Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

313: Will that little villain be sad when he knows I'm going to die?

"Husband, it's not enough for me to promise you, but at least you have to give me some high-profile information. I still have a black eye on this infrastructure project."

Chen Shuyi said with a wry smile.

This is easy to do.

Qi Lin called Lan Gang again.

Since the 'urban people' want to prove their strength and qualifications, the building materials of the Xiongchu Elevated Tower are also qualified to read.

Lan Gang went to the city hall and asked Chen Shuyi to open the fax.

After a while, hundreds of pages of design materials, topographic maps, and environmental maps of the Xiongchu Elevated Elevation were all prepared.

"Looks like I don't need to sleep tonight."

Looking at the dense information, Chen Shuyi's pretty face showed a hint of helplessness.

She is not afraid of being tired, but is afraid of staying up late and having dark circles under her eyes, acne, and poor complexion.

She didn't want to be a yellow-faced woman, and was finally disliked by Qi Lin.

"Don't worry, staying up late will also have a husband with you.

Qi Lin smiled lightly, took off Chen Shuyi's pair of high-heeled shoes, and pinched her delicate black silk jade feet.

Chen Shuyi's pretty face was slightly red, and Qi Lin's beautiful eyes were white.

But to be honest, although her husband is beside her, she will be a little distracted, and she always likes to take advantage of her, but at least there will be no uncomfortable feeling of loneliness.

Chu Provincial TV Station, Chief Editor's Office.


Yu Jin was standing in front of the editor-in-chief's desk.

"Yu Jin, in view of your good work performance recently, you have reported a lot of big news for the TV station and 07 tracker, and filmed precious news materials. The station has decided to promote you as a senior reporter."

Editor-in-Chief Wu Bo said with a smile.

There are roughly three paths to promotion for journalists.

The first is the road to promotion to editor-in-chief.

Reporter-Senior Reporter-Senior Reporter-Director of Reporter Department-Editor-Deputy Editor-in-Chief-Editor-Director.

The second route is to take the government route. This route will not be described in detail, and the end point is the head of the propaganda department.

The third path is reporter-senior reporter-senior reporter-chief reporter-lead writer.

The second route is definitely the best, but if you lack connections, you don't have to think about it.

The third way can only be said to be chosen by those who have no desire for power, and may be respected by others, but has no real power.

The first path is the dream-chasing path that most journalists dream of.

In the past, Yu Jin might have chosen the third way to be a respected reporter.

But now, she has decided to become Qi Lin's woman, and she has to consider whether she can help Qi Lin in the future.

After hesitating for a while, Yu Jin finally smiled lightly and said to editor-in-chief Wu Bo: "Thank you, editor-in-chief, I will definitely work harder in the future.

Wu Bo smiled and nodded: "Come on, you are the most aura of female reporters I have ever met. I have trained you as a successor."

Just listen to the big cake drawn by the superiors. I don't know how many reporters Wu Bo said this sentence.

But Yu Jin took it seriously. Her future goal is to become the editor-in-chief of the TV station, and even become the station director, to get more resources for Qi Lin.

A tiring day.

Yu Jin, who walked out of the editor-in-chief's office, rubbed his sore ankles.

At this moment, she thought of a certain villain in her mind.

If he was here, he would definitely pick him up domineeringly, squeeze her little feet, and even kiss her on the tip of his nose.

"I don't know where Qi Lin is now and whether he is in danger.

"I hope the Chen family will come to me even if it is revenge, not Qi Lin.

Yu Jin's beautiful eyes flashed with worry.

Strongly cheered up, Yu Jin boarded a bus and set foot on the journey home.

Sometimes, my own wild thoughts are so effective.

When Yu Jin got off the bus and walked on the last section of the quiet path home, two people wearing masks and sunglasses appeared in front of her, looking straight at herself.

Yu Jin's sixth sense was keenly aware of the danger and told her that these two were not good people.

She turned to run.

As a result, she found two people wearing masks and sunglasses behind her.

"Who are you? Why are you stopping me?"

Yu Jin asked calmly.

One of the men with masks and sunglasses said indifferently: "You have done something you shouldn't have done, and we are here to send you away. 35

"In addition, someone brought you a word, when you are his fiancée in your next life, don't struggle any more, maybe there will be no such end."

Hearing the latter sentence, Yu Jin knew who sent these people.

She is a weak woman, in such a situation, she is almost certain to die.

