Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

310: She just wanted to protect that bad brother

"You kid came here today to ask about the company's earnings?"

After Qiu Shanhai finished talking about the news portal, he asked in confusion.

Qi Lin smiled: "That's not true. I'm here this time to send you news. You can see this video."

After finishing speaking, Qi Lin showed Qiu Shanhai the video of Chen Jiawei instigating Ali to kill and silence him.


After watching this video, Qiu Shanhai was shocked.

He did not know Chen Jiawei.

But at the construction site of the Xiongchu viaduct, he could still see the big characters.

The Xiongchu viaduct was built by the Shanhe Group, and Qiu Shanhai knew Chen Tiansheng again. He seemed to have realized the seriousness of the problem.

After being shocked, Qiu Shanhai gradually calmed down.

After hesitating for a while, he asked Qi Lin: "Qi Lin, did you really decide to expose this video? Once this video is exposed, it means that you and Chen Tiansheng have completely torn apart faces, and it will be an endless situation in the future. .35

"Chen Tiansheng can be prosperous in the complex infrastructure industry, and the power behind him is unimaginable. If you can not offend him, I think it's better not to offend him.

It's not Qiu Shanhaigui, he is protecting Qi Lin.

Qi Lin lit a cigarette, and then threw another one to his father-in-law: "It's useless to say these things now, I've already broken the net with their family, and now I seize the opportunity to kill their family, and the worst will make their family strong. Injury is the real thing, and the threat to me will be less in the future."

Hearing Qi Lin tell the specific situation, Qiu Shanhai knew what to do.

Qi Lin is his son-in-law, he is not on Qi Lin's side, who is he on his side?

"I know how to do it. Tomorrow morning, the whole of China will know this news. 813

Qiu Shanhai nodded.

He already understood Qi Lin's thoughts.

What if the power of the individual is so great?

What people want and what people say is unstoppable.

Can Chen Tiantian cover the sky again, can he stop the anger from the people all over the country?

At that time, he was tired of clearing his son's name and having a headache because his company was in a quagmire. Did he still have the energy to trouble Qi Lin?

Early the next morning.

A piece of news that shocked netizens across the country landed on the headlines of 720 antivirus news.

During this period, the netizens who poured into the 720 News Network were about to crowd out the server.

At the same time, there is a text explanation below the video.

These text explanations were written by Yu Jin himself.

Created the image of a stalwart senior engineer who is just, responsible, kind to workers, and diligent in work.

Because the concrete strength of the Xiongchu viaduct does not meet the standard, it may cause the viaduct to roll over when it is opened to traffic, resulting in serious casualties and property losses.

However, Chen Jiawei, the son of the chairman of the board of directors of Shanhe Group, believed that the senior engineer had prevented him from seeking illegitimate interests. He actually instructed his bodyguard to kick the opponent off the ten-meter-high bridge pier with his own hands, and then turned on the concrete pouring switch. The fainted senior engineer was buried alive on the spot.

Under the double evidence of the conclusive crime video and the emotionally rendered text annotations, all conscientious netizens in China are all angry.

"It's so daring! In broad daylight, they dare to kill people and kill their mouths. Do these rich second-generation kings still have the law?"

"I can see through my tears, how desperate this senior engineer was at that time! Obviously he was seeking benefits for the common people, but he died tragically at the hands of his own company.

"What about the police? What do the police do? They all blatantly murdered, why haven't they arrested this bastard rich second generation, and the murderer's bodyguard!

"I can't imagine how heartbroken the parents of this senior engineer were when they saw this video. They actually asked the white-haired man to send the black-haired man. The government must give the hero justice and give the hero an honor that belongs to him."

"Can the unsung hero who took this video explain it? Without him, this crime would not have been released until that year and month."5

The people complained.

The police did not dare to be vague.

Chen Jiawei's bodyguard, Ali, was arrested immediately.

Chen Jiawei was confined in the manor villa because of Chen Tiansheng's protection, and there were police patrols outside 24 hours a day.

At the same time, the viaduct where the accident occurred was quickly taken over by the police.

Excavators, cement drills, and various resources of the rescue team rushed into the front line at the same time and began to blast the concrete that buried the senior engineer.

The person who directed the rescue and protected the scene of the crime was still Qi Lin's father-in-law, Lan Gang.

As for the first-line reporter, it was Qi Lin's new daughter-in-law Yu Jin.


The people at the scene were all from Qi Lin, so how could Chen Jiawei play with him?

in addition.

The senior engineer, Wu Xin's parents also came.

The two held hands, and both cried into tears.

Seeing this scene, Yu Jin's eyes turned red, and she turned her face away, unable to bear to look at it.

