Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

308: Yu Jin abandoned justice and chose future happiness, Chen Jiawei was aggrieved to terminate the

Early Spring went upstairs to rest, Zhou Pojun also left, and only Qi Lin was left in the hall of the villa.

He turned on the camera and began to watch the video shot by Zhou Pojun.

"Zizou, this Chen Jiawei's work is quite ruthless. It's just that the other party hinders the Shanhe Group from seeking illegitimate interests, so he directly kills people."

This is also quite in line with the villain's character design. If it wasn't for Qi Lin's rebirth, perhaps Chen Jiawei would be able to make a splash in this multi-protagonist fusion world.

But not so many ifs, from the moment he wanted to do something to Qi Lin's car, it was doomed to his tragic end.

When he saw Chen Jiawei instructing Ali to do it, and he was just watching from the side, Qi Lin smiled and shook his head: "This guy is quite smart, he ordered the bodyguard to do it, and this video was not recorded, so with the Chen family's ability, Based on this video alone, it is a bit impossible to completely destroy him. 99

"However, this is enough, it can make Yu Jin and Chen Jiawei break off the engagement smoothly, and at the same time let the Shanhe Group's vitality be greatly damaged, it is also a big profit situation for me.

Early the next morning.

"Jin'er, your face is not very good, why don't you rest at home for a day?

Seeing that Yu Jin's pretty face turned pale, Lin Yun said to her with concern.

Yu Jin shook his head gently: "I'm a good mother, you stay at home by yourself, except me and Qi Lin, don't open the door when anyone comes, you know?

After speaking, ignoring Lin Yun's worried look, Yu Jin went out with a bag on her back.

Except for the time when the company had just closed down and the mother and daughter were hiding their debts everywhere, Lin Yun had never seen Yu Jin speak to her in such a tone.

She hesitated again and again, but still called Qi Lin.

"Xiao Lin, Jin'er is in a bad state today, I'm a little worried, can I ask you to visit her?"

Qi Lin naturally knew why Yu Jin was in a bad state.

A living person who was interviewed by herself died in front of her like this.

As long as people with a little conscience, their hearts will not feel good.

As for her going out now, there are only two things she might do.

Either go directly to the TV station and find the station director to expose this video, but in this way, Yu Jin will not be able to break off the engagement with Chen Jiawei, but will be madly attacked by Chen Jiawei.

Either choose to meet Chen Jiawei, threaten him with this video, and dissolve the engagement between the two.

"What on earth will Sister Yu Jin do? I'm really looking forward to it.

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth were slightly upturned, and his black eyes revealed an intriguing look.

"Don't worry, Aunt Yun, I will protect Sister Jin'er. 35

Qi Lin said to Lin Yun.

"Well, then I will trouble you, Xiaolin."

Lin Yun can only trust Qi Lin now, she nodded lightly.

It is definitely impossible to take the initiative to go to Chen Jiawei's house to see him.

Threatening people on the other side's chassis may fail to achieve the ultimate goal, and they will also lose themselves.

This was what Yu Jin had learned from Qi Lin, and she would never make this mistake again.

Yu Jin found a cafe with a lot of customers. The bustling street was outside, and the bustling pedestrians could be seen through the glass.

In this way, you can ensure your own safety to the greatest extent possible.

After confirming the meeting place, Yu Jin called Chen Jiawei.

"Chen Jiawei, let's meet."

After slowly exhaling a breath, Yu Jin said lightly.

It is also time to make a break with Chen Jiawei.

But Chen Jiawei didn't know that he was in great trouble.

The last time Yu Jin called him and asked for a foundation pass.

A few days later, Yu Jin called him again. He thought that Yu Jin had changed his mind and wanted to thank him for his help and invite him to dinner.

"Okay, I have time now, Jin'er, where should we meet?"

Chen Jiawei said in surprise.

Yu Jin's tone was flat: "South Lake Avenue, No. 77, Janice Cafe.

Chen Jiawei was even more happy when he heard that it was a coffee shop.

In such a romantic place, could it be that Yu Jin went round and round, and finally found that his fiance was the best, and wanted to reconcile with him?

"Okay, Violet, I'll come right away.

Chen Jiawei loosened his tie and was in good spirits.

Yu Jin didn't say anything, just hung up the phone.

"Whose phone number?"

Chen Tiansheng was drinking tea opposite Chen Jiawei. Seeing that Chen Jiawei received a call, he asked slowly.

Chen Jiawei smiled and said: "It's Jin'er. She asked me out for coffee. I guess she wants to get back with me."

Seeing Chen Jiawei's overjoyed appearance, Chen Tiansheng shook his head.

Chen Jiawei is good in everything, he is the successor he values, the only thing is that he is the seed of infatuation.

I don't know what's so good about this Yu Jin, I've suffered two losses on her, and I'm still obsessed with it.

