Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

315: Qi Xueyao is three months pregnant and is obviously pregnant! About whether to go to the hospit

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

The handover ceremony of the Xiongchu Elevated Project, presided over by Chief Wang, was held on time in the meeting room of the municipal government.

The Xiongchu Viaduct is a tens of billions of infrastructure projects, with tens of thousands of pages of basic information.

Both companies sent a lineup of more than 20 senior engineers to facilitate the successful completion of the handover ceremony.

In fact, Chen Tiansheng also wanted to do something in the information, so as not to pick up cheap construction companies, it would be too easy to complete the project.

But the problem is, now that the Shanhe Group is in a quagmire, if he plays these small tricks again and is sued by the other party to Chief Wang, he will not be able to eat and walk away.

In desperation, Chen Tiansheng had no choice but to bring over all the most complete information on Xiongchu Elevated.

However, when he saw who he was dealing with.

Blood pressure went up all of a sudden.

If it wasn't for the secretary to support him, he would have almost fainted.

"Why are you, you little bastard here? 39

If he hadn't told him rationally that this was the municipal government meeting room, he would have almost scolded Qi Lin for being a little bastard.

"Boss Chen is going to have a look. My company has won the right to build the Xiongchu Elevated Tower. If I don't come here as a representative, who will come here?"

Qi Lin said lazily.

Seeing this scene, Chief Wang was thoughtful and showed a smile.

I am afraid that the new construction company and Shanhe Group will also wear a pair of pants.

Now, the two companies seem to be on the same page.

In this way, he doesn't have to worry about another scandal like the Shanhe Group.

"Don't say extra words, don't do things that are not conducive to unity, and complete the handover of materials as soon as possible, so that the Xiongchu Elevated Viaduct can be successfully completed.

Chief Wang lightly reminded.

When Chief Wang spoke, Chen Tiansheng had to endure even if he was angry.

He turned his head and waved his hand, letting his subordinates begin to hand over data.

This data transfer lasted for 4 hours and did not end until the beginning of the evening. 817

From here, you can see how much information the Xiongchu Viaduct has.

After the handover, Qi Lin and Chen Tiansheng walked out of the city government building side by side.

When he was about to go down the steps, Chen Tiansheng stopped and looked at Qi Lin coldly: "There is some money that a young man like you can't reach out. Be careful if you don't earn the money, your life will be lost."

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth were slightly raised, and his black eyes carried a hint of sarcasm: "Boss Chen, instead of worrying about my affairs, might as well be worried about your broken company, Shanhe Group, sunset over the mountains, river backflow, flooding, and fined 2 billion yuan. It is difficult to keep the name of China's top ten construction groups. I don't know if this company will exist in a few days.

Chen Tiansheng didn't want to quarrel with Qi Lin, because it would have no effect on killing Qi Lin.

Taking a deep look at Qi Lin, he snorted coldly and left with his own people.

"Husband, I heard that Shanhe Group's assets are tens of billions, and the forces behind it are amazing. If you have a dispute with them now, will you suffer in the future?

Chen Shuyi asked in a worried tone.

Qi Lin stroked Chen Shuyi's hair and smiled lightly: "That's why I want you to complete the Xiaomanyao and Xiongchu elevated projects, and wait for the 'Cityman' to go public. We are also a tens of billions of companies, and you have to worry about Shanhe Group. revenge?

Qi Lin's chicken soup for the soul, the brainwashing method is quite effective.

Chen Shuyi nodded lightly and said seriously with a pretty face: "Husband, don't worry, I will make these two projects successfully completed."

Qi Lin still had his own business to do, so after sending the two girls to the 'City People' company, he stopped Jin Qiu.

"Xiaoqiu, when you have time to learn a driver's license (ahdg), as a bodyguard, you can't let your sister Shuyi drive all the time, can you? Otherwise, you won't be the boss.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Jin Qiu nodded quickly: "Sister Shuyi has been teaching me to drive recently, but I am a little slow in learning, I will work harder.

Jin Qiu is a master of daggers and a master of flying knives.

But I don't know why, but the driving talent is poor, and I haven't learned it yet.

After Qi Lin drove home, he directly summoned 'Qingqing' and 'Kunkun'



There was a loud whistle, and the two white-haired Costumes immediately landed on Qi Lin's shoulders.

"You haven't been intimate with your two pets in a while, and you're not afraid of them running away on their own.

Qi Xueyao's delicate little hand lightly covered her little mouth and yawned.

Since becoming pregnant, Qi Xueyao has become gluttonous and lethargic.

Every day, he keeps his mouth empty and does not speak, and he must sleep for about 14 or 5 hours. The routine of work and rest is comparable to that of a giant panda.

"Believe it or not, they won't run if you run."

Qi Lin laughed and made a joke.

He is proficient in bird language, and he knows clearly the psychological dynamics of Qingqing and Kunkun.

Good food and drink here, and they have recognized Qi Lin as the main.

Unless they die, the two Costumes will never betray Qi Lin for the rest of their lives.

"How do you talk? In your eyes, I'm not as good as two birds?"

