Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

322: Sorry, I forgot that your fiancée ran off with Qi Lin

"Now that Mr. Buzz has made arrangements, I am at ease."

"Then, I wish us a happy cooperation, I will be responsible for sending Qi Lin this dog to the west, and Mr. Buzz is responsible for bringing him down. 35

Chen Jiawei raised his red wine glass and collided with Buzz.

After the two of them touched the cups, Buzz smiled and said to Chen Jiawei: "Brother Jiawei, Bernice called just now, she will hold the second concert in Huaxia tomorrow, and you will bring your fiancee as well. Come and hold a show

Speaking of this, Buzz paused, and the next second, he said embarrassedly: "Sorry, I forgot that your fiancee has run away with others.

Chen Jiawei: "・...

Although his face was already dark, he directly pointed to Baz's mother in his heart.

But he still smiled nonchalantly and said, "It's just a woman, she ran away as soon as she ran, Mr. Buzz rest assured, I will bring my female companion over to support tomorrow.

After a rest night.

Matsushima Kirina, who was recharged, began to collect information about Buzz.

Because Buzz was looking for clues about the missing antiques, it was actually very difficult to grasp his movements.

"Eight Twenty"

But Matsushima Kirina was lucky, she inquired about an important news.

Buzz's fiancee, Bernice, has a concert at 6pm tonight.

As a fiancé, nine out of ten he goes back to participate.

After making a plan, Matsushima Kirina immediately rushed to the concert ticket office to buy tickets.

But it is a pity that Bernice has the foundation of her first concert and has already opened up the market in China.

Tickets for this concert are already sold out.

But that's not a problem at all.

Matsushima Kirina can speak standard Chinese, plus she looks sweet and very confusing. If she asks a otaku a little, she will be fascinated by the other party, and she will give the ticket without even asking for money. Matsushima Kirina.

After getting the tickets, Matsushima Kirina, as a tourist, sneaked into the concert gymnasium and became familiar with the specific environment inside.

For example, where is the toilet, where is the substation, how many exits are there, seating arrangement, etc.

The ninja blows like a god. In the final analysis, he still uses the environment to achieve the most suitable timing for his assassination, and then hit the opponent with a fatal blow.

Time is fleeting.

At 6 pm, Bernice's concert officially started.

She was wearing a light blue forest dress, her hair was softly draped over her fragrant shoulders, and a pink bow was tied at the back.

A pair of well-proportioned and fair-skinned comic legs are wearing skin-colored pantyhose, with a pair of pointed Valentinos on their feet, and the graceful arches are looming.

Let me put it this way, this is the combination of pure desire and cute sweetness, giving Matsushima Kirina an unparalleled affinity.

Who would have imagined that such a sweet and well-behaved sweet, in the dark, could turn into a female ninja who kills without blinking an eye, becoming the enemy's most frightening nightmare.

Through the ticket gate, Matsushima Kirina easily entered the venue.

However, she did not go directly to the seat on her ticket, but walked towards the bathroom.

When passing the bathroom, she still didn't stop, but walked towards the depths of the corridor.

She didn't stop until there was a door in front of her that read "The important place in the computer room, strangers are not allowed to enter".

Matsushima Kirina's delicate earlobes moved slightly.

This is her snooping around to see if anyone is around.

This is also one of Matsushima Kirina's stunts.

After confirming that no one was in the computer room, she pushed open the door of the substation and walked into the computer room with all kinds of flickering lights.

Matsushima Kirina did not stop at all, and walked to the switch that controlled the power supply of the entire gymnasium.

However, this switch is a bit high, and you need to climb or find a high stool to stand on, in order to step on the steel plate above and reach the switch.

Perhaps, this is also to prevent strangers from coming in and pulling down the main gate by mistake.

Without using any object, Matsushima Kirna jumped up with a light figure and stepped directly on the steel plate.

Then, she took out a small compact instrument from the seemingly delicate and beautiful handbag and began to fix it on the electric switch.

This is a time delay switch, a small device that controls the automatic tripping of the electric switch, and it is also a commonly used prop for killers.

After setting the time, Matsushima Kirina had a smile in her eyes, ready to jump off the steel platform and go back to the concert.

"Miss, do you need help?"

But at this moment, a rather magnetic voice suddenly appeared behind Matsushima Kirina.


Matsushima Kirina was so frightened that she even scolded Sakura Nation's national curse.

But fortunately, her voice is sweet, not as disgusting as those short soldiers on TV.

