Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

307: Candid photo of Yu Jin, the tenderness of early spring

In order not to miss the unexpected situation that occurs at any time on the construction site.

Yu Jin deliberately rented a car and stayed near the construction site every night in case something happened.

However, this will only last for three days.

After all, staring at a broken construction site every night, waiting for an uncertain black material, until 12 o'clock in the evening.

Who can bear such a day.

"It must be Qi Lin, the bastard, who is jealous that I am Chen Jiawei's fiancee and deliberately tricked me into coming here to suffer."

"If you let me know, this guy is lying to me, let's see how I go back and settle accounts with him. 99

The temperature in mid-December was a bit cold, Yu Jin, who was wearing a blanket on her black legs, puffed out her mouth and sighed.

She looked at the time and found that it was already 11 o'clock in the evening.

"It doesn't matter, nothing bad happened, let's go back to sleep first, and I won't come to this bad place in the future."

Yu Jin's last trace of patience was also wiped out, and he was ready to drive away.


However, at this moment, Yu Jinmei's eyes froze for a moment.

Because she suddenly noticed that the white strong light of the construction site, which had been extinguished long ago, suddenly turned on at this time.

Not only that, but on the bridge that was about to pour concrete, there were several vague shadows standing.

""August 10" is not normal, how come the lights are suddenly turned on at such a late hour, and there are still several people standing?

"Is this what Qi Lin said that something big happened?"

Thinking of this, Yu Jin was refreshed, and the thought of wanting to leave disappeared.

She lifted the blanket, opened the car door, and brought out the high-powered camera. After focusing, she began to shoot the situation on the viaduct from a distance.

"Huh? Why are Chen Jiawei and his bodyguard Ali up there?"

"Isn't the remaining person the senior engineer who interviewed me?"

Yu Jin interviewed a senior engineer two days ago.

She had a good impression of this senior engineer.

When other people face her interviews, they are not perfunctory, or they are all false answers.

Only this senior engineer patiently answered her questions and explained some difficult technical terms.

When facing the workers, the senior engineer is also very kind and takes his work seriously.

Yu Jin felt that with such a senior engineer there, the safety and stability of this Xiongchu viaduct would be beyond doubt.

Closer to home.

The screen shifted to Chen Jiawei's side.

The senior engineer was named Wu Xin, and at this moment he frowned and asked Chen Jiawei, "If you want to talk, you can talk during the day, why did you choose it at such a late time?

Chen Jiawei lit a cigarette and said indifferently, "I'm quite busy during the day, so I have time now, so just speak up if you have anything."9

"I told you about it, can you make a decision? I want to see Chairman Chen Tiansheng.

Wu Xin didn't believe much in Chen Jiawei, a young man in his twenties.

Chen Jiawei said with a smile: "My dad is busy and is on a business trip now. If I don't come to see you, you won't even have anyone to give advice."

Wu Xin also had no choice but to say with a serious expression: "I want to report a problem to the company. The strength of the concrete poured on the bridge in the past two days is not up to the standard at all."

"A bridge built with concrete of this size would risk rolling over with three semi-trailers traveling on the same side."

Regarding the question raised by Wu Xin, Chen Jiawei didn't care: "Isn't the traffic law a regulation? Two large trucks are not allowed to pass through the same side of the viaduct at the same time. As long as everyone abides by this regulation, the kind of thing you said will never happen."

Hearing Chen Jiawei's words, Wu Xin suddenly became angry.

Because Chen Jiawei is simply exploiting the loopholes in the regulations.

"We make money to make money, but we can't make money out of our conscience. The strength of these concretes is not up to standard. Once the viaduct rolls over and collapses, I don't know how many families will be destroyed. Can you afford this responsibility?

Wu Xin's words wanted to take the brunt, which made Chen Jiawei, who has always been pampered and used to being strong, frowned.

"Wu Xin, pay attention to the tone of your speech. You are just a senior engineer. I hope you don't care about the things you shouldn't care about."

Chen Jiawei's tone faded.

Wu Xin's tone became more and more tough: "Mr. Chen, the strength of this concrete must meet the standard, this is my bottom line.

Chen Jiawei's eyes already showed a dangerous look, staring at Wu Xin: "What if I don't do as you say?

Wu Xin said lightly: "Then I'm sorry, I can't dare to violate my conscience, I have to call the police."

It was these words that made Chen Jiawei directly move to kill.

He gave his bodyguard Ali a wink.

By the way, Ali has been released by Buzz.

Because he has never found evidence that Chen Jiawei was involved in the theft of more than 1,000 works of art.

Back to the official.

Received orders from Chen Jiawei.

Ali sneered and took a step forward.

Feeling the dangerous aura on Ali's body, Wu Xin's face was startled: "You, what do you want to do?"

Ali wouldn't talk nonsense with Wu Xin at all, he kicked Wu Xin hard in the stomach.


