Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

314: Marrying the driver of a billionaire's daughter?

"Hmm~ I slept really well."

Qi Lin really accompanied Chen Shuyi to fight all night in the office.

Of course, it was Chen Shuyi who fought fiercely, and Qi Lin had already fallen asleep on the sofa.

He was also covered with a lady's suit jacket that exuded a fragrant fragrance, and he didn't have to think about who it was.

Qi Lin glanced at his watch and found that it was already 9 o'clock in the morning.

"I don't know how the negotiation of Concubine Shuyi is going."

Qi Lin smiled and muttered to himself, then took out his phone.

In the text messages on the mobile phone, there are several unchecked messages, one of which was sent by Chen Shuyi.

"Husband, I have already gone to the government to see Chief Wang. You remember to have breakfast by yourself, and pick me up at the government building at noon, I love you~"

It seems that Chen Shuyi's playfulness and cuteness can be seen from between the lines of the text message.

After staying up all night, but not complaining at all, she went to negotiate for her husband's career. It is hard to find such a petite wife with a lantern.

Zhou Pojun is protecting Yu Jin.

Winter is at Yan Yan.

Qi Lin became lonely again and needed to drive by himself.

It was about 10 o'clock when we arrived under the Jianghan City Government Building.

Qi Lin randomly found a roadside stall, bought a portion of Sanxian Doupi, and squatted down in front of the Maybach car to eat.

Right next to where Qi Lin parked, a business BMW 760 was parked.

The driver of this car also seemed to have gone to buy breakfast. When he came back, he found that there was a Maybach next to his car, and there was a young man squatting next to him to eat breakfast, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

"Brother, are you also waiting for the boss?

The driver squatted over and asked with a smile while eating hot and dry noodles.

Qi Lin glanced sideways at the 30-year-old driver, a smile flashed in his black eyes.

He did not explain his identity, but said with a smile: "Yes, the boss is too busy, and now I have time to eat a hot bite."

Seeing that Qi Lin has a cheerful personality and is quite able to chat, the big brother of the driver immediately opened the chat box.

"Who says it's not, my boss recently ran here four or five times a day for a government project with hundreds of millions of dollars. It was a relationship, a gift, and he worked hard. There is no fixed number for this project. A driver like me also suffers."

"If you work in our business, you will be scolded by the boss at every turn, used as a punching bag, get up earlier than a chicken in the morning, and sleep better than a dog at night. If it is not for the old and the young, and the salary is decent, who would want to do this. 99

The middle-aged driver couldn't help but complain.

Qi Lin nodded in agreement.

Throwing the finished breakfast box into the trash can, and then lit a cigarette, Qi Lin also bragged.

"Tired is tiring, but the best is stability, and our boss appreciates me very much, and often asks me to stay overnight at her house after night work, which solves the problem of having to take a taxi home by myself after get off work 々︾. ""

"Sometimes the boss will ask me to go to the office to help her with some personal problems. At first, I was a little uncomfortable, but then I thought about it, if the boss really likes me, then I will go straight to the peak of my life and walk less. Thirty years of detours?

Hearing Qi Lin's words, the middle-aged driver nodded in agreement at first, but the further he listened, the darker his face turned, and he gave Qi Lin a sympathetic look.

In his eyes, the bosses are all middle-aged and elderly men, either bald or potbellied.

Qi Lin said that he was called to stay overnight by the boss at night, and he was called to the office to solve personal problems during working hours.

Isn't this because the boss has the goodness of Long Yang, and this young man was forced to offer up the skin swallow?

The middle-aged driver patted Qi Lin's shoulder and sighed: "Brother, you are better than me, if I encountered such a thing, I would have collapsed long ago, and you can still feel that you have saved 30 years of detours, you are just me role model.""

If ordinary people pat Qi Lin on the shoulder like this, they may have already seen the King of Hell.

But Qi Lin also knew that the driver's eldest brother had no bad intentions, and he didn't know his identity.

Coincidentally, Chen Shuyi also talked about business.

"My boss is out, we'll talk to you next time. 99

Qi Lin stood up and walked towards Chen Shuyi and Jin Qiu who came out of the government building under the suspicious eyes of the driver's elder brother.

Chen Shuyi was wearing a slim fit suit and skirt, a small waist with a full grip, and black silk high heels, which made a pair of perfect jade legs even more slender.

"How's it going?"

Qi Lin took Chen Shuyi's bag and placed one hand on her waist quite naturally.

Seeing this scene, the driver's eldest brother stayed in Bengbu.

"I am grass!!!"

At this moment, his heart was like 10,000 grass and mud horses galloping past.

After a long time, the boss this little brother said was actually a woman, but a peerless beauty!

Immediately in his heart, he wondered why Qi Lin would say that he had avoided 30 years of detours as a driver.


Isn't Bai Fumei, who won this kind of Maybach as a special car, directly on the peak of life?

