Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

317: Jin Qiu gave Chen Shuyi a vaccination in advance


In the end, Chen Shuyi is just a kind-hearted little girl, where have she seen such a bloody scene.

Seeing the tragic death of four killers, two of them even had their brains out, and they immediately retched while holding the car.

Seeing this, Jin Qiu hurried over to support Chen Shuyi and pat her back gently.

"Where did these two birds come from, why are they so cruel?

After finally suppressing the retching feeling, Chen Shuyi asked in shock.

When she went to Qi Lin's house for dinner last time, Qingqing and Kunkun just went out to have some fun, so Chen Shuyi didn't see them.

Jin Qiu's pretty face showed a smile: "Sister Shuyi, these two birds are the pets kept by the boss, named Kun Kun and Qingqing, it should be the boss who is worried about your safety, so he arranged them to protect us in secret.

Hearing Jin Qiu's words, Chen Shuyi's beautiful eyes flashed with surprise, and at the same time, the fear of Qingqing and Kunkun disappeared.

It turns out that these two super powerful birds are actually the pets kept by the husband.

"Xiaoqiu, can you let Qingqing and Kunkun come over? I want to see them up close.

The two Costumes are so powerful that Chen Shuyi has a little curiosity.

"I don't know either, these two Costumes only listen to the boss's words, even if "August 17" is Sister Xueyao, they can't do anything.

Jin Qiu smiled bitterly.

Chen Shuyi didn't believe in this evil. She made a trumpet with her hands and shouted at Qingqing and Kunkun hovering in the sky: "Qingqing Kunkun, can you come down? I want to see you."

Qingqing and Kunkun in the sky also heard Chen Shuyi's cry.

Qingqing: "Brother, are we going down?"

Kun Kun: "I just took a look, I didn't tell us what to do, it's the boss's wife after all, let her take a look.

The two Costin 'chirps' let out a long cry, and finally hovered over the car.

As for why it didn't fall on Chen Shuyi's arm or shoulder.

This little girl has fine skin and tender flesh, and she is not Qi Lin, so how could she possibly endure the grasping force of two Costin.

"Hey, from a distance they look silvery, but from a closer look, these two costocyanines are still pretty.

Looking at Qingqing and Kunkun, who were all snow-white and covered in silver armor, Chen Shuyi was amazed and couldn't help but want to touch them.


Qingqing looked at the outstretched hand, and immediately let out a threatening tweet.

The bird's beak was also about to peck, and Chen Shuyi was so frightened that she quickly retracted her hand.

"You are Qi Lin's pets, how can you be so cruel to her wife?

Chen Shuyi puffed out her mouth angrily, and rarely showed a cute dissatisfied look, and Jin Qiu, who was watching, wanted to laugh.

If you don't touch it, Chen Shuyi can't force two costocyanines, after all, they saved Chen Shuyi's life just now.

Thinking of something, she went back to the car, took out two ham sausages and peeled them off, with a teasing look on her pretty face, she seduced Qingqing and Kun Kun: "Have you seen this ham sausage? As long as you touch me, it's all gone. is yours.

Facing Chen Shuyi's temptation, Qingqing and Kunkun looked at her as if they were fools, then flew away proudly.

Facing this kind of treatment, Chen Shuyi was dumbfounded, and then asked Jin Qiu, "Xiao Qiu, don't these two Haidongqing like to eat ham? This is a snack that pets love very much.

Jin Qiu held back a smile and explained: "Sister Shuyi, the boss usually feeds the two Haidongqings at home with high-quality raw beef, abalone, snake soup, etc. They don't eat junk food like ham sausage at all. .

Chen Shuyi:........."

"Sister Shuyi, I'm worried that there is still danger, or the killer is coming here, we should go.

Jin Qiu reminded Chen Shuyi.

"Oh oh oh! Okay, let's go home first."

Chen Shuyi nodded, got in the car directly, and started the car.

As for the punctured tire, I can only ignore it and let someone repair it tomorrow.

In the car, Chen Shuyi asked Jin Qiu with complicated eyes: "Xiao Qiu, why did you just let me go alone after the break? And I can see it, you just wanted to help me block the bullet, right?"5

"After you stay, you help me block the wall. What should I do there? In my heart, you are like my own sister, and I don't want to see anything wrong with you."

Jin Qiu's pretty face was slightly embarrassed: "Sister Shuyi, it is my duty to protect you. From the moment I get the boss's salary, your safety is far more important than my own."

Hearing Jin Qiu's honest words, Chen Shuyi's beautiful eyes flushed slightly, she was moved by this silly sister.

"Sister Shuyi, don't worry about this. If you really treat me as your own sister, if I make any mistakes in the future, I hope Sister Shuyi doesn't blame me."

Jin Qiu's pretty face was a little red.

Now is the best chance for ambush.

She was afraid that when Chen Shuyi discovered her affair with Qi Lin, she would blame her.

Chen Shuyi's beautiful eyes were full of curiosity, not knowing why Bai Jinqiu would say such a thing.

