Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

318: The deep-minded ghost father, the two little ones who are secretly guarding

Looking at Matsushima Kirina, who was unwilling to serve her, Matsushima Qianxiong's eyes flashed a touch of tyranny.

However, he did not show it, and there was still a faint smile on his face.

"Yes, yes, it's my father who forgot our agreement, Kirna don't have to be nervous, just sit down, I have one more thing to ask you now.

Chio Matsushima comforts Matsushima Kirina.

Resisting the disgust in her heart, Matsushima Kirina sat down again.

Seriously, if it weren't for the fact that the family had more than 20 top-level jounin, and had cooperated with other ninja families in the Sakura Kingdom, Matsushima Kirina would have long wanted to betray this long-decayed family.

Facing the pursuit of more than 20 jounin and hundreds of chunin, Matsushima Kirina could not guarantee to leave the Matsushima family alive.

Even as long as she stays in Sakura Country for one day, she will face the endless pursuit of the Matsushima family.

She can only hope that one day she will be so powerful that even her father is afraid of her strength. In this way, she also has the right to choose the life she wants.

"Hua Xia has a big order today, and I want to invite the top killer of the Sakura Country to assassinate a person in Hua Xia."

"With a huge reserve of ninjas, my father has already got this list. Luo

"After completing this list, the family will receive a generous reward of 100 million yuan.

"Being able to open a reward of 100 million yuan shows that the assassination of this Chinese man is very difficult."

"Although I can send other Shangren to Huaxia, the success rate may not be particularly high because of the language barrier and the inconvenience of hiding."

"Munai, your major in university is Chinese language, you are proficient in Chinese language, and you can use your travel status to China to get close to the target of assassination. It should not be particularly difficult to complete this single business.

Chio Matsushima put a small note with contact information on the small wooden table in front of Matsushima Kirina.

"After you go to Huaxia, you contact this person directly, and he will tell you the details of the target.

Matsushima Kirina has noticed that Matsushima Chio's beast heart is getting stronger and stronger recently.

"Huaxia Kingdom?"

Matsushima Kirina's heart moved.

If you can go to Huaxia for a while, you can stay away from this beast father.

"Kunna, if you are unwilling to take on this task, I can leave it to someone else to do it.

Seeing that Matsushima Kirina didn't speak for a long time, Matsushima Chio said with a smile.

Matsushima Kirina looked sullen, and immediately said: "Father, I am willing to take over this task."

Matsushima Qianxiong nodded with satisfaction: "The task is completed, the family will divide your 10 million reward, and work hard to achieve the goal.

Although Matsushima Qianxiong is greedy for Matsushima Kirina's body, but Matsushima Kirina is the best endure of the Matsushima family after all.

For his own benefit, let Matsushima Kirina obediently be the family cash cow, he can only temporarily put away his animal desires.

After Kirina Matsushima left, Chio Matsushima lay on his side on the tatami and enjoyed smoking a cigarette.

But in the next second, mist flashed in front of him, and a handsome young man appeared.

For this scene, Matsushima Qianxiong was not surprised.

"Patriarch, although Wu Nai is strong, it is too dangerous to let her go to Huaxia alone to carry out the assassination mission. 35

Oda Nobuo said in a deep voice.

Oda Nobuo.

One of the top Jōnin of the Matsushima family, and the elder brother who grew up with Matsushima Kirina.


This is a place that has always been feared by the Sakura Ninja family.

seventy years ago.

Not only on the bright side, the Sakura Kingdom and the Huaxia Kingdom are engaged in a life-and-death battle that blocks all national fortunes.

Secretly, the ninjas of the Sakura Kingdom and the real masters of traditional martial arts in China are also fighting to the death.

And it was this, the battle of martial arts between the two countries, that let the ninja warriors of Sakura Country experience the real Chinese martial arts.

Eight years of martial arts killing skills competition, if not for the final surrender of the cherry blossom country in time, it is possible that all the samurai ninjas in the cherry blossom country would have to stay in Huaxia and directly destroy the sect.

It can be seen how terrifying the traditional Chinese martial arts that have not been lost.

What's more, the Ninjutsu of the Cherry Blossom Kingdom was originally researched by the Qimen Dunjia brought over from Huaxia when Jianzhen traveled eastward, but only a little of it was taken.

The stealth assassination, all kinds of field agencies, and ghosts, in front of the Huaxia martial artist who understands Qimen Dunjia, is as naive as a child playing a house.

(PS: Pure urban villains, no ancient warriors, no self-cultivation, martial arts level is limited to one person's martial arts level, all people practice killing skills, similar to Feng Yuxiu, Torija, and the warden.)

For Oda Nobuo's question, Matsushima Chio didn't even lift his eyelids.

"Do I still need you to teach me? No one can change Kirna's trip to China, so let's step back.

Matsushima Qianxiong already had the strength of Shangnin. In addition, he controlled the Matsushima family, and there were more than ten Shangnin guards around him.

Oda Nobuo's eyes flashed a hint of coldness.

But in the end, he didn't say anything, and the figure disappeared again in front of Matsushima Qianxiong.

