Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

311: Confiscated construction qualifications, fined 2 billion, Chen Tiansheng's vitality is ser

"Chen Tiansheng, do you want to kill our entire Jianghan city?"

"You got kicked by a donkey in your head, let your son do such a thing, and was exposed in broad daylight?"

"Let me tell you, if you implicate me and make my position impossible to keep, even if you are that son-in-law, I will not make you feel better.

On the second floor of the villa, Chen Tiansheng's mouth twitched as he listened to the mayor of Jianghan City scolding him.

Despite this, Chen Tiansheng was not at all moved by anger.

Who let him Chen Jiawei cause trouble this time is too big.

"Mayor Zhao, that stinky boy Jiawei was wronged. He didn't expect that Ali would suddenly do this on his own accord. When he wanted to stop it, it was too late.

He told Mayor Zhao the set of words he made up to get rid of the crime.

"Okay, don't gossip with me, you can't fool me with your rhetoric, I don't care if you want to keep your son, but you must handle this matter yourself, don't let the whole Jianghan city accompany you Shame."

"In addition, the impact of this incident is too great, you don't have to think about the urban construction qualification of the Xiongchu viaduct, it will be cancelled directly.

"Then prepare 2 billion in cash, this is a punishment for your Shanhe Group, and it is also an explanation to the above, this money is not enough.

"Finally, show sincerity so that the victim's family will stop making trouble, and find a management who will take all the responsibilities.

After saying this, Mayor Zhao didn't give Chen Tiansheng any face, and hung up the phone directly, not even giving him a chance to defend himself.

Hanging up the phone, Chen Tiansheng's hands were shaking.

The Xiongchu Viaduct was won by how many connections he entrusted, how much money he managed, and how much bidding he won.

Once the Xiongchu viaduct is completed, he will start to work on the materials, and there will still be a profit of more than one billion yuan.

But now, Mayor Zhao not only told him that the government had withdrawn the construction rights of the Xiongchu Viaduct, but also told him that the government decided to impose a huge fine of 2 billion on him.

This was in 2002. According to monetary inflation, this amount of money was equivalent to 12 billion in 20 years.

Just as Qi Lin thought, this time he was really hurt by the pit's vitality.

"Little slut! It's all a little slut Yu Jin! You ruined all my Chen Tiansheng's hard work!"

"Those who dare to stand in front of me, Chen Tiansheng, will not end well!"

Chen Tiansheng roared on the second floor.

Chen Jiawei, who was standing honestly in the living room on the first floor, heard his father's roar, his face paled for a while, and he shivered.

Just after Mayor Zhao hung up the phone, he received a notice from the secretary.

"Mayor Zhao, Chief Wang has urgently held a seminar, and now I invite you to come.

The leader of Jianghan City is not Mayor Zhao, and above him, there is a Chief Wang.

Mayor Zhao frowned, but still said: "Okay, I understand."

at the same time.

Jianghan City Police Department.

"Blue Bureau, Chief Wang held a high-level seminar in Jianghan City, and asked you to come over by name. 35

Someone also notified Lan Gang.

Lan Gang was slightly taken aback.

As the deputy police chief of Jianghan City, and he is not a core member of the city's leadership circle, he is not qualified to participate in this kind of seminar.

In fact, Lan Gang didn't understand, since Qi Lin gave him a lot of credit.

The leaders of the city highly value this outstanding cadre in his early 40s with a promising future.

He has already decided by default, the next police chief's successor, but this matter has not been made public by Chief Wang.

Logically speaking, it would be good for Lan Gang to participate in this kind of thing.

But I don't know which of his nerves is wrong.

Before the seminar started, he called Qi Lin first.

"Just now, Chief Wang asked me to participate in a seminar that only core leaders are qualified to attend. Is there anything I don't understand?"

Lan Gang had a hint of sadness.

Hearing that Lan Gang was so unconfident, Qi Lin was amused: "Uncle Lan, this is obviously because you have been brought into the circle and you are the new police chief of Jianghan City in the future, so you will be invited to participate in the seminar in advance. It's obviously a good thing to get acquainted with the atmosphere.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Lan Gang breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he smiled bitterly and said, "You brat was an official fan in your last life, but you know this so clearly, I'm thinking about it, you should be the deputy director.

After making a joke, Lan Gang asked curiously: "Since you are so knowledgeable, let me ask you, do you know what the issues discussed in this seminar are?"

Qi Lin is not omnipotent, how could he know the details of these leaders' meetings.

However, he could probably guess some.

"What is the most serious accident in Jianghan recently?"

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Lan Gang didn't even think about it and said: "What do you need to say, it must be the video of the Xiongchu Viaduct, because of this incident, our director was scolded by Chief Wang and came back to write a review. 99

"Then our two deputy directors were scolded by the director again...