Fortunately, the amount of concrete poured was heavy, and the concrete below was not dry yet.

After more than 7 hours of hard digging.

Wu Xin, who had been buried below for more than 24 hours, finally saw the light of day again.

Speaking of which, Qi Lin has done a good deed.

If it wasn't for him to publish this video, I'm afraid Wu Xin would have to wait 10 years before he can settle his grievances.

"My son, my son! Why was that dog thief so cruel and killed you like this?"

Wu Xin's parents threw themselves on their son's corpse, which was already covered with concrete and extremely hard, and cried bitterly, almost fainting.

The video is far less shocking than the tragic state of Wu Xin's body at the scene of the incident, as well as the scene of his parents crying and dying. (ahdg)

Especially when Wu Xin was excavated, the rescuers at the scene were shocked.

Because they found that Wu Xin died with his eyes open, not with his eyes closed.

After forensic identification, the forensic doctor said that Wu Xin did not die on the spot after being buried.

Unable to breathe fresh air, he was suffocated on the spot and stared at the concrete layer with no room for escape until he was suffocated to death.

When Yu Jin spread this information, as well as the scene footage.

The entire Chinese people were completely outraged.

"It's too brutal, to actually suffocate people to death in concrete, is this something that people can do? This is clearly a beast!

"That bodyguard must be sentenced to death, and the rich second generation can't let it go. He is the mastermind behind instigating the murder!"

"The brutal Shanhe Group, what kind of father can raise such an inhuman son?"

"We can't let heroes die without resting their eyes, and severely punish murderers. The Xiongchu viaduct can no longer be built by Shanhe Group!"

In the manor where Chen Tiansheng lives.

Chen Jiawei watched in horror at the TV news at this time, Wu Xin's body was dug up, and Yu Jin was interviewing on the live broadcast.

"Why? Why is this matter still being exposed by the media? Didn't Yu Jin promise me personally, has she deleted all the videos? 35


This is Chen Tiansheng's hateful slap.

"Idiot! This is what I taught you when I was a child? How many times have I told you that there is a knife on the head of the color, so that you don't get too addicted to women.

"To actually go back and believe the words of a woman who has already betrayed you, why didn't you just die outside?"

Chen Tiantian really hoped that Chen Jiawei would die outside, so that he would not cause so many messes for him to clean up.

At this moment, Chen Jiawei's legs softened, and he knelt directly in front of Chen Tiansheng, crying bitterly: "Dad, save me, you must save me, I don't want to die, let alone go to jail, I'm still so young"

Seeing Chen Jiawei crying and crying, Chen Tiansheng was irritable.

He threw Chen Jiawei to the ground crying: "Cry, cry, cry, you know how to cry all day long, why can't you think of today when you are in trouble?"

Having said that, Chen Jiawei is his son after all, so how could Chen Tiansheng care about his life or death?

After walking back and forth at home for a few minutes, Chen Tiansheng suddenly stopped in front of Chen Jiawei, and said sternly: "If you still want to live, put all this on Ali, and say that you didn't expect Ali to meet. It's too late to stop doing this.

Chen Jiawei looked surprised, and immediately knelt down again: "Dad, I will listen to you, as long as I can avoid going to jail.

Chen Tiansheng snorted, too lazy to care about this unfilial son, he made a mysterious call and walked towards the second floor.

After Chen Tiansheng left, Chen Jiawei called Yu Jin angrily.

Yu Jin had just finished the interview and was about to drive back.

Seeing that Chen Jiawei was calling, she sneered and connected directly.

"You stinky bitch, didn't you say that the video screen has been destroyed? Why do you still harm me!

Chen Jiawei roared hysterically.

This time Chen Jiawei really wished Yu Jin, because she really gave Chen Jiawei all the videos.

Originally, Yu Jin could deny that he did it himself.

But considering what extreme things the angry Chen Jiawei would do, Yu Jin hesitated for a while, and directly admitted: "I did give the video to the media, you Chen family have done all the bad things, this is what you and your dad deserve. The retribution, I now wish that all of your Chen family would be taken away by the police and never be released again for the rest of your life."

Yu Jin didn't know what he was thinking. He didn't want the extreme Chen Jiawei to hurt Qi Lin. She wanted to protect Qi Lin.

Protect this little villain who followed her ass when she was a child, lifted her skirt and called her sister's little rascal.

When Chen Jiawei heard Yu Jin admit it, he laughed angrily: "Okay! Very good! Yu Jin, you will regret it, you will definitely regret everything you have done!"


After speaking, Chen Jiawei smashed the phone directly!

PS: Brothers, click to subscribe automatically, Qi Lin thank you!

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