Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

316: Do the mother and daughter look good?

"Is it ten o'clock?"

Chen Shuyi's pretty face was stunned for a moment, and then she glanced at the lavender lady's watch.

Jin Qiu really didn't lie to her, it was already 10 o'clock in the evening.

"Xiaoqiu, this project is really important, because there is a scandal in Xiongchu, and now people all over the country are watching our company, and everyone is still fighting in the company, how can I go back to rest first as the general manager? .35

Chen Shuyi tries to persuade Jin Qiu.

Jin Qiu's pretty face has a wry smile: "Sister Shuyi, don't embarrass me. If the boss knows that I indulge you, she will definitely punish me."

If Chen Shuyi breaks down, she won't be punished by kissing Jin Qiu.

Maybe Jin Qiu will be sent back to the orphanage directly.

Walking out of the narrow yard that can't see eyes, Jin Qiu really ~ never wants to go back.

"Xiaoqiu, you are only afraid of your boss, aren't you afraid of me?"

Chen Shuyi deliberately had a small face.

Jin Qiu looked confused, and finally took out his mobile phone: "Sister Shuyi, let me call the boss. If you still want to work, you can tell him."5

"When did you little girl become so cunning?

Chen Shuyi snatched Jin Qiu's mobile phone with a smile on her pretty face.

If Qi Lin knew that she didn't take care of her body, she would definitely tell her again.

Chen Shuyi didn't want Qi Lin to worry either.


She had to obediently pack up with Jin Qiu and go home.

Of course, the car was driven by Chen Shuyi.

With Jin Qiu's current driving skills, Chen Shuyi didn't dare to put her safety in her hands.

"Xiao Qiu, why do I feel that my work uniform skirt has been slightly wrinkled recently, as if it was worn by someone, do you know what's going on?

Chen Shuyi is a very careful girl who loves cleanliness and dresses very carefully.

Although Jin Qiu was very careful, Chen Shuyi hurriedly arrived at something wrong.

Hearing that Chen Shuyi suddenly mentioned this matter, her heart almost jumped out.

Even Jin Qiu thought that Chen Shuyi knew that she had stolen her uniform skirt.

Looking at Chen Shuyi who was driving, and found that her expression was not unusual, Jin Qiu breathed a sigh of relief.

She hurriedly said, "It should have been when I helped Sister Shuyi get the clothes, I accidentally hugged it. I'll be more careful next time."

After explaining, Jin Qiu immediately changed the topic: "Sister Shuyi, did you know? A mother and daughter from the Peninsula recently moved to the opposite door of our house."

Chen Shuyi really distracted Jin Qiu, and didn't bother about uniforms and dresses anymore.

"Really, I don't even know about it yet.

Chen Shuyi's pretty face was slightly stunned.

Jin Qiu smiled slightly: "Sister Shuyi, do you still remember the last time someone knocked on our door? Actually, it was because the mother and daughter opposite the door came to our house for help.

"When they were having dinner, they turned on all the electrical lights in the house, causing the house to trip.

"But they thought it was a power outage and asked if there was a power outage in our house. They almost laughed at me at the time."

Chen Shuyi snarled: "What's so funny, people come to Jianghan City from a foreign country, and this place is unfamiliar. As neighbors, we should help out."5

Jin Qiu smiled and said: "I helped, I helped close the electric switch in their house.

"Don't say it, this is a good mother and woman, I just helped a little, and insisted on inviting me to stay for dinner."

"Enthusiasm returns to enthusiasm, it's just that their food is too bad, except for kimchi and pickles, the only thing they can eat is roast beef diced, which is pitiful.

Chen Shuyi listened to what Jin Qiu said was interesting.


Couldn't stop laughing.

"Are you saying that to your neighbors? That's the peninsula's eating habits. 35

"But having said that, we can actually invite them to have a meal at home when we have time, and let them experience our Chinese cuisine.

Chen Shuyi is also quite Jin Qiu saying that only the mother and daughter live opposite to each other, so she will only say the invitation.

If the man living on the opposite side is a man, and you want to enter Chen Shuyi's house, you don't have to think about it at all.

"By the way, do the mother and daughter look good-looking?"

Suddenly, Chen Shuyi thought of something, and Mei Mu had a hint of vigilance.

Although Chen Shuyi accepted Qi Lin's love, she didn't want her to be endlessly messing with flowers.

Qi Lin often comes to live at home, what if the mother and daughter on the opposite side are good-looking, and this bastard has a crooked mind again?

Jin Qiu endured a smile and said, "Pretty, that mother and daughter are super beautiful, especially that little loli, who is only thirteen or fourteen years old, she has already been born and is slim and shy, and when she grows up, her appearance will change. Definitely not worse than Sister Shuyi.

Chen Shuyi:

I'm really afraid of what's coming.

"Shuyi, don't tell your boss about the move of a mother and daughter across from our house, do you hear?"

Chen Shuyi said earnestly.


Jin Qiu Ming asked.

"Why else, your boss is so lecherous, you told him about it, didn't you push the mother and daughter into the heated kang?"