"Kiri is the daughter of Chio Matsushima, and her top spot must belong to Chio Matsushima. 35

"Oda Nobuo, if you want to marry Kirina, you should wait patiently for a while.

In the eyes of Qianxiong Matsushima, there was a hint of playfulness.

He wanted to control Matsushima Kirina, and Oda Nobuno also wanted to control it, but as long as he was holding the puppet string tied to Matsushima Kirina, Oda Nobuo wouldn't even want to escape from his palm.

Noon the next day.

Wearing a forest dress and a denim jacket, Matsushima Kirina got off the plane.

She took off her sunglasses, looked at the majestic Tianhe Airport, and sighed in her heart.

In the country of cherry blossoms, where the territory is narrow and the population density explodes, what Kirna Matsushima can feel is always depression.

When she came to the land of China, she had a sense of pleasure that the sky was high and the birds flew.

But Matsushima Kirina did not forget her mission.

While pulling the suitcase and walking towards the exit, she called the phone number that Chio Matsushima gave her.

"I am the introducer of the darknet Huaxia branch. I have compiled 9527. I am happy to serve you."

Respectful tone of voice.

"I'm Kirina Matsushima, where am I going to pick up the mission now.

Matsushima Kirina asked in a light tone.

The serial number 9527 immediately replied with a smile: "Miss Matsushima Kirna, you can take a taxi directly to the Lakeside Manor, the employer is already waiting for you here.

Knowing where to go next, Matsushima Kirina hung up her flip phone and walked towards a taxi.

She can also perform simple disguise surgery, and her facial features have long been used.

She didn't worry about being recognized at all.

After half an hour.

“Tuk Tuk Tuk~”

There was a knock on the door of Chen Tiansheng Manor Villa.

The nurse immediately went to open the door.

"Are you the new killer from Sakura Country?"

When entering the gate of the manor, Chen Tiansheng already knew that Matsushima Kirina was coming.

Chen Jiawei also looked at the beautiful girl with sunglasses curiously.

Opposite Chen Tiansheng, there is a man wearing a mask.

He is the intermediary of the darknet Huaxia branch.

"This is the best ninja of the younger generation of the Matsushima family in the Sakura Country. He has already assassinated several dignitaries in the Sakura Country, and he has never missed a beat. He is definitely Mr. Chen's trusted partner.

Hearing that the girl with sunglasses in front of me is actually a ninja.

Chen Jiawei had a look of astonishment on his face.

On the other hand, Chen Tiansheng looked a little contemptuous: "Do you guys think that my Chen Tiansheng's money is easy to make on the dark web? Make some inexplicable things to fool me, who doesn't know that the ninjas of Sakura Country and Huaxia's martial arts are all made up. , If the mission to assassinate the target fails, I will never give you a penny."5

Chen Tiansheng asked the darknet for help, not only to pay 10 million in intermediary fees, but also to give the Songdao family a remuneration of 100 million. He definitely did not want to be taken advantage of.

This time, without waiting for 9527 to speak, Matsushima Kirina said lightly: "If you don't believe in the existence of ninjas, you can try. 99

Looking at Matsushima Kirina's confident tone.

This time, Chen Tiansheng showed some interest.

"Achuan, go and try him.

He said to the bodyguard behind 820.

A Chuan is the bodyguard of the Southwest Sea who was unsuccessful, but despite this, his strength is undeniable.

Even in the face of Zhou Pojun, he can still make a few moves in his hands.

Twisting his neck, A Chuan seemed to be possessed by the warden, and kicked the whip fiercely in the direction of Matsushima Kirina.

If I was really kicked and swollen in the face, I am afraid I have to use Zhou Xingxing's Piao Piao Punch to restore my appearance.

But what shocked Chen Tiansheng and Achuan was that after he kicked his leg whip to the place where Matsushima Kirina stood just now, a cloud of fog suddenly appeared there.

Achuan didn't kick anything, and watched Matsushima Kirina disappear.

"Is this what you call strength?"

Suddenly, Matsushima Kirina's voice came from behind Agawa.

I don't know when, she has appeared in another direction.

"Pretend to be a ghost!

Being teased by a woman, A Chuan's forehead burst into blue veins, and several whirlwind kicks accumulated together, all the strength accumulated on one leg, and kicked fiercely towards Matsushima Kirina's heart.

If ordinary people were hit by this, they would have their hearts shattered and die on the spot.

When it was still like the weird scene just now, a cloud of fog appeared again where Matsushima Kirina was standing, and Achuan kicked into the air again.

This feeling seems to have used all the strength, but hit the cotton.

"Ah! Smelly woman, if you have the ability to fight alone, can you kill me by hiding?"

A suppressed roar came from A Chuan's throat.

"as you wish.

A fluttering voice came, and when Ah Chuan reacted, a kunai appeared on his neck.

As long as Matsushima Kirina exerted a little force, he could easily cut his throat.

"Clap clap clap!"

After watching the whole process, Chen Tiansheng was not angry at the moment, but slapped him with satisfaction.

"Yes, it seems that I am ignorant. This ninja of Sakura Country does have some tricks."

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