Qi Xueyao naturally snuggled into Qi Lin's arms, and her pink fist slammed into Qi Lin's chest lightly.

"Huh? Your belly is actually starting to show pregnancy?"

Qi Lin was going to tease Qi Xueyao again.

However, her hand involuntarily slipped into the loose maternity skirt, and caressed Qi Xueyao's delicate and tender belly.

When he felt the obvious bulge, Qi Lin couldn't help but feel happy.

Qi Xueyao's pretty face had a hint of pink: "You still know that it is related to your daughter-in-law, I've been pregnant for three months, can I not show my pregnancy? If I don't show my pregnancy, isn't it a false pregnancy?

Speaking of this, Qi Xueyao's beautiful eyes showed a hint of anticipation: "Husband, it's been three months, why don't we go to the hospital to check the baby's gender? Do you also want to know whether the baby in my belly is a boy or a baby boy? Baby girl? 35

To Qi Xueyao's slight surprise, Qi Lin shook her head and smiled and said, "I don't want to check the gender, let's go with the flow. If it's a stinky boy, train her strictly, and help me share the business in the future. If it's a girl, train her. Playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, let her be a happy rich lady."5

"Of course, even if it is a little princess, you must cultivate the three-view character, or you will be finished if you cultivate it into a little fairy.

Qi Xueyao's beautiful eyes were a little confused: "Don't the little princess and the little fairy mean the same thing? Why do you say that the little fairy is finished?"

Qi Xueyao didn't come back from the afterlife, so of course he didn't understand the stalk of the little fairy.

The little fairy shocked China with her first punch.

He started boxing, but his six relatives did not recognize him, and even his biological father would be wiped out.

If Qi Lin really wanted such a daughter, he felt that he might choose humane destruction and recreate it.

"It's over, it's over. The education of the child mainly depends on the two of us. Loving mothers often fail their children. If the children are taught badly in the future, I will even beat the two of you together. 35

Qi Lin snorted.

Qi Xueyao was dumbfounded at this moment, wondering what the eldest man in the family was doing: "Then I will train my daughter to have the same character as me, right?"

Qi Lin touched his chin: "I can think about this, but I don't want that stubbornness. Without my stubbornness, I can barely be a father's little padded jacket."

"Fuck you, as if you have a good character to go there.

Qi Xueyao bit her lower lip lightly, and lightly hammered Qi Lin's chest.

Seemingly remembering something, Qi Lin leaned into Qi Xueyao's ear and whispered with a smirk: "Xueyao Aifei, after three months of pregnancy, the fetal position is stable, can we have the same room again?"

Qi Xueyao blushed: "No, you are so reckless, what if you hurt the baby?"

Qi Lin sighed: "No way? Then I'll stay at Yuxi's house recently, anyway, no one needs me at home, it's the same with me or not."

Qi Xueyao just couldn't get along with Lan Yuxi.

She is pregnant now, and when she needs Qi Lin again, if Qi Lin goes to Lan Yuxi's place to stay for two or three months and doesn't come back, how can she bear it.

She slapped Qi Lin lightly, "You bastard will threaten me, you can do whatever you want, if you hurt the baby, you will be responsible for yourself.

The two chatted for a while, and Qi Xueyao, who had just woken up, snuggled into Qi Lin's arms again and fell asleep sweetly.

It may be that my husband is in his arms, and he feels too safe.

Seeing the beautiful little face, the whole body, full of a charming young woman's breath, and the beautiful wife with a bulging belly, Qi Lin was looking forward to this evening.

"Your mistress Chen Shuyi may be in danger, Qing Qing Kunkun, you two should go and protect her today."

Qi Lin stroked Qi Xueyao's hair to make her sleep more peacefully, and then said to the two Haidongqings.

"Okay, master."

Qing Qing Kun Kun Pu fanned his wings twice, and his vigorous figure disappeared from the villa in an instant.

After Chen Shuyi returned to the company, she convened the middle and senior management of the company and announced a big news.

"The Xiongchu Viaduct has been awarded the construction right by our 'Urban People' construction company. In the next time, there will be a more difficult battle waiting for us to fight. I wonder if everyone here has confidence?"

Chen Shuyi's words are very infectious.

Especially to hear that the company has won tens of billions of infrastructure projects, and then the middle and high-level executives, the joy is palpable.

"Have confidence!"

They were all energetic young people with deafening voices.

Chen Shuyi nodded in satisfaction.

"Since everyone is confident, then I am also relieved."

"Next, in addition to the front-line engineering personnel running around the Lingnan TV Tower, all the remaining employees will fully devote themselves to the Xiongchu Elevated Project, and it is necessary to gnaw this hard bone."

"When this battle is over, I will prepare generous bonuses and paid vacations for all company employees.

After motivating employees.

Chen Shuyi distributed all the materials of Xiongchu Elevated, and asked the employees to work overtime to organize and re-plan the design details.

This busy, the time directly to ten o'clock in the evening.

"Sister Shuyi, the latest working time as ordered by the boss is up, we should go home and rest.

Jin Qiu walked to Chen Shuyi's side and reminded in a low voice.

At this time, Chen Shuyi woke up like a dream and felt the passage of time.

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