Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

321: Chen Jiawei: Beware Buzz, Qi Lin's idiots are robbing other people's fiancées, I&#039

"Want to know? Let me see if there's a barrier in the desert and I'll tell you.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

"Pop! You'd better think of a way to get rid of Buzz first. 39

"When the time comes, don't say these requirements, let me~ marry you.

Bernice said in a delicate tone.

"Okay, don't talk nonsense with you, you call Buzz and ask him to come to your concert to support-."

Qi Lin said in a lazy tone.

Bernice's beautiful eyes were thoughtful.

Could it be that Qi Lin has some arrangements for Buzz?

"Okay, as long as you don't worry about his death, I can hand him over at any time. 55

Bernice said with a smile.

"What about you, you haven't said that you can't come.

Bernice groaned.

Qi Lin had already arrived home in his car, and he was lazy: "For the sake of your sincerity in your invitation, I'll go there with reluctance."

The concert is crowded and crowded, so it's the best time to do it.

Qi Lin created such a good opportunity for Matsushima Kirina, I don't believe that she will not come.

After returning to the villa, Qi Lin found that the living room was empty.

Instead, a wonderful piano sound came from the piano room on the second floor.

He smiled and walked directly up the spiral staircase.

Without making a sound, Qi Lin walked to the piano room, behind Qi Xueyao and Chen Shuyi who were listening to Wang Siling playing the piano.

Wang Siling played Liszt's "Fantasia of Bells", which is recognized as one of the ten most difficult piano pieces in the world.

The tenth grade of the piano may not be able to pop out completely, let alone express the artistic conception.

However, in the hands of Wang Siling, who has just been learning the piano for two months, this piano piece with a difficulty factor of 9.8 seems so lively and melodious, and indulges in it.

This SS-level piano talent really does not live up to its name.

Two minutes later, the song ended perfectly.

"Clap clap clap!

Only then did Qi Lin send his appreciation with a smile.

"Brother, are you back?"

Wearing a British style short skirt jacket and a pair of white pantyhose, Wang Siling's beautiful little face showed a hint of joy.

"Come here. 39

Qi Lin waved to Wang Siling.

Wang Siling blushed slightly, walked over, and leaned into Qi Lin's arms obediently, letting him caress her hair.

"I heard that you recently won an award for the piano?"

Wang Siling said shyly: "It's just the trophy of the Schumier Huaxia Youth Piano Competition, it's nothing.

Qi Xueyao on the side laughed and said, "Si Ling, can we not bring Versailles like this?"

"Anyway, this is a competition held by a well-known German brand piano for a century. It has a huge amount of gold. I don't know how many talented piano teenagers have broken their heads. You just learned the piano for two months, and you won the competition. It's already very powerful."

Wang Siling still shook her head: "The teacher said that I am already a world-class piano player. It is too useless to compete for trophies with a group of children. When I can win the Chopin International Piano Competition, I will be considered a little promising."

Hearing Wang Siling's calm words, Qi Lin smiled and shook his head.

This girl, studying with the world's No. 1 female pianist, her heart is getting higher and higher.

Instead, send the current Wang Siwei back to three months ago, and he was still a childhood sweetheart with Yu Chen.

Maybe Wang Siling didn't even have the interest to look up at Yu Chen.

Fortunately, no matter how good Wang Siling is, she is still Qi Lin's younger sister.

Several people returned to the lobby on the first floor.

Wang Siling's pretty face blushed slightly and took off her small brown leather shoes, her small and delicate white silk feet rested on the sofa for Qi Lin to play with and pinched her arches.

This girl now understands Qi Lin's mind more and more.

"Husband, how are you doing? Are you not hurt? 35

Chen Shuyi always thought that Qi Lin went to find the behind-the-scenes messenger, with a hint of worry on her pretty face.

"Didn't I tell you? What I'm going to do is not dangerous, and it's already done. I'll just wait and watch the show."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Chen Shuyi breathed a sigh of relief.

After knowing that Qi Lin was all right, Chen Shuyi also wanted to go upstairs to rest.

The company has been so busy recently, and she actually hadn't slept well for a long time. Today, she got off work early because she was assassinated.

Especially when she chatted with Qi Xueyao just now, knowing that Wang Siling and Qi Lin were still reluctant to eat, while Qi Xueyao had just been pampered yesterday.

As such, Qi Lin is likely to find her.

"I'm a little sleepy, I've had a bath just now, so I went to sleep first.

There are a lot of rooms in the villa, and the vacant rooms have been decorated and cleaned by someone, and there is absolutely no problem with seven or eight girls staying there.

"When you say that, I'm sleepy too, why don't we go back to the room and sleep together?"

The corners of Qi Lin's mouth were slightly upturned, revealing a wicked smile.


In the next second, Chen Shuyi was picked up by a princess Qi Lin.

Wearing a cute nightdress, she has a pair of fair and well-proportioned comic legs, which are dazzlingly bright under the light.

