lin's news was wrong, and she was just wasting her time by going here in person.


One night two days later.

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