"You should know what you did yesterday. If you can't go out now, you won't go out. Otherwise, when something happens, I will ask your father to hunt you down."

Chen Tiansheng meant to tell Chen Jiawei not to go out, after all, he only instructed Ali to kill someone yesterday.

Chen Jiawei's love brain couldn't hear anything at this moment.

"Dad, I just met Jin'er, what can I do? Besides, don't you want me to marry Jin'er back? If she is kidnapped by another man, our entire Chen family will be embarrassed. .

Chen Jiawei defended.

"Hmph, go if you want, I hope you don't bring me any bad news.

Chen Tiansheng said with a cold snort.

"Thank you dad!"

Chen Jiawei looked happy and left the house without looking back.

Janice Cafe.

Chen Jiawei arrived on schedule.

Seeing Yu Jin wearing a conservative autumn outfit, Chen Jiawei was stunned for a moment.

But he still smiled and asked, "Jin'er, what's the matter with you asking me out?"

Yu Jin didn't speak, just took out a laptop and motioned Chen Jiawei to open a video.

"You can watch this video first."

Chen Jiawei was confused and didn't understand what Yu Jin did when he saw the video.

But he still clicked on the video file.

three minutes later.

Chen Jiawei, who was still puzzled at first, has a horrified expression.


He quickly closed the laptop and looked left and right for fear of being seen.

"How did you get this video?

There was a hint of panic in Chen Jiawei's tone.

Looking at Chen Jiawei's terrified expression, Yu Jin was inexplicably relieved.

"Didn't you give me permission to enter the construction site? Naturally, I shot this video on the construction site.

Yu Jin said in a light tone.

Chen Jiawei's chest was ups and downs, and his eyes were a little complicated: "Then what is the purpose of showing me this video?"

Yu Jin did not directly mention the termination of the engagement, but said calmly: "Once this video is exposed in the TV station and newspapers, even if the Shanhe Group does not collapse, it will be seriously damaged?"5

"Jin'er, what are you trying to do? You are my fiancee, shouldn't you be on my side when this happens? Be good, be obedient, delete these videos, please?

Chen Jiawei tried to stabilize Yu Jin.

Yu Jin sneered: "Your fiancee? Are you worthy of being my future husband? You still expect me to change my mind, Chen Jiawei, are you an idiot?"

"To tell you the truth, I came to you this time to break up the engagement, and this video is my bargaining chip with you. 35

"If you promise to break up the engagement with me, this video will naturally be deleted by me, if you don't agree, I can only publish this video to the TV station.

Seeing that Yu Jin didn't have any old feelings for him, Chen Jiawei's face turned pale.

And now is not the time to talk about feelings, Chen Jiawei also has to consider his own destiny and future.

Once these videos are exposed, the Shanhe Group will be seriously damaged, and he will be deprived of the family inheritance.

These are all things Chen Jiawei doesn't want to see.

At this moment, Chen Jiawei really regretted not bringing Ali out of 810.

Even more regretted not choosing to meet Yu Jin at his manor.

With so many people in the cafe now, he didn't even have the chance to control Yu Jin, or even kill him.

Seeing Chen Jiawei looking at him with a gloomy expression, Yu Jin smiled.

Her choice was indeed correct.

When his own life was threatened, Chen Jiawei actually thought of killing people, even her fiancée who always talked about it.

But Yu Jin believed that Qi Lin would never do this.

"Hurry up and make your choice, I don't have that much patience anymore."

Yu Jin reminded again.

What else can Chen Jiawei do?

The freedom of the fiancée, in exchange for his own life security, future and future.

Chen Jiawei would not hesitate at all.

"Okay, I promise to break the engagement with you.

Chen Jiawei looked at Yu Jin opposite him coldly.

Yu Jin gracefully held the coffee cup, took a sip, and said lightly, "It's useless to say, I'll take a short video for you."5

Yu Jin took out the camera, pointed it at Chen Jiawei, and smiled lightly: "Okay, please say it again. 99

Looking at Yu Jin, who had broken the engagement with him, Chen Jiawei clenched his fists and his eyes were bloodshot.

This woman broke off the engagement with him in such a hurry, no need to guess who it was for.

Not for his enemy, Qi Lin, that bastard.

Watching the enemy and taking away his fiancee is a shame that no man can bear.

"I, Chen Jiawei, voluntarily broke off the engagement with Yu Jin, and voluntarily gave Miss Yu Jin a 10 million betrothal gift, which will be written off in one lump sum from now on. 35

The obstacle to the dissolution of the engagement between the two is the 10 million betrothal gift.

With this video testimonial, Chen Jiawei will never take advantage of her methods again.

"The recording is not bad, Chen Jiawei, you are still a man this time."

Yu Jin nodded in satisfaction, then put the camera away.

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