Speaking of this, Lan Gang's eyes suddenly widened, and he thought of a possibility: "Stinky boy, doesn't this, this matter have anything to do with you?"

Qi Lin may admit that, he smiled: "Uncle Lan also looks down on me too much, that video was shot so late, and I don't have the ability to predict, how can I predict in advance. 99

Lan Gang also felt that this statement was quite reasonable. The timing of the video was too clever. If it wasn't for someone who was familiar with the inside information of Sunward Group, how could they have known such detailed information.

"You mean that this seminar will discuss the results of the Xiongchu Viaduct and the Shanhe Group?"

Lan Gang asked suspiciously.

Qi Lin smiled lightly: "More precisely, it is discussing the solution to the Xiongchu viaduct. The roots of the Shanhe Group are deep and rooted. Although the impact of this scandal is great, it is not enough to bring the Shanhe Group down.

Speaking of this, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed a gleam of light.

To be honest, Qi Lin hadn't thought about the idea of ​​building the Xiongchu Viaduct before, after all, the water inside was too deep.

There's no one in there, and it's really not enough to share the big cake.

But he now realizes that he seems to have someone behind him.

Lan Gang entered the inner circle and participated in the seminar, and he also had a little say.

With a profit of more than 1 billion yuan, Qi Lin is also a little excited.

"Uncle Lan, let me tell you the truth, I also have a construction company, and its strength is not small. If this seminar is discussing the construction rights of the Xiongchu Viaduct, you can help me with a few words.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Lan Gang was dumbfounded when he heard Qi Lin's words.

0..... Ask for flowers.....

Not only was he shocked that Qi Lin actually had a construction company, but he was even more shocked by Qi Lin's ambition that he even dared to have an idea for a tens of billions of infrastructure projects such as the Xiongchu Viaduct.

"I am a deputy director, where do I have any say, and the Xiongchu Elevated is an infrastructure project of tens of billions of dollars, why are you a small construction company making trouble?

Lan Gang said angrily.

Qi Lin smiled lightly: "I'm not a small construction company, do you know Xiaomanyao TV Tower? In the future, the construction right of the tallest building in China is now in our company's hands. This is always qualified for you to mention. mouth?"

"Anyway, Uncle Lan can do it himself, it's up to you to mention it or not. 99

After that, Qi Lin hung up the phone.

Lan Gang: "・........"

How much is this kid hiding from him!!!

The construction rights of the tallest building in China are actually in the hands of this kid. Although the project investment may not be as good as that of Xiongchu Elevated, this title is far greater than that of Xiongchu Elevated!

"Everyone knows about the Xiongchu elevated incident. The Shanhe Group is riddled with scandals and has been fined 2 billion yuan. It is no longer suitable to continue the construction. 35

"The city leadership has decided to re-tender the project. Is there anyone willing to give some opinions on this matter?"

The chief officer Wang asked with a light expression.

In the nationwide scandal, not only Mayor Zhao was named and criticized by the above, but Chief Wang was not much better. He has not lost his temper now, and he is already very restrained.

Faced with Chief Wang's question, the city leaders below looked at their noses and hearts, and there was no one who wanted to speak.

What a joke.

With such a big scandal just happened, who would dare to dip into this murky water again.

Undertaking the construction of Xiongchu Elevated will not only discredit the company, but also in the future, if you make a little mistake, people will find fault.

Although the profits are still huge, no one has the courage to give any advice.

At this time, Lan Gang looked at Chief Wang in shock.

Qi Lin really guessed right, this seminar is to discuss the construction rights of Xiongchu Elevated.

Everyone sat up straight and stared straight ahead.

Only Lan Gang looked at him with an 'earnest' expression

Mr. Wang's eyes lit up, and he said in his heart: It is the new Lan Gang who dares to speak out and is willing to contribute to the development of Jianghan City.

"Lan Gang, if you have any suggestions, just say it directly, there are no outsiders here, so don't be afraid of making mistakes.

Chief Wang said with a smile.

Lan Gang's face froze.

When did he say he was going to speak?

However, Lan Gang immediately understood that he must have been staring at Chief Wang and misunderstood him.

At this time, Lan Gang couldn't laugh or cry, and secretly complained about Qi Lin, because this stinky boy gave him some tasks that distracted him.

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Lan Gang could only bite the bullet and stand up.

"There is a construction company called 'City People' in Jianghan City. I don't know what Mr. Wang thinks."

There was a trace of doubt in Wang's eyes: "City people?"

The remaining leaders were also puzzled: "What kind of construction company is the city people? Among the several large construction companies, I have never heard of this one.

"Could it be some relative of Lan Gang?"

"What a joke, this kind of tens of billions of infrastructure projects are done for a small company of my relatives, this is crazy! 330,000.

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