Although he was afraid, Yu Jin faced it calmly.

"You are sent by Chen Jiawei, go back and tell him, whether it is this life, the next life, or even the next life, he is not qualified to let me be his fiancee, even if he kills me, someone will avenge me."

The person Yu Jin was talking about was naturally Qi Lin.

Thinking of Qi Lin, Yu Jin felt a pain in his heart.

I finally accepted the fact that I fell in love with Qi Lin.

But in the end, the two can only be in name only, and the yin and yang are separated.

Does he feel heartache knowing that he was killed?

The four killers just said a few words, they didn't care what Yu Jin said.

With a flick of his wrist, a sharp dagger appeared in his palm.

The four killers charged directly towards Yu Jin.

As for Yu Jin, she gently closed her beautiful eyes and waited for the arrival of the god of death.

"Puff puff!

A series of blood spurting sounds resounded, and four heavy muffled sounds entered Yu Jin's ears.

When she opened her eyes, she found that the four killers had already flown out and died tragically on the ground.

"You''re Qi Lin's bodyguard?

Seeing Zhou Pojun who had already dealt with the four killers, Yu Jin was both surprised and delighted.

Facing Yu Jin, Zhou Pojun looked respectful: "Miss Yu Jin, the boss asked me to protect you in secret, just now I didn't come out in time to see if there were any snipers or other killers in the dark, I hope Miss Yu Jin will not. Weird."

Yu Jin shook his head again and again and smiled happily: "How can I blame you, your name is Zhou Pojun, right? Thank you for saving me.

Speaking of this, Yu Jin suddenly remembered something, and her pretty face showed a hint of panic: "That fool Qi Lin sent you to protect me, what should he do? Chen Jiawei will definitely not let him go.

Zhou Pojun said with a smile: "Miss Yu Jin, rest assured, the boss's strength is still higher than mine, and these ordinary killers can't threaten the boss at all."

Yu Jinmei's eyes still had a trace of worry: "But no matter how powerful a person is, is a gun powerful? What if the killer sent by Chen Jiawei had a gun?"

"Zhou Pojun, why don't you go back and protect Qi Lin."

Yu Jin raised his head, Mei Mei looked at Zhou Pojun.

He had just encountered danger to his life, and he was still thinking about the boss at this moment. Zhou Pojun sighed in his heart that the women the boss met were also good women.

However, he doesn't need to be envious, because his wife is also such a woman.

"Miss Yu Jin, don't embarrass me, I don't dare to disobey the boss's orders.

Zhou Pojun gave a wry smile and once again hid in the dark.

Chen Tiansheng Manor Villa.

Chen Jiawei anxiously walked back and forth.

He was not concerned about Yu Jin's safety, but worried that Yu Jin was not killed.

He now hates this woman who betrayed him.

817 Chen Tiansheng looked at the restless Chen Jiawei, and snorted coldly: "The more I live, the more I go back, I used to know that happiness and anger are indistinguishable, now look at what you look like?

Chen Jiawei gritted his teeth and said, "Love so deeply, hate so much, I can't be calm towards this slut Yu Jin.


Just then, the villa door was opened.

This is a bodyguard in a suit and sunglasses, and Chen Tiansheng's confidant.

"Boss, the mission failed, Yu Jin was protected by a master, and the four killers we sent all died in his hands.

said the bodyguard.

Hearing this news, Chen Jiawei's face darkened, and his anger went out: "Trash, it's all trash, you can't even kill a woman!"

"To shut up!"

Chen Tiansheng reprimanded.

Chen Jiawei turned his head away and endured the anger in his heart.

"This failure has already shocked the snake, and we will not act again today.

'Yu Jin, this slut family has long since fallen, and even if it has not fallen, it is impossible to raise such a powerful master.

"The people around her must have been sent by others."

"The only person who has close contact with Yu Jin now is Qi Lin. I suspect that Xiongchu's elevated video leaked, and he has nothing to do with him."

"Humph! If the security around him is arranged by Yu Jin's side, wouldn't his side be empty?"

"Let's go and prepare the four master gunners first, and look at Qi Lin's schedule tomorrow, as long as he kills this little bastard, he will be able to do it once and for all.

Chen Tiansheng told his confidant.

"Got it, boss!"

The man in the suit and sunglasses nodded, turned around and walked out of the villa, then closed the door.

PS: Brothers, click to subscribe automatically, Qi Lin thank you!

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