But she still nodded: "Everyone makes mistakes, don't worry, no matter how much mistakes you make in the future, Sister Shuyi will not blame you."

Chen Shuyi and Jin Qiu arrived home safely.

In Chen Tiansheng's villa, Chen Jiawei walked around anxiously.

"Look how you panic? This time I sent four gunmen out at once, and that Chen Shuyi couldn't have a chance to survive.

Chen Tiansheng smoked a cigar and said lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the bodyguard in charge of follow-up matters walked into the villa to report the news to Chen Tiansheng.

"Boss, I just received news from Eyeliner that A Qing and the others are all dead, and Chen Shuyi's body was not seen at the scene.

The bodyguard said in a heavy voice.

Chen Tiansheng:......99

He sent out four professional killers, and they were masters with guns.

He had already investigated beforehand, and there was only one girl protecting Chen Shuyi.

No matter what, it's impossible not to kill the target, so the four killers will all be destroyed, right?

"Dad, did I tell you already? That Qi Lin is very evil, and the people around him are also very evil. If I could kill him earlier, would I still wait for Shuyi to change her mind passively?"

"When I first contacted Qi Lin, I didn't say anything about his car, but he made me offend Boss Ou. This kid is really insidious.

Chen Jiawei gritted his teeth and said.

Chen Tiansheng didn't scold Chen Jiawei anymore, he crushed the cigar in the ashtray, and said in a cold voice: "I really underestimated the bodyguard next to Chen Shuyi, but it doesn't matter, the assassination of Chen Shuyi was only for his construction company. It's just difficult, even if she dies, it won't affect Qi Lin..."5

"This incident reminded me of catching the thief first, catching the king first, as long as you kill the little beast like Qi Lin, you can do it once and for all, and he will never cause us any trouble in the future.

Chen Jiawei nodded in agreement, but there was a hint of worry in his eyes: "Dad, it's so difficult to assassinate the people around Qi Lin, no matter how many killers we send, can they pose a threat to Qi Lin? Don't give him all of them. Food delivered."

Chen Jiawei's concern is necessary, after all, so far, their family has lost 8 killers.

Chen Tiansheng's tone was indifferent, and his face revealed a sophistication: "Ordinary killers are really useless, so this time I will contact Sakura Country.

"The killer of the Cherry Blossom Country has always been famous internationally, and he is especially good at assassination. This time, I directly offered a reward of 100 million yuan, and I don't believe that Qi Lin can escape this disaster.

A man and a woman sit cross-legged in a small courtyard in the style of the Tang Dynasty in Tokyo, the country of cherry blossoms.

The man wore a retro robe with a big back, but his hair was a little thin.

Although there is no expression, but there is a feeling of not being angry and arrogant.

The girl opposite him was about 20 years old, with a pretty face without makeup and delicate facial features. She was a rare beauty embryo in Sakura Country.

"Kunna, how old are you this year?"

The man asked with a faint smile while drinking the tea.

Matsushima Kirina's delicate little face looked at the tea in front of her, and her tone was a little nervous: "Go back to father, Kirna passed her 18th birthday last year, and she's 19 years old this year."

Hearing Matsushima Kirina's words, Matsushima Qianxiong suddenly had a hint of lewdness in his eyes, and looked at the slim and beautiful daughter who appeared in front of him.

"Kirina, you should know the family rules of the Matsushima family, right? As a daughter, you must give your father your first time to express your oath of allegiance to the Matsushima family."5

Speaking of which, Chio Matsushima stretched out his hand to touch his daughter's face.

Hearing this sentence, Matsushima Kirina's eyes flashed with disgust, and there was a hint of panic.

Matsushima Kirina, who was wearing a pale pink kimono, immediately stood up at 3.6, and her flawless and delicate feet took a few steps back to avoid Matsushima Chio's big hands.

"Father, you said that as long as you assassinate the uncle according to your wishes, you will not force me to ask my father to keep his promise.

Matsushima Kirina lowered her head and said.

The Matsushima family is the top ninja family in the Sakura Country. In the era when the modern city thought that enduring was just a legend, it has thousands of elite ninjas who provide assassination services for high-ranking officials, politicians and business elites from all over the world.

Although the economic influence is not large in the Sakura Country, it is an existence that makes the entire Sakura Country fearful.

Matsushima Kirina is talented and intelligent, and passed the Chunin exam when she was only 12 years old.

At the age of 16, he passed the Shangnin exam and became the most talented being in the Matsushima family for thousands of years.

That same year, Matsushima Kirina and her father made an agreement that as long as she assassinated the Matsushima family's first heir, Matsushima Chibana, she would no longer be forced to dedicate herself to the family and swear allegiance.

Matsushima Kirina broke through the layers of protection composed of two upper ninjas, 16 chunin, and more than 60 lower ninjas. Although he was seriously injured in the end, he successfully assassinated Matsushima Chibana, making Matsushima Chio a hero. The official heir of the family.

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