There are no bridges built, not even fences.

Wu Xin screamed and fell directly into the concrete pit.

This height is not low, at least more than ten meters, Wu Xin fell and fainted on the spot.

Ali was ruthless, walked to the switch for irrigating concrete, and pulled the switch directly.


As the endless concrete mixture fell, poor Wu Xin was buried alive in it.

"Humph! I could have lived a good life, but if you want to blame it, you are meddling with your own business."

Chen Jiawei sneered, turned around and left here with Ali.

As for Wu Xinming's disappearance early in the morning.

This is in the wilderness, isn't it normal for a person to be taken away by a beast, with no bones left?

The big deal is to compensate Wu Xin's family hundreds of thousands.

This figure is completely incomparable to the hundreds of millions of profits made by the use of inferior materials for the viaduct.


Chen Jiawei, who thought he was infallible, didn't know that this scene was clearly seen by Yu Jin in the distance.


I watched Wu Xin get kicked into a tiankeng more than ten meters below by Ali.

I saw Ali pulling the switch of the mixer and burying Wu Xin.

Yu Jin's beautiful eyes turned red, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

She is a kind girl, unable to accept Wu Xin as an upright engineer, so she was persecuted by a traitor.

She wanted to rush up to stop Chen Jiawei and save Wu Xin.

But Yu Jin knew that the moment Ali pulled the switch, Wu Xin was buried under dozens of tons of concrete, and she was no longer alive.

If you go up rashly, you will most likely be killed by Chen Jiawei together.

"So, so this is the big event that Qi Lin said?"

While Yu Jin was sad, she was shocked by Qi Lin's amazing information channels. …

"No, now is not the time to be sad and cranky, I have to get out of here first."

It's too dangerous here, and it's possible to be discovered at any time.

After bringing the crucial evidence, the high-powered camera into the car, Yu Jin drove away from the construction site quickly.

After Yu Jin left.

In the dark, Zhou Pojun's figure gradually emerged.

In his hands, he still has a high-powered camera.

He also filmed everything that happened just now.

"Jin'er, why are you here so late these days?

Yu Jin just got home, and Lin Yun, who was still watching TV in the living room waiting for her daughter, asked with concern.

But at this moment, Yu Jin's heart is in a mess, and he doesn't want to tell his mother in detail: "Mom, I'm sleepy, I'll go back to my room to sleep first. 99

Looking at Yu Jin's back, Lin Yun's beautiful eyes showed a trace of worry: "What's wrong with Jin'er? She is such a clean girl, and it was the first time she didn't even take a shower, so she went back to her room to sleep.

in the room.

Yu Jin covered himself in the quilt, and was undergoing a fierce psychological struggle in his heart.

"Watching Wu Xin was killed by Chen Jiawei, such an upright engineer, I must make this video public and avenge him."

"But, but this video is also the only reason I can break up the engagement with Chen Jiawei, as long as Chen Jiawei watches this video, he will definitely agree to break up the engagement with me.

"Wuwuwu, what should I do! I want to be a reporter with a conscience, but I want to strive for the happiness of the rest of my life. Can anyone tell me how I should make this choice!!!"

Time passed by minute by minute.

It was two o'clock in the morning, and Yu Jin still hadn't fallen asleep, and her beautiful eyes were a little red and swollen from crying.

At this time, she seemed to have made a decision, and kept mumbling: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, please let me be selfish one last time? Because I've already fallen in love with someone I don't like. The person who should fall in love, he is a big devil, I will definitely let him avenge you.

With a trace of guilt, Yu Jin, who was heartbroken, hugged a pillow, and 3.6 fell into a drowsy sleep.

Qi Lin's villa.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk~”

There was a knock on the villa door.

Standing by the coffee table, Chu Chun, who helped Qi Lin pour tea, hurried to open the door.

Midsummer protects Lan Yuxi.

Jin Qiu protects Chen Shuyi.

Winter protects Yan Yan.

Only Chuchun stayed in the villa to protect Wang Siling.

Because of her gentle character, she also worked part-time as a maid in the villa.

She usually wears the maid dress that Qi Lin prepared for her wicked taste, and serves the front and rear of the master Qi Lin.

"Boss, Miss Yu Jin has arrived home safely, and I took pictures of what you asked for."

Zhou Pojun gave the camera to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin didn't look at it in a hurry, but smiled and said to Chuchun: "Chuchun, you should go to rest first, you have worked hard for you today.

Chuchun smiled lightly: "It's not hard work, boss, you should rest early too.

Although this little girl is 19 years old, she is gentle and steady in life, and she will not show her timidity.

Qi Lin has the idea of ​​cultivating her into a second rose.

PS: Brothers, click to subscribe automatically, Qi Lin thank you!

PS: Also ask for a monthly ticket! Evaluation ticket! Reward! Reminder! Flowers!

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