After being shocked, the driver's brother was already full of admiration for Qi Lin.

When Qi Lin passed by him, the driver's elder brother gave a thumbs up and praised: "Brother, you are awesome! 35

Qi Lin just smiled lightly at the driver's eldest brother, as if saying: "Ji Cao, don't 6.

Many years later, under the brilliance of the driver's big brother, there is a legend circulating in the luxury car driver circle in Jianghan City.

A teenager in his 20s who wandered through Jianghan City alone. With only his own personal charm, he subdued Bai Fumei, who was worth hundreds of billions of dollars, and directly married Bai Fumei, reaching the peak of his life.

"You know that man?

Seeing this scene, Chen Shuyi, who was holding Qi Lin's arm, asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, he thought I was your driver, I told him that you often drag me home to stay overnight, and you are still unspoken in the office.

"Originally, he thought you were a rare person. When you came out and found out that you were a beautiful woman, he probably already fell in love with me."

Qi Lin touched his nose and smiled unscrupulously.

"Hey, the dog can't spit out ivory, so you can't tell people directly, am I your wife?

Chen Shuyi's pretty face turned slightly red, and she was amused.


Jin Qiu, who was on the side, couldn't help but giggled.

The boss is so bad, he plays the big brother of the driver all over the place.

"You haven't told me how the Xiongchu Elevation is going.

Qi Lin pinched Chen Shuyi's small face and fastened her seat belt.

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Chen Shuyi's smile disappeared from her pretty face, and she felt guilty.


Qi Lin asked with a frown.

Chen Shuyi whispered, "Will you be mad at me?"

Qi Lin's voice was light: "It's mad at you, but it's because you can't regulate your emotions. Victory or defeat is a common thing in the military. If you fail, just try harder. If you can't sleep at night because of this, your anxiety is bad. I will be angry if I lose my body.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Chen Shuyi couldn't bear it any longer, and a sweet smile appeared on her pretty face.

She put her arms around Qi Lin's neck: "Husband, thank you for your thoughtfulness, I actually did not fail, and Chief Wang has promised to hand over the next project of Xiongchu Elevation to our city people.

"`"Good you Chen Shuyi, now even your husband dares to tease you, do you want to go back tonight and take care of you again?"

Qi Lin pinched Chen Shuyi's face in a funny way and pulled it.

In fact, he already knew that Chen Shuyi had succeeded.

As a big villain at the level of a movie king, Chen Shuyi wanted to hide it from Chen Shuyi's little thought. He just said something nice to make this girl happy.

Hearing Qi Lin's vulgar words, Chen Shuyi blushed, and panic flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Qi Lin, a savage bull, didn't know Lianxiangxiyu at all.

She took away her innocence a few days ago, and tossed her to work from home for a few days.

She is still in pain.

"Husband~ I'm wrong, I stayed up late last night to do materials, and now I'm too sleepy, I'll wait for you next time, okay? 35

Chen Shuyi begged Qi Lin pitifully.

Seeing Chen Shuyi's cute little raccoon yawning at him, Qi Lin smiled: "I told you to tease me, if you dare to do it again next time, I'll let you know what it means to reinvigorate your husband.

"Husband, Chief Wang asked me to go to the city government again in the afternoon, saying that it was a handover with Shanhe Group, the original contractor of the Xiongchu Viaduct. 35

Chen Shuyi told Qi Lin about the specific progress of the matter.

Hearing the news brought by Chen Shuyi, Qi Lin's black eyes flashed with a hint of playfulness.

"This is quite interesting. If Chen Tiansheng knew that he was confiscated from the construction contract with a large list of tens of billions of dollars, and I cut him off, I don't know what kind of expression he would have (Qian Dezhao).

Thinking of this, Qi Lin said to Chen Shuyi: "Sister Shuyi, I'll take you back to rest first, and in the afternoon, I'll accompany you to the government building. 99

When Chen Shuyi heard that Qi Lin was still with her in the afternoon, a message flashed across her beautiful eyes.

She said to Qi Lin in a gentle tone, "Husband, will it be too hard for you to be my driver all the time?

Obviously, after fighting all night, it was me who opened up territory for Qi Lin's business, but I was worried that Qi Lin would be too tired.

This concubine of love, digging the wall to come back, it is worth digging.

When Chen Tiansheng was eating at the manor at noon, he received a call from Mayor Zhao.

"You come to the city government at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, and bring all the construction materials of the Xiongchu Viaduct, ready to make a handover with the new construction company.

Although he already knew the ending, when he heard the news, Chen Tiansheng couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Mayor Zhao, can you tell me which company has undertaken the construction of the Xiongchu Elevated Project?"

Chen Tiansheng thought that in order to make this project foolproof, the city government would find a company that was evenly matched with Shanhe Group to undertake the construction.

After he knew the name of the company, he could completely give up.

Mayor Zhao said in a light voice: "This is a government secret. I can't say it now. You can come to the city government and you will know."

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