The long night is long, only love is company.

When Bernice called Buzz, Chen Jiawei was a guest at Buzz's villa.

In order to retrieve the missing collections, Buzz has prepared to live in Huaxia, and even bought a villa here.

He also invited Bernice to live here, but was rejected by Bernice on the grounds that he wanted to return to Gaul.

If Qi Lin knew that Bernice, a foreign girl, was actually protecting him, he would probably be moved.

"Don't worry dear, you are my fiancee, how could I not go to your concert."

Buzz directly agreed to Bernice's invitation.

Now that he has lost the family shares, and the qualification of the second-in-line heir has been temporarily withdrawn, he is now the most anxious person.

For fear that Bernice, the Gallic goddess, the dream lover of thousands of men would dislike her and leave him.

Buzz hung up the phone, and Chen Jiawei said with a smile, "Mr. Buzz, now you believe I'm innocent, right?

"We are good friends and business partners. How could I do something like backstabbing an ally."

"Now you know the crisis of our Chen family, that bastard Qi Lin stole our Chen family's business and stabbed me fiercely. Ali has also been sentenced to death, how could he be theft? Mr Buzz's 1,000 antiques man."

"According to my inference, this thing is definitely done by Qi Lin, this little beast is very evil, every time we have a crisis and get trapped, it will appear in the ready-made just right, doesn't Mr. Buzz think this is very strange? ?"

"There is one more thing Mr. Buzz should pay special attention to."

"This bastard Qi Lin not only stole our business, but this bitch likes to attack other people's fiancées."

"Now my fiancée has betrayed me and has completely thrown herself into Qi Lin's arms. Mr. Buzz's fiancée is so beautiful, it's better to be careful with him. 99

0...for flowers.....

Chen Jiawei and Qi Lin have gone through so many tricks, and they know Qi Lin well, and actually know that he is most interested in other people's fiancées.

For Chen Jiawei's advice, Buzz's brown eyes showed a hint of contempt: "Brother Jiawei, our Gallic women are not your easygirls in China, not to mention Bernice is a well-known goddess in the Gallic Empire, it is absolutely impossible to like it. On your Chinese men.

Chen Jiawei and Buzz, just because the common enemy is Qi Lin, are temporarily embarrassed, and they are just partners.

In their hearts, they both hate each other very much.

Especially Chen Jiawei, when he heard Buzz ridicule Chinese men for lowness, his heart went straight out.

If it weren't for the fact that he still had to rely on Buzz's power to deal with Qi Lin, he would have turned the table and left.

"Put aside the missing items in advance, I temporarily believe what you said. 35

"Let's talk about your family first, Qi Lin dug such a big hole for you, you never thought of taking revenge on him?


Buzz lit a cigar and said with narrowed eyes.

Chen Jiawei gritted his teeth and said, "Why didn't you think about taking revenge and going back? After that incident, I sent 8 killers to assassinate the people around Qi Lin, but in the end, all of these 8 killers died at the hands of Qi Lin.

"You can't even assassinate the people around him, let alone assassinate him.

Hearing the news revealed by Chen Jiawei, Buzz's eyes were thoughtful.

He actually thought about the assassination of Qi Lin, but after all, this place is not Gaul, and it was too obvious that all the foreigners who had gathered from the family were all blond and brown eyes.

Now that Chen Jiawei has sent so many killers to the past, all of them have failed. It seems that he has always despised this Qi Lin. He is much more powerful than he imagined.

"But it doesn't matter, this time my dad has prepared a big gift for Qi Lin's dog. I believe he won't have a chance to survive this time."

Chen Jiawei smiled lightly.

After talking about his own business, Chen Jiawei asked Buzz again, "Mr Buzz, what's going on at the Xiaomanyao TV Tower where you are in charge?"

"It would be a good blow if it could destroy his construction company and ruin his reputation.

Buzz exhaled a breath of smoke and said with a smile: "Xiaomanyao is halfway through construction, and I'm going to start purchasing various materials from Europe and the United States.

"For example, surveillance systems, smoke alarms, various security equipment and six high-speed elevators worth $60 million.""

"Of course, the most important thing in it is the 1,000-ton damper, the stable core of the entire TV tower. 95

“These things I buy are inferior, substandard products, just labelled as top brands. 55

"With the ability of the supervisor on Qi Lin's side, it is impossible to detect it."

“Once these are installed, you start exposing it to the major media. 35

“After the incident came to light, I only lost 10 to 20 million yuan at most, and I told the media that I was only responsible for purchasing, and it was Qi Lin who asked me to do so. 35

"But Qi Lin is miserable. The core materials of Huaxia's tallest building are all shoddy. He will be directly held accountable by the Huaxia government, not to mention the company's bankruptcy, and his reputation will be ruined.

Buzz is completely ready to give up the Huaxia market.

Although he did not take Chen Jiawei's words, he believed in his heart that the disappearance of the 1,000 collections was definitely related to Qi Lin.

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