Chen Shuyi said angrily.

Seeing Chen Shuyi's jealous cuteness, Jin Qiu held back a smile and said quickly, "Okay, I don't need to tell the boss."

The two were chatting happily.

"Boom! 35

Suddenly, Chen Shuyi hurriedly shook the body, and the steering wheel became uncontrollable.

If she hadn't stabilized the steering wheel in time and slowly stepped on the brakes, it is estimated that the Passat would have rolled over.

"Looks like a flat tire."

Chen Shuyi said to Jin Qiu in shock.

"Xiaoqiu, just stay in the car, I'll go down and see what's on the tires.

Chen Shuyi instructed Jin Qiu to go down and have a look.

As a top master of rose cultivation, Jin Qiu has amazing five senses.

The majesty outside the window blew on her white and tender arms, causing her to suddenly get goosebumps.

This... This is the effect of killing intent.

"Sister Shuyi, I'll go down with you to have a look."

She didn't tell her conjecture, so as not to make Chen Shuyi afraid.

"Okay. 35

After hesitating for a while, Chen Shuyi agreed to Jin Qiu's request.

The two got out of the car and just closed the door.

"Da Da~"

A strange sound of footsteps sounded.

On the uninhabited road, four killers with sunglasses appeared at the same time in both directions.

After seeing Chen Shuyi and Jin Qiu get out of the car, the four killers immediately touched their waists and pulled out a pistol.

"Xiao Qiu, are these people bad people?

Chen Shuyi was not stupid, and she also felt that the other party was not kind, so she asked anxiously.

Seeing this scene, Jin Qiu's face was also solemn.

Without a gun-wielding killer, Jin Qiu would not have seen it at all.

She is a master of flying knives, and she can take out ordinary killers with a dozen flying knives.

Even if you encounter a master, you can use the flying knife to gain time to escape.

The problem is, all four of the killers clearly have pistols.

No matter how fast her reaction time was, she could only deal with two killers.

The most terrible thing is that she has to protect Chen Shuyi.

0. Ask for flowers ·

For Jin Qiu, her life can be sacrificed, but Chen Shuyi must not have anything.

This was her decision when she was sent by Qi Lin to protect Chen Shuyi.

In fact, with Jin Qiu's strength, she can completely abandon Chen Shuyi and retire.

But Jin Qiu was absolutely unable to do such a thing.

She is a child from an orphanage, and everything she does is for the orphanage's face.

If the reputation of the orphanage was smeared because of her cowardly running away, and other sisters were implicated, it would be more uncomfortable than killing Jin Qiu directly.

"Sister Shuyi, when I tell you to run, go back to the car without looking back, then start the car, lower your body and rush out, don't look back."

Jin Qiu said solemnly to Chen Shuyi.

She decided to use the flying knife to kill the two killers first, and then help Chen Shuyi to block the bullets of the two other killers, so as to give her a chance to escape.

"What about you? Xiaoqiu, what do you do when I get in the car?"

Although Chen Shuyi was panicked, she would never abandon Xiaoqiu and escape alone.

Jin Qiumei's eyes have a faint look of resignation: "Sister Shuyi, if you want someone to take revenge for me, you should listen to me, otherwise I will die today."


Without giving Chen Shuyi a chance to speak again, she suddenly shouted.

The moment the words fell, in Jin Qiu's palm, there were already two sharp daggers flashing with a little coldness.

I saw that her waist and horse were united, and she threw the dagger in a fierce somersault with the strength of her back foot pedaling on the car.

Seeing Jin Qiu make a move, the four killers were not polite, raised their wrists and started shooting in the direction of Jin Qiu.

"Pfft!! 95

It was the dull sound of the dagger digging into the flesh.

At this moment, Jin Qiu's superb flying knife skills were vividly displayed, and the two killers who stood in front of the two were directly shot in the center and killed on the spot.

But the two killers behind him, Jin Qiu had no time to take care of them.

"Boom! 39

Two shots rang out, and the bullet slanted on the body.

At the critical moment, Chen Shuyi was still clever, sticking to the body of the car and dodging the two fatal shots.

However, it is only there.

The two killers approached quickly, and before Jin Qiu could charge up, he shot two flying knives.

The two guns have been aimed at the two people, and they can easily take their lives just by pulling the trigger.

Of course, the killer will not be sympathetic.

They pressed their index fingers without hesitation.


But at this moment, two loud birdsong sounded from the killer's head, and even nearly pierced their eardrums.

Involuntarily, they looked towards the sky.

But it was this look that announced their tragic fate.


"What kind of monster is this"

Qingqing and Kunkun, who were wearing rare metal armors, easily pierced their eyes with their sharp bird claws.

Under the extreme pain of being stabbed in the eyeballs, the two of them pulled the trigger like crazy and shot randomly.

But this kind of meaningless shooting can't hurt Qingqing and Kunkun.

Under the dive again, the sharp bird's claws directly pierced the Tianling cover of the two, and a white and red lard-like liquid burst out.

Seeing this extremely cruel and murderous scene, Chen Shuyi's whole person was already dumbfounded.

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