Matsushima Kirina turned around and found a handsome young man with a smile on his face looking at him.

"How is that possible? I'm the Jōnin of the dignified Matsushima family, why is this person standing behind me, yet I don't notice it at all? 55

Matsushima Kirina was horrified at this moment, and goosebumps arose.

"Miss, I seem to have heard from you just now... Baka?"

Qi Lin asked while holding back a smile.

Matsushima Kirina stared at Qingqing, and Qi Lin's movements were all in the hands of Qi Lin.

Qi Lin, who is really boring, just came out to tease this Ninja Sakura Ninja.

Matsushima Kirina is also not sure whether Qi Lin is deliberately approaching him, or because this is a substation and affected by electromagnetic waves, his five senses have become insensitive.

Matsushima Kirina leans towards the latter.

She has not experienced the despair of the Ninjas of the Sakura Country 70 years ago, and scoffs at the martial arts of the Chinese people.

"No, you heard it wrong, what I just wanted to say is that in just 8 minutes, I can quack a sheep, and if it's fast, it will be a quack."5

Matsushima Kirina pretended to be sweet and said slightly shyly.

Qi Lin: "???"

He can only say, this female ninja is so talented, what kind of brain hole can make her come up with such a reason?

"By the way, sir, why are you here? 35

Matsushima Kirina's eyes were full of ignorant questions, and the interpretation of the innocent girl was quite similar.

Qi Lin smiled: "I, of course, came to the toilet, but I seem to have gone the wrong way."

This direction is indeed the direction to the bathroom. The men's bathroom is hidden at the end of the corridor of the women's bathroom. It is indeed possible to go the wrong way.

"You haven't talked about yourself yet, why are you here?

How could Qi Lin let go of this ninja so easily, holding back a smile to see her acting.

Matsushima Kirina's expression was quite calm, and she smiled sweetly: "I majored in electrical engineering at university. Just now, the corridor lights kept flashing, and I suffered from an occupational disease. I want to come over and see if it can be repaired."

Qi Lin had already given a thumbs up: "You are such a warm-hearted girl."

The girl came to the substation and said that she was an electrical major. Qi Lin wanted to give her a compliment for her sophistication.

"The concert is about to start, aren't you ready to go see it?

Qi Lin asked with a smile.

Matsushima Kirina bit her lower lip, but actually cursed Qi Lin to death in her heart.

This position is so high, if you don't rely on external force, you can't get down at all.

If you use your ninja abilities, wouldn't your identity be exposed?

In desperation, Matsushima Kirina could only ask Qi Lin for help: "I don't seem to be able to get on, sir, can you help me bring something over here?

Qi Lin's black eyes flashed a hint of teasing: "My clothes are expensive, what should I do if I move things and get dirty? Well, I can hold you down.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Matsushima Kirina's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"I didn't expect to be a lecher, if it wasn't for the assassination mission, I would send him to see the King of Hell now.

Holding back the anger in her heart, Pretty Face had to pretend to be shy: "That's okay, please sir."

Matsushima Kirina squatted down, waiting for Qi Lin to hug her.

Qi Lin smiled lightly, stepped forward, and hugged Matsushima Kirna down with the princess.

This female ninja is quite fragrant, the smell of cherry blossoms.

The meaning of cherry blossoms is death and killing, but it matches Matsushima Kirina's attributes quite well.

When holding Matsushima Kirina, Qi Lin bent her soft legs and squeezed her thighs twice.

3.6 Feeling the small movements under the skin color stockings, Matsushima Kirina almost pulled out Kunai.

She has killed countless people since she was a child, but this is the first time she has been taken advantage of by a man she doesn't know.

This is an absolute shame for her.

But fortunately, Matsushima Kirina finally endured.

Killing this man now will only make a fool of himself and miss the opportunity to assassinate Buzz.

"When I finish assassinating Buzz, I must smash this bastard to pieces!"

Qi Lin put Matsushima Kirina down with a smile, and said, "Miss, the concert is about to start. It's fate that we meet here, why don't we go together?""

Matsushima Kirina also had nothing to do with Qi Lin, and rashly rejected this inexplicable person, not knowing what kind of trouble it would cause.

She had to force a smile: "Okay, let's go over together. 35

It is also a coincidence.

Matsushima Kirina's seat was actually next to Qi Lin's.

Seeing Qi Lin sitting beside her, eating popcorn with relish, she was completely speechless.

Eating popcorn at a concert, does this person treat this as a movie theater?

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